subroutine writediagfi(ngrid,nom,titre,unite,dim,px) ! Ecriture de variables diagnostiques au choix dans la physique ! dans un fichier NetCDF nomme 'diagfi'. Ces variables peuvent etre ! 3d (ex : temperature), 2d (ex : temperature de surface), ou ! 0d (pour un scalaire qui ne depend que du temps : ex : la longitude ! solaire) ! (ou encore 1d, dans le cas de testphys1d, pour sortir une colonne) ! La periode d'ecriture est donnee par ! "ecritphy " regle dans le fichier de controle de run : run.def ! ! writediagfi peut etre appele de n'importe quelle subroutine ! de la physique, plusieurs fois. L'initialisation et la creation du ! fichier se fait au tout premier appel. ! ! WARNING : les variables dynamique (u,v,t,q,ps) ! sauvees par writediagfi avec une ! date donnee sont legerement differentes que dans le fichier histoire car ! on ne leur a pas encore ajoute de la dissipation et de la physique !!! ! IL est RECOMMANDE d'ajouter les tendance physique a ces variables ! avant l'ecriture dans diagfi (cf. physiq.F) ! ! Modifs: Aug.2010 Ehouarn: enforce outputs to be real*4 ! Oct 2011 Francois: enable having a 'diagfi.def' file to select ! at runtime, which variables to put in file ! ! parametres (input) : ! ---------- ! ngrid : nombres de point ou est calcule la physique ! (ngrid = 2+(jjm-1)*iim - 1/jjm) ! (= nlon ou klon dans la physique terrestre) ! ! unit : unite logique du fichier de sortie (toujours la meme) ! nom : nom de la variable a sortir (chaine de caracteres) ! titre: titre de la variable (chaine de caracteres) ! unite : unite de la variable (chaine de caracteres) ! px : variable a sortir (real 0, 1, 2, ou 3d) ! dim : dimension de px : 0, 1, 2, ou 3 dimensions ! !================================================================= use surfdat_h, only: phisfi use geometry_mod, only: cell_area use time_phylmdz_mod, only: steps_per_sol, outputs_per_sol use time_phylmdz_mod, only: day_ini USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_parallel, is_mpi_root, & is_master, gather USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo, Grid1Dto2D_glo, & nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev, & grid_type, unstructured implicit none ! Commons include "" ! Arguments on input: integer,intent(in) :: ngrid character (len=*),intent(in) :: nom,titre,unite integer,intent(in) :: dim real,intent(in) :: px(ngrid,nbp_lev) ! Local variables: real*4 dx3(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev) ! to store a 3D data set real*4 dx2(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat) ! to store a 2D (surface) data set real*4 dx1(nbp_lev) ! to store a 1D (column) data set real*4 dx0 real*4 dx3_1d(1,nbp_lev) ! to store a profile with 1D model real*4 dx2_1d ! to store a surface value with 1D model real*4,save :: date !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(date) REAL phis((nbp_lon+1),nbp_lat) REAL area((nbp_lon+1),nbp_lat) integer isample integer ierr,ierr2 integer i,j,l, ig0 integer,save :: zitau=0 character(len=27),save :: firstnom='1234567890' !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zitau,firstnom) ! Ajouts integer, save :: ntime=0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ntime) integer :: idim,varid integer :: nid character(len=*),parameter :: fichnom="" integer, dimension(4) :: id integer, dimension(4) :: edges,corner ! Added to use diagfi.def to select output variable logical,save :: diagfi_def logical :: getout integer,save :: n_nom_def integer :: n integer,parameter :: n_nom_def_max=199 character(len=120),save :: nom_def(n_nom_def_max) logical,save :: firstcall=.true. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall) !diagfi_def,n_nom_def,nom_def read in diagfi.def #ifdef CPP_PARA ! Added to work in parallel mode real dx3_glop(klon_glo,nbp_lev) real dx3_glo(nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev) ! to store a global 3D data set real dx2_glop(klon_glo) real dx2_glo(nbp_lon,nbp_lat) ! to store a global 2D (surface) data set real px2(ngrid) ! real dx1_glo(nbp_lev) ! to store a 1D (column) data set ! real dx0_glo real phisfi_glo(klon_glo) ! surface geopotential on global physics grid real areafi_glo(klon_glo) ! mesh area on global physics grid #else real phisfi_glo(ngrid) ! surface geopotential on global physics grid real areafi_glo(ngrid) ! mesh area on global physics grid #endif if (grid_type==unstructured) then return endif !*************************************************************** ! Compute the output rate isample=steps_per_sol/outputs_per_sol !