!WRF:PACKAGE:RSL ! MODULE module_dm USE module_machine USE module_wrf_error USE module_driver_constants USE module_comm_dm IMPLICIT NONE #if ( NMM_CORE == 1 ) || defined( WRF_CHEM ) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_halo_width = 6 #else INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_halo_width = 6 ! 5 #endif INTEGER :: ips_save, ipe_save, jps_save, jpe_save, itrace INTEGER ntasks, ntasks_y, ntasks_x, mytask, mytask_x, mytask_y INTEGER local_communicator, local_communicator_periodic, local_iocommunicator INTEGER local_communicator_x, local_communicator_y ! subcommunicators for rows and cols of mesh LOGICAL :: dm_debug_flag = .FALSE. INTERFACE wrf_dm_maxval #if (RWORDSIZE == 8) MODULE PROCEDURE wrf_dm_maxval_real , wrf_dm_maxval_integer #else MODULE PROCEDURE wrf_dm_maxval_real , wrf_dm_maxval_integer, wrf_dm_maxval_doubleprecision #endif END INTERFACE INTERFACE wrf_dm_minval ! gopal's doing #if (RWORDSIZE == 8) MODULE PROCEDURE wrf_dm_minval_real , wrf_dm_minval_integer #else MODULE PROCEDURE wrf_dm_minval_real , wrf_dm_minval_integer, wrf_dm_minval_doubleprecision #endif END INTERFACE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE MPASPECT( P, MINM, MINN, PROCMIN_M, PROCMIN_N ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER P, M, N, MINI, MINM, MINN, PROCMIN_M, PROCMIN_N MINI = 2*P MINM = 1 MINN = P DO M = 1, P IF ( MOD( P, M ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN N = P / M IF ( ABS(M-N) .LT. MINI & .AND. M .GE. PROCMIN_M & .AND. N .GE. PROCMIN_N & ) THEN MINI = ABS(M-N) MINM = M MINN = N ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF ( MINM .LT. PROCMIN_M .OR. MINN .LT. PROCMIN_N ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )'MPASPECT: UNABLE TO GENERATE PROCESSOR MESH. STOPPING.' CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE(0,*)' PROCMIN_M ', PROCMIN_M WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )' PROCMIN_M ', PROCMIN_M CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )' PROCMIN_N ', PROCMIN_N CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )' P ', P CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )' MINM ', MINM CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )' MINN ', MINN CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'module_dm: mpaspect' ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE MPASPECT SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_initialize USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER :: local_comm, local_comm2, new_local_comm, group, newgroup, p, p1, ierr INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ranks INTEGER comdup INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: dims, coords LOGICAL, DIMENSION(2) :: isperiodic LOGICAL :: reorder_mesh CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( local_comm ) CALL mpi_comm_size( local_comm, ntasks, ierr ) CALL nl_get_nproc_x ( 1, ntasks_x ) CALL nl_get_nproc_y ( 1, ntasks_y ) CALL nl_get_reorder_mesh( 1, reorder_mesh ) ! check if user has specified in the namelist IF ( ntasks_x .GT. 0 .OR. ntasks_y .GT. 0 ) THEN ! if only ntasks_x is specified then make it 1-d decomp in i IF ( ntasks_x .GT. 0 .AND. ntasks_y .EQ. -1 ) THEN ntasks_y = ntasks / ntasks_x ! if only ntasks_y is specified then make it 1-d decomp in j ELSE IF ( ntasks_x .EQ. -1 .AND. ntasks_y .GT. 0 ) THEN ntasks_x = ntasks / ntasks_y ENDIF ! make sure user knows what they're doing IF ( ntasks_x * ntasks_y .NE. ntasks ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )'WRF_DM_INITIALIZE (RSL_LITE): nproc_x * nproc_y in namelist ne ',ntasks CALL wrf_error_fatal ( wrf_err_message ) ENDIF ELSE ! When neither is specified, work out mesh with MPASPECT ! Pass nproc_ln and nproc_nt so that number of procs in ! i-dim (nproc_ln) is equal or lesser. CALL mpaspect ( ntasks, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, 1, 1 ) ENDIF WRITE( wrf_err_message , * )'Ntasks in X ',ntasks_x,', ntasks in Y ',ntasks_y CALL wrf_message( wrf_err_message ) CALL mpi_comm_rank( local_comm, mytask, ierr ) ! extra code to reorder the communicator 20051212jm IF ( reorder_mesh ) THEN ALLOCATE (ranks(ntasks)) CALL mpi_comm_dup ( local_comm , local_comm2, ierr ) CALL mpi_comm_group ( local_comm2, group, ierr ) DO p1=1,ntasks p = p1 - 1 ranks(p1) = mod( p , ntasks_x ) * ntasks_y + p / ntasks_x ENDDO CALL mpi_group_incl( group, ntasks, ranks, newgroup, ierr ) DEALLOCATE (ranks) CALL mpi_comm_create( local_comm2, newgroup, new_local_comm , ierr ) ELSE new_local_comm = local_comm ENDIF ! end extra code to reorder the communicator 20051212jm dims(1) = ntasks_y ! rows dims(2) = ntasks_x ! columns isperiodic(1) = .false. isperiodic(2) = .false. CALL mpi_cart_create( new_local_comm, 2, dims, isperiodic, .false., local_communicator, ierr ) dims(1) = ntasks_y ! rows dims(2) = ntasks_x ! columns isperiodic(1) = .true. isperiodic(2) = .true. CALL mpi_cart_create( new_local_comm, 2, dims, isperiodic, .false., local_communicator_periodic, ierr ) ! debug CALL mpi_comm_rank( local_communicator_periodic, mytask, ierr ) CALL mpi_cart_coords( local_communicator_periodic, mytask, 2, coords, ierr ) ! write(0,*)'periodic coords ',mytask, coords CALL mpi_comm_rank( local_communicator, mytask, ierr ) CALL mpi_cart_coords( local_communicator, mytask, 2, coords, ierr ) ! write(0,*)'non periodic coords ',mytask, coords mytask_x = coords(2) ! col task (x) mytask_y = coords(1) ! row task (y) CALL nl_set_nproc_x ( 1, ntasks_x ) CALL nl_set_nproc_y ( 1, ntasks_y ) ! 20061228 set up subcommunicators for processors in X, Y coords of mesh ! note that local_comm_x has all the processors in a row (X=0:nproc_x-1); ! in other words, local_comm_x has all the processes with the same rank in Y CALL MPI_Comm_dup( new_local_comm, comdup, ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal('MPI_Comm_dup fails in 20061228 mod') CALL MPI_Comm_split(comdup,mytask_y,mytask,local_communicator_x,ierr) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal('MPI_Comm_split fails for x in 20061228 mod') CALL MPI_Comm_split(comdup,mytask_x,mytask,local_communicator_y,ierr) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal('MPI_Comm_split fails for y in 20061228 mod') ! end 20061228 CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator ( local_communicator ) #else ntasks = 1 ntasks_x = 1 ntasks_y = 1 mytask = 0 mytask_x = 0 mytask_y = 0 #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_initialize SUBROUTINE get_dm_max_halo_width( id, width ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: id INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: width IF ( id .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! this is coarse domain width = max_halo_width ELSE width = max_halo_width + 3 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_dm_max_halo_width SUBROUTINE patch_domain_rsl_lite( id , parent, parent_id, & sd1 , ed1 , sp1 , ep1 , sm1 , em1 , & sd2 , ed2 , sp2 , ep2 , sm2 , em2 , & sd3 , ed3 , sp3 , ep3 , sm3 , em3 , & sp1x , ep1x , sm1x , em1x , & sp2x , ep2x , sm2x , em2x , & sp3x , ep3x , sm3x , em3x , & sp1y , ep1y , sm1y , em1y , & sp2y , ep2y , sm2y , em2y , & sp3y , ep3y , sm3y , em3y , & bdx , bdy ) USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, head_grid, find_grid_by_id USE module_machine IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sd1 , ed1 , sd2 , ed2 , sd3 , ed3 , bdx , bdy INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sp1 , ep1 , sp2 , ep2 , sp3 , ep3 , & sm1 , em1 , sm2 , em2 , sm3 , em3 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sp1x , ep1x , sp2x , ep2x , sp3x , ep3x , & sm1x , em1x , sm2x , em2x , sm3x , em3x INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sp1y , ep1y , sp2y , ep2y , sp3y , ep3y , & sm1y , em1y , sm2y , em2y , sm3y , em3y INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: id, parent_id TYPE(domain),POINTER :: parent ! Local variables INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde INTEGER :: ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme INTEGER :: ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER :: imsx, imex, jmsx, jmex, kmsx, kmex INTEGER :: ipsx, ipex, jpsx, jpex, kpsx, kpex INTEGER :: imsy, imey, jmsy, jmey, kmsy, kmey INTEGER :: ipsy, ipey, jpsy, jpey, kpsy, kpey INTEGER :: c_sd1 , c_ed1 , c_sd2 , c_ed2 , c_sd3 , c_ed3 INTEGER :: c_sp1 , c_ep1 , c_sp2 , c_ep2 , c_sp3 , c_ep3 , & c_sm1 , c_em1 , c_sm2 , c_em2 , c_sm3 , c_em3 INTEGER :: c_sp1x , c_ep1x , c_sp2x , c_ep2x , c_sp3x , c_ep3x , & c_sm1x , c_em1x , c_sm2x , c_em2x , c_sm3x , c_em3x INTEGER :: c_sp1y , c_ep1y , c_sp2y , c_ep2y , c_sp3y , c_ep3y , & c_sm1y , c_em1y , c_sm2y , c_em2y , c_sm3y , c_em3y INTEGER :: c_ids, c_ide, c_jds, c_jde, c_kds, c_kde INTEGER :: c_ims, c_ime, c_jms, c_jme, c_kms, c_kme INTEGER :: c_ips, c_ipe, c_jps, c_jpe, c_kps, c_kpe INTEGER :: idim , jdim , kdim , rem , a, b INTEGER :: i, j, ni, nj, Px, Py, P INTEGER :: parent_grid_ratio, i_parent_start, j_parent_start INTEGER :: shw INTEGER :: idim_cd, jdim_cd, ierr INTEGER :: max_dom TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: