MODULE topmons_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !======================================================================= ! ENTRAINMENT OF DUST ABOVE THE SUB-GRID SCALE TOPOGRAPHY !======================================================================= ! calculation of the vertical wind velocity of topdust tracers ! transport scheme of topdust tracers ! detrainement of topdust into background dust ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Authors: M. Vals; C. Wang; T. Bertrand; F. Forget ! Institution: Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique (LMD) Paris, France ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE topmons(ngrid,nlayer,nq,ptime,ptimestep, & pq,pdq,pt,pdt,pplev,pplay,pzlev, & pzlay,pdtsw,pdtlw, & ! input for radiative transfer icount,zday,zls,tsurf,co2ice,igout, & aerosol,tauscaling,dust_rad_adjust, & IRtoVIScoef,albedo,emis, & ! input sub-grid scale rocket dust storm totstormfract,clearatm, & ! input sub-grid scale cloud clearsky,totcloudfrac, & ! input sub-grid scale mountain nohmons, & ! output pdqtop,wfin,dsodust,dsords,dsotop, & tau_pref_scenario,tau_pref_gcm) USE tracer_mod, only: igcm_topdust_mass,igcm_topdust_number & ,igcm_dust_mass,igcm_dust_number & ,rho_dust USE comcstfi_h, only: r,g,cpp,rcp USE dimradmars_mod, only: naerkind USE comsaison_h, only: dist_sol,mu0,fract USE surfdat_h, only: hmons,summit,alpha_hmons, & hsummit,contains_mons USE callradite_mod, only: callradite use write_output_mod, only: write_output IMPLICIT NONE !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Input Variables !-------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid ! number of horizontal grid points INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlayer ! number of vertical grid points INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nq ! number of tracer species REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ptime REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ptimestep REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pq(ngrid,nlayer,nq) ! advected field nq REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pdq(ngrid,nlayer,nq)! tendancy field pq REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pt(ngrid,nlayer) ! temperature at mid-layer (K) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pdt(ngrid,nlayer) ! tendancy temperature at mid-layer (K) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pplay(ngrid,nlayer) ! pressure at middle of the layers REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! pressure at intermediate levels REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pzlay(ngrid,nlayer) ! altitude at the middle of the layers REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pzlev(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! altitude at layer boundaries REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pdtsw(ngrid,nlayer) ! (K/s) env REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pdtlw(ngrid,nlayer) ! (K/s) env ! input for second radiative transfer INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: icount REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zday REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zls REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tsurf(ngrid) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: albedo(ngrid,2) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: emis(ngrid) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: co2ice(ngrid) ! co2 ice surface layer (kg.m-2) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: igout REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: tauscaling(ngrid) REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: dust_rad_adjust(ngrid) REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: IRtoVIScoef(ngrid) ! NB: not modified by this call to callradite, ! the OUT is just here because callradite needs it ! input sub-grid scale rocket dust storm LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: clearatm REAL, INTENT(IN) :: totstormfract(ngrid) ! input sub-grid scale water ice clouds LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: clearsky REAL, INTENT(IN) :: totcloudfrac(ngrid) ! input sub-grid scale mountain LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: nohmons !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Output Variables !-------------------------------------------------------- REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: pdqtop(ngrid,nlayer,nq) ! tendancy field for dust REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: wfin(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! final vertical wind velocity: combination of both wup and wrad ! wfin < 0 means upward wind (in pressure levels/s) ! output for second radiative transfer REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: aerosol(ngrid,nlayer,naerkind) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: dsodust(ngrid,nlayer) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: dsords(ngrid,nlayer) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: dsotop(ngrid,nlayer) REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: tau_pref_scenario(ngrid) ! prescribed dust column ! visible opacity at odpref REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: tau_pref_gcm(ngrid) ! dust column visible opacity at ! odpref in the GCM !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables !-------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL,SAVE :: firstcall=.true. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall) INTEGER l,ig,tsub,iq,ll REAL zq0(ngrid,nlayer,nq) ! initial tracers REAL zq(ngrid,nlayer,nq) ! updated tracers REAL,PARAMETER:: mu0lim=0.001 ! solar zenith angle limit to determine the daytime ! Variables for radiative transfer REAL fluxsurf_lw1(ngrid) REAL fluxsurf_dn_sw1(ngrid,2),fluxsurf_up_sw1(ngrid,2) REAL fluxtop_lw1(ngrid) REAL fluxtop_dn_sw1(ngrid,2),fluxtop_up_sw1(ngrid,2) REAL tau(ngrid,naerkind) REAL taucloudtes(ngrid) REAL rdust(ngrid,nlayer) REAL rstormdust(ngrid,nlayer) REAL rtopdust(ngrid,nlayer) REAL rice(ngrid,nlayer) REAL nuice(ngrid,nlayer) DOUBLE PRECISION riceco2(ngrid,nlayer) REAL nuiceco2(ngrid,nlayer) ! Temperature profile REAL zt(ngrid,nlayer) ! actual temperature at mid-layer (K) REAL ztlev(ngrid,nlayer) ! temperature at intermediate levels l+1/2 without last level REAL zdtlw1(ngrid,nlayer) ! (K/s) topdust REAL zdtsw1(ngrid,nlayer) ! (K/s) topdust REAL zdtlw1_lev(ngrid,nlayer),zdtsw1_lev(ngrid,nlayer) ! rad. heating rate at intermediate levels l+1/2 REAL zdtlw_lev(ngrid,nlayer),zdtsw_lev(ngrid,nlayer) ! rad. heating rate at intermediate levels l+1/2 REAL zdtvert(ngrid,nlayer) ! dT/dz , lapse rate REAL deltahr(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! extra heating between the concentrated and non-concentrated dust REAL newzt(ngrid,nlayer) ! recalculated temperature with extra radiative heating REAL t_top(ngrid,nlayer) ! estimated temperature above the mountain REAL t_top_lev(ngrid,nlayer)! estimated temperature above the mountain at the levels REAL dt_top(ngrid) ! temperature difference between the summit and the environment INTEGER lmons(ngrid) ! layer of the mountain's slope INTEGER lsummit(ngrid) ! layer of the mountain's summit REAL t_env(ngrid,nlayer) ! recalculated temperature of the environment air "next" to the mountain ! Vertical velocity profile REAL wrad(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! vertical wind velocity resulting from radiative heating REAL wup(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! vertical wind velocity calculated above the sub-grid scale mountain REAL wup2(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! square of the vertical velocity calculated above the sub-grid scale mountain REAL w0(ngrid) ! vertical wind velocity convergence at the top of the sub-grid scale mountain INTEGER lwmax(ngrid) ! level of the maximum vertical velocity REAL,PARAMETER:: wmax=10. ! maximum vertical velocity resulting from radiative heating (m/s) REAL,PARAMETER:: secu=3. ! coefficient on wfin to avoid dust crossing many layers during subtimestep REAL,PARAMETER:: k0=0.25 !max 10m/s: k0=1. !max 3m/s: k0=0.25 REAL,PARAMETER:: k1=5.e-4 !max 10m/s: k1=5.e-4 !max 3m/s: k1=5.e-4 REAL,PARAMETER:: k2=5.e-3 !max 10m/s: k2=30.e-3 !max 3m/s: k2=5.e-3 ! Entrainment REAL entr(ngrid) ! entrainment flux REAL rho(ngrid,nlayer),rhobarz(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! density, density at the levels REAL masse(ngrid,nlayer) ! air mass REAL masse_pbl(ngrid) ! total air mass within the PBL REAL masse_pbl_dust_mass(ngrid),masse_pbl_dust_number(ngrid) ! total air mass + dust mass/number within the PBL (kg/m2) REAL dqm_mass_pbl(ngrid),dqm_number_pbl(ngrid) ! total mass of the entrained dust mass/number from the PBL (kg/m2) ! Van Leer REAL zq_dust_mass(ngrid,nlayer),zq_dust_number(ngrid,nlayer) ! mixing ratio background dust (kg/kg) REAL zq_topdust_mass(ngrid,nlayer),zq_topdust_number(ngrid,nlayer) ! mixing ratio topdust (kg/kg) REAL mr_dust_mass(ngrid,nlayer),mr_dust_number(ngrid,nlayer) ! mixing ratio background dust (kg/kg) REAL mr_topdust_mass(ngrid,nlayer),mr_topdust_number(ngrid,nlayer) ! mixing ratio background dust + concentrated topdust (kg/kg) REAL w(ngrid,nlayer) ! vertical flux above the sub-grid scale mountain REAL wqmass(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! flux mass REAL wqnumber(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! flux number REAL qbar_mass_pbl(ngrid) ! total dust mass mixing ratio within the PBL for Van Leer REAL qbar_number_pbl(ngrid) ! total dust number mixing ratio within the PBL for Van Leer REAL masse_col(nlayer) ! masse of the atmosphere in one column REAL dqvl_dust_mass(ngrid,nlayer) ! tendancy pdq dust mass after vertical transport REAL dqvl_dust_number(ngrid,nlayer) ! tendancy pdq dust number after vertical transport REAL dqvl_topdust_mass(ngrid,nlayer) ! tendancy pdq topdust mass after vertical transport REAL dqvl_topdust_number(ngrid,nlayer) ! tendancy pdq topdust number after vertical transport INTEGER nsubtimestep(ngrid) ! number of subtimestep when calling Van Leer scheme REAL subtimestep(ngrid) ! ptimestep/nsubtimestep REAL dtmax ! considered minimum time interval needed for the dust to cross one vertical layer ! Detrainment REAL coefdetrain(ngrid,nlayer) ! coefficient for detrainment : % of topdust detrained REAL dqdet_topdust_mass(ngrid,nlayer) ! tendancy pdq topdust mass after detrainment only REAL dqdet_topdust_number(ngrid,nlayer) ! tendancy pdq topdust number after detrainment only ! Diagnostics REAL zlaywmax(ngrid) REAL detrain_rate(ngrid,nlayer) ! ********************************************************************** ! ********************************************************************** ! Parametrization of the entrainment of dust by slope winds above the ! converging sub-grid scale topography ("mountain top dust flows") ! ********************************************************************** ! ********************************************************************** !! 1. Radiative transfer in topdust !! 2. Compute vertical velocity for topdust !! 3. Vertical transport !! 