*************************************************************** ! At very first call, check if there is a "diagfi.def" to use and read it ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (firstcall) THEN firstcall=.false. !$OMP MASTER ! Open diagfi.def definition file if there is one: open(99,file="diagfi.def",status='old',form='formatted', s iostat=ierr2) if(ierr2.eq.0) then diagfi_def=.true. write(*,*) "******************" write(*,*) "Reading diagfi.def" write(*,*) "******************" do n=1,n_nom_def_max read(99,fmt='(a)',end=88) nom_def(n) write(*,*) 'Output in diagfi: ', trim(nom_def(n)) end do 88 continue if ( then write(*,*)"n_nom_def_max too small in writediagfi.F:",n call abort_physic("writediagfi", & "n_nom_def_max too small",1) end if n_nom_def=n-1 close(99) else diagfi_def=.false. endif !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER END IF ! of IF (firstcall) ! Get out of write_diagfi if there is diagfi.def AND variable not listed ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- if (diagfi_def) then getout=.true. do n=1,n_nom_def if(trim(nom_def(n)).eq.nom) getout=.false. end do if (getout) return end if ! Initialisation of 'firstnom' and create/open the "" NetCDF file ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! (at very first call to the subroutine, in accordance with diagfi.def) if (firstnom.eq.'1234567890') then ! .true. for the very first valid ! call to this subroutine; now set 'firstnom' firstnom = nom ! just to be sure, check that firstnom is large enough to hold nom if (len_trim(firstnom).lt.len_trim(nom)) then write(*,*) "writediagfi: Error !!!" write(*,*) " firstnom string not long enough!!" write(*,*) " increase its size to at least ",len_trim(nom) call abort_physic("writediagfi","firstnom too short",1) endif zitau = -1 ! initialize zitau #ifdef CPP_PARA ! Gather phisfi() geopotential on physics grid call Gather(phisfi,phisfi_glo) ! Gather cell_area() mesh area on physics grid call Gather(cell_area,areafi_glo) #else phisfi_glo(:)=phisfi(:) areafi_glo(:)=cell_area(:) #endif !! parallel: we cannot use the usual writediagfi method !! call iophys_ini if (is_master) then ! only the master is required to do this ! Create the NetCDF file ierr = NF_CREATE(fichnom, NF_CLOBBER, nid) ! Define the 'Time' dimension ierr = nf_def_dim(nid,"Time",NF_UNLIMITED,idim) ! Define the 'Time' variable !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr = NF_DEF_VAR (nid, "Time", NF_DOUBLE, 1, idim,varid) !#else ierr = NF_DEF_VAR (nid, "Time", NF_FLOAT, 1, idim,varid) !#endif ! Add a long_name attribute ierr = NF_PUT_ATT_TEXT (nid, varid, "long_name", . 4,"Time") ! Add a units attribute ierr = NF_PUT_ATT_TEXT(nid, varid,'units',29, . "days since 0000-00-0 00:00:00") ! Switch out of NetCDF Define mode ierr = NF_ENDDEF(nid) ! Build phis() and area() IF (klon_glo>1) THEN do i=1,nbp_lon+1 ! poles phis(i,1)=phisfi_glo(1) phis(i,nbp_lat)=phisfi_glo(klon_glo) ! for area, divide at the poles by nbp_lon area(i,1)=areafi_glo(1)/nbp_lon area(i,nbp_lat)=areafi_glo(klon_glo)/nbp_lon enddo do j=2,nbp_lat-1 ig0= 1+(j-2)*nbp_lon do i=1,nbp_lon phis(i,j)=phisfi_glo(ig0+i) area(i,j)=areafi_glo(ig0+i) enddo ! handle redundant point in longitude phis(nbp_lon+1,j)=phis(1,j) area(nbp_lon+1,j)=area(1,j) enddo ENDIF ! write "header" of file (longitudes, latitudes, geopotential, ...) IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! general 3D case call iniwrite(nid,day_ini,phis,area,nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat) ELSE ! 1D model call iniwrite(nid,day_ini,phisfi_glo(1),areafi_glo(1),1,1) ENDIF endif ! of if (is_master) else if (is_master) then ! only the master is required to do this ! Open the NetCDF file ierr = NF_OPEN(fichnom,NF_WRITE,nid) endif ! of if (is_master) endif ! if (firstnom.eq.'1234567890') ! Increment time index 'zitau' if it is the "fist call" (at given time level) ! to writediagfi !------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (nom.eq.firstnom) then zitau = zitau + 1 end if !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Write the variables to output file if it's time to do so !-------------------------------------------------------- if ( MOD(zitau+1,isample) .eq.0.) then ! Compute/write/extend 'Time' coordinate (date given in days) ! (done every "first call" (at given time level) to writediagfi) ! Note: date is incremented as 1 step ahead of physics time !