SUBROUTINE orbitetriton(pls,pzday,pdist_sol,pdecli) use planet_h IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c Objet: c ------ c c Distance from sun and declination as a function of the solar c longitude Ls and pday c c Input: c ------ c pls Ls c pzday c c Output: c ------- c pdist_sol Distance Sun-Planet in UA c pdecli declinaison ( en radians ) c c======================================================================= c Declarations: c ------------- !#include "planete.h" #include "comcstfi.h" c arguments: c ---------- REAL pzday,pdist_sol,pdecli,pls c local variables: c---------------- REAL AA,BB,CC REAL zanneedebut,zan,zalpha0,zalpha1,zbeta0,zbeta1,zint REAL zanneereference c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialisations AA=0.429870 BB=0.370543 CC=0.0225091 zalpha0 = 61.52577*pi/180. zalpha1 = 0.038142 zbeta0 = -100.79473*pi/180. zbeta1 = 0.009131 zanneedebut = 0. zanneereference = 0. c Distance Sun-Planet pdist_sol=p_elips/(1.+e_elips*cos(pls+timeperi)) c Solar declination zan = zanneedebut+(pzday*daysec/31557595.)-zanneereference zint = AA * cos(zalpha0 - zalpha1 * zan) zint = zint + BB*sin(zalpha0-zbeta0+(zbeta1-zalpha1)*zan) zint = zint + CC*sin(zalpha0+zbeta0-(zalpha1+zbeta1)*zan) pdecli = -asin (zint) RETURN END