!WRF:DRIVER_LAYER:IO ! #define DEBUG_LVL 500 MODULE module_io ! !
! WRF-specific package-independent interface to package-dependent WRF-specific
! I/O packages.
! These routines have the same names as those specified in the WRF I/O API 
! except that:
! - Routines defined in this file and called by users of this module have 
!   the "wrf_" prefix.  
! - Routines defined in the I/O packages and called from routines in this 
!   file have the "ext_" prefix.  
! - Routines called from routines in this file to initiate communication 
!   with I/O quilt servers have the "wrf_quilt_" prefix.  
! See http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/WG2/software_2.0/IOAPI.doc for the latest 
! version of the WRF I/O API.  This document includes detailed descriptions 
! of subroutines and their arguments that are not duplicated in this file.  
! We wish to be able to link to different packages depending on whether
! the I/O is restart, initial, history, or boundary.  
USE module_configure LOGICAL :: is_inited = .FALSE. INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE = 1000 INTEGER :: wrf_io_handles(MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE), how_opened(MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE) LOGICAL :: for_output(MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE), first_operation(MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE) INTEGER :: filtno = 0 LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: bdy_dist_flag = .TRUE. ! false is old style undecomposed boundary data structs, ! true is new style decomposed boundary data structs ! are_bdys_distributed, bdys_are_distributed and ! bdys_not_distributed routines access this flag ! !
! include the file generated from md_calls.m4 using the m4 preprocessor
! note that this file also includes the CONTAINS declaration for the module
#include "md_calls.inc" !--- ioinit SUBROUTINE wrf_ioinit( Status ) ! !
! Initialize the WRF I/O system.
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: Status !Local CHARACTER(len=80) :: SysDepInfo INTEGER :: ierr(10), minerr, maxerr ! Status = 0 ierr = 0 SysDepInfo = " " CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_ioinit' ) CALL init_io_handles ! defined below #ifdef NETCDF CALL ext_ncd_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(1) ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CALL ext_int_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(2) ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CALL ext_phdf5_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(3) ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CALL ext_pnc_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(3) ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CALL ext_mcel_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(4) ) #endif #ifdef XXX CALL ext_xxx_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(5) ) #endif #ifdef YYY CALL ext_yyy_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(6) ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CALL ext_zzz_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(7) ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CALL ext_esmf_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(8) ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CALL ext_gr1_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(9) ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CALL ext_gr2_ioinit( SysDepInfo, ierr(10) ) #endif minerr = MINVAL(ierr) maxerr = MAXVAL(ierr) IF ( minerr < 0 ) THEN Status = minerr ELSE IF ( maxerr > 0 ) THEN Status = maxerr ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE wrf_ioinit !--- ioexit SUBROUTINE wrf_ioexit( Status ) ! !
! Shut down the WRF I/O system.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: Status !Local LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: use_output_servers INTEGER :: ierr(11), minerr, maxerr ! Status = 0 ierr = 0 CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_ioexit' ) #ifdef NETCDF CALL ext_ncd_ioexit( ierr(1) ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CALL ext_int_ioexit( ierr(2) ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CALL ext_phdf5_ioexit(ierr(3) ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CALL ext_pnc_ioexit(ierr(3) ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CALL ext_mcel_ioexit( ierr(4) ) #endif #ifdef XXX CALL ext_xxx_ioexit( ierr(5) ) #endif #ifdef YYY CALL ext_yyy_ioexit( ierr(6) ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CALL ext_zzz_ioexit( ierr(7) ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CALL ext_esmf_ioexit( ierr(8) ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CALL ext_gr1_ioexit( ierr(9) ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CALL ext_gr2_ioexit( ierr(10) ) #endif IF ( use_output_servers() ) CALL wrf_quilt_ioexit( ierr(11) ) minerr = MINVAL(ierr) maxerr = MAXVAL(ierr) IF ( minerr < 0 ) THEN Status = minerr ELSE IF ( maxerr > 0 ) THEN Status = maxerr ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE wrf_ioexit !--- open_for_write_begin SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_write_begin( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & DataHandle , Status ) ! !
! Begin data definition ("training") phase for writing to WRF dataset 
! FileName.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Comm_compute , Comm_io CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(INOUT):: SysDepInfo INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status !Local CHARACTER*128 :: DataSet INTEGER :: io_form INTEGER :: Hndl INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers CHARACTER*128 :: LocFilename ! for appending the process ID if necessary INTEGER :: myproc CHARACTER*128 :: mess CHARACTER*1028 :: tstr CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_open_for_write_begin' ) CALL get_value_from_pairs ( "DATASET" , SysDepInfo , DataSet ) IF ( DataSet .eq. 'RESTART' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_restart( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'INPUT' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_input( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT1' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput1( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT2' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput2( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT3' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput3( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT4' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput4( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT5' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput5( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT6' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput6( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT7' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput7( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT8' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput8( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT9' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput9( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT10' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_gfdda( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT11' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput11( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'HISTORY' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST1' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist1( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST2' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist2( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST3' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist3( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST4' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist4( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST5' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist5( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST6' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist6( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST7' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist7( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST8' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist8( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST9' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist9( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST10' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist10( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST11' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist11( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'BOUNDARY' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_boundary( 1, io_form ) ELSE ! default if nothing is set in SysDepInfo; use history CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) ENDIF Status = 0 Hndl = -1 IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. use_output_servers() ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_ncd_open_for_write_begin ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE (IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_open_for_write_begin( FileName, Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl, Status) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE (IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_open_for_write_begin( FileName, Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl, Status) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_open_for_write_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_yyy_open_for_write_begin ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_open_for_write_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_gr1_open_for_write_begin ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_gr2_open_for_write_begin ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN tstr = TRIM(SysDepInfo) // ',' // 'LAT_R=XLAT,LON_R=XLONG,LANDMASK_I=LU_MASK' CALL ext_mcel_open_for_write_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, tstr, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) CALL ext_esmf_open_for_write_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_int_open_for_write_begin ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif CASE DEFAULT IF ( io_form .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(mess,*)'Tried to open ',FileName,' writing: no valid io_form (',io_form,')' CALL wrf_debug(1, mess) Status = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED ENDIF END SELECT ELSE IF ( use_output_servers() ) THEN IF ( io_form .GT. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_open_for_write_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , io_form, Status ) ENDIF ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF CALL add_new_handle( Hndl, io_form, .TRUE., DataHandle ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_write_begin !--- open_for_write_commit SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_write_commit( DataHandle , Status ) ! !
! This routine switches an internal flag to enable output for the data set 
! referenced by DataHandle. The call to wrf_open_for_write_commit() must be 
! paired with a call to wrf_open_for_write_begin().
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN ) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CHARACTER (128) :: DataSet INTEGER :: io_form INTEGER :: Hndl LOGICAL :: for_out INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers #include "wrf_io_flags.h" CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_open_for_write_commit' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) CALL set_first_operation( DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL ext_ncd_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL ext_mcel_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) CALL ext_esmf_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL ext_yyy_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL ext_gr1_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL ext_gr2_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) CALL ext_int_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_open_for_write_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_write_commit !--- open_for_read_begin SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_read_begin( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & DataHandle , Status ) ! !
