diagfi.nc tsurf ps temp morning 90 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE is the list of inputs to be fed to "solzenangle.e" if you don t want to reply directly to the program: 1) complete name of file to be read 2) List of X variables to be kept (X lines) or 'all' 3) blank line at the end 4) planet side wrt to noon (morning or evening) 5) solar zenith angle (within [0;180[ deg) 0deg = zenith ; 90deg = terminator at the surface ; >90deg = terminator in altitude 6) reference time - for a diagfi/concat : - write "n" to keep the date stored in the file (recommended) - if needed: sol value at the beginning of the run, wrt Ls=0 - for a stats : Ls value at the middle of the run (degree) USE : solzenangle.e < solzenangle.def