MODULE solarlong_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE solarlong(pday,psollong) use planete_h, only: lsperi, peri_day, year_day, e_elips use comcstfi_h, only: pi IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c Compute solar longitude psollong (in radians) for a given Mars date c pday (where pday==0 at northern Spring Equinox and pday in sols c and fractions thereof) c======================================================================= c arguments: c ---------- REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pday REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: psollong c Local variables: c ---------------- REAL :: xref ! mean anomaly REAL :: zx0 ! eccentric anomaly REAL :: zteta ! true anomaly REAL :: zanom,zdx,zz INTEGER :: iter c compute mean anomaly zz=(pday-peri_day)/year_day zanom=2.*pi*(zz-nint(zz)) xref=abs(zanom) c solve equation zx0 - e * sin (zx0) = xref c using Newton method zx0=xref+e_elips*sin(xref) DO iter=1,10 ! 10 is overkill, typically converges in 1-3 iterations zdx=-(zx0-e_elips*sin(zx0)-xref)/(1.-e_elips*cos(zx0)) if(abs(zdx).le.(1.e-7)) exit zx0=zx0+zdx ENDDO zx0=zx0+zdx if( zx0=-zx0 c compute true anomaly zteta, now that eccentric anomaly zx0 is known zteta=2.*atan(sqrt((1.+e_elips)/(1.-e_elips))*tan(zx0/2.)) c compute solar longitude from zteta psollong=zteta+lsperi c handle limit cases where psollong lands outside [0:2*pi] IF(psollong.LT.0.) psollong=psollong+2.*pi IF(psollong.GT.2.*pi) psollong=psollong-2.*pi END SUBROUTINE solarlong END MODULE solarlong_mod