! Begin data definition ("training") phase for reading from WRF dataset 
! FileName.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Comm_compute , Comm_io CHARACTER*(*) :: SysDepInfo INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CHARACTER*128 :: DataSet INTEGER :: io_form INTEGER :: Hndl LOGICAL :: also_for_out INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers CHARACTER*128 :: LocFilename ! for appending the process ID if necessary INTEGER myproc CHARACTER*128 :: mess, fhand CHARACTER*1028 :: tstr CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_open_for_read_begin' ) CALL get_value_from_pairs ( "DATASET" , SysDepInfo , DataSet ) IF ( DataSet .eq. 'RESTART' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_restart( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'INPUT' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_input( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT1' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput1( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT2' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput2( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT3' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput3( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT4' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput4( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT5' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput5( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT6' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput6( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT7' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput7( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT8' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput8( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT9' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput9( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT10' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_gfdda( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT11' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput11( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'HISTORY' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST1' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist1( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST2' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist2( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST3' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist3( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST4' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist4( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST5' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist5( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST6' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist6( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST7' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist7( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST8' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist8( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST9' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist9( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST10' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist10( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST11' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist11( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'BOUNDARY' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_boundary( 1, io_form ) ELSE ! default if nothing is set in SysDepInfo; use history CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) ENDIF Status = 0 Hndl = -1 also_for_out = .FALSE. ! IF ( .NOT. use_output_servers() ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_ncd_open_for_read_begin ( LocFilename , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_open_for_read_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) CALL ext_yyy_open_for_read_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_open_for_read_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) also_for_out = .TRUE. IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN WRITE(fhand,'(a,i0)')"filter_",filtno filtno = filtno + 1 tstr = TRIM(SysDepInfo) // ',' // 'READ_MODE=UPDATE,LAT_R=XLAT,LON_R=XLONG,LANDMASK_I=LU_MASK,FILTER_HANDLE=' // TRIM(fhand) CALL ext_mcel_open_for_read_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, tstr, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) also_for_out = .TRUE. CALL ext_esmf_open_for_read_begin ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_gr1_open_for_read_begin ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_gr2_open_for_read_begin ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) #endif CASE DEFAULT IF ( io_form .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(mess,*)'Tried to open ',FileName,' reading: no valid io_form (',io_form,')' CALL wrf_message(mess) ENDIF Status = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED END SELECT ! ELSE ! Status = 0 ! ENDIF CALL add_new_handle( Hndl, io_form, also_for_out, DataHandle ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_read_begin !--- open_for_read_commit SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_read_commit( DataHandle , Status ) ! !
! End "training" phase for WRF dataset FileName.  The call to 
! wrf_open_for_read_commit() must be paired with a call to 
! wrf_open_for_read_begin().
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN ) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CHARACTER (128) :: DataSet INTEGER :: io_form INTEGER :: Hndl LOGICAL :: for_out INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers #include "wrf_io_flags.h" CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_open_for_read_commit' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) CALL set_first_operation( DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL ext_ncd_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL ext_mcel_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) CALL ext_esmf_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) CALL ext_yyy_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) CALL ext_gr1_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) CALL ext_gr2_open_for_read_commit ( Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_read_commit !--- open_for_read SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_read ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & DataHandle , Status ) ! !
! Opens a WRF dataset for reading.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Comm_compute , Comm_io CHARACTER*(*) :: SysDepInfo INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CHARACTER (128) :: DataSet, LocFileName INTEGER :: io_form, myproc INTEGER :: Hndl INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_open_for_read' ) CALL get_value_from_pairs ( "DATASET" , SysDepInfo , DataSet ) IF ( DataSet .eq. 'RESTART' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_restart( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'INPUT' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_input( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT1' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput1( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT2' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput2( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT3' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput3( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT4' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput4( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT5' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput5( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT6' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput6( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT7' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput7( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT8' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput8( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT9' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput9( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT10' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_gfdda( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXINPUT11' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput11( 1, io_form ) CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput5( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'HISTORY' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST1' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist1( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST2' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist2( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST3' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist3( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST4' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist4( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST5' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist5( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST6' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist6( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST7' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist7( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST8' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist8( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST9' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist9( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST10' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist10( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'AUXHIST11' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist11( 1, io_form ) ELSE IF ( DataSet .eq. 'BOUNDARY' ) THEN CALL nl_get_io_form_boundary( 1, io_form ) ELSE ! default if nothing is set in SysDepInfo; use history CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) ENDIF Hndl = -1 Status = 0 SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_ncd_open_for_read ( LocFilename , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_open_for_read ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_open_for_read ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_open_for_read ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_yyy_open_for_read ( LocFilename , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_open_for_read ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_gr1_open_for_read ( LocFilename , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_gr2_open_for_read ( LocFilename , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_get_myproc ( myproc ) CALL append_to_filename ( LocFilename , FileName , myproc, 4 ) ELSE LocFilename = FileName ENDIF CALL ext_int_open_for_read ( LocFileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & Hndl , Status ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Hndl, IWORDSIZE ) ENDIF #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT CALL add_new_handle( Hndl, io_form, .FALSE., DataHandle ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_open_for_read !--- inquire_opened SUBROUTINE wrf_inquire_opened ( DataHandle, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) ! !
! Inquire if the dataset referenced by DataHandle is open.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: FileStatus INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status LOGICAL :: for_out INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers #include "wrf_io_flags.h" #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER io_form , Hndl CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_inquire_opened' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_ncd_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_yyy_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_gr1_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_gr2_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_int_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif CASE DEFAULT FileStatus = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_inquire_opened ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) ENDIF ELSE FileStatus = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED Status = 0 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_inquire_opened !--- inquire_filename SUBROUTINE wrf_inquire_filename ( DataHandle, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) ! !
! Returns the Filename and FileStatus associated with DataHandle.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: FileStatus INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers LOGICAL :: for_out INTEGER io_form , Hndl CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_inquire_filename' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package( io_form ) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_ncd_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_yyy_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_gr1_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_gr2_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF (wrf_dm_on_monitor()) CALL ext_int_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( FileStatus, IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_inquire_filename ( Hndl, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) ENDIF ELSE FileName = "" Status = 0 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_inquire_filename !--- sync SUBROUTINE wrf_iosync ( DataHandle, Status ) ! !
! Synchronize the disk copy of a dataset with memory buffers.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers LOGICAL :: for_out INTEGER io_form , Hndl CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_iosync' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_ncd_iosync( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_iosync( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_yyy_iosync( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr1_iosync( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr2_iosync( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_iosync( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_int_iosync( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_iosync( Hndl, Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_iosync !--- close SUBROUTINE wrf_ioclose ( DataHandle, Status ) ! !
! Close the dataset referenced by DataHandle.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers INTEGER io_form , Hndl LOGICAL :: for_out CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_ioclose' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_ncd_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_yyy_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr1_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr2_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) CALL ext_mcel_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) CALL ext_esmf_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_int_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_ioclose( Hndl, Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF CALL free_handle( DataHandle ) ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_ioclose !--- get_next_time (not defined for IntIO ) SUBROUTINE wrf_get_next_time ( DataHandle, DateStr, Status ) ! !
! Returns the next time stamp.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers INTEGER io_form , Hndl, len_of_str LOGICAL :: for_out CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_get_next_time' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_ncd_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_yyy_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr1_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr2_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_int_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_get_next_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_next_time !--- get_previous_time (not defined for IntIO ) SUBROUTINE wrf_get_previous_time ( DataHandle, DateStr, Status ) ! !
! Returns the previous time stamp.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers INTEGER io_form , Hndl, len_of_str LOGICAL :: for_out CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_get_previous_time' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package(io_form) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_ncd_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_yyy_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr1_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr2_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) len_of_str = LEN(DateStr) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string ( DateStr , len_of_str ) ENDIF #endif #ifdef INTIO #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_get_previous_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_previous_time !--- set_time SUBROUTINE wrf_set_time ( DataHandle, DateStr, Status ) ! !
