SUBROUTINE iniaerosol() use radinc_h, only: naerkind use aerosol_mod IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c Initialization related to aerosols c (CO2 aerosols, dust, water, chemical species, ice...) c c author: Laura Kerber, S. Guerlet c ------ c c======================================================================= integer i, ia character(len=100) :: message character(len=10),parameter :: subname="iniaerosol" ia=0 ! if (aerovenus1) then ia=ia+1 iaero_venus1=ia ! endif write(*,*) '--- Venus cloud, mode 1 aerosol = ', iaero_venus1 ! if (aerovenus2) then ia=ia+1 iaero_venus2=ia ! endif write(*,*) '--- Venus cloud, mode 2 aerosol = ', iaero_venus2 ! if (aerovenus2p) then ia=ia+1 iaero_venus2p=ia ! endif write(*,*) '--- Venus cloud, mode 2p aerosol = ', iaero_venus2p ! if (aerovenus3) then ia=ia+1 iaero_venus3=ia ! endif write(*,*) '--- Venus cloud, mode 3 aerosol = ', iaero_venus3 ! if (aerovenusUV) then ia=ia+1 iaero_venusUV=ia ! endif write(*,*) '--- Venus cloud, UV absorber = ', iaero_venusUV write(*,*) '=== Number of aerosols= ', ia ! For the zero aerosol case, we currently make a dummy co2 aerosol which is zero everywhere. ! (See aeropacity.F90 for how this works). A better solution would be to turn off the ! aerosol machinery in the no aerosol case, but this would be complicated. LK if (ia.eq.0) then !For the zero aerosol case. ia = 1 noaero = .true. iaero_co2=ia endif if ( then print*, 'Aerosols counted not equal to naerkind' print*, 'Compile with tag -s',ia,'to run' print*, 'or change options in callphys.def' message="Abort in iniaerosol.F" call abort_physic(subname,message,1) endif end