4. Detrainment ! ********************************************************************** ! ********************************************************************** ! ********************************************************************** ! 0. Initializations ! ********************************************************************** aerosol(:,:,:)=0. pdqtop(:,:,:) = 0. dqvl_topdust_mass(:,:)=0. dqvl_topdust_number(:,:)=0. dqvl_dust_mass(:,:)=0. dqvl_dust_number(:,:)=0. dqdet_topdust_mass(:,:)=0. dqdet_topdust_number(:,:)=0. wup(:,:)=0. wup2(:,:)=0. wrad(:,:)=0. w0(:)=0. wfin(:,:)=0. w(:,:)=0. zq(:,:,:) = 0. zq0(:,:,:) = 0. entr(:) = 0. mr_dust_mass(:,:) = 0. mr_dust_number(:,:) = 0. mr_topdust_mass(:,:) = 0. mr_topdust_number(:,:) = 0. t_top(:,:) = 0. dt_top(:) = 0. newzt(:,:) = 0. lmons(:) = 1 lsummit(:) =1 lwmax(:) = 1 deltahr(:,:) = 0. zdtvert(:,:) = 0. wqmass(:,:) = 0. wqnumber(:,:) = 0. coefdetrain(:,:) = 1. dqm_mass_pbl(:)=0. dqm_number_pbl(:)=0. nsubtimestep(:)=1 masse_pbl(:)=0. detrain_rate(:,:) = 0. zlaywmax(:)=-1. !! Update the initial temperature zt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=pt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)+pdt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)*ptimestep newzt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) t_env(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) t_top(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zt(1:ngrid,1:nlayer) !! Update the initial mixing ratios zq0(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1:nq)=pq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1:nq)+pdq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1:nq)*ptimestep ! update of the background dust after rocket dust storm scheme zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1:nq)=zq0(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,1:nq) zq_dust_mass(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_mass) zq_dust_number(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_dust_number) zq_topdust_mass(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_topdust_mass) zq_topdust_number(1:ngrid,1:nlayer)=zq(1:ngrid,1:nlayer,igcm_topdust_number) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Radiative heating ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ********************************************************************* ! 1.1. Call the second radiative transfer for topdust, obtain the extra heating ! ********************************************************************* ! NB: since the only grid meshes that matter for the radiative transfer ! are the ones that contain a mount (contains_mons(ig)=.true.), ! it could be relevant to optimize the code by calling the RT ! only for those grid meshes. ! See Ticket #92 on CALL callradite(icount,ngrid,nlayer,nq,zday,zls,zq,albedo, & emis,mu0,pplev,pplay,pt,tsurf,fract,dist_sol,igout, & zdtlw1,zdtsw1,fluxsurf_lw1,fluxsurf_dn_sw1,fluxsurf_up_sw1, & fluxtop_lw1,fluxtop_dn_sw1,fluxtop_up_sw1, & tau_pref_scenario,tau_pref_gcm, & tau,aerosol,dsodust,tauscaling,dust_rad_adjust,IRtoVIScoef, & taucloudtes,rdust,rice,nuice,riceco2,nuiceco2,co2ice,rstormdust,rtopdust, & totstormfract,clearatm,dsords,dsotop,nohmons,& clearsky,totcloudfrac) ! ********************************************************************** ! 1.2. Compute radiative vertical velocity for entrained topdust ! ********************************************************************** DO ig=1,ngrid IF ( (mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim) .and. (contains_mons(ig)) ) THEN !! mu0(ig)>mu0lim ensures that it is daytime !! contains_mons=True ensures that there is a mount in the mesh and alpha_hmons>0 !! ********************************************************************** !! Temperature profile above the mountain and in the close environment call t_topmons(nlayer,summit(ig),hsummit(ig),hmons(ig),zt(ig,:),pzlay(ig,:), & t_top(ig,:),dt_top(ig),t_env(ig,:),lsummit(ig),lmons(ig)) !! ********************************************************************** !! Calculation of the extra heating : computing heating rates !! gradient at boundaries of each layer zdtlw1_lev(ig,1)=0. zdtsw1_lev(ig,1)=0. zdtlw_lev(ig,1)=0. zdtsw_lev(ig,1)=0. ztlev(ig,1)=zt(ig,1) t_top_lev(ig,1)=tsurf(ig) DO l=1,nlayer-1 !! Calculation for the background dust AND the concentrated topdust zdtlw1_lev(ig,l+1)=(zdtlw1(ig,l)*(pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l+1))+ & zdtlw1(ig,l+1)*(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l))) / & (pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l)) zdtsw1_lev(ig,l+1)=(zdtsw1(ig,l)*(pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l+1))+ & zdtsw1(ig,l+1)*(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l))) / & (pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l)) !! Calculation for the background dust only zdtlw_lev(ig,l+1)=(pdtlw(ig,l)*(pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l+1))+ & pdtlw(ig,l+1)*(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l))) / & (pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l)) zdtsw_lev(ig,l+1)=(pdtsw(ig,l)*(pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l+1))+ & pdtsw(ig,l+1)*(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l))) / & (pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l)) !! Temperature at the levels ztlev(ig,l+1)=(zt(ig,l)*(pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l+1))+ & zt(ig,l+1)*(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l))) / & (pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l)) !! Temperature above the mountain at the levels