! Sets the time stamp.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers INTEGER io_form , Hndl LOGICAL :: for_out CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_set_time' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package( io_form ) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_ncd_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL ext_pnc_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_yyy_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr1_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr2_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_int_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_set_time( Hndl, DateStr, Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_set_time !--- get_next_var (not defined for IntIO) SUBROUTINE wrf_get_next_var ( DataHandle, VarName, Status ) ! !
! On reading, this routine returns the name of the next variable in the 
! current time frame.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers INTEGER io_form , Hndl LOGICAL :: for_out CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_get_next_var' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package( io_form ) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_ncd_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_yyy_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef ZZZ CASE ( IO_ZZZ ) CALL ext_zzz_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr1_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_gr2_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CALL ext_int_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_get_next_var( Hndl, VarName, Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_next_var ! wrf_get_var_info (not implemented for IntIO) SUBROUTINE wrf_get_var_info ( DataHandle , VarName , NDim , MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , Status ) ! !
! This routine applies only to a dataset that is open for read.  It returns 
! information about a variable.  
USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: VarName INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: NDim CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(OUT) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(OUT) :: Stagger INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(OUT) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER io_form , Hndl LOGICAL :: for_out INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_get_var_info' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF (( multi_files(io_form) .OR. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) .AND. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers()) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package( io_form ) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) CALL ext_ncd_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5) CALL ext_phdf5_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF) CALL ext_pnc_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL ext_xxx_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) CALL ext_yyy_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) CALL ext_gr1_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) CALL ext_gr2_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( io_form .GT. 0 .AND. for_out .AND. use_output_servers() ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_get_var_info ( Hndl , VarName , NDim , & MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) ELSE Status = 0 ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_var_info !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE init_io_handles() ! !
! Initialize all I/O handles.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER i IF ( .NOT. is_inited ) THEN DO i = 1, MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE wrf_io_handles(i) = -999319 ENDDO is_inited = .TRUE. ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE init_io_handles SUBROUTINE add_new_handle( Hndl, Hopened, for_out, DataHandle ) ! !
! Stash the package-specific I/O handle (Hndl) and return a WRF I/O handle 
! (DataHandle).  
! File format ID is passed in via Hopened.  
! for_out will be .TRUE. if this routine was called from an 
! open-for-read/write-begin operation and .FALSE. otherwise.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Hndl INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Hopened LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: for_out INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: DataHandle INTEGER i INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: multi_files IF ( .NOT. is_inited ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'add_new_handle: not initialized' ) ENDIF IF ( multi_files( Hopened ) ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package( Hopened ) ) CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'add_new_handle: multiple output files not supported for PHDF5' ) CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'add_new_handle: multiple output files not supported for PNETCDF' ) #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'add_new_handle: multiple output files not supported for MCEL' ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'add_new_handle: multiple output files not supported for ESMF' ) #endif END SELECT ENDIF DataHandle = -1 DO i = 1, MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE IF ( wrf_io_handles(i) .EQ. -999319 ) THEN DataHandle = i wrf_io_handles(i) = Hndl how_opened(i) = Hopened for_output(DataHandle) = for_out first_operation(DataHandle) = .TRUE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF ( DataHandle .EQ. -1 ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'add_new_handle: no handles left' ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE add_new_handle SUBROUTINE get_handle ( Hndl, Hopened, for_out, DataHandle ) ! !
! Return the package-specific handle (Hndl) from a WRF handle 
! (DataHandle).  
! Return file format ID via Hopened.  
! Also, for_out will be set to .TRUE. if the file was opened 
! with an open-for-read/write-begin operation and .FALSE. 
! otherwise.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: Hndl INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: Hopened LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: for_out INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*128 mess INTEGER i IF ( .NOT. is_inited ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'module_io.F: get_handle: not initialized' ) ENDIF IF ( DataHandle .GE. 1 .AND. DataHandle .LE. MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE ) THEN Hndl = wrf_io_handles(DataHandle) Hopened = how_opened(DataHandle) for_out = for_output(DataHandle) ELSE Hndl = -1 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_handle SUBROUTINE set_first_operation( DataHandle ) ! !
! Sets internal flag to indicate that the first read or write has not yet 
! happened for the dataset referenced by DataHandle.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle IF ( .NOT. is_inited ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'module_io.F: get_handle: not initialized' ) ENDIF IF ( DataHandle .GE. 1 .AND. DataHandle .LE. MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE ) THEN first_operation(DataHandle) = .TRUE. ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE set_first_operation SUBROUTINE reset_first_operation( DataHandle ) ! !
! Resets internal flag to indicate that the first read or write has already 
! happened for the dataset referenced by DataHandle.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle IF ( .NOT. is_inited ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'module_io.F: get_handle: not initialized' ) ENDIF IF ( DataHandle .GE. 1 .AND. DataHandle .LE. MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE ) THEN first_operation(DataHandle) = .FALSE. ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE reset_first_operation LOGICAL FUNCTION is_first_operation( DataHandle ) ! !
! Returns .TRUE. the first read or write has not yet happened for the dataset 
! referenced by DataHandle.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle IF ( .NOT. is_inited ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'module_io.F: get_handle: not initialized' ) ENDIF IF ( DataHandle .GE. 1 .AND. DataHandle .LE. MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE ) THEN is_first_operation = first_operation(DataHandle) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION is_first_operation SUBROUTINE free_handle ( DataHandle ) ! !
! Trash a handle and return to "unused" pool.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle INTEGER i IF ( .NOT. is_inited ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'free_handle: not initialized' ) ENDIF IF ( DataHandle .GE. 1 .AND. DataHandle .LE. MAX_WRF_IO_HANDLE ) THEN wrf_io_handles(DataHandle) = -999319 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE free_handle !-------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE init_module_io ! !
! Initialize this module.  Must be called before any other operations are 
! attempted.  
CALL init_io_handles END SUBROUTINE init_module_io SUBROUTINE are_bdys_distributed( res ) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: res res = bdy_dist_flag END SUBROUTINE are_bdys_distributed SUBROUTINE bdys_not_distributed IMPLICIT NONE bdy_dist_flag = .FALSE. END SUBROUTINE bdys_not_distributed SUBROUTINE bdys_are_distributed IMPLICIT NONE bdy_dist_flag = .TRUE. END SUBROUTINE bdys_are_distributed END MODULE module_io ! !
! Remaining routines in this file are defined outside of the module to 
! defeat arg/param type checking.  
SUBROUTINE wrf_read_field ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! Read the variable named VarName from the dataset pointed to by DataHandle.
! This routine is a wrapper that ensures uniform treatment of logicals across 
! platforms by reading as integer and then converting to logical.  
USE module_state_description USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName LOGICAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" #include "wrf_io_flags.h" INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ICAST(:) LOGICAL perturb_input IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN ALLOCATE(ICAST((MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)*(MemoryEnd(3)-MemoryStart(3)+1))) CALL wrf_read_field1 ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , ICAST , WRF_INTEGER , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) Field(1:(MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)*(MemoryEnd(3)-MemoryStart(3)+1)) = ICAST == 1 DEALLOCATE(ICAST) ELSE CALL wrf_read_field1 ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) CALL nl_get_perturb_input( 1, perturb_input ) IF ( perturb_input .AND. FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT .AND. TRIM(MemoryOrder) .EQ. 'XZY' ) THEN CALL perturb_real ( Field, DomainStart, DomainEnd, & MemoryStart, MemoryEnd, & PatchStart, PatchEnd ) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE wrf_read_field SUBROUTINE wrf_read_field1 ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! Read the variable named VarName from the dataset pointed to by DataHandle.
