MODULE comsoil_h implicit none ! nsoilmx : number of subterranean layers integer, parameter :: nsoilmx = 57 real, save, allocatable, dimension(:) :: layer ! soil layer depths real, save, allocatable, dimension(:) :: mlayer ! soil mid-layer depths real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: inertiedat ! soil thermal inertia for present climate real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: inertiesoil ! soil thermal inertia real, save :: volcapa ! soil volumetric heat capacity ! NB: volcapa is read from control(35) from physics start file ! in physdem (or set via tabfi, or initialized in soil_settings.F) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(layer,mlayer,inertiedat,inertiesoil,volcapa) ! Variables (FC: built in firstcall in soil.F) real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: tsoil ! sub-surface temperatures (K) real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: mthermdiff ! (FC) mid-layer thermal diffusivity real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: thermdiff ! (FC) inter-layer thermal diffusivity real, save, allocatable, dimension(:) :: coefq ! (FC) q_{k+1/2} coefficients real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: coefd ! (FC) d_k coefficients real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: alph ! (FC) alpha_k coefficients real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: beta ! beta_k coefficients real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: flux_geo ! Geothermal Flux (W/m^2) real, save :: mu !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tsoil,mthermdiff,thermdiff,coefq,coefd,alph,beta,mu,flux_geo) ! Subsurface tracers: logical, save :: adsorption_soil ! boolean to call adosrption (or not) real, save :: choice_ads ! Choice for adsorption isotherm (3 means no adsorption, see soilwater.F90) real, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: qsoil ! subsurface tracers (kg/m^3 of regol) integer, parameter :: nqsoil = 3 ! number of subsurface tracers, only three when working with water integer, parameter :: igcm_h2o_vap_soil = 1 integer, parameter :: igcm_h2o_ice_soil = 2 integer, parameter :: igcm_h2o_vap_ads = 3 REAL, parameter :: porosity_reg = 0.45 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(adsorption_soil,qsoil,choice_ads) !======================================================================= contains !======================================================================= subroutine ini_comsoil_h(ngrid,nslope) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns integer,intent(in) :: nslope ! number of sub grid slopes allocate(layer(nsoilmx)) !soil layer depths allocate(mlayer(0:nsoilmx - 1)) ! soil mid-layer depths allocate(inertiedat(ngrid,nsoilmx)) ! soil thermal inertia for present climate allocate(inertiesoil(ngrid,nsoilmx,nslope)) ! soil thermal inertia allocate(tsoil(ngrid,nsoilmx,nslope)) ! soil temperatures allocate(mthermdiff(ngrid,0:nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(thermdiff(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(coefq(0:nsoilmx - 1)) allocate(coefd(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(alph(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(beta(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(flux_geo(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(qsoil(ngrid,nsoilmx,nqsoil,nslope)) END SUBROUTINE ini_comsoil_h !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE end_comsoil_h implicit none if (allocated(layer)) deallocate(layer) if (allocated(mlayer)) deallocate(mlayer) if (allocated(inertiedat)) deallocate(inertiedat) if (allocated(inertiesoil)) deallocate(inertiesoil) if (allocated(tsoil)) deallocate(tsoil) if (allocated(mthermdiff)) deallocate(mthermdiff) if (allocated(thermdiff)) deallocate(thermdiff) if (allocated(coefq)) deallocate(coefq) if (allocated(coefd)) deallocate(coefd) if (allocated(alph)) deallocate(alph) if (allocated(beta)) deallocate(beta) if (allocated(flux_geo)) deallocate(flux_geo) if (allocated(qsoil)) deallocate(qsoil) END SUBROUTINE end_comsoil_h !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE ini_comsoil_h_slope_var(ngrid,nslope) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns integer,intent(in) :: nslope ! number of sub grid slopes allocate(tsoil(ngrid,nsoilmx,nslope)) ! soil temperatures allocate(inertiesoil(ngrid,nsoilmx,nslope)) ! soil thermal inertia allocate(mthermdiff(ngrid,0:nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(thermdiff(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(coefd(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(alph(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(beta(ngrid,nsoilmx - 1,nslope)) allocate(flux_geo(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(qsoil(ngrid,nsoilmx,nqsoil,nslope)) END SUBROUTINE ini_comsoil_h_slope_var !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE end_comsoil_h_slope_var implicit none if (allocated(tsoil)) deallocate(tsoil) if (allocated(inertiesoil)) deallocate(inertiesoil) if (allocated(mthermdiff)) deallocate(mthermdiff) if (allocated(thermdiff)) deallocate(thermdiff) if (allocated(coefd)) deallocate(coefd) if (allocated(alph)) deallocate(alph) if (allocated(beta)) deallocate(beta) if (allocated(flux_geo)) deallocate(flux_geo) if (allocated(qsoil)) deallocate(qsoil) END SUBROUTINE end_comsoil_h_slope_var END MODULE comsoil_h