t_top_lev(ig,l+1)=(t_top(ig,l)*(pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l+1))+ & t_top(ig,l+1)*(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l))) / & (pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l)) ENDDO ! DO l=1,nlayer-1 !! ********************************************************************** !! Vertical velocity profile for extra heating balanced by adiabatic cooling !! Gradient at boundaries of each layer, start from surface zdtvert(ig,1)=0. DO l=1,nlayer-1 zdtvert(ig,l+1)=(t_top_lev(ig,l+1)-t_top_lev(ig,l))/(pzlay(ig,l+1)-pzlay(ig,l)) ENDDO !! Extra heating balanced by adiabatic cooling DO l=1,nlayer deltahr(ig,l)=(zdtlw1_lev(ig,l)+zdtsw1_lev(ig,l)) & -(zdtlw_lev(ig,l)+zdtsw_lev(ig,l)) wrad(ig,l)=-deltahr(ig,l)/(g/cpp+ & max(zdtvert(ig,l),-0.99*g/cpp)) !! Limit of the vertical wind velocity in case of lapse rate close to adiabatic wrad(ig,l)=max(wrad(ig,l),-wmax) wrad(ig,l)=min(wrad(ig,l),wmax) !! ATTENTION !! to simplify here, no downward velocity calculated if (wrad(ig,l).gt.0.) then wrad(ig,l)=0. endif ENDDO ENDIF ! IF ((mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim) .and. contains_mons(ig)) ENDDO ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2. Vertical velocity profile ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ********************************************************************** ! 2.1 Compute total vertical velocity for entrained topdust: buoyancy + radiative ! ********************************************************************** DO ig=1,ngrid IF ( (mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim) .and. (contains_mons(ig)) ) THEN !! Positive buoyancy: negative vertical velocity entrains UP IF (dt_top(ig) .gt. 0.) THEN !! Convergence of vertical winds at the top of the mountain w0(ig)=-k0*g*sqrt((dt_top(ig)/t_env(ig,lsummit(ig)))) !! Case the vertical velocity at the top of the mountain > wrad IF (w0(ig).lt.wrad(ig,lsummit(ig)+1)) then wup(ig,lsummit(ig)+1)=w0(ig) wfin(ig,lsummit(ig)+1)=w0(ig) newzt(ig,lsummit(ig))= t_top(ig,lsummit(ig)) !! Temperature profile from the top of the summit to the top of the atmosphere DO l=lsummit(ig)+1,nlayer-1 !ATTENTION: test without wrad, T is only decreasing because of the adiabatic gradient !newzt(ig,l)=newzt(ig,l-1)-(g/cpp)* & ! (pzlay(ig,l)-pzlay(ig,l-1)) !! Case of superadiabatic layer IF (zdtvert(ig,l) .lt. -g/cpp) then newzt(ig,l)=t_top(ig,l) !! New temperature due to radiative heating balanced by adiabatic cooling ELSE newzt(ig,l)=newzt(ig,l-1)+ & ( (deltahr(ig,l)/(-wfin(ig,l)))-g/cpp )* & ( pzlay(ig,l)-pzlay(ig,l-1) ) ENDIF ! (zdtvert(ig,l) .lt. -g/cpp) !! Vertical velocity profile due to the presence of the mountain with the new temperature !! Square of the vertical velocity profile with the new temperature wup2(ig,l+1)=(1.-2*k1*(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l)))*& (wup(ig,l)**2)+2.*k2*g*(pzlev(ig,l+1) & -pzlev(ig,l))*((newzt(ig,l) & -t_env(ig,l))/t_env(ig,l)) !! Vertical velocity profile if W2 > 0 IF (wup2(ig,l+1) .gt. 0.) THEN wup(ig,l+1)=-sqrt(wup2(ig,l+1)) wfin(ig,l+1)=wup(ig,l+1) IF (wup(ig,l+1) .gt. wrad(ig,l+1)) then DO ll=l,nlayer-1 newzt(ig,ll)=zt(ig,ll) wfin(ig,ll+1)=wrad(ig,ll+1) ENDDO EXIT ENDIF !! Vertical velocity profile if W2 < 0 ELSE DO ll=l,nlayer-1 newzt(ig,ll)=zt(ig,ll) wfin(ig,ll+1)=wrad(ig,ll+1) ENDDO EXIT ENDIF ! IF (wup2(ig,l+1) .gt. 0.) ENDDO ! DO l=lsummit(ig)+1,nlayer-1 !! Case the vertical velocity at the top of the mountain < wrad ELSE DO ll=lsummit(ig),nlayer-1 newzt(ig,ll)=zt(ig,ll) wfin(ig,ll+1)=wrad(ig,ll+1) ENDDO ENDIF !(w0(ig).lt.wrad(ig,lsummit(ig)+1)) !! Positive buoyancy: positive vertical velocity entrains DOWN ELSE DO l=lsummit(ig)+1,nlayer wfin(ig,l)=wrad(ig,l) ENDDO ENDIF ! IF (dt_top(ig) .gt. 0.) ! ********************************************************************** ! 2.2 Find the level lwmax of the maximum vertical velocity caused by the ! mountain presence (wup), where to entrain the dust from the PBL ! ********************************************************************** IF (minloc(wup(ig,:),dim=1).lt.nlayer) THEN lwmax(ig)=minloc(wup(ig,:),dim=1) ENDIF zlaywmax(ig)=pzlay(ig,lwmax(ig)) ! wup(lwmax) acts on level lwmax, going to layer lwmax ! ********************************************************************** ! 2.3 Compute the subtimestep to conserve the mass in the Van Leer transport ! ********************************************************************** !! Calculation of the subtimesteps dtmax=ptimestep DO l=lwmax(ig),nlayer IF (wfin(ig,l).lt.0.) THEN dtmax=min(dtmax,(pzlev(ig,l)-pzlev(ig,l-1))/ & (secu*abs(wfin(ig,l)))) ELSE IF (wfin(ig,l).gt.0.) then dtmax=min(dtmax,(pzlev(ig,l+1)-pzlev(ig,l))/ & (secu*abs(wfin(ig,l)))) ENDIF ENDDO nsubtimestep(ig)= int(ptimestep/dtmax) subtimestep(ig)=ptimestep/float(nsubtimestep(ig)) !! Mass flux generated by wup in kg/m2 DO l=1,nlayer!+1 w(ig,l)=wfin(ig,l)*pplev(ig,l)/(r*ztlev(ig,l)) & *subtimestep(ig) ENDDO ! l=1,nlayer ENDIF ! ((mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim)... ENDDO ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3. Dust entrainment by slope winds above the mountain ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! rho on the layer rho(:,:)=pplay(:,:)/(r*pt(:,:)) !! rhobarz(l) = rho(l+1/2): rho on the levels rhobarz(:,1)=rho(:,1) DO l=2,nlayer rhobarz(:,l)=pplev(:,l)/(r*0.5*(pt(:,l)+pt(:,l-1))) ENDDO rhobarz(:,nlayer+1)=0. !top of the model !! Mass computation DO l=1,nlayer masse(:,l)=(pplev(:,l)-pplev(:,l+1))/g ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid IF ( (mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim) .and. (contains_mons(ig)) ) THEN !! Total air mass within the PBL before entrainment (=> by PBL we mean between the surface and the layer where the vertical wind is maximum) masse_pbl(ig)=0. DO l=1,lwmax(ig)-1 masse_pbl(ig)=masse_pbl(ig)+(pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/g ENDDO ENDIF ! ((mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim)... ENDDO ! ig=1,ngrid ! ********************************************************************** ! 