! Calls ext_pkg_read_field() via call_pkg_and_dist().  
USE module_state_description USE module_configure USE module_io IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER io_form , Hndl LOGICAL :: for_out INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers, use_input_servers #ifdef NETCDF EXTERNAL ext_ncd_read_field #endif #ifdef MCELIO EXTERNAL ext_mcel_read_field #endif #ifdef ESMFIO EXTERNAL ext_esmf_read_field #endif #ifdef INTIO EXTERNAL ext_int_read_field #endif #ifdef XXX EXTERNAL ext_xxx_read_field #endif #ifdef YYY EXTERNAL ext_yyy_read_field #endif #ifdef GRIB1 EXTERNAL ext_gr1_read_field #endif #ifdef GRIB2 EXTERNAL ext_gr2_read_field #endif CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_read_field' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) CALL reset_first_operation( DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( .NOT. io_form .GT. 0 ) THEN Status = 0 ELSE IF ( .NOT. use_input_servers() ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package( io_form ) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) CALL call_pkg_and_dist ( ext_ncd_read_field, multi_files(io_form), .false. , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5) CALL ext_phdf5_read_field ( & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF) CALL ext_pnc_read_field ( & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) CALL call_pkg_and_dist ( ext_mcel_read_field, multi_files(io_form), .true. , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) CALL ext_esmf_read_field( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL call_pkg_and_dist ( ext_xxx_read_field, multi_files(io_form), .false., & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) CALL call_pkg_and_dist ( ext_yyy_read_field, multi_files(io_form), .false., & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) CALL call_pkg_and_dist ( ext_int_read_field, multi_files(io_form), .false., & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) CALL call_pkg_and_dist ( ext_gr1_read_field, multi_files(io_form), .false., & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) CALL call_pkg_and_dist ( ext_gr2_read_field, multi_files(io_form), .false., & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE CALL wrf_error_fatal('module_io.F: wrf_read_field: input_servers not implemented yet') ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_read_field1 SUBROUTINE wrf_write_field ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! Write the variable named VarName to the dataset pointed to by DataHandle.
! This routine is a wrapper that ensures uniform treatment of logicals across 
! platforms by converting to integer before writing.  
USE module_state_description USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) ,INTENT(IN) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" #include "wrf_io_flags.h" INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ICAST(:) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN ALLOCATE(ICAST((MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)*(MemoryEnd(3)-MemoryStart(3)+1))) ICAST = 0 WHERE ( Field(1:(MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)*(MemoryEnd(3)-MemoryStart(3)+1)) ) ICAST = 1 END WHERE CALL wrf_write_field1 ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , ICAST , WRF_INTEGER , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE(ICAST) ELSE CALL wrf_write_field1 ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE wrf_write_field SUBROUTINE wrf_write_field1 ( DataHandle , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , & Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! Write the variable named VarName to the dataset pointed to by DataHandle.
! Calls ext_pkg_write_field() via collect_fld_and_call_pkg().  
USE module_state_description USE module_configure USE module_io IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) ,INTENT(IN) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status #include "wrf_status_codes.h" INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: starts, ends INTEGER io_form , Hndl CHARACTER*3 MemOrd LOGICAL :: for_out, okay_to_call INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers #ifdef NETCDF EXTERNAL ext_ncd_write_field #endif #ifdef MCELIO EXTERNAL ext_mcel_write_field #endif #ifdef ESMFIO EXTERNAL ext_esmf_write_field #endif #ifdef INTIO EXTERNAL ext_int_write_field #endif #ifdef XXX EXTERNAL ext_xxx_write_field #endif #ifdef YYY EXTERNAL ext_yyy_write_field #endif #ifdef GRIB1 EXTERNAL ext_gr1_write_field #endif #ifdef GRIB2 EXTERNAL ext_gr2_write_field #endif CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, 'module_io.F: in wrf_write_field' ) Status = 0 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle ) CALL reset_first_operation ( DataHandle ) IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. use_output_servers() ) THEN SELECT CASE ( use_package( io_form ) ) #ifdef NETCDF CASE ( IO_NETCDF ) CALL collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( ext_ncd_write_field, multi_files(io_form), & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef MCELIO CASE ( IO_MCEL ) CALL collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( ext_mcel_write_field, multi_files(io_form), & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef ESMFIO CASE ( IO_ESMF ) CALL ext_esmf_write_field( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef PHDF5 CASE ( IO_PHDF5 ) CALL ext_phdf5_write_field( & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef PNETCDF CASE ( IO_PNETCDF ) CALL lower_case( MemoryOrder, MemOrd ) okay_to_call = .TRUE. IF ((TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'xsz' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'xs').AND. .NOT. bdy_mask(P_XSB)) okay_to_call = .FALSE. IF ((TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'xez' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'xe').AND. .NOT. bdy_mask(P_XEB)) okay_to_call = .FALSE. IF ((TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'ysz' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'ys').AND. .NOT. bdy_mask(P_YSB)) okay_to_call = .FALSE. IF ((TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'yez' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd).EQ.'ye').AND. .NOT. bdy_mask(P_YEB)) okay_to_call = .FALSE. IF ( okay_to_call ) THEN starts(1:3) = PatchStart(1:3) ; ends(1:3) = PatchEnd(1:3) ELSE starts(1:3) = PatchStart(1:3) ; ends(1:3) = PatchStart(1:3)-1 ENDIF CALL ext_pnc_write_field( & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & starts , ends , & Status ) #endif #ifdef XXX CASE ( IO_XXX ) CALL collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( ext_xxx_write_field, multi_files(io_form), & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef YYY CASE ( IO_YYY ) CALL collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( ext_yyy_write_field, multi_files(io_form), & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB1 CASE ( IO_GRIB1 ) CALL collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( ext_gr1_write_field, multi_files(io_form), & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef GRIB2 CASE ( IO_GRIB2 ) CALL collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( ext_gr2_write_field, multi_files(io_form), & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif #ifdef INTIO CASE ( IO_INTIO ) CALL collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( ext_int_write_field, multi_files(io_form), & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) #endif CASE DEFAULT Status = 0 END SELECT ELSE IF ( use_output_servers() ) THEN IF ( io_form .GT. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_quilt_write_field ( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE Status = WRF_ERR_FATAL_BAD_FILE_STATUS ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_write_field1 SUBROUTINE get_value_from_pairs ( varname , str , retval ) ! !
! parse comma separated list of VARIABLE=VALUE strings and return the
! value for the matching variable if such exists, otherwise return
! the empty string
IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: varname CHARACTER*(*) :: str CHARACTER*(*) :: retval CHARACTER (128) varstr, tstr INTEGER i,j,n,varstrn LOGICAL nobreak, nobreakouter varstr = TRIM(varname)//"=" varstrn = len(TRIM(varstr)) n = len(str) retval = "" i = 1 nobreakouter = .TRUE. DO WHILE ( nobreakouter ) j = 1 nobreak = .TRUE. tstr = "" ! Potential for out of bounds array ref on str(i:i) for i > n; reported by jedwards ! DO WHILE ( nobreak ) ! IF ( str(i:i) .NE. ',' .AND. i .LE. n ) THEN ! tstr(j:j) = str(i:i) ! ELSE ! nobreak = .FALSE. ! ENDIF ! j = j + 1 ! i = i + 1 ! ENDDO ! fix 20021112, JM DO WHILE ( nobreak ) nobreak = .FALSE. IF ( i .LE. n ) THEN IF (str(i:i) .NE. ',' ) THEN tstr(j:j) = str(i:i) nobreak = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF j = j + 1 i = i + 1 ENDDO IF ( i .GT. n ) nobreakouter = .FALSE. IF ( varstr(1:varstrn) .EQ. tstr(1:varstrn) ) THEN retval(1:) = TRIM(tstr(varstrn+1:)) nobreakouter = .FALSE. ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_value_from_pairs LOGICAL FUNCTION multi_files ( io_form ) ! !