nest_grid CHARACTER*256 :: mess INTEGER parent_max_halo_width INTEGER thisdomain_max_halo_width SELECT CASE ( model_data_order ) ! need to finish other cases CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZXY ) ids = sd2 ; ide = ed2 jds = sd3 ; jde = ed3 kds = sd1 ; kde = ed1 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XYZ ) ids = sd1 ; ide = ed1 jds = sd2 ; jde = ed2 kds = sd3 ; kde = ed3 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XZY ) ids = sd1 ; ide = ed1 jds = sd3 ; jde = ed3 kds = sd2 ; kde = ed2 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YXZ) ids = sd2 ; ide = ed2 jds = sd1 ; jde = ed1 kds = sd3 ; kde = ed3 END SELECT CALL nl_get_max_dom( 1 , max_dom ) CALL get_dm_max_halo_width( id , thisdomain_max_halo_width ) IF ( id .GT. 1 ) THEN CALL get_dm_max_halo_width( parent%id , parent_max_halo_width ) ENDIF CALL compute_memory_dims_rsl_lite ( id, thisdomain_max_halo_width, 0 , bdx, bdy, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & imsx, imex, jmsx, jmex, kmsx, kmex, & imsy, imey, jmsy, jmey, kmsy, kmey, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, & ipsx, ipex, jpsx, jpex, kpsx, kpex, & ipsy, ipey, jpsy, jpey, kpsy, kpey ) ! ensure that the every parent domain point has a full set of nested points under it ! even at the borders. Do this by making sure the number of nest points is a multiple of ! the nesting ratio. Note that this is important mostly to the intermediate domain, which ! is the subject of the scatter gather comms with the parent IF ( id .GT. 1 ) THEN CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio( id, parent_grid_ratio ) if ( mod(ime,parent_grid_ratio) .NE. 0 ) ime = ime + parent_grid_ratio - mod(ime,parent_grid_ratio) if ( mod(jme,parent_grid_ratio) .NE. 0 ) jme = jme + parent_grid_ratio - mod(jme,parent_grid_ratio) ENDIF SELECT CASE ( model_data_order ) CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZXY ) sp2 = ips ; ep2 = ipe ; sm2 = ims ; em2 = ime sp3 = jps ; ep3 = jpe ; sm3 = jms ; em3 = jme sp1 = kps ; ep1 = kpe ; sm1 = kms ; em1 = kme sp2x = ipsx ; ep2x = ipex ; sm2x = imsx ; em2x = imex sp3x = jpsx ; ep3x = jpex ; sm3x = jmsx ; em3x = jmex sp1x = kpsx ; ep1x = kpex ; sm1x = kmsx ; em1x = kmex sp2y = ipsy ; ep2y = ipey ; sm2y = imsy ; em2y = imey sp3y = jpsy ; ep3y = jpey ; sm3y = jmsy ; em3y = jmey sp1y = kpsy ; ep1y = kpey ; sm1y = kmsy ; em1y = kmey CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZYX ) sp3 = ips ; ep3 = ipe ; sm3 = ims ; em3 = ime sp2 = jps ; ep2 = jpe ; sm2 = jms ; em2 = jme sp1 = kps ; ep1 = kpe ; sm1 = kms ; em1 = kme sp3x = ipsx ; ep3x = ipex ; sm3x = imsx ; em3x = imex sp2x = jpsx ; ep2x = jpex ; sm2x = jmsx ; em2x = jmex sp1x = kpsx ; ep1x = kpex ; sm1x = kmsx ; em1x = kmex sp3y = ipsy ; ep3y = ipey ; sm3y = imsy ; em3y = imey sp2y = jpsy ; ep2y = jpey ; sm2y = jmsy ; em2y = jmey sp1y = kpsy ; ep1y = kpey ; sm1y = kmsy ; em1y = kmey CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XYZ ) sp1 = ips ; ep1 = ipe ; sm1 = ims ; em1 = ime sp2 = jps ; ep2 = jpe ; sm2 = jms ; em2 = jme sp3 = kps ; ep3 = kpe ; sm3 = kms ; em3 = kme sp1x = ipsx ; ep1x = ipex ; sm1x = imsx ; em1x = imex sp2x = jpsx ; ep2x = jpex ; sm2x = jmsx ; em2x = jmex sp3x = kpsx ; ep3x = kpex ; sm3x = kmsx ; em3x = kmex sp1y = ipsy ; ep1y = ipey ; sm1y = imsy ; em1y = imey sp2y = jpsy ; ep2y = jpey ; sm2y = jmsy ; em2y = jmey sp3y = kpsy ; ep3y = kpey ; sm3y = kmsy ; em3y = kmey CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YXZ) sp2 = ips ; ep2 = ipe ; sm2 = ims ; em2 = ime sp1 = jps ; ep1 = jpe ; sm1 = jms ; em1 = jme sp3 = kps ; ep3 = kpe ; sm3 = kms ; em3 = kme sp2x = ipsx ; ep2x = ipex ; sm2x = imsx ; em2x = imex sp1x = jpsx ; ep1x = jpex ; sm1x = jmsx ; em1x = jmex sp3x = kpsx ; ep3x = kpex ; sm3x = kmsx ; em3x = kmex sp2y = ipsy ; ep2y = ipey ; sm2y = imsy ; em2y = imey sp1y = jpsy ; ep1y = jpey ; sm1y = jmsy ; em1y = jmey sp3y = kpsy ; ep3y = kpey ; sm3y = kmsy ; em3y = kmey CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XZY ) sp1 = ips ; ep1 = ipe ; sm1 = ims ; em1 = ime sp3 = jps ; ep3 = jpe ; sm3 = jms ; em3 = jme sp2 = kps ; ep2 = kpe ; sm2 = kms ; em2 = kme sp1x = ipsx ; ep1x = ipex ; sm1x = imsx ; em1x = imex sp3x = jpsx ; ep3x = jpex ; sm3x = jmsx ; em3x = jmex sp2x = kpsx ; ep2x = kpex ; sm2x = kmsx ; em2x = kmex sp1y = ipsy ; ep1y = ipey ; sm1y = imsy ; em1y = imey sp3y = jpsy ; ep3y = jpey ; sm3y = jmsy ; em3y = jmey sp2y = kpsy ; ep2y = kpey ; sm2y = kmsy ; em2y = kmey CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YZX ) sp3 = ips ; ep3 = ipe ; sm3 = ims ; em3 = ime sp1 = jps ; ep1 = jpe ; sm1 = jms ; em1 = jme sp2 = kps ; ep2 = kpe ; sm2 = kms ; em2 = kme sp3x = ipsx ; ep3x = ipex ; sm3x = imsx ; em3x = imex sp1x = jpsx ; ep1x = jpex ; sm1x = jmsx ; em1x = jmex sp2x = kpsx ; ep2x = kpex ; sm2x = kmsx ; em2x = kmex sp3y = ipsy ; ep3y = ipey ; sm3y = imsy ; em3y = imey sp1y = jpsy ; ep1y = jpey ; sm1y = jmsy ; em1y = jmey sp2y = kpsy ; ep2y = kpey ; sm2y = kmsy ; em2y = kmey END SELECT IF ( id.EQ.1 ) THEN WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'*************************************' CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'Parent domain' CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ids,ide,jds,jde ',ids,ide,jds,jde CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ims,ime,jms,jme ',ims,ime,jms,jme CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ips,ipe,jps,jpe ',ips,ipe,jps,jpe CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'*************************************' CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) ENDIF IF ( id .GT. 1 ) THEN CALL nl_get_shw( id, shw ) CALL nl_get_i_parent_start( id , i_parent_start ) CALL nl_get_j_parent_start( id , j_parent_start ) CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio( id, parent_grid_ratio ) SELECT CASE ( model_data_order ) CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZXY ) idim = ed2-sd2+1 jdim = ed3-sd3+1 kdim = ed1-sd1+1 c_kds = sd1 ; c_kde = ed1 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZYX ) idim = ed3-sd3+1 jdim = ed2-sd2+1 kdim = ed1-sd1+1 c_kds = sd1 ; c_kde = ed1 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XYZ ) idim = ed1-sd1+1 jdim = ed2-sd2+1 kdim = ed3-sd3+1 c_kds = sd3 ; c_kde = ed3 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YXZ) idim = ed2-sd2+1 jdim = ed1-sd1+1 kdim = ed3-sd3+1 c_kds = sd3 ; c_kde = ed3 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XZY ) idim = ed1-sd1+1 jdim = ed3-sd3+1 kdim = ed2-sd2+1 c_kds = sd2 ; c_kde = ed2 CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YZX ) idim = ed3-sd3+1 jdim = ed1-sd1+1 kdim = ed2-sd2+1 c_kds = sd2 ; c_kde = ed2 END SELECT idim_cd = idim / parent_grid_ratio + 1 + 2*shw + 1 jdim_cd = jdim / parent_grid_ratio + 1 + 2*shw + 1 c_ids = i_parent_start-shw ; c_ide = c_ids + idim_cd - 1 c_jds = j_parent_start-shw ; c_jde = c_jds + jdim_cd - 1 ! we want the intermediate domain to be decomposed the ! the same as the underlying nest. So try this: c_ips = -1 nj = ( c_jds - j_parent_start ) * parent_grid_ratio + 1 + 1 ; ierr = 0 DO i = c_ids, c_ide ni = ( i - i_parent_start ) * parent_grid_ratio + 1 + 1 ; CALL task_for_point ( ni, nj, ids, ide, jds, jde, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & thisdomain_max_halo_width, thisdomain_max_halo_width, ierr ) IF ( Px .EQ. mytask_x ) THEN c_ipe = i IF ( c_ips .EQ. -1 ) c_ips = i ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF IF (c_ips .EQ. -1 ) THEN c_ipe = -1 c_ips = 0 ENDIF c_jps = -1 ni = ( c_ids - i_parent_start ) * parent_grid_ratio + 1 + 1 ; ierr = 0 DO j = c_jds, c_jde nj = ( j - j_parent_start ) * parent_grid_ratio + 1 + 1 ; CALL task_for_point ( ni, nj, ids, ide, jds, jde, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & thisdomain_max_halo_width, thisdomain_max_halo_width, ierr ) IF ( Py .EQ. mytask_y ) THEN c_jpe = j IF ( c_jps .EQ. -1 ) c_jps = j ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF IF (c_jps .EQ. -1 ) THEN c_jpe = -1 c_jps = 0 ENDIF IF ( c_jps < c_jpe .AND. c_ips < c_ipe ) THEN ! extend the patch dimensions out shw along edges of domain IF ( mytask_x .EQ. 0 ) THEN c_ips = c_ips - shw ENDIF IF ( mytask_x .EQ. ntasks_x-1 ) THEN c_ipe = c_ipe + shw ENDIF c_ims = max( c_ips - max(shw,thisdomain_max_halo_width), c_ids - bdx ) - 1 c_ime = min( c_ipe + max(shw,thisdomain_max_halo_width), c_ide + bdx ) + 1 ! handle j dims ! extend the patch dimensions out shw along edges of domain IF ( mytask_y .EQ. 0 ) THEN c_jps = c_jps - shw ENDIF IF ( mytask_y .EQ. ntasks_y-1 ) THEN c_jpe = c_jpe + shw ENDIF c_jms = max( c_jps - max(shw,thisdomain_max_halo_width), c_jds - bdx ) - 1 c_jme = min( c_jpe + max(shw,thisdomain_max_halo_width), c_jde + bdx ) + 1 ! handle k dims ELSE c_ims = 0 c_ime = 0 c_jms = 0 c_jme = 0 ENDIF c_kps = 1 c_kpe = c_kde c_kms = 1 c_kme = c_kde WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'*************************************' CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'Nesting domain' CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ids,ide,jds,jde ',ids,ide,jds,jde CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ims,ime,jms,jme ',ims,ime,jms,jme CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ips,ipe,jps,jpe ',ips,ipe,jps,jpe CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'INTERMEDIATE domain' CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ids,ide,jds,jde ',c_ids,c_ide,c_jds,c_jde CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ims,ime,jms,jme ',c_ims,c_ime,c_jms,c_jme CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'ips,ipe,jps,jpe ',c_ips,c_ipe,c_jps,c_jpe CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'*************************************' CALL wrf_message( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) SELECT CASE ( model_data_order ) CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZXY ) c_sd2 = c_ids ; c_ed2 = c_ide ; c_sp2 = c_ips ; c_ep2 = c_ipe ; c_sm2 = c_ims ; c_em2 = c_ime c_sd3 = c_jds ; c_ed3 = c_jde ; c_sp3 = c_jps ; c_ep3 = c_jpe ; c_sm3 = c_jms ; c_em3 = c_jme c_sd1 = c_kds ; c_ed1 = c_kde ; c_sp1 = c_kps ; c_ep1 = c_kpe ; c_sm1 = c_kms ; c_em1 = c_kme CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZYX ) c_sd3 = c_ids ; c_ed3 = c_ide ; c_sp3 = c_ips ; c_ep3 = c_ipe ; c_sm3 = c_ims ; c_em3 = c_ime c_sd2 = c_jds ; c_ed2 = c_jde ; c_sp2 = c_jps ; c_ep2 = c_jpe ; c_sm2 = c_jms ; c_em2 = c_jme c_sd1 = c_kds ; c_ed1 = c_kde ; c_sp1 = c_kps ; c_ep1 = c_kpe ; c_sm1 = c_kms ; c_em1 = c_kme CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XYZ ) c_sd1 = c_ids ; c_ed1 = c_ide ; c_sp1 = c_ips ; c_ep1 = c_ipe ; c_sm1 = c_ims ; c_em1 = c_ime c_sd2 = c_jds ; c_ed2 = c_jde ; c_sp2 = c_jps ; c_ep2 = c_jpe ; c_sm2 = c_jms ; c_em2 = c_jme c_sd3 = c_kds ; c_ed3 = c_kde ; c_sp3 = c_kps ; c_ep3 = c_kpe ; c_sm3 = c_kms ; c_em3 = c_kme CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YXZ) c_sd2 = c_ids ; c_ed2 = c_ide ; c_sp2 = c_ips ; c_ep2 = c_ipe ; c_sm2 = c_ims ; c_em2 = c_ime c_sd1 = c_jds ; c_ed1 = c_jde ; c_sp1 = c_jps ; c_ep1 = c_jpe ; c_sm1 = c_jms ; c_em1 = c_jme c_sd3 = c_kds ; c_ed3 = c_kde ; c_sp3 = c_kps ; c_ep3 = c_kpe ; c_sm3 = c_kms ; c_em3 = c_kme CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XZY ) c_sd1 = c_ids ; c_ed1 = c_ide ; c_sp1 = c_ips ; c_ep1 = c_ipe ; c_sm1 = c_ims ; c_em1 = c_ime c_sd3 = c_jds ; c_ed3 = c_jde ; c_sp3 = c_jps ; c_ep3 = c_jpe ; c_sm3 = c_jms ; c_em3 = c_jme c_sd2 = c_kds ; c_ed2 = c_kde ; c_sp2 = c_kps ; c_ep2 = c_kpe ; c_sm2 = c_kms ; c_em2 = c_kme CASE ( DATA_ORDER_YZX ) c_sd3 = c_ids ; c_ed3 = c_ide ; c_sp3 = c_ips ; c_ep3 = c_ipe ; c_sm3 = c_ims ; c_em3 = c_ime c_sd1 = c_jds ; c_ed1 = c_jde ; c_sp1 = c_jps ; c_ep1 = c_jpe ; c_sm1 = c_jms ; c_em1 = c_jme c_sd2 = c_kds ; c_ed2 = c_kde ; c_sp2 = c_kps ; c_ep2 = c_kpe ; c_sm2 = c_kms ; c_em2 = c_kme END SELECT ALLOCATE ( intermediate_grid ) ALLOCATE ( intermediate_grid%parents( max_parents ) ) ALLOCATE ( intermediate_grid%nests( max_nests ) ) NULLIFY( intermediate_grid%sibling ) DO i = 1, max_nests NULLIFY( intermediate_grid%nests(i)%ptr ) ENDDO NULLIFY (intermediate_grid%next) NULLIFY (intermediate_grid%same_level) NULLIFY (intermediate_grid%i_start) NULLIFY (intermediate_grid%j_start) NULLIFY (intermediate_grid%i_end) NULLIFY (intermediate_grid%j_end) intermediate_grid%id = id ! these must be the same. Other parts of code depend on it (see gen_comms.c) intermediate_grid%num_nests = 0 intermediate_grid%num_siblings = 0 intermediate_grid%num_parents = 1 intermediate_grid%max_tiles = 0 intermediate_grid%num_tiles_spec = 0 CALL find_grid_by_id ( id, head_grid, nest_grid ) nest_grid%intermediate_grid => intermediate_grid ! nest grid now has a pointer to this baby intermediate_grid%parents(1)%ptr => nest_grid ! the intermediate grid considers nest its parent intermediate_grid%num_parents = 1 c_sm1x = 1 ; c_em1x = 1 ; c_sm2x = 1 ; c_em2x = 1 ; c_sm3x = 1 ; c_em3x = 1 c_sm1y = 1 ; c_em1y = 1 ; c_sm2y = 1 ; c_em2y = 1 ; c_sm3y = 1 ; c_em3y = 1 intermediate_grid%sm31x = c_sm1x intermediate_grid%em31x = c_em1x intermediate_grid%sm32x = c_sm2x intermediate_grid%em32x = c_em2x intermediate_grid%sm33x = c_sm3x intermediate_grid%em33x = c_em3x intermediate_grid%sm31y = c_sm1y intermediate_grid%em31y = c_em1y intermediate_grid%sm32y = c_sm2y intermediate_grid%em32y = c_em2y intermediate_grid%sm33y = c_sm3y intermediate_grid%em33y = c_em3y #if defined(SGIALTIX) && (! defined(MOVE_NESTS) ) ! allocate space for the intermediate domain CALL alloc_space_field ( intermediate_grid, intermediate_grid%id , 1, 2 , .TRUE., & ! use same id as nest c_sd1, c_ed1, c_sd2, c_ed2, c_sd3, c_ed3, & c_sm1, c_em1, c_sm2, c_em2, c_sm3, c_em3, & c_sm1x, c_em1x, c_sm2x, c_em2x, c_sm3x, c_em3x, & ! x-xpose c_sm1y, c_em1y, c_sm2y, c_em2y, c_sm3y, c_em3y ) ! y-xpose #endif intermediate_grid%sd31 = c_sd1 intermediate_grid%ed31 = c_ed1 intermediate_grid%sp31 = c_sp1 intermediate_grid%ep31 = c_ep1 intermediate_grid%sm31 = c_sm1 intermediate_grid%em31 = c_em1 intermediate_grid%sd32 = c_sd2 intermediate_grid%ed32 = c_ed2 intermediate_grid%sp32 = c_sp2 intermediate_grid%ep32 = c_ep2 intermediate_grid%sm32 = c_sm2 intermediate_grid%em32 = c_em2 intermediate_grid%sd33 = c_sd3 intermediate_grid%ed33 = c_ed3 intermediate_grid%sp33 = c_sp3 intermediate_grid%ep33 = c_ep3 intermediate_grid%sm33 = c_sm3 intermediate_grid%em33 = c_em3 CALL med_add_config_info_to_grid ( intermediate_grid ) intermediate_grid%dx = parent%dx intermediate_grid%dy = parent%dy intermediate_grid%dt = parent%dt ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE patch_domain_rsl_lite SUBROUTINE compute_memory_dims_rsl_lite ( & id , maxhalowidth , & shw , bdx, bdy , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & imsx, imex, jmsx, jmex, kmsx, kmex, & imsy, imey, jmsy, jmey, kmsy, kmey, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, & ipsx, ipex, jpsx, jpex, kpsx, kpex, & ipsy, ipey, jpsy, jpey, kpsy, kpey ) USE module_machine IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: id , maxhalowidth INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: shw, bdx, bdy INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: imsx, imex, jmsx, jmex, kmsx, kmex INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: imsy, imey, jmsy, jmey, kmsy, kmey INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ipsx, ipex, jpsx, jpex, kpsx, kpex INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ipsy, ipey, jpsy, jpey, kpsy, kpey INTEGER Px, Py, P, i, j, k, ierr #if ( ! NMM_CORE == 1 ) ! xy decomposition ips = -1 j = jds ierr = 0 DO i = ids, ide CALL task_for_point ( i, j, ids, ide, jds, jde, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & maxhalowidth, maxhalowidth, ierr ) IF ( Px .EQ. mytask_x ) THEN ipe = i IF ( ips .EQ. -1 ) ips = i ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF ! handle setting the memory dimensions where there are no X elements assigned to this proc IF (ips .EQ. -1 ) THEN ipe = -1 ips = 0 ENDIF jps = -1 i = ids ierr = 0 DO j = jds, jde CALL task_for_point ( i, j, ids, ide, jds, jde, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & maxhalowidth, maxhalowidth, ierr ) IF ( Py .EQ. mytask_y ) THEN jpe = j IF ( jps .EQ. -1 ) jps = j ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF ! handle setting the memory dimensions where there are no Y elements assigned to this proc IF (jps .EQ. -1 ) THEN jpe = -1 jps = 0 ENDIF !begin: wig; 12-Mar-2008 ! This appears redundant with the conditionals above, but we get cases with only ! one of the directions being set to "missing" when turning off extra processors. ! This may break the handling of setting only one of nproc_x or nproc_y via the namelist. IF (ipe .EQ. -1 .or. jpe .EQ. -1) THEN ipe = -1 ips = 0 jpe = -1 jps = 0 ENDIF !end: wig; 12-Mar-2008 ! ! description of transpose decomposition strategy for RSL LITE. 20061231jm ! ! Here is the tranpose scheme that is implemented for RSL_LITE. Upper-case ! XY corresponds to the dimension of the processor mesh, lower-case xyz ! corresponds to grid dimension. ! ! xy zy zx ! ! XxYy <--> XzYy <--> XzYx <- note x decomposed over Y procs ! ^ ^ ! | | ! +------------------+ <- this edge is costly; see below ! ! The aim is to avoid all-to-all communication over whole ! communicator. Instead, when possible, use a transpose scheme that requires ! all-to-all within dimensional communicators; that is, communicators ! defined for the processes in a rank or column of the processor mesh. Note, ! however, it is not possible to create a ring of transposes between ! xy-yz-xz decompositions without at least one of the edges in the ring ! being fully all-to-all (in other words, one of the tranpose edges must ! rotate and not just transpose a plane of the model grid within the ! processor mesh). The issue is then, where should we put this costly edge ! in the tranpose scheme we chose? To avoid being completely arbitrary, ! we chose a scheme most natural for models that use parallel spectral ! transforms, where the costly edge is the one that goes from the xz to ! the xy decomposition. (May be implemented as just a two step transpose ! back through yz). ! ! Additional