subroutine moldiffcoeff_red(nq,dij,gcmind,ncompdiff2) ! use tracer_mod, only: nqmx, noms, mmol IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c Computing molecular diffusion coefficients c following Nair 94 (pg 131) c author: MAC 2002 c ------ c c======================================================================= #include "dimensions.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "diffusion.h" #include "tracer.h" !#include "chimiedata.h" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Input/Output c ------------ c integer,parameter :: ncompmoldiff = 12 integer ncompdiff2 integer gcmind(ncompdiff2) real dij(ncompdiff2,ncompdiff2) c Local variables: c --------------- INTEGER nq, n, nn, i,iq cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c tracer numbering in the molecular diffusion cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! real :: dijh2co,dijh2n2,dijh2co2,dijh2o2,dijho,dijref,dijch4n2 real :: dijref,dijch4n2,dijch4co !TB16 ! integer :: g_h2,g_h,g_o integer :: g_ch4,g_n2 ! TB16 ! integer :: i_h2,i_h,i_o ! integer,parameter :: i_ch4 = 1 real dnh logical,save :: firstcall=.true. logical,parameter :: outputcoeffs=.false. ! to output 'coeffs.dat' file, ! set outputcoeffs=.true. ! Initializations at first call (and some sanity checks) if (firstcall) then ! identify the indexes of the tracers we'll need ! g_n2=igcm_n2 ! if (g_n2.eq.0) then ! write(*,*) "moldiffcoeff: Error; no N2 tracer !!!" ! stop ! endif cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c fill array to relate local indexes to gcm indexes cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! gcmind(i_n2) = g_n2 c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc firstcall= .false. endif ! of if (firstcall) dijch4n2 = 0.000018524 dijch4co = 0.000018524 ! find h2, h and o index in gcm ! these species are used to define the diffusion coefficients do n=1,nq if (noms(n) .eq. 'ch4_gas') g_ch4=n if (noms(n) .eq. 'n2') g_n2=n enddo print*,'moldiffcoeff_red: COEFF CALC' do n=1,ncompdiff2 dijref=0. if (noms(gcmind(n)) .eq. 'n2') dijref=dijch4n2 if (noms(gcmind(n)) .eq. 'co_gas') dijref=dijch4co if (dijref .gt. 0.0) then do nn=n,ncompdiff2 dij(nn,n)=dijref & *sqrt(mmol(g_ch4)/mmol(gcmind(nn))) if(n.eq.nn) dij(nn,n)=1.0 if(mmol(gcmind(n)).eq.mmol(gcmind(nn))) dij(nn,n)=1.0 dij(n,nn)=dij(nn,n) enddo endif if (dijref .eq. 0.0) then dijref=dijch4n2 dnh=dijref*sqrt(mmol(g_n2)/mmol(gcmind(n))) do nn=n,ncompdiff2 dij(nn,n)=dnh*sqrt(mmol(g_ch4)/mmol(gcmind(nn))) if(n.eq.nn) dij(nn,n)=1.0 dij(n,nn)=dij(nn,n) enddo endif enddo print*, 'TB16: dij=',dij(1,:) print*, 'TB16: dij=',dij(2,:) print*, 'TB16: dij=',dij(3,:) return end