MODULE evol_ice_mod implicit none !======================================================================= contains !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE evol_co2_ice(ngrid,nslope,co2_ice,tend_co2_ice) use time_evol_mod, only: dt_pem implicit none !======================================================================= ! ! Routine to compute the evolution of CO2 ice ! !======================================================================= ! arguments: ! ---------- ! INPUT integer, intent(in) :: ngrid, nslope ! # of grid points, # of subslopes ! OUTPUT real, dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(inout) :: co2_ice ! Previous and actual density of CO2 ice real, dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(inout) :: tend_co2_ice ! Evolution of perennial ice over one year ! local: ! ------ !======================================================================= ! Evolution of CO2 ice for each physical point write(*,*) 'Evolution of co2 ice' co2_ice = co2_ice + tend_co2_ice*dt_pem where (co2_ice < 0.) co2_ice = 0. tend_co2_ice = 0. end where END SUBROUTINE evol_co2_ice !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE evol_h2o_ice(ngrid,nslope,cell_area,delta_h2o_adsorbded,delta_h2o_icetablesublim,h2o_ice,tend_h2o_ice,stopPEM) use time_evol_mod, only: dt_pem use comslope_mod, only: subslope_dist, def_slope_mean #ifndef CPP_STD use comcstfi_h, only: pi #else use comcstfi_mod, only: pi #endif implicit none !======================================================================= ! ! Routine that compute the evolution of the h2o ice ! !======================================================================= ! arguments: ! ---------- ! INPUT integer, intent(in) :: ngrid, nslope ! # of grid points, # of subslopes real, dimension(ngrid), intent(in) :: cell_area ! Area of each mesh grid (m^2) real, dimension(ngrid), intent(in) :: delta_h2o_adsorbded ! Mass of H2O adsorbded/desorbded in the soil (kg/m^2) real, dimension(ngrid), intent(in) :: delta_h2o_icetablesublim ! Mass of H2O that have condensed/sublimated at the ice table (kg/m^2) ! OUTPUT real, dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(inout) :: h2o_ice ! Previous and actual density of h2o ice (kg/m^2) real, dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(inout) :: tend_h2o_ice ! Evolution of perennial ice over one year (kg/m^2/year) integer, intent(inout) :: stopPEM ! Stopping criterion code ! local: ! ------ integer :: i, islope ! Loop variables real :: pos_tend, neg_tend, real_coefficient, negative_part ! Variable to conserve h2o real, dimension(ngrid,nslope) :: new_tendencies ! Tendencies computed in order to conserve h2o ice on the surface, only exchange between surface are done !======================================================================= if (ngrid /= 1) then ! Not in 1D ! We compute the amount of condensing and sublimating h2o ice pos_tend = 0. neg_tend = 0. do i = 1,ngrid if (delta_h2o_adsorbded(i) > 0.) then pos_tend = pos_tend + delta_h2o_adsorbded(i)*cell_area(i) else neg_tend = neg_tend + delta_h2o_adsorbded(i)*cell_area(i) endif if (delta_h2o_icetablesublim(i) > 0.) then pos_tend = pos_tend + delta_h2o_icetablesublim(i)*cell_area(i) else neg_tend = neg_tend + delta_h2o_icetablesublim(i)*cell_area(i) endif do islope = 1,nslope if (h2o_ice(i,islope) > 0.) then if (tend_h2o_ice(i,islope) > 0.) then pos_tend = pos_tend + tend_h2o_ice(i,islope)*cell_area(i)*subslope_dist(i,islope)/cos(def_slope_mean(islope)*pi/180.) else neg_tend = neg_tend - tend_h2o_ice(i,islope)*cell_area(i)*subslope_dist(i,islope)/cos(def_slope_mean(islope)*pi/180.) endif endif enddo enddo if (abs(pos_tend) < 1.e-10 .or. abs(neg_tend) < 1.e-10) then write(*,*) "Reason of stopping: there is no sublimating or condensing h2o ice!" write(*,*) "Tendencies on ice sublimating =", neg_tend write(*,*) "Tendencies on ice increasing =", pos_tend write(*,*) "This can be due to the absence of h2o ice in the PCM run!" stopPEM = 2 new_tendencies = 0. else ! We adapt the tendencies to conserve h2o and do only exchange between grid points if (neg_tend > pos_tend .and. pos_tend > 0.) then ! More sublimation on the planet than condensation where (tend_h2o_ice < 0.) ! We lower the sublimating rate by a coefficient new_tendencies = tend_h2o_ice*pos_tend/neg_tend elsewhere ! We don't change the condensing rate new_tendencies = tend_h2o_ice end where else if (neg_tend < pos_tend .and. neg_tend > 0.) then ! More condensation on the planet than sublimation where (tend_h2o_ice < 0.) ! We don't change the sublimating rate new_tendencies = tend_h2o_ice elsewhere ! We lower the condensing rate by a coefficient new_tendencies = tend_h2o_ice*neg_tend/pos_tend end where endif endif ! Evolution of the h2o ice for each physical point h2o_ice = h2o_ice + new_tendencies*dt_pem ! We compute the amount of h2o that is sublimated in excess negative_part = 0. do i = 1,ngrid do islope = 1,nslope if (h2o_ice(i,islope) < 0.) then negative_part = negative_part - h2o_ice(i,islope)*cell_area(i)*subslope_dist(i,islope)/cos(def_slope_mean(islope)*pi/180.) h2o_ice(i,islope) = 0. tend_h2o_ice(i,islope) = 0. endif enddo enddo ! We compute a coefficient by which we should remove the ice that has been added to places ! even if this ice was contributing to an unphysical negative amount of ice at other places if (abs(pos_tend) < 1.e-10) then real_coefficient = 0. else real_coefficient = negative_part/pos_tend endif ! In the place of accumulation of ice, we remove a bit of ice in order to conserve h2o do islope = 1,nslope do i = 1,ngrid if (new_tendencies(i,islope) > 0.) h2o_ice(i,islope) = h2o_ice(i,islope) - new_tendencies(i,islope)*real_coefficient*dt_pem*cos(def_slope_mean(islope)*pi/180.) enddo enddo else ! ngrid == 1, i.e. in 1D h2o_ice = h2o_ice + tend_h2o_ice*dt_pem endif END SUBROUTINE evol_h2o_ice END MODULE evol_ice_mod