{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} ## Tracer (dust water, ice and/or chemical species) options (used if tracer=T): ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # DUST: Transported dust ? (if >0, use 'dustbin' dust bins) dustbin = 0 # DUST: Radiatively active dust ? (matters if dustbin>0) active = .false. # DUST: use mass and number mixing ratios to predict dust size ? # (must also have dustbin=1) doubleq = .false. # DUST: lifted by GCM surface winds ? lifting = .false. # DUST: lifted by dust devils ? callddevil = .false. # DUST: Scavenging by CO2 snowfall ? scavenging = .false. # DUST/WATERICE: Gravitationnal sedimentation ? sedimentation = .true. # WATERICE: Radiatively active transported atmospheric water ice ? activice = .false. # WATER: Compute water cycle water = .true. # WATER: current permanent caps at both poles. True IS RECOMMENDED # (with .true., North cap is a source of water and South pole # is a cold trap) caps = .true. \end{verbatim} }