WRF Model Version 3.0.1 (August 5, 2008) http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/ ------------------------ WRF PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE ------------------------ WRF was developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) which is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). NCAR and UCAR make no proprietary claims, either statutory or otherwise, to this version and release of WRF and consider WRF to be in the public domain for use by any person or entity for any purpose without any fee or charge. UCAR requests that any WRF user include this notice on any partial or full copies of WRF. WRF is provided on an "AS IS" basis and any warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of non-infringement, originality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. In no event shall UCAR be liable for any damages, whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, that arise out of or in connection with the access, use or performance of WRF, including infringement actions. ====================================== This is the main directory for the WRF Version 3 source code release. ====================================== V3.0.1.1 Release Notes: ----------------------- Version has only limited bug fixes compared to version 3.0.1. The detailed updates for WRF-ARW can be found at http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrfv3/updates-, and for WRF-NMM at http://www.dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/model/wrfv3/updates.php Users only need to get the new version if they are involved with one of more of the following: ARW or NMM: 1) Over decomposing domains 2) Using AIX/xlf with the "old" Kain-Fritsch cumulus scheme 3) Grib edition 2 output ARW Only: 1) ndown (offline 1-way nesting) with the ifort compiler 2) 3d sea breeze case (existing sea breeze case is 2d by default) 3) Multiple time period initialization for a global domain 4) Observation nudging using either fine grids or with dynamic initialization NMM Only: 1) Restart capability for single domain forecasts 2) Noise reduction on eastern boundary in areas of complex topography 3) Kain-Fritsch cumulus V3.0.1 Release Notes: ------------------ This is a bug fix release. The detailed updates for WRF-ARW can be found at http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrfv3/updates-3.0.1.html, and for WRF-NMM at http://www.dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/model/wrfv3/updates.php Online User's Guides have also been updated. ====================================== V3.0 Release Notes: ------------------ - For directions on compiling WRF, see below or Users Web page. - For more information on WRF V3 release, visit WRF Users home page http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/ - WRF V3 works with WPS, and SI is no longer supported. Please see User' Guide for WPS. - WRF V3 executable does not work with wrfinput/wrfbdy produced by previous versions. - WRF V3 has removed one obsolete namelist variable, dyn_opt. Edit with caution. ====================================== WRF update history: - V2.0.1: May 21, 2004 - V2.0.2: June 3, 2004 - V2.0.3: Nov 12, 2004 V2.0.3.1: Dec 3, 2004 - V2.1: August 4, 2005 - V2.1.1: Nov 8, 2005 - V2.1.2: Jan 27, 2006 - V2.2: Dec 21, 2006 - V2.2.1: Nov 1, 2007 ====================================== How to compile and run? ----------------------- - In WRFV3 directory, type 'configure' - this will create a configure.wrf file that has appropriate compile options for the supported computers. Note: WRF requires netCDF library. If your netCDF library is installed in some odd directory, set environment variable NETCDF before you type 'configure'. For example, setenv NETCDF /usr/local/netcdf-pgi - Type 'compile case_name' where you can find the case_names by simply typing compile. The following are available: compile em_b_wave compile em_grav2d_x compile em_heldsuarez compile em_hill2d_x compile em_les compile em_quarter_ss compile em_real compile em_seabreeze2d_x compile em_squall2d_x compile em_squall2d_y - If sucessful, this will create either real.exe or ideal.exe and wrf.exe in directory main/, and the appropriate executables will be linked into the test directoires under test/case_name, or run/. - cd to the appropriate test or run directory to run ideal/real/wrf. - If it is one of the idealized cases (b_wave, hill2d_x, grav2d_x, quarter_ss, squall2d_x, squall2d_y, em_les or em_heldsuarez), cd the the appropriate directory, type ./ideal.exe to produce wrfinput_d01 file for wrf model. Then type ./wrf.exe to run. - If it is real-data case (real), place files from WPS (met_em.