program kcm1d use infotrac, only: nqtot use radinc_h, only: NAERKIND use radcommon_h, only: L_NSPECTI, L_NSPECTV, sigma, glat use watercommon_h, only: mH2O use ioipsl_getincom, only: getin use comsaison_h, only: mu0, fract, dist_star use planete_mod use callkeys_mod, only: pceil, tstrat, tracer, global1d, & varspec, varspec_data, nvarlayer use inifis_mod, only: inifis use aerosol_mod, only: iniaerosol use callcorrk_mod, only: callcorrk use comcstfi_mod use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : regular_lonlat use regular_lonlat_mod, only: init_regular_lonlat use physics_distribution_mod, only: init_physics_distribution use regular_lonlat_mod, only: init_regular_lonlat use mod_interface_dyn_phys, only: init_interface_dyn_phys use geometry_mod, only: init_geometry use dimphy, only : init_dimphy use gases_h, only: ngasmx implicit none !================================================================== ! ! Purpose ! ------- ! Run the universal model radiative transfer once in a 1D column. ! Useful for climate evolution studies etc. ! ! It can be compiled with a command like (e.g. for 25 layers): ! "makegcm -p std -d 25 kcm1d" ! It requires the files "callphys.def", "gases.def" ! "traceur.def", and "run.def" with a line "INCLUDEDEF=callphys.def" ! ! Authors ! ------- ! - R. Wordsworth ! - updated by M. Turbet (June 2017) ! !================================================================== #include "dimensions.h" !#include "dimphys.h" ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! Declarations ! -------------------------------------------------------------- integer nlayer,nlevel,nq integer ilay,ilev,iq,iw,iter real play(llm) ! Pressure at the middle of the layers [Pa] real zlay(llm) ! Altitude at middle of the layers [km] real plev(llm+1) ! Intermediate pressure levels [Pa] real temp(llm) ! temperature at the middle of the layers [K] real,allocatable :: q(:,:) ! tracer mixing ratio [kg/kg] real,allocatable :: vmr(:,:) ! tracer mixing ratio [mol/mol] real,allocatable :: qsurf(:) ! tracer surface budget [kg/kg] ???? real psurf,psurf_n,tsurf(1) real emis(1), albedo(1), albedo_equivalent(1) real albedo_wv(1,L_NSPECTV) real muvar(llm+1) real dtsw(llm) ! heating rate (K/s) due to SW real dtlw(llm) ! heating rate (K/s) due to LW real fluxsurf_lw(1) ! incident LW flux to surf (W/m2) real fluxtop_lw(1) ! outgoing LW flux to space (W/m2) real fluxsurf_sw(1) ! incident SW flux to surf (W/m2) real fluxsurfabs_sw(1) ! absorbed SW flux by the surf (W/m2) real fluxabs_sw(1) ! SW flux absorbed by planet (W/m2) real fluxtop_dn(1) ! incident top of atmosphere SW flux (W/m2) ! not used real cloudfrac(1,llm) real totcloudfrac(1) real tau_col(1) real dTstrat real,allocatable :: aerosol(:,:) ! aerosol tau (kg/kg) real OLR_nu(1,L_NSPECTI) real OSR_nu(1,L_NSPECTV) real GSR_nu(1,L_NSPECTV) real int_dtaui(1,llm,L_NSPECTI) real int_dtauv(1,llm,L_NSPECTV) real Eatmtot ! For fixed variable molar mass real, dimension(:),allocatable,save :: p_var real, dimension(:),allocatable,save :: mu_var real, dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: frac_var integer ierr logical firstcall,lastcall character*20,allocatable :: nametrac(:) ! name of the tracer (no need for adv trac common) real :: latitude(1), longitude(1), cell_area(1), phisfi(1) ! added by JVO and YJ to read modern traceur.def character(len=500) :: line ! to store a line of text LOGICAL :: moderntracdef=.false. ! JVO, YJ : modern traceur.def ! -------------- ! Initialisation ! -------------- pi=2.E+0*asin(1.E+0) cloudfrac(1,:) = 0.0 totcloudfrac(1) = 0.0 nlayer=llm nlevel=nlayer+1 !! this is defined in comsaison_h ALLOCATE(mu0(1)) ALLOCATE(fract(1)) ALLOCATE(glat(1)) ! Initialize fixed variable mu ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if(varspec) then IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(p_var)) ALLOCATE(p_var(nvarlayer)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mu_var)) ALLOCATE(mu_var(nvarlayer)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(frac_var)) ALLOCATE(frac_var(nvarlayer,ngasmx)) p_var = 0.0 mu_var = 0.0 frac_var = 0.0 dt_file=TRIM(varspec_data) open(34,file=dt_file,form='formatted',status='old',iostat=ios) if ( then ! file not found write(*,*) 'Error from varspec' write(*,*) 'Data file ',trim(varspec_data),' not found.' write(*,*) 'Check that the data is in your run repository.' call abort_physic !a verifier else do k=1,nvarlayer read(34,*) p_var(k), mu_var(k),frac_var(k,1:ngasmx) !The order of columns in frac_var must correspond to order of molecules gases.def !The format of your file must be: ! pressure(k) molar_mass(k), molar_fraction_of_gas_1(k), molar_fraction_of_gas_2(k),..., molar_fraction_of_gas_ngasmx(k) enddo endif close(34) endif ! Load parameters from "run.def" ! ------------------------------- ! check if 'kcm1d.def' file is around (otherwise reading parameters ! from callphys.def via getin() routine won't work.) open(90,file='kcm1d.def',status='old',form='formatted',& iostat=ierr) if ( then write(*,*) 'Cannot find required file "kcm1d.def"' write(*,*) ' (which should contain some input parameters' write(*,*) ' along with the following line:' write(*,*) ' INCLUDEDEF=callphys.def' write(*,*) ' )' write(*,*) ' ... might as well stop here ...' stop else close(90) endif ! now, run.def is needed anyway. so we create a dummy temporary one ! for ioipsl to work. if a run.def is already here, stop the ! program and ask the user to do a bit of cleaning open(90,file='run.def',status='old',form='formatted',& iostat=ierr) if (ierr.eq.0) then close(90) write(*,*) 'There is already a run.def file.' write(*,*) 'This is not compatible with 1D runs.' write(*,*) 'Please remove the file and restart the run.' write(*,*) 'Runtime parameters are supposed to be in kcm1d.def' stop else call system('touch run.def') call system("echo 'INCLUDEDEF=callphys.def' >> run.def") call system("echo 'INCLUDEDEF=kcm1d.def' >> run.def") endif ! check if we are going to run with or without tracers write(*,*) "Run with or without tracer transport ?" tracer=.false. ! default value call getin("tracer",tracer) write(*,*) " tracer = ",tracer ! Tracer initialisation ! --------------------- if (tracer) then ! load tracer names from file 'traceur.def' open(90,file='traceur.def',status='old',form='formatted',& iostat=ierr) if (ierr.eq.0) then write(*,*) "kcm1d: Reading file traceur.def" ! read number of tracers: !! - Modif. by JVO and YJ for modern planetary traceur.def --------------- READ(90,'(A)') line IF (trim(line).ne.'#ModernTrac-v1') THEN ! Test modern traceur.def READ(line,*,iostat=ierr) nq ! Try standard traceur.def ELSE moderntracdef = .true. DO READ(90,'(A)',iostat=ierr) line IF (ierr.eq.0) THEN IF (index(line,'#').ne.1) THEN ! Allows arbitary number of comments lines in the header READ(line,*,iostat=ierr) nq EXIT ENDIF ELSE ! If pb, or if reached EOF without having found nbtr write(*,*) "rcm1d: error reading number of tracers" write(*,*) " (first line of traceur.def) " stop ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! if modern or standard traceur.def if ( then write(*,*) "kcm1d: error reading number of tracers" write(*,*) " (first line of traceur.def) " stop endif nqtot=nq ! allocate arrays which depend on number of tracers allocate(nametrac(nq)) allocate(q(nlayer,nq)) allocate(vmr(nlayer,nq)) allocate(qsurf(nq)) do iq=1,nq ! minimal version, just read in the tracer names, 1 per line