&io path_to_input = './' !! where input wrfout* files are located path_to_output = './' !! where output API files will be located input_name = 'wrfout_d01_9999-09-09_09:00:00' !! input file to API (could be wrfout*) process = 'list' !! [do not modify] fields = 'tk,W,uvmet' !! a list of fields to interpolate !! - either fields in wrfout* !! - or tk for temperature uvmet for meteorological winds tpot for potential temperature debug = .TRUE. !! [add this if you want more information on screen] / &interp_in interp_method = 4 !! 1 --> INTERPOLATION: PRESSURE [LINEAR in p] output: wrfout*_p !! 2 --> INTERPOLATION: PRESSURE [LINEAR in log(p)] output: wrfout*_p !! 3 --> INTERPOLATION: ALTITUDE ABOVE MOLA AREOID output: wrfout*_z !! 4 --> INTERPOLATION: ALTITUDE ABOVE LOCAL SURFACE output: wrfout*_zabg interp_levels = 0.050 !! Interpolation levels: - pressure in hPa for interp_method = 1 or 2 !! - altitude in km for interp_method = 3 or 4 !! - [pressure shall be in decreasing order] /