3.1. Entrainment ! ********************************************************************** DO ig=1,ngrid IF ( (mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim) .and. (contains_mons(ig)) .and. (masse_pbl(ig) .gt. 0.) ) THEN !! Transport of background dust + concentrated topdust above lwmax DO l=lwmax(ig),nlayer mr_dust_mass(ig,l) = zq_dust_mass(ig,l) mr_dust_number(ig,l) = zq_dust_number(ig,l) mr_topdust_mass(ig,l) = zq_dust_mass(ig,l) & +zq_topdust_mass(ig,l)/alpha_hmons(ig) mr_topdust_number(ig,l) = zq_dust_number(ig,l) & +zq_topdust_number(ig,l)/alpha_hmons(ig) ENDDO ! l=lwmax(ig),nlayer !! Entrainment flux from the PBL entr(ig) = alpha_hmons(ig)*wup(ig,lwmax(ig))*rhobarz(ig,lwmax(ig))/masse_pbl(ig) !! If entrains more than available masse_pbl (abs(entr) x mass_pbl x ptimestep > masse_pbl) if (abs(entr(ig)) .gt. 1./ptimestep) then entr(ig) = -(1./ptimestep) end if ! ********************************************************************** ! 3.2. Vertical transport: Van Leer ! ********************************************************************** !! Loop over the subtimesteps DO tsub=1,nsubtimestep(ig) !! qbar_pbl: total mixing ratio within the PBL masse_pbl_dust_mass(ig)=0. masse_pbl_dust_number(ig)=0. DO l=1,lwmax(ig)-1 masse_pbl_dust_mass(ig)=masse_pbl_dust_mass(ig)+zq_dust_mass(ig,l)*(pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/g masse_pbl_dust_number(ig)=masse_pbl_dust_number(ig)+zq_dust_number(ig,l)*(pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/g ENDDO qbar_mass_pbl(ig)=masse_pbl_dust_mass(ig)/masse_pbl(ig) qbar_number_pbl(ig)=masse_pbl_dust_mass(ig)/masse_pbl(ig) !! integration of the equation dq/dt = -(entr)q, with entr constant --> w0 < 0 when up so the equation is dq/dt = (entr)q dqm_mass_pbl(:)=0. dqm_number_pbl(:)=0. DO l=1,lwmax(ig)-1 ! this time we take the dust from the surface up to the level, where the velocity is maximum !! Total dust entrained from the PBL: dqm_mass_pbl(ig)=dqm_mass_pbl(ig)+(1.-exp(entr(ig)*subtimestep(ig)))*zq_dust_mass(ig,l)*(pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/g dqm_number_pbl(ig)=dqm_number_pbl(ig)+(1.-exp(entr(ig)*subtimestep(ig)))*zq_dust_number(ig,l)*(pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/g !! Background dust after entrainment (explicit: qdust(ig,l)=qdust(ig,l)-entr(ig)*qdust(ig,l)*ptimestep) zq_dust_mass(ig,l)=zq_dust_mass(ig,l)-(1.-exp(entr(ig)*subtimestep(ig)))*zq_dust_mass(ig,l) zq_dust_number(ig,l)=zq_dust_number(ig,l)-(1.-exp(entr(ig)*subtimestep(ig)))*zq_dust_number(ig,l) ENDDO !! Van Leer scheme (from lwmax to nlayer) wqmass(ig,:)=0. wqnumber(ig,:)=0. CALL van_leer(nlayer,mr_topdust_mass(ig,:),2.,lwmax(ig), & masse(ig,:),w(ig,:),wqmass(ig,:),masse_pbl(ig),dqm_mass_pbl(ig),alpha_hmons(ig),qbar_mass_pbl(ig)) CALL van_leer(nlayer,mr_topdust_number(ig,:),2.,lwmax(ig), & masse(ig,:),w(ig,:),wqnumber(ig,:),masse_pbl(ig),dqm_number_pbl(ig),alpha_hmons(ig),qbar_number_pbl(ig)) ENDDO !tsub=... ! ********************************************************************** ! 3.3. Re-calculation of the mixing ratios after vertical transport ! ********************************************************************** !! Redistribution from lwmax to nlayer DO l=lwmax(ig),nlayer !! General and "healthy" case IF (mr_topdust_mass(ig,l).ge.mr_dust_mass(ig,l)) THEN zq_dust_mass(ig,l) = mr_dust_mass(ig,l) zq_dust_number(ig,l) = mr_dust_number(ig,l) zq_topdust_mass(ig,l) = alpha_hmons(ig)*(mr_topdust_mass(ig,l)-mr_dust_mass(ig,l)) zq_topdust_number(ig,l) = alpha_hmons(ig)*(mr_topdust_number(ig,l)-mr_dust_number(ig,l)) !! Particular case: there is less than initial dust mixing ratio after the vertical transport ELSE zq_dust_mass(ig,l) = (1.-alpha_hmons(ig))*mr_dust_mass(ig,l)+alpha_hmons(ig)*mr_topdust_mass(ig,l) zq_dust_number(ig,l) = (1.-alpha_hmons(ig))*mr_dust_number(ig,l)+alpha_hmons(ig)*mr_topdust_number(ig,l) zq_topdust_mass(ig,l) = 0. zq_topdust_number(ig,l) = 0. ENDIF ENDDO ! DO l=lwmax(ig),nlayer ! ********************************************************************** ! 3.4. Calculation of the tendencies of the vertical transport from the surface up to the top of the atmosphere ! ********************************************************************** DO l=1,nlayer dqvl_topdust_mass(ig,l) = (zq_topdust_mass(ig,l)- & zq0(ig,l,igcm_topdust_mass)) /ptimestep dqvl_topdust_number(ig,l) = (zq_topdust_number(ig,l)- & zq0(ig,l,igcm_topdust_number)) /ptimestep dqvl_dust_mass(ig,l) = (zq_dust_mass(ig,l)-zq0(ig,l,igcm_dust_mass)) /ptimestep dqvl_dust_number(ig,l) = (zq_dust_number(ig,l)-zq0(ig,l,igcm_dust_number)) /ptimestep ENDDO ENDIF ! ((mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim)... ENDDO ! ig=1,ngrid ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 4. Detrainment: topdust is converted to background dust ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! ********************************************************************** !! 4.1 Compute the coefficient of detrainment !! ********************************************************************** DO ig=1,ngrid !DO l=lwmax(ig),nlayer-1 DO l=1,nlayer!-1 !! Detrainment during the day IF ( (mu0(ig) .gt. mu0lim) .and. (zq_topdust_mass(ig,l) .gt. zq_dust_mass(ig,l)*0.01) .and. (contains_mons(ig)) ) THEN coefdetrain(ig,l)=1.