read(90,*,iostat=ierr) nametrac(iq) write(*,*) 'tracer here is', nametrac(iq) if ( then write(*,*) 'kcm1d: error reading tracer names...' stop endif enddo !of do iq=1,nq close(90) endif call initracer(1,nq) endif psurf_n=100000. ! default value for psurf print*,'Dry surface pressure (Pa)?' call getin("psurf",psurf_n) write(*,*) " psurf = ",psurf_n ! OK. now that run.def has been read once -- any variable is in memory. ! so we can dump the dummy run.def call system("rm -rf run.def") tsurf=300.0 ! default value for tsurf print*,'Surface temperature (K)?' call getin("tref",tsurf) write(*,*) " tsurf = ",tsurf g=10.0 ! default value for g print*,'Gravity ?' call getin("g",g) write(*,*) " g = ",g glat(1)=g periastr = 1.0 apoastr = 1.0 print*,'Periastron (AU)?' call getin("periastr",periastr) write(*,*) "periastron = ",periastr dist_star = periastr fract = 0.5 print*,'Apoastron (AU)?' call getin("apoastr",apoastr) write(*,*) "apoastron = ",apoastr albedo=0.2 ! default value for albedo print*,'Albedo of bare ground?' call getin("albedo",albedo) write(*,*) " albedo = ",albedo do iw=1,L_NSPECTV albedo_wv(1,iw)=albedo(1) enddo emis=1.0 ! default value for emissivity PRINT *,'Emissivity of bare ground ?' call getin("emis",emis) write(*,*) " emis = ",emis pceil=100.0 ! Pascals PRINT *,'Ceiling pressure (Pa) ?' call getin("pceil",pceil) write(*,*) " pceil = ", pceil !!! GEOGRAPHICAL INITIALIZATIONS !!! AREA. useless in 1D cell_area(1)=1.E+0 !JL+EM to have access to the area in the files. !!! GEOPOTENTIAL. useless in 1D because control by surface pressure phisfi(1)=0.E+0 !!! LATITUDE. can be set. latitude=0 ! default value for latitude PRINT *,'latitude (in degrees) ?' call getin("latitude",latitude) write(*,*) " latitude = ",latitude latitude=latitude*pi/180.E+0 !!! LONGITUDE. useless in 1D. longitude=0.E+0 longitude=longitude*pi/180.E+0 rad=6400000. !rad = -99999. !PRINT *,'PLANETARY RADIUS in m ?' !call getin("rad",rad) ! Planetary radius is needed to compute shadow of the rings !IF (rad.eq.-99999. .and. rings_shadow .eqv. .true.) THEN ! PRINT *,"STOP. I NEED rad IN RCM1D.DEF." ! STOP !ELSE ! PRINT *,"--> rad = ",rad !ENDIF call init_physics_distribution(regular_lonlat,4,1,1,1,nlayer,1) call init_interface_dyn_phys CALL init_regular_lonlat(1,1,longitude,latitude,(/0.,0./),(/0.,0./)) call init_geometry(1,longitude,latitude,(/0.,0.,0.,0./),(/0.,0.,0.,0./),cell_area) call init_dimphy(1,nlayer) ! Initialize dimphy module !!! CALL INIFIS !!! - read callphys.def !!! - calculate sine and cosine of longitude and latitude !!! - calculate mugaz and cp !!! NB: some operations are being done dummily in inifis in 1D !!! - physical constants: nevermind, things are done allright below !!! - physical frequency: nevermind, in inifis this is a simple print cpp=1.d-7 !JL because we divide by cpp in inifis, there may be a more elegant solution CALL inifis(1,llm,nq,0,86400.0,1,1.0,latitude,longitude,cell_area,rad,g,r,cpp) if(.not.global1d)then print*,'Error, kcm1d must have global1d=.true. in kcm1d.def!' stop end if !write(*,*) 'BASE 1' !write(*,*) 1,llm,nq,0,86400.0,1,1.0,latitude,longitude,cell_area,rad,g,r,cpp ! initialise naerkind (from callphys.def) and allocate aerosol(:,:) naerkind=0 !default call getin("naerkind",naerkind) allocate(aerosol(llm,naerkind)) aerosol(:,:)=0 do iq=1,nq do ilay=1,nlayer q(ilay,iq) = 0. enddo enddo do iq=1,nq qsurf(iq) = 0. enddo firstcall = .true. lastcall = .false. iter = 1 Tstrat = 150.0 dTstrat = 1000.0 ! --------- ! Run model ! --------- !do psurf = psurf_n ! Create vertical profiles call kcmprof_fn(nlayer,psurf,qsurf(1),tsurf, & tstrat,play,plev,zlay,temp,q(:,1),muvar(1)) !write(*,*) 'BASE 2' !write(*,*) nlayer,psurf,qsurf(1),tsurf, & ! tstrat !write(*,*) play !write(*,*) plev !write(*,*) zlay !write(*,*) temp !write(*,*) q(:,1),muvar(1) call iniaerosol ! Run radiative transfer call callcorrk(1,nlayer,q,nq,qsurf, & albedo_wv,albedo_equivalent, & emis,mu0,plev,play,temp, & tsurf,fract,dist_star,aerosol,muvar, & dtlw,dtsw,fluxsurf_lw,fluxsurf_sw, & fluxsurfabs_sw,fluxtop_lw, & fluxabs_sw,fluxtop_dn,OLR_nu,OSR_nu,GSR_nu, & int_dtaui,int_dtauv, & tau_col,cloudfrac,totcloudfrac, & .false.,p_var,frac_var,firstcall,lastcall) !write(*,*) 'BASE 3' !write(*,*) 1,nlayer,'A',q,'B',nq,'C',qsurf, & ! albedo_wv,'D',albedo_equivalent,'E', & ! emis,'F',mu0,'G',plev,'H',play,'I',temp,'J', & ! tsurf,'K',fract,'L',dist_star,'M',aerosol,'N',muvar,'O', & ! dtlw,'P',dtsw,'Q',fluxsurf_lw,'R',fluxsurf_sw,'S', & ! fluxsurfabs_sw,'T',fluxtop_lw,'U', & ! fluxabs_sw,'V',fluxtop_dn,'W',OLR_nu,'X',OSR_nu,'Y',tau_col,'Z', & ! cloudfrac,'A1',totcloudfrac,'A2',.false.,'A3',firstcall,'A4',lastcall ! Iterate stratospheric temperature print*,'Tstrat = ',Tstrat dTstrat = Tstrat !Tstrat = Tsurf*(0.2786*(psurf/100000.)**(-1.123))**0.25 ! skin temperature (gray approx.) using analytic pure H2 expression !Tstrat = (fluxabs_sw/(2*sigma))**0.25 ! skin temperature (gray approx.) Tstrat = (fluxtop_lw(1)/(2*sigma))**0.25 ! skin temperature (gray approx.) dTstrat = dTstrat-Tstrat !if(abs(dTstrat).lt.1.0)then ! print*,'dTstrat = ',dTstrat ! exit !endif !iter=iter+1 !if(iter.eq.100)then ! print*,'Stratosphere failed to converge after' ! print*,'100 iteration, aborting run.' ! call abort !endif !end do ! Run radiative transfer one last time to get OLR,OSR firstcall=.false. lastcall=.true. call callcorrk(1,nlayer,q,nq,qsurf, & albedo_wv,albedo_equivalent,emis,mu0,plev,play,temp, & tsurf,fract,dist_star,aerosol,muvar, & dtlw,dtsw,fluxsurf_lw,fluxsurf_sw,fluxsurfabs_sw, & fluxtop_lw, fluxabs_sw,fluxtop_dn,OLR_nu,OSR_nu,GSR_nu, & int_dtaui,int_dtauv, & tau_col,cloudfrac,totcloudfrac, & .false.,p_var,frac_var,firstcall,lastcall) !write(*,*) 'BASE 4' !write(*,*) 1,nlayer,'A',q,'B',nq,'C',qsurf, & ! albedo_wv,'D',albedo_equivalent,'E', & ! emis,'F',mu0,'G',plev,'H',play,'I',temp,'J', & ! tsurf,'K',fract,'L',dist_star,'M',aerosol,'N',muvar,'O', & ! dtlw,'P',dtsw,'Q',fluxsurf_lw,'R',fluxsurf_sw,'S', & ! fluxsurfabs_sw,'T',fluxtop_lw,'U', & ! fluxabs_sw,'V',fluxtop_dn,'W',OLR_nu,'X',OSR_nu,'Y',tau_col,'Z', & ! cloudfrac,'A1',totcloudfrac,'A2',.false.,'A3',firstcall,'A4',lastcall ! Calculate total atmospheric energy Eatmtot=0.0 ! call calcenergy_kcm(nlayer,tsurf,temp,play,plev,qsurf,& ! q(:,1),muvar,Eatmtot) ! ------------------------ ! Save data to ascii files ! ------------------------ print*,'Saving profiles...' open(115,file='profpres.out',form='formatted') open(116,file='proftemp.out',form='formatted') open(117,file='profztab.out',form='formatted') open(118,file='profqvar.out',form='formatted') open(119,file='profvvar.out',form='formatted') write(115,*) psurf write(116,*) tsurf write(117,*) 0.0 write(118,*) qsurf(1) write(119,*) qsurf(1)*(muvar(1)/mH2O) do ilay=1,nlayer vmr(ilay,1) = q(ilay,1)*(muvar(ilay+1)/mH2O) write(115,*) play(ilay) write(116,*) temp(ilay) write(117,*) zlay(ilay) write(118,*) q(ilay,1) write(119,*) vmr(ilay,1) enddo close(115) close(116) close(117) close(118) close(119) print*, tsurf,psurf,fluxtop_dn,fluxabs_sw,fluxtop_lw print*,'Saving scalars...' open(116,file='surf_vals.out') write(116,*) tsurf,psurf,fluxtop_dn, & fluxabs_sw,fluxtop_lw close(116) open(111,file='ene_vals.out') write(111,*) tsurf,psurf,Eatmtot,Tstrat close(111) print*,'Saving spectra...' open(117,file='OLRnu.out') do iw=1,L_NSPECTI write(117,*) OLR_nu(1,iw) enddo close(117) open(127,file='OSRnu.out') do iw=1,L_NSPECTV write(127,*) OSR_nu(1,iw) enddo close(127) end program kcm1d