*) in the appropriate directory, type ./real.exe to produce wrfbdy_d01 and wrfinput_d01. Then type ./wrf.exe to run. - If you use mpich, type mpirun -np number-of-processors wrf.exe - For information on how to make nested runs, visit http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/ ====================================== What is in WRF V3? - Advanced Research WRF (ARW) solver: Eulerian mass, hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic * Arakawa C-grid staggering * Runge-Kutta 2nd and 3rd order timestep options * scalar-conserving flux form for prognostic variables * 2nd to 6th order advection options (horizontal and vertical) * time-split small step for acoustic modes * small step horizontally explicit, vertically implicit * divergence damping option and vertical time off-centering * external-mode filtering option for mass model * hydrostatic option via namelist option * positive-definite advection for moisture, scalar, tke and chemical tracers * global modeling capability on latitude-longitude grid - Two-way nesting: * multiple domains and multiple nest levels * supports integer nest grid ratio * feedback option for both odd and even nest grid ratios * smoothing options - One-way nesting - Moving nest * Specified move * Automatic move using a mid-level vortex-following algorithm - Physics options: * microphysics (Kessler/ WRF Single Moment 3, 5 and 6 class / Lin et al./ Eta Ferrier / Thompson / Goddard / 2-moment Morrison / ) * cumulus parameterization (Kain-Fritsch with shallow convection / Betts-Miller-Janjic / Grell-Devenyi ensemble / New Grell ) * planetary boundary layer (Yosei University / Mellor-Yamada-Janjic / ACM2 ) * surface layer (similarity theory MM5 / Eta) * slab soil model (5-layer thermal diffusion / Noah land-surface model (4 levels) / RUC LSM (6 levels) / Pleim-Xu (2 levels) * Urban canopy model (works with Noah LSM) * longwave radiation (RRTM, CAM) * shortwave radiation (simple MM5 scheme / Goddard / CAM) * sub-grid turbulence (constant K diffusion/ 2-D Smagorinsky/ predicted TKE / 2-D, 6th order diffusion) * Rayleigh damping for w at the upper boundary layer * land-use categories determine surface properties - Nudging: * three-dimensional analysis nudging * observation nudging - Software * Hierarchical software architecture that insulates scientific code (Model Layer) from computer architecture (Driver Layer) * Multi-level parallelism supporting shared-memory (OpenMP), distributed-memory (MPI), and hybrid share/distributed modes of execution * Active data registry: defines and manages model state fields, I/O, nesting, configuration, and numerous other aspects of WRF through a single file, called the Registry * Two-way nesting: Easy to extend: forcing and feedback of new fields specified by editing a single table in the Registry Efficient: 5-8% overhead on 64 processes of IBM Moving nests. * Enhanced I/O options: NetCDF and Parallel HDF5 formats Nine auxiliary input and history output streams separately controllable through the namelist Special input streams for analysis and observation nudging Output file names and time-stamps specifiable through namelist Special output stream for 3DVAR * Efficient execution on a range of computing platforms: IBM SP systems, (e.g. NCAR "bluevista","blueice","bluefire" Power5-based system) IBM Blue Gene SGI Origin and Altix Linux/Intel IA64 MPP (HP Superdome, SGI Altix, NCSA Teragrid systems) IA64 SMP x86_64 (e.g. TACC's "Ranger", NOAA/GSD "wJet" ) PGI, Intel, Pathscale, gfortran, g95 compilers supported Sun Solaris (single threaded and SMP) Cray X1, X1e (vector), XT3/4 (Opteron) Mac Intel/ppc, PGI/ifort/g95 NEC SX/8 HP-UX Fujitsu VPP 5000 * RSL_LITE: communication layer, scalable to very large domains, supports nesting. * I/O: NetCDF, parallel NetCDF (Argonne), HDF5, GRIB, raw binary, Quilting (asynchronous I/O), MCEL (coupling) * ESMF Time Management, including exact arithmetic for fractional time steps (no drift). * ESMF integration - WRF can be run as an ESMF component. * Improved documentation, both on-line (web based browsing tools) and in-line