*( rhobarz(ig,l+1)*abs(wfin(ig,l+1)) - rhobarz(ig,l)*abs(wfin(ig,l)) ) / masse(ig,l) !! Detrainment when abs(w(l)) > abs(w(l+1)), i.e. coefdetrain < 0 if ( coefdetrain(ig,l).lt.0.) then dqdet_topdust_mass(ig,l)=-(1.-exp(coefdetrain(ig,l)*ptimestep))*zq_topdust_mass(ig,l)/ptimestep dqdet_topdust_number(ig,l)=-(1.-exp(coefdetrain(ig,l)*ptimestep))*zq_topdust_number(ig,l)/ptimestep ! for diagnostics detrain_rate(ig,l)=(1.-exp(coefdetrain(ig,l)*ptimestep)) !! One cannot detrain more than available topdust if ( (abs(dqdet_topdust_mass(ig,l)).gt.zq_topdust_mass(ig,l)/ptimestep) .or. (abs(dqdet_topdust_number(ig,l)).gt.zq_topdust_number(ig,l)/ptimestep) ) then dqdet_topdust_mass(ig,l)=-zq_topdust_mass(ig,l)/ptimestep dqdet_topdust_number(ig,l)=-zq_topdust_number(ig,l)/ptimestep detrain_rate(ig,l)=1. endif !else!entrainment ! dqdet_topdust_mass(ig,l)=-(1.-exp(coefdetrain(ig,l)*ptimestep))*zq_dust_mass(ig,l)/ptimestep ! dqdet_topdust_number(ig,l)=-(1.-exp(coefdetrain(ig,l)*ptimestep))*zq_dust_number(ig,l)/ptimestep endif !! Full detrainment imposed during the night or when topdust leaves its origin column (contains_mons=False) ELSE dqdet_topdust_mass(ig,l)=-zq_topdust_mass(ig,l)/ptimestep dqdet_topdust_number(ig,l)=-zq_topdust_number(ig,l)/ptimestep detrain_rate(ig,l)=1. ENDIF ENDDO ! DO l=1,nlayer ENDDO ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 5. Final tendencies: vertical transport + detrainment ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid DO l=1,nlayer pdqtop(ig,l,igcm_topdust_mass)=dqdet_topdust_mass(ig,l) & +dqvl_topdust_mass(ig,l) pdqtop(ig,l,igcm_topdust_number)=dqdet_topdust_number(ig,l) & +dqvl_topdust_number(ig,l) pdqtop(ig,l,igcm_dust_mass)= -dqdet_topdust_mass(ig,l) & +dqvl_dust_mass(ig,l) pdqtop(ig,l,igcm_dust_number)= -dqdet_topdust_number(ig,l) & +dqvl_dust_number(ig,l) ENDDO ! DO l=1,nlayer ENDDO ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! ********************************************************************** ! WRITEDIAGFI ! ********************************************************************** ! CALL write_output('wup_top', & ! 'wup_top','',wup(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('wlwmax_top', & ! 'wlwmax_top','',wup(:,lwmax(1))) ! CALL write_output('w0_top', & ! 'w0_top','',wup(:,lsummit(1)+1)) ! CALL write_output('wup2_top', & ! 'wup2_top','',wup2(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('wrad_top', & ! 'wrad_top','',wrad(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('wfin_top', & ! 'wfin_top','',wfin(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('hmons', & ! 'hmons','',hmons(:)) ! CALL write_output('hsummit', & ! 'hsummit','',hsummit(:)) ! CALL write_output('alpha_hmons', & ! 'alpha_hmons','',alpha_hmons(:)) ! CALL write_output('zt_top', & ! 'zt_top','',t_top(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('dt_top', & ! 'dt_top','',dt_top(:)) ! CALL write_output('ztemp', & ! 'envtemp','',zt(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('zt_env', & ! 't_env','',t_env(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('zdtvert_top', & ! 'zdtvert_top','',zdtvert(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('newzt_top', & ! 'newzt_top','',newzt(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('deltahr_top', & ! 'deltahr_top','',deltahr(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('rhobarz', & ! 'rhobarz','',rhobarz(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('zlwmax', & ! 'zlwmax','',zlaywmax(:)) ! CALL write_output('coefdetrain', & ! 'coefdetrain','',coefdetrain(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('detrain_rate', & ! 'detrain_rate', & ! '',detrain_rate(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('rholev', & ! 'rholev','',rho(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('zlsummit', & ! 'zlsummit','',pzlay(:,lsummit(1))) ! CALL write_output('pzlev_top', & ! 'pzlev_top','',pzlev(:,:)) ! CALL write_output('entr', & ! 'entr','',entr(:)) END SUBROUTINE topmons !======================================================================= ! ********************************************************************** ! Subroutine to determine both temperature profiles above and near ! a sub-grid scale mountain !*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE t_topmons(nlayer,summit,hsummit,hmons,zt,zlay,t_top,dt_top,t_env,lsummit,lmons) USE comcstfi_h, only: g,cpp IMPLICIT NONE !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Input Variables !-------------------------------------------------------- integer,intent(in) :: nlayer real,intent(in) :: summit ! Height of the mountain summit real,intent(in) :: hmons ! Height of the mountain slope real,intent(in) :: hsummit ! Height of the mountain summit from the GCM surface real,intent(in) :: zt(nlayer) ! large scale temperature profile real,intent(in) :: zlay(nlayer) ! height at the middle of each layer !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Output Variables !-------------------------------------------------------- real,intent(out) :: t_top(nlayer) ! temperature above the mountain real,intent(out) :: dt_top ! temperature difference between the slope and ! the environment real,intent(out) :: t_env(nlayer) ! temperature of the environment next to the mountain integer,intent(out) :: lsummit ! layer reached by the summit height in the GCM integer,intent(out) :: lmons ! layer of the real temperature to be considered near to the mountain top !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Local Variables !