-------------------------------------------------------- if (is_master) then ! only the master is required to do this if (nom.eq.firstnom) then ! We have identified a "first call" (at given date) ntime=ntime+1 ! increment # of stored time steps ! compute corresponding date (in days and fractions thereof) date=(zitau +1.)/steps_per_sol ! Get NetCDF ID of 'Time' variable ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"Time",varid) ! Write (append) the new date to the 'Time' array !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid,[ntime],[1],[date]) !#else ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,[ntime],[1],[date]) !#endif if ( then write(*,*) "***** PUT_VAR matter in writediagfi_nc" write(*,*) "***** with time" write(*,*) 'ierr=', ierr,": ",NF_STRERROR(ierr) c call abort endif write(6,*)'WRITEDIAGFI: date= ', date end if ! of if (nom.eq.firstnom) endif ! of if (is_master) !Case of a 3D variable !--------------------- if (dim.eq.3) then IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! General case #ifdef CPP_PARA ! Gather field on a "global" (without redundant longitude) array call Gather(px,dx3_glop) !$OMP MASTER if (is_mpi_root) then call Grid1Dto2D_glo(dx3_glop,dx3_glo) ! copy dx3_glo() to dx3(:) and add redundant longitude dx3(1:nbp_lon,:,:)=dx3_glo(1:nbp_lon,:,:) dx3(nbp_lon+1,:,:)=dx3(1,:,:) endif !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER #else ! Passage variable physique --> variable dynamique ! recast (copy) variable from physics grid to dynamics grid DO l=1,nbp_lev DO i=1,nbp_lon+1 dx3(i,1,l)=px(1,l) dx3(i,nbp_lat,l)=px(ngrid,l) ENDDO DO j=2,nbp_lat-1 ig0= 1+(j-2)*nbp_lon DO i=1,nbp_lon dx3(i,j,l)=px(ig0+i,l) ENDDO dx3(nbp_lon+1,j,l)=dx3(1,j,l) ENDDO ENDDO #endif ELSE ! 1D model case dx3_1d(1,1:nbp_lev)=px(1,1:nbp_lev) ENDIF ! Ecriture du champs if (is_master) then ! only the master writes to output ! name of the variable ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,nom,varid) if (ierr /= NF_NOERR) then ! corresponding dimensions ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"longitude",id(1)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"latitude",id(2)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"altitude",id(3)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"Time",id(4)) ! Create the variable if it doesn't exist yet write (*,*) "==========================" write (*,*) "DIAGFI: creating variable ",trim(nom) call def_var(nid,nom,titre,unite,4,id,varid,ierr) else if (ntime==0) then write(*,*) "DIAGFI Error: failed creating variable ", & trim(nom) write(*,*) "it seems it already exists!" call abort_physic("writediagfi", & trim(nom)//" already exists",1) endif endif corner(1)=1 corner(2)=1 corner(3)=1 corner(4)=ntime IF (klon_glo==1) THEN edges(1)=1 ELSE edges(1)=nbp_lon+1 ENDIF edges(2)=nbp_lat edges(3)=nbp_lev edges(4)=1 !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid,corner,edges,dx3) !#else ! write(*,*)"test: nid=",nid," varid=",varid ! write(*,*)" corner()=",corner ! write(*,*)" edges()=",edges ! write(*,*)" dx3()=",dx3 IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! General case ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,corner,edges,dx3) ELSE ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,corner,edges,dx3_1d) ENDIF !#endif if ( then write(*,*) "***** PUT_VAR problem in writediagfi" write(*,*) "***** with dx3: ",trim(nom) write(*,*) 'ierr=', ierr,": ",NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("writediagfi", & "failed writing "//trim(nom),1) endif endif !of if (is_master) !Case of a 2D variable !--------------------- else if (dim.eq.2) then IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! General case #ifdef CPP_PARA ! Gather field on a "global" (without redundant longitude) array px2(:)=px(:,1) call Gather(px2,dx2_glop) !$OMP MASTER if (is_mpi_root) then call Grid1Dto2D_glo(dx2_glop,dx2_glo) ! copy dx2_glo() to dx2(:) and add redundant longitude dx2(1:nbp_lon,:)=dx2_glo(1:nbp_lon,:) dx2(nbp_lon+1,:)=dx2(1,:) endif !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER #else ! Passage variable physique --> physique dynamique ! recast (copy) variable from physics grid to dynamics grid DO i=1,nbp_lon+1 dx2(i,1)=px(1,1) dx2(i,nbp_lat)=px(ngrid,1) ENDDO DO j=2,nbp_lat-1 ig0= 1+(j-2)*nbp_lon DO i=1,nbp_lon dx2(i,j)=px(ig0+i,1) ENDDO dx2(nbp_lon+1,j)=dx2(1,j) ENDDO #endif ELSE ! 