subroutine new_cloud_sedim(n_lon, n_lev, ptimestep, $ pmidlay, pbndlay, pt, pq, $ d_tr_chem, pdqsed, $ nq, F_sed) USE ioipsl USE dimphy USE chemparam_mod IMPLICIT NONE c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c declarations: c ------------- #include "YOMCST.h" c#include "dimphys.h" c#include "comcstfi.h" c#include "tracer.h" c#include "callkeys.h" c c arguments: c ---------- INTEGER n_lon ! number of horizontal grid points INTEGER n_lev ! number of atmospheric layers REAL ptimestep ! physics time step (s) REAL pmidlay(n_lon,n_lev) ! pressure at middle layers (Pa) REAL pt(n_lon,n_lev) ! temperature at mid-layer (l) REAL pbndlay(n_lon,n_lev+1) ! pressure at layer boundaries c Traceurs : integer nq ! number of tracers real pq(n_lon,n_lev,nq) ! tracers (kg/kg) real pdqsed(n_lon,n_lev,2) ! tendency due to sedimentation (kg/kg) real d_tr_chem(n_lon,n_lev,nq)! tendency due to chemistry and clouds (kg/kg) c local: c ------ integer imode integer ig integer iq integer l real zlev(n_lon,n_lev+1) ! altitude at layer boundaries real zlay(n_lon,n_lev) ! altitude at the midlle layer real zqi_wv(n_lon,n_lev) ! to locally store H2O tracer real zqi_sa(n_lon,n_lev) ! to locally store H2SO4 tracer real m_lay (n_lon,n_lev) ! Layer Pressure over gravity (Dp/g == kg.m-2) real wq(n_lon,n_lev+1) ! displaced tracer mass (kg.m-2) c Physical constant c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Gas molecular viscosity (N.s.m-2) c real,parameter :: visc=1.e-5 ! CO2 REAL :: VISCOSITY_CO2 c Effective gas molecular radius (m) real,parameter :: molrad=2.2e-10 ! CO2 c Ratio radius shell model du mode 3 c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Ce ratio correspond aux mesures effectuées par J. Cimino (1982), Icarus c Fixer ce parametre a 0 revient a une gouttelette pure en liquide acide sulfurique c ATTENTION ! DOIT ETRE COHERENT AVEC new_cloud_venus ! REAL, PARAMETER :: qrad = 0.97 REAL :: qmass c masse volumique du coeur (kg.m-3) c ATTENTION ! DOIT ETRE COHERENT AVEC new_cloud_venus ! REAL, PARAMETER :: rho_core = 2500.0 REAL, DIMENSION(n_lon,n_lev+1) :: wgt_SA ! Fraction of H2SO4 in droplet local c Stokes speed and sedimentation flux variable c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REAL :: A1,A2,A3,A4, ! coeff du DL du Flux de sedimentation + D_stokes, ! coeff de la vitesse de Stokes + Rp_DL, ! "Point" du DL + l_mean, ! libre parcours moyen (m) + a,b_exp,c ! coeff du calcul du Flux de sedimentation REAL, DIMENSION(n_lon,n_lev+1) :: + F_sed ! Flux de sedimentation (kg.m-2.s-1 puis en output kg.m-2) REAL :: R_mode0 ! Rayon mode 0 (m), rayon le plus frequent ! PRINT*,'RHO_DROPLET new_cloud_sedim.F' ! PRINT*,'rho_droplet',rho_droplet(16,21) ! PRINT*,'T',pt(16,21),'WSA',WH2SO4(16,21) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1. Initialization c ----------------- ! update water vapour and sulfuric acid mixing ratios zqi_wv(:,:) = pq(:,:,i_h2oliq) + d_tr_chem(:,:,i_h2oliq)*ptimestep zqi_sa(:,:) = pq(:,:,i_h2so4liq) $ + d_tr_chem(:,:,i_h2so4liq)*ptimestep wgt_SA(:,1:n_lev) = wh2so4(:,:) c Init F_sed F_sed(:,:) = 0.0E+0 c Au niveau top+1 , tout égal a 0 wgt_SA(:,n_lev+1) = 0.0E+0 c Computing the different layer properties c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c m_lay (kg.m-2) c