! Returns .TRUE. iff io_form is a multi-file format.  A multi-file format 
! results in one file for each compute process and can be used with any 
! I/O package.  A multi-file dataset can only be read by the same number 
! of tasks that were used to write it.  This feature can be useful for 
! speeding up restarts on machines that support efficient parallel I/O.  
! Multi-file formats cannot be used with I/O quilt servers.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: io_form #ifdef DM_PARALLEL multi_files = io_form > 99 #else multi_files = .FALSE. #endif END FUNCTION multi_files INTEGER FUNCTION use_package ( io_form ) ! !
! Returns the ID of the external I/O package referenced by io_form.  
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: io_form use_package = MOD( io_form, 100 ) END FUNCTION use_package SUBROUTINE collect_fld_and_call_pkg ( fcn, donotcollect_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The collect_*_and_call_pkg routines collect a distributed array onto one 
! processor and then call an I/O function to write the result (or in the 
! case of replicated data simply write monitor node's copy of the data)
! This routine handle cases where collection can be skipped and deals with 
! different data types for Field.  
IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" EXTERNAL fcn LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: donotcollect_arg INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status LOGICAL donotcollect INTEGER ndims, nproc CALL dim_from_memorder( MemoryOrder , ndims) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) donotcollect = donotcollect_arg .OR. (nproc .EQ. 1) IF ( donotcollect ) THEN CALL fcn ( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL collect_double_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL collect_real_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL collect_int_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN CALL collect_logical_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE collect_fld_and_call_pkg SUBROUTINE collect_real_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The collect_*_and_call_pkg routines collect a distributed array onto one 
! processor and then call an I/O function to write the result (or in the 
! case of replicated data simply write monitor node's copy of the data)
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big real buffer and 
! pass it down to collect_generic_and_call_pkg() to do the actual work.  
USE module_state_description USE module_driver_constants IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName REAL , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ) ) ENDIF #ifdef DEREF_KLUDGE # define FRSTELEM (1) #else # define FRSTELEM #endif CALL collect_generic_and_call_pkg ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE collect_real_and_call_pkg SUBROUTINE collect_int_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The collect_*_and_call_pkg routines collect a distributed array onto one 
! processor and then call an I/O function to write the result (or in the 
! case of replicated data simply write monitor node's copy of the data)
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big integer buffer and 
! pass it down to collect_generic_and_call_pkg() to do the actual work.  
USE module_state_description USE module_driver_constants IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ) ) ENDIF CALL collect_generic_and_call_pkg ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE collect_int_and_call_pkg SUBROUTINE collect_double_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The collect_*_and_call_pkg routines collect a distributed array onto one 
! processor and then call an I/O function to write the result (or in the 
! case of replicated data simply write monitor node's copy of the data)
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big double precision 
! buffer and pass it down to collect_generic_and_call_pkg() to do the 
! actual work.  
USE module_state_description USE module_driver_constants IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName DOUBLE PRECISION , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ) ) ENDIF CALL collect_generic_and_call_pkg ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE collect_double_and_call_pkg SUBROUTINE collect_logical_and_call_pkg ( fcn, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The collect_*_and_call_pkg routines collect a distributed array onto one 
! processor and then call an I/O function to write the result (or in the 
! case of replicated data simply write monitor node's copy of the data)
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big logical buffer 
! and pass it down to collect_generic_and_call_pkg() to do the actual work.  
USE module_state_description USE module_driver_constants IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ) ) ENDIF CALL collect_generic_and_call_pkg ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE collect_logical_and_call_pkg SUBROUTINE collect_generic_and_call_pkg ( fcn, globbuf, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The collect_*_and_call_pkg routines collect a distributed array onto one 
! processor and then call an I/O function to write the result (or in the 
! case of replicated data simply write monitor node's copy of the data)
! This routine calls the distributed memory communication routines that 
! collect the array and then calls I/O function fcn to write it to disk.  
USE module_state_description USE module_driver_constants IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" #if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ! defined(STUBMPI) include "mpif.h" #endif EXTERNAL fcn REAL , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(INOUT) :: globbuf INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName REAL , INTENT(IN) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status CHARACTER*3 MemOrd LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: has_char INTEGER ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde INTEGER ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme INTEGER ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: counts(:), displs(:) INTEGER nproc, communicator, mpi_bdyslice_type, ierr, my_displ INTEGER my_count INTEGER , dimension(3) :: dom_end_rev LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_monitor_rank LOGICAL distributed_field INTEGER i,j,k,idx,lx,idx2,lx2 INTEGER collective_root CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( communicator ) ALLOCATE( counts( nproc ) ) ALLOCATE( displs( nproc ) ) CALL lower_case( MemoryOrder, MemOrd ) collective_root = wrf_dm_monitor_rank() dom_end_rev(1) = DomainEnd(1) dom_end_rev(2) = DomainEnd(2) dom_end_rev(3) = DomainEnd(3) SELECT CASE (TRIM(MemOrd)) CASE ( 'xzy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'zxy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'xyz' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'xy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 CASE ( 'yxz' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'yx' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 CASE DEFAULT ! do nothing; the boundary orders and others either dont care or set themselves END SELECT SELECT CASE (TRIM(MemOrd)) #ifndef STUBMPI CASE ( 'xzy','zxy','xyz','yxz','xy','yx' ) distributed_field = .TRUE. IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_double ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_integer ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_logical ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ENDIF #if defined(DM_PARALLEL) && !defined(STUBMPI) CASE ( 'xsz', 'xez' ) distributed_field = .FALSE. IF ( nproc .GT. 1 ) THEN jds = DomainStart(1) ; jde = DomainEnd(1) ; IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) jde = jde+1 ! ns strip kds = DomainStart(2) ; kde = DomainEnd(2) ; IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) kde = kde+1 ! levels ids = DomainStart(3) ; ide = DomainEnd(3) ; ! bdy_width dom_end_rev(1) = jde dom_end_rev(2) = kde dom_end_rev(3) = ide distributed_field = .TRUE. IF ( (MemOrd .eq. 'xsz' .AND. bdy_mask( P_XSB )) .OR. & (MemOrd .eq. 'xez' .AND. bdy_mask( P_XEB )) ) THEN my_displ = PatchStart(1)-1 my_count = PatchEnd(1)-PatchStart(1)+1 ELSE my_displ = 0 my_count = 0 ENDIF CALL mpi_gather( my_displ, 1, MPI_INTEGER, displs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_gather( my_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, counts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) do i = DomainStart(3),DomainEnd(3) ! bdy_width do k = DomainStart(2),DomainEnd(2) ! levels lx = MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1 lx2 = dom_end_rev(1)-DomainStart(1)+1 idx = lx*((k-1)+(i-1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)) idx2 = lx2*((k-1)+(i-1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_double ( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_real ( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_integer ( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ENDIF enddo enddo ENDIF CASE ( 'xs', 'xe' ) distributed_field = .FALSE. IF ( nproc .GT. 1 ) THEN jds = DomainStart(1) ; jde = DomainEnd(1) ; IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) jde = jde+1 ! ns strip ids = DomainStart(2) ; ide = DomainEnd(2) ; ! bdy_width dom_end_rev(1) = jde dom_end_rev(2) = ide distributed_field = .TRUE. IF ( (MemOrd .eq. 'xs' .AND. bdy_mask( P_XSB )) .OR. & (MemOrd .eq. 