-------------------------------------------------------- integer l,ll real zlmons ! ********************************************************************** t_env(:)=zt(:) t_top(:)=zt(:) dt_top=0. lsummit=1 lmons=1 !! Layer where the dust is injected do while (hsummit .ge. zlay(lsummit)) !! highest layer reached by the mountain (we don't interpolate and define zlay(lsummit) as the top of the mountain) lsummit=lsummit+1 enddo !! temperature above the mountain is set to the surface temperature t_top(lsummit)=zt(1) do l=lsummit,nlayer-1 !! temperature above the mountain follows the adiabatic t_top(l+1)=t_top(l)-(zlay(l+1)-zlay(l))*g/cpp enddo !! Layer where to take the temperature above the mountain do while (hmons .ge. zlay(lmons)) lmons=lmons+1 enddo !! Real temperature of the environment near to the mountain is t_env(lsummit)=zt(lmons) !! (More simple and makes no real difference is to impose t_env(:)=zt(:)) if ( then t_env(lsummit)=zt(lmons) zlmons=zlay(lmons) do l=0,nlayer-lsummit-1!2 zlmons=zlmons+(zlay(lsummit+l+1)-zlay(lsummit+l)) ll=lmons do while (zlmons .ge. zlay(ll) .and. ) ll=ll+1 enddo ll=ll-1 !! Interpolation above lsummit t_env(lsummit+l+1)= zt(ll) + ((zlmons-zlay(ll))*(zt(ll+1)-zt(ll))/(zlay(ll+1)-zlay(ll))) enddo t_env(nlayer)=zt(nlayer) endif ! ( do l=1,nlayer !! temperature above the mountain follows the adiabatic up to reach the environment temperature if (t_top(l).le.t_env(l)) then t_top(l)=t_env(l) endif enddo !! Temperature delta created at the top of the mountain dt_top = t_top(lsummit)-t_env(lsummit) END SUBROUTINE t_topmons !======================================================================= ! ********************************************************************** ! Subroutine to determine the vertical transport with ! a Van Leer advection scheme (copied from the sedimentation scheme --> see vlz_fi.F) !*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE van_leer(nlay,q,pente_max,lwmax,masse,w,wq,masse_pbl,dqm_pbl,alpha_hmons,qbar_pbl) IMPLICIT NONE !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Input/Output Variables !-------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nlay ! number of atmospheric layers REAL,INTENT(IN) :: masse(nlay) ! mass of the layer Dp/g REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pente_max != 2 conseillee INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: lwmax ! layer of dust injection above the mountain, where the vertical velocity is maximum REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: w(nlay) ! atmospheric mass "transferred" at each timestep (kg.m-2) REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: wq(nlay+1) REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: q(nlay) ! mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: masse_pbl REAL,INTENT(IN) :: dqm_pbl REAL,INTENT(IN) :: alpha_hmons REAL,INTENT(IN) :: qbar_pbl !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Local Variables !-------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER i,l,j,ii REAL dzq(nlay),dzqw(nlay),adzqw(nlay),dzqmax REAL sigw, Mtot, MQtot INTEGER m ! ********************************************************************** ! Mixing ratio vertical gradient at the levels ! ********************************************************************** do l=lwmax+1,nlay !l=2,nlay dzqw(l)=q(l-1)-q(l) adzqw(l)=abs(dzqw(l)) enddo do l=lwmax+1,nlay-1 !l=2,nlay-1 if(dzqw(l)*dzqw(l+1).gt.0.) then dzq(l)=0.5*(dzqw(l)+dzqw(l+1)) else dzq(l)=0. endif dzqmax=pente_max*min(adzqw(l),adzqw(l+1)) dzq(l)=sign(min(abs(dzq(l)),dzqmax),dzq(l)) enddo dzq(lwmax)=0. !! dzq(1)=0. => Attention: in the case of van leer only above the mountain it is very important to initialize the transport from lwmax !! dzq(nlay)=0. ! ********************************************************************** ! Vertical advection ! ********************************************************************** !! No flux at the model top: wq(nlay+1)=0. !! Mass flux injected at lwmax wq(lwmax) = -dqm_pbl/alpha_hmons ! dqm_pbl = alpha_hmons x wup(wmax) x rho(lwmax) x ptimestep x qbar_pbl ! /alpha_hmons because the variable considered is mr_topdust do l = lwmax,nlay-1 ! 1) Compute wq where w < 0 (up) (UPWARD TRANSPORT) ! =============================== if (w(l+1).le.0) then ! Regular scheme (transfered mass < 1 layer) ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if(-w(l+1).le.masse(l))then sigw=w(l+1)/masse(l) wq(l+1)=w(l+1)*(q(l)-0.5*(1.+sigw)*dzq(l)) !!------------------------------------------------------- ! The following part should not be needed in the ! case of an integration over subtimesteps !!------------------------------------------------------- !! Extended scheme (transfered mass > 1 layer) !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! else !! m = l-1 !! Mtot = masse(m+1) !! MQtot = masse(m+1)*q(m+1) !! if ( 77!if (m.le.0)goto 77 !! do while(-w(l+1).gt.(Mtot+masse(m))) !! m=m-1 !! Mtot = Mtot + masse(m+1) !! MQtot = MQtot + masse(m+1)*q(m+1) !! if ( 77!if (m.le.0)goto 77 !! end do !! 77 continue !! !! if ( then!if ( then !! sigw=(w(l+1)+Mtot)/masse(m) !! wq(l+1)= -(MQtot + (-w(l+1)-Mtot)* & !! (q(m)-0.5*(1.+sigw)*dzq(m))) !! else if ((-w(l+1).gt.(Mtot))) then !! Mtot=Mtot+masse_pbl!*alpha_hmons !! MQtot=MQtot+masse_pbl*qbar_pbl!*alpha_hmons !! sigw=(w(l+1)+Mtot)/masse(m) !! wq(l+1)= -(MQtot + (-w(l+1)-Mtot)*qbar_pbl) !! else !! w(l+1) = -Mtot !! wq(l+1) = -MQtot !! end if !! endif ! 2) Compute wq where w > 0 (down) (DOWNWARD TRANSPORT) ! =============================== else if (w(l).gt.0.) then ! Regular scheme (transfered mass < 1 layer) ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if(w(l).le.masse(l))then sigw=w(l)/masse(l) wq(l)=w(l)*(q(l)+0.5*(1.