Ici g=8.87, conflit pour g entre #include "YOMCST.h" c et #include "comcstfi.h" do l=1,n_lev do ig=1, n_lon m_lay(ig,l)=(pbndlay(ig,l) - pbndlay(ig,l+1)) /8.87E+0 IF (m_lay(ig,l).LE.0.0) THEN PRINT*,'!!!! STOP PROBLEME SEDIMENTATION!!!!' PRINT*,'!!!! m_lay <= 0 !!!!' PRINT*,'!!!! STOP PROBLEME SEDIMENTATION!!!!' ENDIF end do end do c Computing sedimentation for droplet "tracer" c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c pbndlay(:,51)=0 (en parallèle c'est sûr), ne pas l'utiliser pour Fse c Sedimentation pour une gouttelette mode 3 de type J. Cimino, 1982, Icarus c c.a.d 97% radius due a solide 3% radius acide sulfurique DO imode=1, nbr_mode - 1 DO l = cloudmin, cloudmax DO ig=1,n_lon c RD=1000.*RNAVO*RKBOL/RMD avec RMD=43.44 Masse molaire atm venus en g.mol-1 D_stokes=((rho_droplet(ig,l)-pmidlay(ig,l)/(RD*pt(ig,l)))) & *(2./9.)*(RG/VISCOSITY_CO2(pt(ig,l))) l_mean=(pt(ig,l)/pmidlay(ig,l))* & (0.707*R/(4.*RPI* molrad*molrad * RNAVO)) R_mode0=R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode)* & EXP(-LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,imode))**2.) IF ((l_mean/(R_mode0)).GT.10.) THEN Rp_DL=R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode)* & EXP(3.*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,imode))**2.) ELSE Rp_DL=R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode)* & EXP(4.*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,imode))**2.) ENDIF a=1.246*l_mean c=0.87/l_mean b_exp=0.42*l_mean*EXP(-c*Rp_DL) A1=a+b_exp*(1.+c*Rp_DL & +0.5*(Rp_DL*c)**2 & +1./6.*(Rp_DL*c)**3) A2=1.-b_exp*(c & +Rp_DL*c**2 & +0.5*(Rp_DL**2)*(c**3)) A3=0.5*b_exp*(c**2+Rp_DL*c**3) A4=-b_exp*1./6.*c**3 c Addition des Flux de tous les modes presents F_sed(ig,l)=F_sed(ig,l)+(rho_droplet(ig,l)*4./3.*RPI* & NBRTOT(ig,l,imode)*1.0E6*D_stokes*( & A1*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode)**4 & *EXP(8.0*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,imode))**2.) & +A2*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode)**5 & *EXP(12.5*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,imode))**2.) & +A3*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode)**6 & *EXP(18.0*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,imode))**2.) & +A4*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode)**7 & *EXP(24.5*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,imode))**2.))) c PRINT*,' APRES dTime: F_sed=',F_sed(ig,l), ig, l IF (F_sed(ig,l).GT.m_lay(ig,l)) THEN PRINT*,'===============================================' PRINT*,'WARNING On a epuise la couche', ig, l PRINT*,'On epuise pas une couche avec une espèce & minoritaire, c est pas bien maaaaaal' PRINT*,'Water',zqi_wv(ig,l),'Sulfuric Acid',zqi_sa(ig,l) PRINT*,'F_sed:',F_sed(ig,l),'m_lay:',m_lay(ig,l) PRINT*,'F_sed/dtphy',F_sed(ig,l)/ptimestep PRINT*,'Pbnd top',pbndlay(ig,l+1),'Temp',pt(ig,l),'Rho', & rho_droplet(ig,l) PRINT*,'Ntot',NBRTOT(ig,l,:) PRINT*,'StdDev',STDDEV(ig,l,:),'Rmed',R_MEDIAN(ig,l,:) PRINT*,'K_MASS',K_MASS(ig,l,:) PRINT*,'WSA',WH2SO4(ig,l),'RHO',rho_droplet(ig,l) c ELSE c c PRINT*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' c PRINT*,'WARNING On a PAS epuise la couche', ig, l c PRINT*,'F_sed:',F_sed(ig,l),'m_lay:',m_lay(ig,l) c PRINT*,'F_sed/dtphy',F_sed(ig,l)/ptimestep