'xe' .AND. bdy_mask( P_XEB )) ) THEN my_displ = PatchStart(1)-1 my_count = PatchEnd(1)-PatchStart(1)+1 ELSE my_displ = 0 my_count = 0 ENDIF CALL mpi_gather( my_displ, 1, MPI_INTEGER, displs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_gather( my_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, counts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) do i = DomainStart(2),DomainEnd(2) ! bdy_width lx = MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1 idx = lx*(i-1) lx2 = dom_end_rev(1)-DomainStart(1)+1 idx2 = lx2*(i-1) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_double ( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_real ( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_integer ( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ENDIF enddo ENDIF CASE ( 'ysz', 'yez' ) distributed_field = .FALSE. IF ( nproc .GT. 1 ) THEN ids = DomainStart(1) ; ide = DomainEnd(1) ; IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) ide = ide+1 ! ns strip kds = DomainStart(2) ; kde = DomainEnd(2) ; IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) kde = kde+1 ! levels jds = DomainStart(3) ; jde = DomainEnd(3) ; ! bdy_width dom_end_rev(1) = ide dom_end_rev(2) = kde dom_end_rev(3) = jde distributed_field = .TRUE. IF ( (MemOrd .eq. 'ysz' .AND. bdy_mask( P_YSB )) .OR. & (MemOrd .eq. 'yez' .AND. bdy_mask( P_YEB )) ) THEN my_displ = PatchStart(1)-1 my_count = PatchEnd(1)-PatchStart(1)+1 ELSE my_displ = 0 my_count = 0 ENDIF CALL mpi_gather( my_displ, 1, MPI_INTEGER, displs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_gather( my_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, counts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) do j = DomainStart(3),DomainEnd(3) ! bdy_width do k = DomainStart(2),DomainEnd(2) ! levels lx = MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1 lx2 = dom_end_rev(1)-DomainStart(1)+1 idx = lx*((k-1)+(j-1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)) idx2 = lx2*((k-1)+(j-1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_double ( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_real( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_integer( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ENDIF enddo enddo ENDIF CASE ( 'ys', 'ye' ) distributed_field = .FALSE. IF ( nproc .GT. 1 ) THEN ids = DomainStart(1) ; ide = DomainEnd(1) ; IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) ide = ide+1 ! ns strip jds = DomainStart(2) ; jde = DomainEnd(2) ; ! bdy_width dom_end_rev(1) = ide dom_end_rev(2) = jde distributed_field = .TRUE. IF ( (MemOrd .eq. 'ys' .AND. bdy_mask( P_YSB )) .OR. & (MemOrd .eq. 'ye' .AND. bdy_mask( P_YEB )) ) THEN my_displ = PatchStart(1)-1 my_count = PatchEnd(1)-PatchStart(1)+1 ELSE my_displ = 0 my_count = 0 ENDIF CALL mpi_gather( my_displ, 1, MPI_INTEGER, displs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_gather( my_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, counts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) do j = DomainStart(2),DomainEnd(2) ! bdy_width lx = MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1 idx = lx*(j-1) lx2 = dom_end_rev(1)-DomainStart(1)+1 idx2 = lx2*(j-1) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_double( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_real( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_gatherv_integer( Field, PatchStart(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1+idx , & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ENDIF enddo ENDIF #endif #endif CASE DEFAULT distributed_field = .FALSE. END SELECT IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( distributed_field ) THEN CALL fcn ( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , globbuf , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & DomainStart , dom_end_rev , & ! memory dims adjust out for unstag DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) ELSE CALL fcn ( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status , IWORDSIZE ) DEALLOCATE( counts ) DEALLOCATE( displs ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE collect_generic_and_call_pkg SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist ( fcn, donotdist_arg, update_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The call_pkg_and_dist* routines call an I/O function to read a field and then 
! distribute or replicate the field across compute tasks.  
! This routine handle cases where distribution/replication can be skipped and 
! deals with different data types for Field.
IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" EXTERNAL fcn LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: donotdist_arg, update_arg ! update means collect old field update it and dist INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER :: Field(*) INTEGER :: FieldType INTEGER :: Comm INTEGER :: IOComm INTEGER :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER :: Status LOGICAL donotdist INTEGER ndims, nproc CALL dim_from_memorder( MemoryOrder , ndims) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) donotdist = donotdist_arg .OR. (nproc .EQ. 1) IF ( donotdist ) THEN CALL fcn ( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF (FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE) THEN CALL call_pkg_and_dist_double ( fcn, update_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF (FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT) THEN CALL call_pkg_and_dist_real ( fcn, update_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL call_pkg_and_dist_int ( fcn, update_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN CALL call_pkg_and_dist_logical ( fcn, update_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_real ( fcn, update_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The call_pkg_and_dist* routines call an I/O function to read a field and then 
! distribute or replicate the field across compute tasks.  
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big real buffer and
! pass it down to call_pkg_and_dist_generic() to do the actual work.
IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: update_arg CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor INTEGER test CHARACTER*128 mess IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ), & STAT=test ) IF ( test .NE. 0 ) THEN write(mess,*)"module_io.b",'allocating globbuf ',& (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) CALL wrf_error_fatal(mess) ENDIF ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ), STAT=test ) IF ( test .NE. 0 ) THEN write(mess,*)"module_io.b",'allocating globbuf ',1 CALL wrf_error_fatal(mess) ENDIF ENDIF globbuf = 0. CALL call_pkg_and_dist_generic ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM , update_arg, & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_real SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_double ( fcn, update_arg , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The call_pkg_and_dist* routines call an I/O function to read a field and then 
! distribute or replicate the field across compute tasks.  
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big double precision buffer 
! and pass it down to call_pkg_and_dist_generic() to do the actual work.
IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: update_arg CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName DOUBLE PRECISION , INTENT(INOUT) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status DOUBLE PRECISION , ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ) ) ENDIF globbuf = 0 CALL call_pkg_and_dist_generic ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM , update_arg , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_double SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_int ( fcn, update_arg , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The call_pkg_and_dist* routines call an I/O function to read a field and then 
! distribute or replicate the field across compute tasks.  
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big integer buffer and 
! pass it down to call_pkg_and_dist_generic() to do the actual work.
IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: update_arg CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ) ) ENDIF globbuf = 0 CALL call_pkg_and_dist_generic ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM , update_arg , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_int SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_logical ( fcn, update_arg , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The call_pkg_and_dist* routines call an I/O function to read a field and then 
! distribute or replicate the field across compute tasks.  
! The sole purpose of this wrapper is to allocate a big logical buffer and 
! pass it down to call_pkg_and_dist_generic() to do the actual work.
IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL fcn INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: update_arg CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName logical , INTENT(INOUT) :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Status LOGICAL , ALLOCATABLE :: globbuf (:) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE( globbuf( (DomainEnd(1)-DomainStart(1)+3)*(DomainEnd(2)-DomainStart(2)+3)*(DomainEnd(3)-DomainStart(3)+3) ) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( globbuf( 1 ) ) ENDIF globbuf = .false. CALL call_pkg_and_dist_generic ( fcn, globbuf FRSTELEM , update_arg , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) DEALLOCATE ( globbuf ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_logical SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_generic ( fcn, globbuf , update_arg , & Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , bdy_mask, MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ! !
! The call_pkg_and_dist* routines call an I/O function to read a field and then 
! distribute or replicate the field across compute tasks.  
! This routine calls I/O function fcn to read the field from disk and then calls 
! the distributed memory communication routines that distribute or replicate the 
! array.  