-sigw)*dzq(l)) !!------------------------------------------------------- ! The following part should not be needed in the ! case of an integration over subtimesteps !!------------------------------------------------------- !! Extended scheme (transfered mass > 1 layer) !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! else !! m=l !! Mtot = masse(m) !! MQtot = masse(m)*q(m) !! if( 88 !! do while(w(l).gt.(Mtot+masse(m+1))) !! m=m+1 !! Mtot = Mtot + masse(m) !! MQtot = MQtot + masse(m)*q(m) !! if( 88 !! end do !! 88 continue !! if ( then !! sigw=(w(l)-Mtot)/masse(m+1) !! wq(l)=(MQtot + (w(l)-Mtot)* & !! (q(m+1)+0.5*(1.-sigw)*dzq(m+1)) ) !! else !! w(l) = Mtot !! wq(l) = MQtot !! end if end if ! (w(l).le.masse(l)) end if ! (w(l+1).le.0) enddo ! l = lwmax+1,nlay-1 ! ********************************************************************** ! Mixing ratio update after the vertical transport ! ********************************************************************** do l = lwmax,nlay-1 !l = 1,nlay-1 ! loop different than when w>0 if ( (wq(l+1)-wq(l)) .lt. -(masse(l)*q(l)) .and. (abs(wq(l+1)).gt. 0.) .and. (abs(wq(l)).gt. 0.) ) then wq(l+1) = wq(l)-masse(l)*q(l) end if q(l)=q(l) + (wq(l+1)-wq(l))/masse(l) enddo end subroutine van_leer !******************************************************************************** subroutine topmons_setup(ngrid) ! Purpose: ! 1) Fill the logical array contains_mons(:), ! with contains_mons(ig)=True if there is ! a mountain in the mesh ig ! 2) Compute alpha_hmons(:) and hsummit(:) use surfdat_h,only: phisfi,hmons,summit,base,& alpha_hmons,hsummit,contains_mons use comcstfi_h,only: pi,g use planetwide_mod,only: planetwide_maxval, planetwide_minval use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only: nvertex !number of encompassing vertex use geometry_mod,only: longitude_deg,latitude_deg,& boundslon,boundslat ! if nvertex==4 then we have ! boundslon/lat(ngrid,4) : ! |------------------------------| ! |north_west=2 north_east=1| ! | | ! | (ig) | ! | | ! |south_west=3 south_east=4| ! |------------------------------| ! if nvertex==6 (isocahedral grid) ! there is no dedicated ordering implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! Local variables integer,parameter :: ntop_max = 19 ! total number of mounts written in the hmons list real lon_top(ntop_max),lat_top(ntop_max) ! coordinates of the mounts (in deg) ! Mountains list : ! Olympus Mons,Ascraeus Mons,Elysium Mons,Arsia Mons,Pavonis Mons, ! Hecates Tholus,Tharsis Tholus,Ceraunius Tholus,Alba Mons,Apollinaris Mons, ! Albor Tholus,Biblis Tholus,Anseris Mons,Ulysses Tholus,Aeolis Mons, ! Euripus Mons,Hadriacus Mons,Tyrrhenus Mons,Uranius Mons ! ! NB: in 64x48 horiz. resolution, Biblis Tholus & Ulysses Tholus fall in the ! same mesh, hence only Biblis Tholus is kept by the alpha_hmons computation data lon_top/-134.,-104.5,146.9,-121.1,-113.4,& 150.2,-90.8,-97.4,-109.6,174.4,& 150.4,-124.6,86.6,-121.6,137.8,& 105.,91.8,106.5,-92.2/ data lat_top/18.4,11.8,24.8,-8.4,-0.8,& 31.8,13.4,24.,40.4,-9.3,& 18.8,2.6,-29.8,2.9,-5.4,& -44.8,-32.1,-21.1,26.8/ integer,parameter :: ntop = 19 ! the topmons scheme is limited to the first ntop mounts real :: boundslon_deg(nvertex),boundslat_deg(nvertex) real :: hmax,hmin real :: minlon,maxlon ! min/max encompassing vertex longitude (deg) real :: minlat,maxlat ! min/max encompassing vertex latitude (deg) integer :: ig,itop IF ( THEN ! Sanity check if ( then call abort_physic("topmons_setup","Number of mountains ntop greater than ntop_max",1) endif ! Determine contains_mons contains_mons(:)=.false. do ig=1,ngrid boundslon_deg(:)=boundslon(ig,:)/pi*180. boundslat_deg(:)=boundslat(ig,:)/pi*180. minlon=minval(boundslon_deg) maxlon=maxval(boundslon_deg) minlat=minval(boundslat_deg) maxlat=maxval(boundslat_deg) do itop=1,ntop if ((lon_top(itop).ge.minlon).and.(lon_top(itop).le.maxlon).and. & (lat_top(itop).ge.minlat).and.(lat_top(itop).le.maxlat)) then contains_mons(ig)=.true. write(*,*) "topmons_setup: Found a mount for ig:",ig write(*,*) " at : lon=",longitude_deg(ig)," lat=",latitude_deg(ig) if (nvertex==4) then write(*,*) "(",boundslon_deg(2),",",boundslat_deg(2),") (",boundslon_deg(1),",",boundslat_deg(1),")" write(*,*) " ((",lon_top(itop),",",lat_top(itop),"))" write(*,*) "(",boundslon_deg(3),",",boundslat_deg(3),") (",boundslon_deg(4),",",boundslat_deg(4),")" endif endif enddo ! of do itop=1,ntop enddo ! of do ig=1,ngrid ! Compute alpha_hmons call planetwide_maxval(hmons,hmax) call planetwide_minval(hmons,hmin) ! Add a sanity check in case there is no topography: if (hmin==hmax) then write(*,*) "topmons_setup: hmin=",hmin," hmax=",hmax write(*,*) "topmons_setup: thus no topflows !!!" contains_mons(:)=.false. endif do ig=1,ngrid if (contains_mons(ig)) then ! the mesh ig contains a mountain alpha_hmons(ig)= 0.5*(hmons(ig)-hmin)/(hmax-hmin) ! Sanity check if (alpha_hmons(ig).le.0) then call abort_physic("topmons_setup","ERROR: alpha_hmons cannot be <0 "//& "if the mesh contains a mountain. Please check your "//& "formula or your start files.",1) endif else ! the mesh ig doesn't contain a mountain alpha_hmons(ig)= 0 endif enddo ! of do ig=1,ngrid ! Compute hsummit hsummit(:)=summit(:)-phisfi(:)/g ELSE ! 1D case hmin=0. hmax=23162.1 !set here the height of the sub-grid scale topography do ig=1,ngrid alpha_hmons(ig)= (hmons(ig)-hmin)/(hmax-hmin) !0.1*(hmons(ig)-hmin)/(hmax-hmin) print*,"1D, hmons=",hmons(ig),"alpha=",alpha_hmons(ig) enddo hsummit(:)=14000. ENDIF ! ( end subroutine topmons_setup !******************************************************************************** END MODULE topmons_mod