# #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run parameters for the 1D 'rcm1d.e' model #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Time integration parameters # # Initial date (in martian sols ; =0 at Ls=0) day0=0 # Initial local time (in hours, between 0 and 24) time=0 # Number of time steps per sol day_step=24 # Number of sols to run ndt = 4000 #### Physical parameters # # Day length, in s daysec = 88775 # length of a year, in days year_day = 669 # Radius of the planet, in m rad = 3397200 # Surface pressure (Pa) psurf=200000 # Gravity (ms^-2) g=3.72 # Molar mass of atmosphere (g) mugaz=44.01 # Specific heat capacity of atmosphere (J kg-1 K-1) cpp=900.0 # latitude (in degrees) latitude=60.0 # orbital distance at perihelion (AU) periastr=1.523 # orbital distance at aphelion (AU) apoastr=1.523 # date of periastron, in days peri_day = 0 # obliquity (degrees) obliquit=0.0 # Albedo of bare ground albedo=0.2 # Emissivity of bare ground emis=0.95 # Soil thermal inertia (SI) inertia=400 # zonal eastward component of the geostrophic wind (m/s) u=10. # meridional northward component of the geostrophic wind (m/s) v=0. # Initial CO2 ice on the surface (kg.m-2) co2ice=0 # hybrid vertical coordinate ? (.true. for hybrid and .false. for sigma levels) hybrid=.false. ###### Initial atmospheric temperature profile # # Type of initial temperature profile # ichoice=1 Constant Temperature: T=tref # ichoice=2 Savidjari profile (as Seiff but with dT/dz=cte) # ichoice=3 Lindner (polar profile) # ichoice=4 inversion # ichoice=5 Seiff (standard profile, based on Viking entry) # ichoice=6 constant T + gaussian perturbation (levels) # ichoice=7 constant T + gaussian perturbation (km) # ichoice=8 Read in an ascii file "profile" ichoice=1 # Reference temperature tref (K) tref=250 # Add a perturbation to profile if isin=1 isin=0 # peak of gaussian perturbation (for ichoice=6 or 7) pic=26.522 # width of the gaussian perturbation (for ichoice=6 or 7) largeur=10 # height of the gaussian perturbation (for ichoice=6 or 7) hauteur=30. # some definitions for the physics, in file 'callphys.def' INCLUDEDEF=callphys.def