USE module_state_description USE module_driver_constants USE module_io IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" #if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ! defined(STUBMPI) include "mpif.h" #endif EXTERNAL fcn REAL, DIMENSION(*) :: globbuf INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Hndl LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: update_arg CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName REAL :: Field(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: FieldType INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Comm INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: IOComm INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainDesc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4) :: bdy_mask CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: Stagger CHARACTER*(*) , dimension (*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DimNames INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryStart, MemoryEnd INTEGER ,dimension(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: PatchStart, PatchEnd INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: Status CHARACTER*3 MemOrd LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: has_char INTEGER ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde INTEGER ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme INTEGER ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER , dimension(3) :: dom_end_rev INTEGER memsize LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_monitor_rank INTEGER lx, lx2, i,j,k ,idx,idx2 INTEGER my_count, nproc, communicator, ierr, my_displ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: counts(:), displs(:) LOGICAL distributed_field INTEGER collective_root CALL lower_case( MemoryOrder, MemOrd ) collective_root = wrf_dm_monitor_rank() CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( communicator ) ALLOCATE(displs( nproc )) ALLOCATE(counts( nproc )) dom_end_rev(1) = DomainEnd(1) dom_end_rev(2) = DomainEnd(2) dom_end_rev(3) = DomainEnd(3) SELECT CASE (TRIM(MemOrd)) CASE ( 'xzy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'zxy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'xyz' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'xy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 CASE ( 'yxz' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'z' ) ) dom_end_rev(3) = dom_end_rev(3) + 1 CASE ( 'yx' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) dom_end_rev(1) = dom_end_rev(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) dom_end_rev(2) = dom_end_rev(2) + 1 CASE DEFAULT ! do nothing; the boundary orders and others either dont care or set themselves END SELECT data_ordering : SELECT CASE ( model_data_order ) CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XYZ ) ids=DomainStart(1); ide=dom_end_rev(1); jds=DomainStart(2); jde=dom_end_rev(2); kds=DomainStart(3); kde=dom_end_rev(3); ims=MemoryStart(1); ime= MemoryEnd(1); jms=MemoryStart(2); jme= MemoryEnd(2); kms=MemoryStart(3); kme= MemoryEnd(3); ips= PatchStart(1); ipe= PatchEnd(1); jps= PatchStart(2); jpe= PatchEnd(2); kps= PatchStart(3); kpe= PatchEnd(3); CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YXZ ) ids=DomainStart(2); ide=dom_end_rev(2); jds=DomainStart(1); jde=dom_end_rev(1); kds=DomainStart(3); kde=dom_end_rev(3); ims=MemoryStart(2); ime= MemoryEnd(2); jms=MemoryStart(1); jme= MemoryEnd(1); kms=MemoryStart(3); kme= MemoryEnd(3); ips= PatchStart(2); ipe= PatchEnd(2); jps= PatchStart(1); jpe= PatchEnd(1); kps= PatchStart(3); kpe= PatchEnd(3); CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZXY ) ids=DomainStart(2); ide=dom_end_rev(2); jds=DomainStart(3); jde=dom_end_rev(3); kds=DomainStart(1); kde=dom_end_rev(1); ims=MemoryStart(2); ime= MemoryEnd(2); jms=MemoryStart(3); jme= MemoryEnd(3); kms=MemoryStart(1); kme= MemoryEnd(1); ips= PatchStart(2); ipe= PatchEnd(2); jps= PatchStart(3); jpe= PatchEnd(3); kps= PatchStart(1); kpe= PatchEnd(1); CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZYX ) ids=DomainStart(3); ide=dom_end_rev(3); jds=DomainStart(2); jde=dom_end_rev(2); kds=DomainStart(1); kde=dom_end_rev(1); ims=MemoryStart(3); ime= MemoryEnd(3); jms=MemoryStart(2); jme= MemoryEnd(2); kms=MemoryStart(1); kme= MemoryEnd(1); ips= PatchStart(3); ipe= PatchEnd(3); jps= PatchStart(2); jpe= PatchEnd(2); kps= PatchStart(1); kpe= PatchEnd(1); CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XZY ) ids=DomainStart(1); ide=dom_end_rev(1); jds=DomainStart(3); jde=dom_end_rev(3); kds=DomainStart(2); kde=dom_end_rev(2); ims=MemoryStart(1); ime= MemoryEnd(1); jms=MemoryStart(3); jme= MemoryEnd(3); kms=MemoryStart(2); kme= MemoryEnd(2); ips= PatchStart(1); ipe= PatchEnd(1); jps= PatchStart(3); jpe= PatchEnd(3); kps= PatchStart(2); kpe= PatchEnd(2); CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YZX ) ids=DomainStart(3); ide=dom_end_rev(3); jds=DomainStart(1); jde=dom_end_rev(1); kds=DomainStart(2); kde=dom_end_rev(2); ims=MemoryStart(3); ime= MemoryEnd(3); jms=MemoryStart(1); jme= MemoryEnd(1); kms=MemoryStart(2); kme= MemoryEnd(2); ips= PatchStart(3); ipe= PatchEnd(3); jps= PatchStart(1); jpe= PatchEnd(1); kps= PatchStart(2); kpe= PatchEnd(2); END SELECT data_ordering SELECT CASE (MemOrd) #ifndef STUBMPI CASE ( 'xzy', 'yzx', 'xyz', 'yxz', 'zxy', 'zyx', 'xy', 'yx' ) distributed_field = .TRUE. CASE ( 'xsz', 'xez', 'xs', 'xe' ) CALL are_bdys_distributed( distributed_field ) CASE ( 'ysz', 'yez', 'ys', 'ye' ) CALL are_bdys_distributed( distributed_field ) #endif CASE DEFAULT ! all other memory orders are replicated distributed_field = .FALSE. END SELECT IF ( distributed_field ) THEN ! added 8/2004 for interfaces, like MCEL, that want the old values so they can be updated IF ( update_arg ) THEN SELECT CASE (TRIM(MemOrd)) CASE ( 'xzy','zxy','xyz','yxz','xy','yx' ) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_double ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_integer ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN CALL wrf_patch_to_global_logical ( Field , globbuf , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) ENDIF CASE DEFAULT END SELECT ENDIF IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN CALL fcn ( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , globbuf , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & DomainStart , dom_end_rev , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & Status ) ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) CALL lower_case( MemoryOrder, MemOrd ) #if defined(DM_PARALLEL) && !defined(STUBMPI) ! handle boundaries separately IF ( TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xsz' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xez' .OR. & TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xs' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xe' .OR. & TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'ysz' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'yez' .OR. & TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'ys' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'ye' ) THEN IF ( TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xsz' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xez' .OR. & TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xs' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'xe' ) THEN jds=DomainStart(1); jde=dom_end_rev(1); ids=DomainStart(3); ide=dom_end_rev(3); kds=DomainStart(2); kde=dom_end_rev(2); jms=MemoryStart(1); jme= MemoryEnd(1); ims=MemoryStart(3); ime= MemoryEnd(3); kms=MemoryStart(2); kme= MemoryEnd(2); jps= PatchStart(1); jpe= PatchEnd(1); ips= PatchStart(3); ipe= PatchEnd(3); kps= PatchStart(2); kpe= PatchEnd(2); IF ( nproc .GT. 1 ) THEN ! Will assume that the i,j, and k dimensions correspond to the model_data_order specified by the registry -- ! eg. i is (1), j is (3), and k is (2) for XZY -- and that when these are passed in for xs/xe boundary arrays (left and right ! sides of domain) the j is fully dimensioned, i is the bdy_width, and k is k. corresponding arrangement for ys/ye ! boundaries (bottom and top). Note, however, that for the boundary arrays themselves, the innermost dimension is always ! the "full" dimension: for xs/xe, dimension 1 of the boundary arrays is j. For ys/ye, it's i. So there's a potential ! for confusion between the MODEL storage order, and which of the sd31:ed31/sd32:ed32/sd33:ed33 framework dimensions ! correspond to X/Y/Z as determined by the Registry dimespec definitions and what the storage order of the boundary ! slab arrays are (which depends on which boundaries they represent). The k memory and domain dimensions must be set ! properly for 2d (ks=1, ke=1) versus 3d fields. IF ( (MemOrd(1:2) .EQ. 