1D model case dx2_1d=px(1,1) ENDIF if (is_master) then ! only the master writes to output ! write (*,*) 'In writediagfi, on sauve: ' , nom ! write (*,*) 'In writediagfi. Estimated date = ' ,date ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,nom,varid) if (ierr /= NF_NOERR) then ! corresponding dimensions ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"longitude",id(1)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"latitude",id(2)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"Time",id(3)) ! Create the variable if it doesn't exist yet write (*,*) "==========================" write (*,*) "DIAGFI: creating variable ",trim(nom) call def_var(nid,nom,titre,unite,3,id,varid,ierr) else if (ntime==0) then write(*,*) "DIAGFI Error: failed creating variable ", & trim(nom) write(*,*) "it seems it already exists!" call abort_physic("writediagfi", & trim(nom)//" already exists",1) endif endif corner(1)=1 corner(2)=1 corner(3)=ntime IF (klon_glo==1) THEN edges(1)=1 ELSE edges(1)=nbp_lon+1 ENDIF edges(2)=nbp_lat edges(3)=1 !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE (nid,varid,corner,edges,dx2) !#else IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! General case ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,corner,edges,dx2) ELSE ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,corner,edges,[dx2_1d]) ENDIF !#endif if ( then write(*,*) "***** PUT_VAR matter in writediagfi" write(*,*) "***** with dx2: ",trim(nom) write(*,*) 'ierr=', ierr,": ",NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("writediagfi", & "failed writing "//trim(nom),1) endif endif !of if (is_master) !Case of a 1D variable (ie: a column) !--------------------------------------------------- else if (dim.eq.1) then if (is_parallel) then write(*,*) "writediagfi error: dim=1 not implemented ", & "in parallel mode. Problem for ",trim(nom) call abort_physic("writediagfi", & "failed writing "//trim(nom),1) endif ! Passage variable physique --> physique dynamique ! recast (copy) variable from physics grid to dynamics grid do l=1,nbp_lev dx1(l)=px(1,l) enddo ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,nom,varid) if (ierr /= NF_NOERR) then ! corresponding dimensions ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"altitude",id(1)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"Time",id(2)) ! Create the variable if it doesn't exist yet write (*,*) "==========================" write (*,*) "DIAGFI: creating variable ",trim(nom) call def_var(nid,nom,titre,unite,2,id,varid,ierr) else if (ntime==0) then write(*,*) "DIAGFI Error: failed creating variable ", & trim(nom) write(*,*) "it seems it already exists!" call abort_physic("writediagfi", & trim(nom)//" already exists",1) endif endif corner(1)=1 corner(2)=ntime edges(1)=nbp_lev edges(2)=1 !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid,corner,edges,dx1) !#else ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,corner,edges,dx1) !#endif if ( then write(*,*) "***** PUT_VAR problem in writediagfi" write(*,*) "***** with dx1: ",trim(nom) write(*,*) 'ierr=', ierr,": ",NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("writediagfi", & "failed writing "//trim(nom),1) endif !Case of a 0D variable (ie: a time-dependent scalar) !--------------------------------------------------- else if (dim.eq.0) then dx0 = px (1,1) if (is_master) then ! only the master writes to output ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,nom,varid) if (ierr /= NF_NOERR) then ! corresponding dimensions ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"Time",id(1)) ! Create the variable if it doesn't exist yet write (*,*) "==========================" write (*,*) "DIAGFI: creating variable ",trim(nom) call def_var(nid,nom,titre,unite,1,id,varid,ierr) else if (ntime==0) then write(*,*) "DIAGFI Error: failed creating variable ", & trim(nom) write(*,*) "it seems it already exists!" call abort_physic("writediagfi", & trim(nom)//" already exists",1) endif endif corner(1)=ntime edges(1)=1 !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE (nid,varid,[corner(1)],[edges(1)],[dx0]) !#else ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,[corner(1)], & [edges(1)],[dx0]) !#endif if ( then write(*,*) "***** PUT_VAR matter in writediagfi" write(*,*) "***** with dx0: ",trim(nom) write(*,*) 'ierr=', ierr,": ",NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("writediagfi", & "failed writing "//trim(nom),1) endif endif !of if (is_master) endif ! of if (dim.eq.3) elseif(dim.eq.2)... endif ! of if ( MOD(zitau+1,isample) .eq.0.) if (is_master) then ierr= NF_CLOSE(nid) endif end