c PRINT*,'Pbnd top',pbndlay(ig,l+1),'Temp',pt(ig,l),'Rho', c & rho_droplet(ig,l)(ig,l) c PRINT*,'Ntot',NBRTOT(ig,l),'Ntot m3',NBRTOT(ig,l)*1.0e6 c PRINT*,'StdDev',STDDEV(ig,l),'Rmed',R_MEDIAN(ig,l) STOP ENDIF IF (F_sed(ig,l).LT.0.0d0) THEN PRINT*,"F_sed est négatif !!!" PRINT*,'F_sed:',F_sed(ig,l),'m_lay:',m_lay(ig,l) PRINT*,'F_sed/dtphy',F_sed(ig,l)/ptimestep PRINT*,'Pbnd top',pbndlay(ig,l+1),'Pmid',pmidlay(ig,l) PRINT*,'Temp',pt(ig,l),'Rho', & rho_droplet(ig,l) PRINT*,'Ntot',NBRTOT(ig,l,imode),'Ntot m3', & NBRTOT(ig,l,imode)*1.0e6 PRINT*,'StdDev',STDDEV(ig,l,imode),'Rmed', & R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode) PRINT*,'A1',A1,'A2',A2 PRINT*,'A3',A1,'A4',A2 PRINT*,'D_stokes',D_stokes STOP ENDIF ENDDO c ELSE c F_sed(:,l)=0.0d0 c ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO c**************************************************************** c On calcule le F_sed du mode 3 + coeff*(Fsed1 + Fsed2) c**************************************************************** DO l = cloudmin, cloudmax DO ig=1,n_lon c calcul de qmass qmass=(rho_core*qrad**3)/ & (rho_core*qrad**3+rho_droplet(ig,l)*(1.-qrad**3)) c RD=1000.*RNAVO*RKBOL/RMD avec RMD=43.44 Masse molaire atm venus en g.mol-1 D_stokes=(((qmass*rho_core+(1.-qmass)*rho_droplet(ig,l)) & -pmidlay(ig,l)/(RD*pt(ig,l)))) & *(2./9.)*(RG/VISCOSITY_CO2(pt(ig,l))) l_mean=(pt(ig,l)/pmidlay(ig,l))* & (0.707*R/(4.*RPI* molrad*molrad * RNAVO)) R_mode0=R_MEDIAN(ig,l,3)* & EXP(-LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,3))**2.) IF ((l_mean/(R_mode0)).GT.10.) THEN Rp_DL=R_MEDIAN(ig,l,3)* & EXP(3.*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,3))**2.) ELSE Rp_DL=R_MEDIAN(ig,l,3)* & EXP(4.*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,3))**2.) ENDIF a=1.246*l_mean c=0.87/l_mean b_exp=0.42*l_mean*EXP(-c*Rp_DL) A1=a+b_exp*(1.+c*Rp_DL & +0.5*(Rp_DL*c)**2 & +1./6.*(Rp_DL*c)**3) A2=1.-b_exp*(c & +Rp_DL*c**2 & +0.5*(Rp_DL**2)*(c**3)) A3=0.5*b_exp*(c**2+Rp_DL*c**3) A4=-b_exp*1./6.*c**3 c Addition des Flux de tous les modes presents F_sed(ig,l)=F_sed(ig,l) & +((1.-qmass)/(1.-qmass*K_MASS(ig,l,3)))*( & (qmass*rho_core+(1.-qmass)*rho_droplet(ig,l))*4./3.*RPI* & NBRTOT(ig,l,3)*1.0E6*D_stokes*( & A1*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,3)**4 & *EXP(8.0*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,3))**2.) & +A2*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,3)**5 & *EXP(12.5*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,3))**2.) & +A3*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,3)**6 & *EXP(18.0*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,3))**2.) & +A4*R_MEDIAN(ig,l,3)**7 & *EXP(24.5*LOG(STDDEV(ig,l,3))**2.))) c PRINT*,' APRES dTime: F_sed=',F_sed(ig,l), ig, l IF (F_sed(ig,l).GT.m_lay(ig,l)) THEN PRINT*,'===============================================' PRINT*,'WARNING On a epuise la couche', ig, l PRINT*,'On epuise pas une couche avec une espèce & minoritaire, c est pas bien maaaaaal' PRINT*,'Water',zqi_wv(ig,l),'Sulfuric Acid',zqi_sa(ig,l) PRINT*,'F_sed:',F_sed(ig,l),'m_lay:',m_lay(ig,l) PRINT*,'F_sed/dtphy',F_sed(ig,l)/ptimestep PRINT*,'Pbnd top',pbndlay(ig,l+1),'Temp',pt(ig,l),'Rho', & rho_droplet(ig,l) PRINT*,'Ntot',NBRTOT(ig,l,:) PRINT*,'StdDev',STDDEV(ig,l,:),'Rmed',R_MEDIAN(ig,l,:) PRINT*,'K_MASS',K_MASS(ig,l,:) PRINT*,'WSA',WH2SO4(ig,l),'RHO',rho_droplet(ig,l) c