'xs' .AND. bdy_mask( P_XSB )) .OR. & (MemOrd(1:2) .EQ. 'xe' .AND. bdy_mask( P_XEB )) ) THEN my_displ = jps-1 my_count = jpe-jps+1 ELSE my_displ = 0 my_count = 0 ENDIF CALL mpi_gather( my_displ, 1, MPI_INTEGER, displs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_gather( my_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, counts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) do i = ips,ipe ! bdy_width do k = kds,kde ! levels lx = jme-jms+1 lx2 = jde-jds+1 idx = lx*((k-1)+(i-1)*(kme-kms+1)) idx2 = lx2*((k-1)+(i-1)*(kde-kds+1)) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_scatterv_double ( & globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, jps-jms+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_scatterv_real ( & globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, jps-jms+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_scatterv_integer ( & globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, jps-jms+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ENDIF enddo enddo ENDIF ENDIF IF ( TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'ysz' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'yez' .OR. & TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'ys' .OR. TRIM(MemOrd) .EQ. 'ye' ) THEN ids=DomainStart(1); ide=dom_end_rev(1); jds=DomainStart(3); jde=dom_end_rev(3); kds=DomainStart(2); kde=dom_end_rev(2); ims=MemoryStart(1); ime= MemoryEnd(1); jms=MemoryStart(3); jme= MemoryEnd(3); kms=MemoryStart(2); kme= MemoryEnd(2); ips= PatchStart(1); ipe= PatchEnd(1); jps= PatchStart(3); jpe= PatchEnd(3); kps= PatchStart(2); kpe= PatchEnd(2); IF ( nproc .GT. 1 ) THEN IF ( (MemOrd(1:2) .EQ. 'ys' .AND. bdy_mask( P_YSB )) .OR. & (MemOrd(1:2) .EQ. 'ye' .AND. bdy_mask( P_YEB )) ) THEN my_displ = ips-1 my_count = ipe-ips+1 ELSE my_displ = 0 my_count = 0 ENDIF CALL mpi_gather( my_displ, 1, MPI_INTEGER, displs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_gather( my_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, counts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, collective_root, communicator, ierr ) do j = jds,jde ! bdy_width do k = kds,kde ! levels lx = ime-ims+1 lx2 = ide-ids+1 idx = lx*((k-1)+(j-1)*(kme-kms+1)) idx2 = lx2*((k-1)+(j-1)*(kde-kds+1)) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_scatterv_double ( & globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, ips-ims+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN CALL wrf_scatterv_real ( & globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, ips-ims+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_scatterv_integer ( & globbuf, 1+idx2 , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, ips-ims+1+idx , & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs collective_root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ENDIF enddo enddo ENDIF ENDIF ELSE ! not a boundary IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN SELECT CASE (MemOrd) CASE ( 'xzy','xyz','yxz','zxy' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_double ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) CASE ( 'xy','yx' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_double ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , 1 , 1 ) END SELECT ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT ) THEN SELECT CASE (MemOrd) CASE ( 'xzy','xyz','yxz','zxy' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_real ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) CASE ( 'xy','yx' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_real ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , 1 , 1 ) END SELECT ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN SELECT CASE (MemOrd) CASE ( 'xzy','xyz','yxz','zxy' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_integer ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) CASE ( 'xy','yx' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_integer ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , 1 , 1 ) END SELECT ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN SELECT CASE (MemOrd) CASE ( 'xzy','xyz','yxz','zxy' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_logical ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), DomainStart(3), DomainEnd(3), & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), MemoryStart(3), MemoryEnd(3), & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , PatchStart(3) , PatchEnd(3) ) CASE ( 'xy','yx' ) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_logical ( globbuf, Field , DomainDesc, Stagger, MemOrd , & DomainStart(1), DomainEnd(1), DomainStart(2), DomainEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & MemoryStart(1), MemoryEnd(1), MemoryStart(2), MemoryEnd(2), 1 , 1 , & PatchStart(1) , PatchEnd(1) , PatchStart(2) , PatchEnd(2) , 1 , 1 ) END SELECT ENDIF ENDIF #endif ELSE ! not a distributed field IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN CALL fcn ( Hndl , DateStr , VarName , Field , FieldType , Comm , IOComm , & DomainDesc , MemoryOrder , Stagger , DimNames , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , & MemoryStart , MemoryEnd , & PatchStart , PatchEnd , & Status ) ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE ) memsize = (MemoryEnd(1)-MemoryStart(1)+1)*(MemoryEnd(2)-MemoryStart(2)+1)*(MemoryEnd(3)-MemoryStart(3)+1) IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_DOUBLE ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Field , DWORDSIZE*memsize ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_FLOAT) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Field , RWORDSIZE*memsize ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_INTEGER ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Field , IWORDSIZE*memsize ) ELSE IF ( FieldType .EQ. WRF_LOGICAL ) THEN CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Field , LWORDSIZE*memsize ) ENDIF ENDIF DEALLOCATE(displs) DEALLOCATE(counts) RETURN END SUBROUTINE call_pkg_and_dist_generic !!!!!! Miscellaneous routines ! stole these routines from io_netcdf external package; changed names to avoid collisions SUBROUTINE dim_from_memorder(MemoryOrder,NDim) ! !
! Decodes array ranks from memory order.  
CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: NDim !Local CHARACTER*3 :: MemOrd ! CALL Lower_Case(MemoryOrder,MemOrd) SELECT CASE (MemOrd) CASE ('xyz','xzy','yxz','yzx','zxy','zyx') NDim = 3 CASE ('xy','yx') NDim = 2 CASE ('z','c','0') NDim = 1 CASE DEFAULT NDim = 0 RETURN END SELECT RETURN END SUBROUTINE dim_from_memorder SUBROUTINE lower_case(MemoryOrder,MemOrd) ! !
! Translates upper-case characters to lower-case.  
CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder CHARACTER*(*) ,INTENT(OUT) :: MemOrd !Local CHARACTER*1 :: c INTEGER ,PARAMETER :: upper_to_lower =IACHAR('a')-IACHAR('A') INTEGER :: i,n ! MemOrd = ' ' N = len(MemoryOrder) MemOrd(1:N) = MemoryOrder(1:N) DO i=1,N c = MemoryOrder(i:i) if('A'<=c .and. c <='Z') MemOrd(i:i)=achar(iachar(c)+upper_to_lower) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE Lower_Case LOGICAL FUNCTION has_char( str, c ) ! !
! Returns .TRUE. iff string str contains character c.  Ignores character case.  
IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) str CHARACTER c, d CHARACTER*80 str1, str2, str3 INTEGER i CALL lower_case( TRIM(str), str1 ) str2 = "" str2(1:1) = c CALL lower_case( str2, str3 ) d = str3(1:1) DO i = 1, LEN(TRIM(str1)) IF ( str1(i:i) .EQ. d ) THEN has_char = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF ENDDO has_char = .FALSE. RETURN END FUNCTION has_char