This directory contains the Generic Planetary Climate (PCM) physics package and related files. You might want to start with the user manual (and online Wikimedia documentation) Overview of LMDZ.MARS directory contents: * Files: - README: this file - Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt and Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt: the software (free) licence - changelog.txt: Record of code changes (mostly for maintainers) - ManualGCM_GENERIC.pdf: (somewhat outdated) user manual. Do also check the more recent online Wikimedia pages: * Directories: - datadir: various external datasets needed by the PCM at run-time - deftank: examples of input parameters and settings for the PCM runs - DOC: Latex source files of the user manual - libf: Fortran source code of the Mars physics package - startfiles: PCM initial state files - utilities: post-processing utilities for PCM outputs