ELSE c c PRINT*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' c PRINT*,'WARNING On a PAS epuise la couche', ig, l c PRINT*,'F_sed:',F_sed(ig,l),'m_lay:',m_lay(ig,l) c PRINT*,'F_sed/dtphy',F_sed(ig,l)/ptimestep c PRINT*,'Pbnd top',pbndlay(ig,l+1),'Temp',pt(ig,l),'Rho', c & rho_droplet(ig,l)(ig,l) c PRINT*,'Ntot',NBRTOT(ig,l),'Ntot m3',NBRTOT(ig,l)*1.0e6 c PRINT*,'StdDev',STDDEV(ig,l),'Rmed',R_MEDIAN(ig,l) STOP ENDIF IF (F_sed(ig,l).LT.0.0d0) THEN PRINT*,"F_sed est négatif !!!" PRINT*,'F_sed:',F_sed(ig,l),'m_lay:',m_lay(ig,l) PRINT*,'F_sed/dtphy',F_sed(ig,l)/ptimestep PRINT*,'Pbnd top',pbndlay(ig,l+1),'Pmid',pmidlay(ig,l) PRINT*,'Temp',pt(ig,l),'Rho', & rho_droplet(ig,l) PRINT*,'Ntot',NBRTOT(ig,l,imode),'Ntot m3', & NBRTOT(ig,l,imode)*1.0e6 PRINT*,'StdDev',STDDEV(ig,l,imode),'Rmed', & R_MEDIAN(ig,l,imode) PRINT*,'A1',A1,'A2',A2 PRINT*,'A3',A1,'A4',A2 PRINT*,'D_stokes',D_stokes STOP ENDIF ENDDO c ELSE c F_sed(:,l)=0.0d0 c ENDIF ENDDO c Passage du Flux au Flux pour un pas de temps (== kg.m-2) F_sed(:,:) = F_sed(:,:)*ptimestep !========================================================= ! compute tendency due to sedimentation !========================================================= ! h2so4 do l = 1,n_lev do ig = 1,n_lon zqi_sa(ig,l) = zqi_sa(ig,l) $ + (F_sed(ig,l+1)*wgt_SA(ig,l+1) $ - F_sed(ig,l)*wgt_SA(ig,l))/m_lay(ig,l) ! if (zqi_sa(ig,l) < 0.) THEN ! print*,'STOP sedim on epuise tout le H2SO4l present' ! print*,'point ',ig,'level ',l ! print*,'zqi_sa = ', zqi_sa(ig,l) ! STOP ! zqi_sa(ig,l) = 0. ! end if zqi_sa(ig,l) = max(zqi_sa(ig,l), 0.) pdqsed(ig,l,1) = zqi_sa(ig,l) - pq(ig,l,i_h2so4liq) end do end do ! h2o do l = 1, n_lev do ig=1,n_lon zqi_wv(ig,l) = zqi_wv(ig,l) $ + (F_sed(ig,l+1)*(1. - wgt_SA(ig,l+1)) & - F_sed(ig,l)*(1. - wgt_SA(ig,l))) & /m_lay(ig,l) ! if (zqi_wv(ig,l) < 0.) THEN ! print*,'STOP sedim on epuise tout le H2Ol present' ! print*,'point ',ig,'level ',l ! print*,'zqi_wv = ', zqi_wv(ig,l) ! STOP ! zqi_wv(ig,l) = 0. ! end if zqi_wv(ig,l) = max(zqi_wv(ig,l), 0.) pdqsed(ig,l,2) = zqi_wv(ig,l) - pq(ig,l,i_h2oliq) end do end do c Save output file in 1D model c ============================ c IF (n_lon .EQ. 1) THEN c PRINT*,'Save output sedim' c DO l = 1, n_lev c DO ig=1,n_lon c WRITE(77,"(i4,','11(e15.8,','))") l,pdqsed(ig,l),zqi(ig,l), c & (WH2SO4(ig,l)*pq(ig,l,i_h2so4liq)+ c & (1.-WH2SO4(ig,l))*pq(ig,l,i_h2oliq)), c & pq(ig,l,i_h2so4liq),pq(ig,l,i_h2oliq) c ENDDO c ENDDO c ENDIF RETURN END ******************************************************************************* REAL FUNCTION VISCOSITY_CO2(temp) c Aurélien Stolzenbach 2015 c Calcul de la viscosité dynamique du CO2 80°K -> 300°K c Viscosité dynamique en Pa.s c Source: Johnston & Grilly (1942) c température en °K REAL, INTENT(IN) :: temp REAL :: denom, numer c Calcul de la viscosité dynamique grâce à la formule de Jones (Lennard-Jones (1924)) numer = 200.**(2.27/4.27)-0.435 denom = temp**(2.27/4.27)-0.435 VISCOSITY_CO2 = (numer/denom)*1015.*(temp/200.)**(3./2.) c convertion de Poises*1e7 -> Pa.s VISCOSITY_CO2 = VISCOSITY_CO2*1.e-8 END FUNCTION VISCOSITY_CO2 *******************************************************************************