notational convention, below. The 'x' or 'y' appended to the ! dimension start or end variable refers to which grid dimension is all ! on-processor in the given decomposition. That is ipsx and ipex are the ! start and end for the i-dimension in the zy decomposition where x is ! on-processor. ('z' is assumed for xy decomposition and not appended to ! the ips, ipe, etc. variable names). ! ! XzYy decomposition kpsx = -1 j = jds ; ierr = 0 DO k = kds, kde CALL task_for_point ( k, j, kds, kde, jds, jde, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & 1, maxhalowidth, ierr ) IF ( Px .EQ. mytask_x ) THEN kpex = k IF ( kpsx .EQ. -1 ) kpsx = k ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF ! handle case where no levels are assigned to this process ! no iterations. Do same for I and J. Need to handle memory alloc below. IF (kpsx .EQ. -1 ) THEN kpex = -1 kpsx = 0 ENDIF jpsx = -1 k = kds ; ierr = 0 DO j = jds, jde CALL task_for_point ( k, j, kds, kde, jds, jde, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & 1, maxhalowidth, ierr ) IF ( Py .EQ. mytask_y ) THEN jpex = j IF ( jpsx .EQ. -1 ) jpsx = j ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF IF (jpsx .EQ. -1 ) THEN jpex = -1 jpsx = 0 ENDIF !begin: wig; 12-Mar-2008 ! This appears redundant with the conditionals above, but we get cases with only ! one of the directions being set to "missing" when turning off extra processors. ! This may break the handling of setting only one of nproc_x or nproc_y via the namelist. IF (ipex .EQ. -1 .or. jpex .EQ. -1) THEN ipex = -1 ipsx = 0 jpex = -1 jpsx = 0 ENDIF !end: wig; 12-Mar-2008 ! XzYx decomposition (note, x grid dim is decomposed over Y processor dim) kpsy = kpsx ! same as above kpey = kpex ! same as above ipsy = -1 k = kds ; ierr = 0 DO i = ids, ide CALL task_for_point ( i, k, ids, ide, kds, kde, ntasks_y, ntasks_x, Py, Px, & maxhalowidth, 1, ierr ) ! x and y for proc mesh reversed IF ( Py .EQ. mytask_y ) THEN ipey = i IF ( ipsy .EQ. -1 ) ipsy = i ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF IF (ipsy .EQ. -1 ) THEN ipey = -1 ipsy = 0 ENDIF #else ! In case of NMM CORE, the domain only ever runs from ids..ide-1 and jds..jde-1 so ! adjust decomposition to reflect. 20051020 JM ips = -1 j = jds ierr = 0 DO i = ids, ide-1 CALL task_for_point ( i, j, ids, ide-1, jds, jde-1, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & maxhalowidth, maxhalowidth , ierr ) IF ( Px .EQ. mytask_x ) THEN ipe = i IF ( Px .EQ. ntasks_x-1 ) ipe = ipe + 1 IF ( ips .EQ. -1 ) ips = i ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF jps = -1 i = ids ; ierr = 0 DO j = jds, jde-1 CALL task_for_point ( i, j, ids, ide-1, jds, jde-1, ntasks_x, ntasks_y, Px, Py, & maxhalowidth , maxhalowidth , ierr ) IF ( Py .EQ. mytask_y ) THEN jpe = j IF ( Py .EQ. ntasks_y-1 ) jpe = jpe + 1 IF ( jps .EQ. -1 ) jps = j ENDIF ENDDO IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL tfp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__) ENDIF #endif ! extend the patch dimensions out shw along edges of domain IF ( ips < ipe .and. jps < jpe ) THEN !wig; 11-Mar-2008 IF ( mytask_x .EQ. 0 ) THEN ips = ips - shw ipsy = ipsy - shw ENDIF IF ( mytask_x .EQ. ntasks_x-1 ) THEN ipe = ipe + shw ipey = ipey + shw ENDIF IF ( mytask_y .EQ. 0 ) THEN jps = jps - shw jpsx = jpsx - shw ENDIF IF ( mytask_y .EQ. ntasks_y-1 ) THEN jpe = jpe + shw jpex = jpex + shw ENDIF ENDIF !wig; 11-Mar-2008 kps = 1 kpe = kde-kds+1 kms = 1 kme = kpe kmsx = kpsx kmex = kpex kmsy = kpsy kmey = kpey ! handle setting the memory dimensions where there are no levels assigned to this proc IF ( kpsx .EQ. 0 .AND. kpex .EQ. -1 ) THEN kmsx = 0 kmex = 0 ENDIF IF ( kpsy .EQ. 0 .AND. kpey .EQ. -1 ) THEN kmsy = 0 kmey = 0 ENDIF IF ( (jps .EQ. 0 .AND. jpe .EQ. -1) .OR. (ips .EQ. 0 .AND. ipe .EQ. -1) ) THEN ims = 0 ime = 0 ELSE ims = max( ips - max(shw,maxhalowidth), ids - bdx ) - 1 ime = min( ipe + max(shw,maxhalowidth), ide + bdx ) + 1 ENDIF imsx = ids imex = ide ipsx = imsx ipex = imex ! handle setting the memory dimensions where there are no Y elements assigned to this proc IF ( ipsy .EQ. 0 .AND. ipey .EQ. -1 ) THEN imsy = 0 imey = 0 ELSE imsy = ipsy imey = ipey ENDIF IF ( (jps .EQ. 0 .AND. jpe .EQ. -1) .OR. (ips .EQ. 0 .AND. ipe .EQ. -1) ) THEN jms = 0 jme = 0 ELSE jms = max( jps - max(shw,maxhalowidth), jds - bdy ) - 1 jme = min( jpe + max(shw,maxhalowidth), jde + bdy ) + 1 ENDIF jmsx = jpsx jmex = jpex jmsy = jds jmey = jde ! handle setting the memory dimensions where there are no X elements assigned to this proc IF ( jpsx .EQ. 0 .AND. jpex .EQ. -1 ) THEN jmsx = 0 jmex = 0 ELSE jpsy = jmsy jpey = jmey ENDIF END SUBROUTINE compute_memory_dims_rsl_lite ! internal, used below for switching the argument to MPI calls ! if reals are being autopromoted to doubles in the build of WRF INTEGER function getrealmpitype() #ifndef STUBMPI IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER rtypesize, dtypesize, ierr CALL mpi_type_size ( MPI_REAL, rtypesize, ierr ) CALL mpi_type_size ( MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dtypesize, ierr ) IF ( RWORDSIZE .EQ. rtypesize ) THEN getrealmpitype = MPI_REAL ELSE IF ( RWORDSIZE .EQ. dtypesize ) THEN getrealmpitype = MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION ELSE CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'RWORDSIZE or DWORDSIZE does not match any MPI type' ) ENDIF #else ! required dummy initialization for function that is never called getrealmpitype = 1 #endif RETURN END FUNCTION getrealmpitype REAL FUNCTION wrf_dm_max_real ( inval ) IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' REAL inval, retval INTEGER ierr CALL mpi_allreduce ( inval, retval , 1, getrealmpitype(), MPI_MAX, local_communicator, ierr ) wrf_dm_max_real = retval #else REAL inval wrf_dm_max_real = inval #endif END FUNCTION wrf_dm_max_real REAL FUNCTION wrf_dm_min_real ( inval ) IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' REAL inval, retval INTEGER ierr CALL mpi_allreduce ( inval, retval , 1, getrealmpitype(), MPI_MIN, local_communicator, ierr ) wrf_dm_min_real = retval #else REAL inval wrf_dm_min_real = inval #endif END FUNCTION wrf_dm_min_real SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_min_reals ( inval, retval, n ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n REAL inval(*) REAL retval(*) #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER ierr CALL mpi_allreduce ( inval, retval , n, getrealmpitype(), MPI_MIN, local_communicator, ierr ) #else retval(1:n) = inval(1:n) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_min_reals REAL FUNCTION wrf_dm_sum_real ( inval ) IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' REAL inval, retval INTEGER ierr CALL mpi_allreduce ( inval, retval , 1, getrealmpitype(), MPI_SUM, local_communicator, ierr ) wrf_dm_sum_real = retval #else REAL inval wrf_dm_sum_real = inval #endif END FUNCTION wrf_dm_sum_real SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_sum_reals (inval, retval) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: inval(:) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: retval(:) #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER ierr CALL mpi_allreduce ( inval, retval, SIZE(inval), getrealmpitype(), MPI_SUM, local_communicator, ierr ) #else retval = inval #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_sum_reals INTEGER FUNCTION wrf_dm_sum_integer ( inval ) IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER inval, retval INTEGER ierr CALL mpi_allreduce ( inval, retval , 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, local_communicator, ierr ) wrf_dm_sum_integer = retval #else INTEGER inval wrf_dm_sum_integer = inval #endif END FUNCTION wrf_dm_sum_integer SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxval_real ( val, idex, jdex ) IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' REAL val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr INTEGER dex(2) INTEGER dex_all (2,ntasks) INTEGER i dex(1) = idex ; dex(2) = jdex CALL mpi_allgather ( dex, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dex_all , 2, MPI_INTEGER, local_communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, getrealmpitype(), val_all , 1, getrealmpitype(), local_communicator, ierr ) val = val_all(1) idex = dex_all(1,1) ; jdex = dex_all(2,1) DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .GT. val ) THEN val = val_all(i) idex = dex_all(1,i) jdex = dex_all(2,i) ENDIF ENDDO #else REAL val INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxval_real #if (RWORDSIZE == 4) SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxval_doubleprecision ( val, idex, jdex ) IMPLICIT NONE # ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' DOUBLE PRECISION val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr INTEGER dex(2) INTEGER dex_all (2,ntasks) INTEGER i dex(1) = idex ; dex(2) = jdex CALL mpi_allgather ( dex, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dex_all , 2, MPI_INTEGER, local_communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, val_all , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, local_communicator, ierr ) val = val_all(1) idex = dex_all(1,1) ; jdex = dex_all(2,1) DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .GT. val ) THEN val = val_all(i) idex = dex_all(1,i) jdex = dex_all(2,i) ENDIF ENDDO # else DOUBLE PRECISION val INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr # endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxval_doubleprecision #endif SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxval_integer ( val, idex, jdex ) IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr INTEGER dex(2) INTEGER dex_all (2,ntasks) INTEGER i dex(1) = idex ; dex(2) = jdex CALL mpi_allgather ( dex, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dex_all , 2, MPI_INTEGER, local_communicator, ierr ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, MPI_INTEGER, val_all , 1, MPI_INTEGER, local_communicator, ierr ) val = val_all(1) idex = dex_all(1,1) ; jdex = dex_all(2,1) DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .GT. val ) THEN val = val_all(i) idex = dex_all(1,i) jdex = dex_all(2,i) ENDIF ENDDO #else INTEGER val INTEGER idex, jdex #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxval_integer ! For HWRF some additional computation is required. This is gopal's doing SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_minval_real ( val, idex, jdex ) IMPLICIT NONE REAL val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr INTEGER dex(2) INTEGER dex_all (2,ntasks) ! ! Collective operation. Each processor calls passing a local value and its index; on return ! all processors are passed back the maximum of all values passed and its index. ! ! INTEGER i, comm #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( comm ) dex(1) = idex ; dex(2) = jdex CALL mpi_allgather ( dex, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dex_all , 2, MPI_INTEGER, comm, ierr ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, MPI_REAL, val_all , 1, MPI_REAL, comm, ierr ) val = val_all(1) idex = dex_all(1,1) ; jdex = dex_all(2,1) DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .LT. val ) THEN val = val_all(i) idex = dex_all(1,i) jdex = dex_all(2,i) ENDIF ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_minval_real #if (RWORDSIZE == 4) SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_minval_doubleprecision ( val, idex, jdex ) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr INTEGER dex(2) INTEGER dex_all (2,ntasks) ! ! Collective operation. Each processor calls passing a local value and its index; on return ! all processors are passed back the maximum of all values passed and its index. ! ! INTEGER i, comm #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( comm ) dex(1) = idex ; dex(2) = jdex CALL mpi_allgather ( dex, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dex_all , 2, MPI_INTEGER, comm, ierr ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, val_all , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, comm, ierr ) val = val_all(1) idex = dex_all(1,1) ; jdex = dex_all(2,1) DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .LT. val ) THEN val = val_all(i) idex = dex_all(1,i) jdex = dex_all(2,i) ENDIF ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_minval_doubleprecision #endif SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_minval_integer ( val, idex, jdex ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER idex, jdex, ierr INTEGER dex(2) INTEGER dex_all (2,ntasks) ! ! Collective operation. Each processor calls passing a local value and its index; on return ! all processors are passed back the maximum of all values passed and its index. ! ! INTEGER i, comm #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( comm ) dex(1) = idex ; dex(2) = jdex CALL mpi_allgather ( dex, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dex_all , 2, MPI_INTEGER, comm, ierr ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, MPI_INTEGER, val_all , 1, MPI_INTEGER, comm, ierr ) val = val_all(1) idex = dex_all(1,1) ; jdex = dex_all(2,1) DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .LT. val ) THEN val = val_all(i) idex = dex_all(1,i) jdex = dex_all(2,i) ENDIF ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_minval_integer ! End of gopal's doing SUBROUTINE split_communicator #ifndef STUBMPI IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'mpif.h' LOGICAL mpi_inited INTEGER mpi_comm_here, mpi_comm_local, comdup, mytask, ntasks, ierr, io_status # if defined(_OPENMP) && defined(MPI2_THREAD_SUPPORT) INTEGER thread_support_provided, thread_support_requested #endif INTEGER i, j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: icolor(:) INTEGER tasks_per_split NAMELIST /namelist_split/ tasks_per_split CALL MPI_INITIALIZED( mpi_inited, ierr ) IF ( .NOT. mpi_inited ) THEN # if defined(_OPENMP) && defined(MPI2_THREAD_SUPPORT) thread_support_requested = MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED CALL mpi_init_thread ( thread_support_requested, thread_support_provided, ierr ) IF ( thread_support_provided .lt. thread_support_requested ) THEN CALL WRF_ERROR_FATAL( "failed to initialize MPI thread support") ENDIF # else CALL mpi_init ( ierr ) # endif CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator( MPI_COMM_WORLD ) CALL wrf_termio_dup ENDIF CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_here ) CALL MPI_Comm_rank ( mpi_comm_here, mytask, ierr ) ; CALL mpi_comm_size ( mpi_comm_here, ntasks, ierr ) ; #if (DA_CORE == 1) CALL mpi_comm_split( MPI_COMM_WORLD , 4 , 1 , mpi_comm_local, ierr ) CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_local ) CALL wrf_termio_dup CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_here ) #endif IF ( mytask .EQ. 0 ) THEN OPEN ( unit=27, file="namelist.input", form="formatted", status="old" ) tasks_per_split = ntasks READ ( 27 , NML = namelist_split, IOSTAT=io_status ) CLOSE ( 27 ) ENDIF CALL mpi_bcast( io_status, 1 , MPI_INTEGER , 0 , mpi_comm_here, ierr ) IF ( io_status .NE. 0 ) THEN RETURN ! just ignore and return ENDIF CALL mpi_bcast( tasks_per_split, 1 , MPI_INTEGER , 0 , mpi_comm_here, ierr ) IF ( tasks_per_split .GT. ntasks .OR. tasks_per_split .LE. 0 ) RETURN IF ( mod( ntasks, tasks_per_split ) .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: tasks_per_split does not evenly divide ntasks. Some tasks will be wasted.' ) ENDIF ALLOCATE( icolor(ntasks) ) j = 0 DO WHILE ( j .LT. ntasks / tasks_per_split ) DO i = 1, tasks_per_split icolor( i + j * tasks_per_split ) = j ENDDO j = j + 1 ENDDO CALL MPI_Comm_dup(mpi_comm_here,comdup,ierr) CALL MPI_Comm_split(comdup,icolor(mytask+1),mytask,mpi_comm_local,ierr) CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_local ) DEALLOCATE( icolor ) #endif END SUBROUTINE split_communicator SUBROUTINE init_module_dm #ifndef STUBMPI IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER mpi_comm_local, ierr, mytask, nproc INCLUDE 'mpif.h' LOGICAL mpi_inited CALL mpi_initialized( mpi_inited, ierr ) IF ( .NOT. mpi_inited ) THEN ! If MPI has not been initialized then initialize it and ! make comm_world the communicator ! Otherwise, something else (e.g. quilt-io) has already ! initialized MPI, so just grab the communicator that ! should already be stored and use that. CALL mpi_init ( ierr ) CALL wrf_termio_dup CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator ( MPI_COMM_WORLD ) ENDIF CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_local ) #endif END SUBROUTINE init_module_dm ! stub SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_move_nest ( parent, nest, dx, dy ) USE module_domain, ONLY : domain IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (domain), INTENT(INOUT) :: parent, nest INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dx,dy RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_move_nest !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE get_full_obs_vector( nsta, nerrf, niobf, & mp_local_uobmask, & mp_local_vobmask, & mp_local_cobmask, errf ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! PURPOSE: Do MPI allgatherv operation across processors to get the ! errors at each observation point on all processors. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nsta ! Observation index. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nerrf ! Number of error fields. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: niobf ! Number of observations. LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: MP_LOCAL_UOBMASK(NIOBF) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: MP_LOCAL_VOBMASK(NIOBF) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: MP_LOCAL_COBMASK(NIOBF) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: errf(nerrf, niobf) #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' ! Local declarations integer i, n, nlocal_dot, nlocal_crs REAL UVT_BUFFER(NIOBF) ! Buffer for holding U, V, or T REAL QRK_BUFFER(NIOBF) ! Buffer for holding Q or RKO REAL SFP_BUFFER(NIOBF) ! Buffer for holding Surface pressure INTEGER N_BUFFER(NIOBF) REAL FULL_BUFFER(NIOBF) INTEGER IFULL_BUFFER(NIOBF) INTEGER IDISPLACEMENT(1024) ! HARD CODED MAX NUMBER OF PROCESSORS INTEGER ICOUNT(1024) ! HARD CODED MAX NUMBER OF PROCESSORS INTEGER :: MPI_COMM_COMP ! MPI group communicator INTEGER :: NPROCS ! Number of processors INTEGER :: IERR ! Error code from MPI routines ! Get communicator for MPI operations. CALL WRF_GET_DM_COMMUNICATOR(MPI_COMM_COMP) ! Get rank of monitor processor and broadcast to others. CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( MPI_COMM_COMP, NPROCS, IERR ) ! DO THE U FIELD NLOCAL_DOT = 0 DO N = 1, NSTA IF ( MP_LOCAL_UOBMASK(N) ) THEN ! USE U-POINT MASK NLOCAL_DOT = NLOCAL_DOT + 1 UVT_BUFFER(NLOCAL_DOT) = ERRF(1,N) ! U WIND COMPONENT SFP_BUFFER(NLOCAL_DOT) = ERRF(7,N) ! SURFACE PRESSURE QRK_BUFFER(NLOCAL_DOT) = ERRF(9,N) ! RKO N_BUFFER(NLOCAL_DOT) = N ENDIF ENDDO CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(NLOCAL_DOT,1,MPI_INTEGER, & ICOUNT,1,MPI_INTEGER, & MPI_COMM_COMP,IERR) I = 1 IDISPLACEMENT(1) = 0 DO I = 2, NPROCS IDISPLACEMENT(I) = IDISPLACEMENT(I-1) + ICOUNT(I-1) ENDDO CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( N_BUFFER, NLOCAL_DOT, MPI_INTEGER, & IFULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) ! U CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( UVT_BUFFER, NLOCAL_DOT, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(1,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO ! SURF PRESS AT U-POINTS CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( SFP_BUFFER, NLOCAL_DOT, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(7,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO ! RKO CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( QRK_BUFFER, NLOCAL_DOT, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(9,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO ! DO THE V FIELD NLOCAL_DOT = 0 DO N = 1, NSTA IF ( MP_LOCAL_VOBMASK(N) ) THEN ! USE V-POINT MASK NLOCAL_DOT = NLOCAL_DOT + 1 UVT_BUFFER(NLOCAL_DOT) = ERRF(2,N) ! V WIND COMPONENT SFP_BUFFER(NLOCAL_DOT) = ERRF(8,N) ! SURFACE PRESSURE N_BUFFER(NLOCAL_DOT) = N ENDIF ENDDO CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(NLOCAL_DOT,1,MPI_INTEGER, & ICOUNT,1,MPI_INTEGER, & MPI_COMM_COMP,IERR) I = 1 IDISPLACEMENT(1) = 0 DO I = 2, NPROCS IDISPLACEMENT(I) = IDISPLACEMENT(I-1) + ICOUNT(I-1) ENDDO CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( N_BUFFER, NLOCAL_DOT, MPI_INTEGER, & IFULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) ! V CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( UVT_BUFFER, NLOCAL_DOT, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(2,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO ! SURF PRESS AT V-POINTS CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( SFP_BUFFER, NLOCAL_DOT, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(8,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO ! DO THE CROSS FIELDS, T AND Q NLOCAL_CRS = 0 DO N = 1, NSTA IF ( MP_LOCAL_COBMASK(N) ) THEN ! USE MASS-POINT MASK NLOCAL_CRS = NLOCAL_CRS + 1 UVT_BUFFER(NLOCAL_CRS) = ERRF(3,N) ! TEMPERATURE QRK_BUFFER(NLOCAL_CRS) = ERRF(4,N) ! MOISTURE SFP_BUFFER(NLOCAL_CRS) = ERRF(6,N) ! SURFACE PRESSURE N_BUFFER(NLOCAL_CRS) = N ENDIF ENDDO CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(NLOCAL_CRS,1,MPI_INTEGER, & ICOUNT,1,MPI_INTEGER, & MPI_COMM_COMP,IERR) IDISPLACEMENT(1) = 0 DO I = 2, NPROCS IDISPLACEMENT(I) = IDISPLACEMENT(I-1) + ICOUNT(I-1) ENDDO CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( N_BUFFER, NLOCAL_CRS, MPI_INTEGER, & IFULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) ! T CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( UVT_BUFFER, NLOCAL_CRS, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(3,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO ! Q CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( QRK_BUFFER, NLOCAL_CRS, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(4,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO ! SURF PRESS AT MASS POINTS CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( SFP_BUFFER, NLOCAL_CRS, MPI_REAL, & FULL_BUFFER, ICOUNT, IDISPLACEMENT, & MPI_REAL, MPI_COMM_COMP, IERR) DO N = 1, NSTA ERRF(6,IFULL_BUFFER(N)) = FULL_BUFFER(N) ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE get_full_obs_vector SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxtile_real ( val , tile) IMPLICIT NONE REAL val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER tile INTEGER ierr ! ! Collective operation. Each processor calls passing a local value and its index; on return ! all processors are passed back the maximum of all values passed and its tile number. ! ! INTEGER i, comm #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( comm ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, getrealmpitype(), val_all , 1, getrealmpitype(), comm, ierr ) val = val_all(1) tile = 1 DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .GT. val ) THEN tile = i val = val_all(i) ENDIF ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_maxtile_real SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_mintile_real ( val , tile) IMPLICIT NONE REAL val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER tile INTEGER ierr ! ! Collective operation. Each processor calls passing a local value and its index; on return ! all processors are passed back the minimum of all values passed and its tile number. ! ! INTEGER i, comm #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( comm ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, getrealmpitype(), val_all , 1, getrealmpitype(), comm, ierr ) val = val_all(1) tile = 1 DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .LT. val ) THEN tile = i val = val_all(i) ENDIF ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_mintile_real SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_mintile_double ( val , tile) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER tile INTEGER ierr ! ! Collective operation. Each processor calls passing a local value and its index; on return ! all processors are passed back the minimum of all values passed and its tile number. ! ! INTEGER i, comm #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( comm ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, val_all , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, comm, ierr ) val = val_all(1) tile = 1 DO i = 2, ntasks IF ( val_all(i) .LT. val ) THEN tile = i val = val_all(i) ENDIF ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_mintile_double SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_tile_val_int ( val , tile) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER val, val_all( ntasks ) INTEGER tile INTEGER ierr ! ! Collective operation. Get value from input tile. ! ! INTEGER i, comm #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( comm ) CALL mpi_allgather ( val, 1, MPI_INTEGER, val_all , 1, MPI_INTEGER, comm, ierr ) val = val_all(tile) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_tile_val_int SUBROUTINE wrf_get_hostname ( str ) CHARACTER*(*) str CHARACTER tmp(512) INTEGER i , n, cs CALL rsl_lite_get_hostname( tmp, 512, n, cs ) DO i = 1, n str(i:i) = tmp(i) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_hostname SUBROUTINE wrf_get_hostid ( hostid ) INTEGER hostid CHARACTER tmp(512) INTEGER i, sz, n, cs CALL rsl_lite_get_hostname( tmp, 512, n, cs ) hostid = cs RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_hostid END MODULE module_dm !========================================================================= ! wrf_dm_patch_domain has to be outside the module because it is called ! by a routine in module_domain but depends on module domain SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_patch_domain ( id , domdesc , parent_id , parent_domdesc , & sd1 , ed1 , sp1 , ep1 , sm1 , em1 , & sd2 , ed2 , sp2 , ep2 , sm2 , em2 , & sd3 , ed3 , sp3 , ep3 , sm3 , em3 , & sp1x , ep1x , sm1x , em1x , & sp2x , ep2x , sm2x , em2x , & sp3x , ep3x , sm3x , em3x , & sp1y , ep1y , sm1y , em1y , & sp2y , ep2y , sm2y , em2y , & sp3y , ep3y , sm3y , em3y , & bdx , bdy ) USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, head_grid, find_grid_by_id USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sd1 , ed1 , sd2 , ed2 , sd3 , ed3 , bdx , bdy INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sp1 , ep1 , sp2 , ep2 , sp3 , ep3 , & sm1 , em1 , sm2 , em2 , sm3 , em3 INTEGER :: sp1x , ep1x , sp2x , ep2x , sp3x , ep3x , & sm1x , em1x , sm2x , em2x , sm3x , em3x INTEGER :: sp1y , ep1y , sp2y , ep2y , sp3y , ep3y , & sm1y , em1y , sm2y , em2y , sm3y , em3y INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT):: id , domdesc , parent_id , parent_domdesc TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid_ptr ! this is necessary because we cannot pass parent directly into ! wrf_dm_patch_domain because creating the correct interface definitions ! would generate a circular USE reference between module_domain and module_dm ! see comment this date in module_domain for more information. JM 20020416 NULLIFY( parent ) grid_ptr => head_grid CALL find_grid_by_id( parent_id , grid_ptr , parent ) CALL patch_domain_rsl_lite ( id , parent, parent_id , & sd1 , ed1 , sp1 , ep1 , sm1 , em1 , & sd2 , ed2 , sp2 , ep2 , sm2 , em2 , & sd3 , ed3 , sp3 , ep3 , sm3 , em3 , & sp1x , ep1x , sm1x , em1x , & sp2x , ep2x , sm2x , em2x , & sp3x , ep3x , sm3x , em3x , & sp1y , ep1y , sm1y , em1y , & sp2y , ep2y , sm2y , em2y , & sp3y , ep3y , sm3y , em3y , & bdx , bdy ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_patch_domain SUBROUTINE wrf_termio_dup IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER mytask, ntasks #ifndef STUBMPI INTEGER ierr INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ntasks, ierr ) CALL mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mytask, ierr ) write(0,*)'starting wrf task ',mytask,' of ',ntasks CALL rsl_error_dup1( mytask ) #else mytask = 0 ntasks = 1 #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_termio_dup SUBROUTINE wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) USE module_dm , ONLY : mytask IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER myproc myproc = mytask RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_myproc SUBROUTINE wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) USE module_dm , ONLY : ntasks IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER nproc nproc = ntasks RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_nproc SUBROUTINE wrf_get_nprocx( nprocx ) USE module_dm , ONLY : ntasks_x IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER nprocx nprocx = ntasks_x RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_nprocx SUBROUTINE wrf_get_nprocy( nprocy ) USE module_dm , ONLY : ntasks_y IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER nprocy nprocy = ntasks_y RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_nprocy SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( buf , size ) USE module_dm , ONLY : local_communicator IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' #endif INTEGER size #ifndef NEC INTEGER*1 BUF(size) #else CHARACTER*1 BUF(size) #endif #ifndef STUBMPI CALL BYTE_BCAST ( buf , size, local_communicator ) #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_bytes SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_string( BUF, N1 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n1 ! ! Collective operation. Given a string and a size in characters on task zero, broadcast and return that buffer on all tasks. ! ! CHARACTER*(*) buf #ifndef STUBMPI INTEGER ibuf(256),i,n CHARACTER*256 tstr n = n1 ! Root task is required to have the correct value of N1, other tasks ! might not have the correct value. CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer( n , 1 ) IF (n .GT. 256) n = 256 IF (n .GT. 0 ) then DO i = 1, n ibuf(I) = ichar(buf(I:I)) ENDDO CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer( ibuf, n ) buf = '' DO i = 1, n buf(i:i) = char(ibuf(i)) ENDDO ENDIF #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_string SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_integer( BUF, N1 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n1 INTEGER buf(*) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( BUF , N1 * IWORDSIZE ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_integer SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_double( BUF, N1 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n1 ! this next declaration is REAL, not DOUBLE PRECISION because it will be autopromoted ! to double precision by the compiler when WRF is compiled for 8 byte reals. Only reason ! for having this separate routine is so we pass the correct MPI type to mpi_scatterv ! since we were not indexing the globbuf and Field arrays it does not matter REAL buf(*) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( BUF , N1 * DWORDSIZE ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_double SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_real( BUF, N1 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n1 REAL buf(*) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( BUF , N1 * RWORDSIZE ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_real SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_logical( BUF, N1 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n1 LOGICAL buf(*) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( BUF , N1 * LWORDSIZE ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_bcast_logical SUBROUTINE write_68( grid, v , s , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte ) USE module_domain, ONLY : domain IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain) , INTENT (INOUT) :: grid CHARACTER *(*) s INTEGER ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: v INTEGER i,j,k,ierr logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor real globbuf( ids:ide, kds:kde, jds:jde ) character*3 ord, stag if ( kds == kde ) then ord = 'xy' stag = 'xy' CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( v, globbuf, grid%domdesc, stag, ord, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte ) else stag = 'xyz' ord = 'xzy' CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( v, globbuf, grid%domdesc, stag, ord, & ids, ide, kds, kde, jds, jde, & ims, ime, kms, kme, jms, jme, & its, ite, kts, kte, jts, jte ) endif if ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN WRITE(68,*) ide-ids+1, jde-jds+1 , s DO j = jds, jde DO i = ids, ide WRITE(68,*) globbuf(i,1,j) ENDDO ENDDO endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_abort IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER ierr CALL mpi_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1,ierr) #else STOP #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_abort SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_shutdown IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INTEGER ierr CALL MPI_FINALIZE( ierr ) #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_shutdown LOGICAL FUNCTION wrf_dm_on_monitor() ! USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INTEGER tsk, ierr, mpi_comm_local CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_local ) CALL mpi_comm_rank ( mpi_comm_local, tsk , ierr ) wrf_dm_on_monitor = tsk .EQ. 0 #else wrf_dm_on_monitor = .TRUE. #endif RETURN END FUNCTION wrf_dm_on_monitor INTEGER FUNCTION wrf_dm_monitor_rank() ! USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE wrf_dm_monitor_rank = 0 RETURN END FUNCTION wrf_dm_monitor_rank SUBROUTINE wrf_get_dm_communicator ( communicator ) USE module_dm , ONLY : local_communicator IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: communicator communicator = local_communicator RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_dm_communicator SUBROUTINE wrf_get_dm_iocommunicator ( iocommunicator ) USE module_dm , ONLY : local_iocommunicator IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: iocommunicator iocommunicator = local_iocommunicator RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_get_dm_iocommunicator SUBROUTINE wrf_set_dm_communicator ( communicator ) USE module_dm , ONLY : local_communicator IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: communicator local_communicator = communicator RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_set_dm_communicator SUBROUTINE wrf_set_dm_iocommunicator ( iocommunicator ) USE module_dm , ONLY : local_iocommunicator IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: iocommunicator local_iocommunicator = iocommunicator RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_set_dm_iocommunicator !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PATCH TO GLOBAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_real (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc REAL globbuf(*) REAL buf(*) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_generic (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,RWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_real SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_double (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc ! this next declaration is REAL, not DOUBLE PRECISION because it will be autopromoted ! to double precision by the compiler when WRF is compiled for 8 byte reals. Only reason ! for having this separate routine is so we pass the correct MPI type to mpi_scatterv ! since we were not indexing the globbuf and Field arrays it does not matter REAL globbuf(*) REAL buf(*) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_generic (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,DWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_double SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_integer (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc INTEGER globbuf(*) INTEGER buf(*) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_generic (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,IWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_integer SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_logical (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc LOGICAL globbuf(*) LOGICAL buf(*) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_generic (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,LWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_logical #ifdef DEREF_KLUDGE # define FRSTELEM (1) #else # define FRSTELEM #endif SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_generic (buf,globbuf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,typesize,& DS1a,DE1a,DS2a,DE2a,DS3a,DE3a,& MS1a,ME1a,MS2a,ME2a,MS3a,ME3a,& PS1a,PE1a,PS2a,PE2a,PS3a,PE3a ) USE module_driver_constants USE module_timing USE module_wrf_error USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1a,DE1a,DS2a,DE2a,DS3a,DE3a,& MS1a,ME1a,MS2a,ME2a,MS3a,ME3a,& PS1a,PE1a,PS2a,PE2a,PS3a,PE3A CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER domdesc,typesize,ierr REAL globbuf(*) REAL buf(*) #ifndef STUBMPI INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 INTEGER ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde,& ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,& ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, has_char INTEGER i, j, k, ndim INTEGER Patch(3,2), Gpatch(3,2,ntasks) ! allocated further down, after the D indices are potentially recalculated for staggering REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmpbuf( : ) REAL locbuf( (PE1a-PS1a+1)*(PE2a-PS2a+1)*(PE3a-PS3a+1)/RWORDSIZE*typesize+32 ) DS1 = DS1a ; DE1 = DE1a ; DS2=DS2a ; DE2 = DE2a ; DS3 = DS3a ; DE3 = DE3a MS1 = MS1a ; ME1 = ME1a ; MS2=MS2a ; ME2 = ME2a ; MS3 = MS3a ; ME3 = ME3a PS1 = PS1a ; PE1 = PE1a ; PS2=PS2a ; PE2 = PE2a ; PS3 = PS3a ; PE3 = PE3a SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ordering) ) CASE ( 'xy', 'yx' ) ndim = 2 CASE DEFAULT ndim = 3 ! where appropriate END SELECT SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ordering) ) CASE ( 'xyz','xy' ) ! the non-staggered variables come in at one-less than ! domain dimensions, but code wants full domain spec, so ! adjust if not staggered IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 CASE ( 'yxz','yx' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 CASE ( 'zxy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 CASE ( 'xzy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 CASE DEFAULT END SELECT ! moved to here to be after the potential recalculations of D dims IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE ( tmpbuf ( (DE1-DS1+1)*(DE2-DS2+1)*(DE3-DS3+1)/RWORDSIZE*typesize+32 ), STAT=ierr ) ELSE ALLOCATE ( tmpbuf ( 1 ), STAT=ierr ) ENDIF IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating tmpbuf in wrf_patch_to_global_generic') Patch(1,1) = ps1 ; Patch(1,2) = pe1 ! use patch dims Patch(2,1) = ps2 ; Patch(2,2) = pe2 Patch(3,1) = ps3 ; Patch(3,2) = pe3 IF ( typesize .EQ. RWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL just_patch_r ( buf , locbuf , size(locbuf), & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. IWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL just_patch_i ( buf , locbuf , size(locbuf), & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. DWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL just_patch_d ( buf , locbuf , size(locbuf), & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. LWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL just_patch_l ( buf , locbuf , size(locbuf), & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ENDIF ! defined in external/io_quilt CALL collect_on_comm0 ( local_communicator , IWORDSIZE , & Patch , 6 , & GPatch , 6*ntasks ) CALL collect_on_comm0 ( local_communicator , typesize , & locbuf , (pe1-ps1+1)*(pe2-ps2+1)*(pe3-ps3+1), & tmpbuf FRSTELEM , (de1-ds1+1)*(de2-ds2+1)*(de3-ds3+1) ) ndim = len(TRIM(ordering)) IF ( wrf_at_debug_level(500) ) THEN CALL start_timing ENDIF IF ( ndim .GE. 2 .AND. wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN IF ( typesize .EQ. RWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL patch_2_outbuf_r ( tmpbuf FRSTELEM , globbuf , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & GPATCH ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. IWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL patch_2_outbuf_i ( tmpbuf FRSTELEM , globbuf , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & GPATCH ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. DWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL patch_2_outbuf_d ( tmpbuf FRSTELEM , globbuf , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & GPATCH ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. LWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL patch_2_outbuf_l ( tmpbuf FRSTELEM , globbuf , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & GPATCH ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( wrf_at_debug_level(500) ) THEN CALL end_timing('wrf_patch_to_global_generic') ENDIF DEALLOCATE( tmpbuf ) #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_patch_to_global_generic SUBROUTINE just_patch_i ( inbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: noutbuf INTEGER , DIMENSION(noutbuf) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 INTEGER , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i, j, k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE just_patch_i SUBROUTINE just_patch_r ( inbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: noutbuf REAL , DIMENSION(noutbuf) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 REAL , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(in) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i, j, k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE just_patch_r SUBROUTINE just_patch_d ( inbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: noutbuf DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION(noutbuf) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(in) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i, j, k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE just_patch_d SUBROUTINE just_patch_l ( inbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: noutbuf LOGICAL , DIMENSION(noutbuf) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 LOGICAL , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(in) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i, j, k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE just_patch_l SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_r( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3, & GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE REAL , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) REAL , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(out) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_r SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_i( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) INTEGER , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(out) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_i SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_d( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(out) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_d SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_l( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) LOGICAL , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(out) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE patch_2_outbuf_l !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLOBAL TO PATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_real (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc REAL globbuf(*) REAL buf(*) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_generic (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,RWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_real SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_double (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc ! this next declaration is REAL, not DOUBLE PRECISION because it will be autopromoted ! to double precision by the compiler when WRF is compiled for 8 byte reals. Only reason ! for having this separate routine is so we pass the correct MPI type to mpi_scatterv ! since we were not indexing the globbuf and Field arrays it does not matter REAL globbuf(*) REAL buf(*) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_generic (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,DWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_double SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_integer (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc INTEGER globbuf(*) INTEGER buf(*) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_generic (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,IWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_integer SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_logical (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER fid,domdesc LOGICAL globbuf(*) LOGICAL buf(*) CALL wrf_global_to_patch_generic (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,LWORDSIZE,& DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_logical SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_generic (globbuf,buf,domdesc,stagger,ordering,typesize,& DS1a,DE1a,DS2a,DE2a,DS3a,DE3a,& MS1a,ME1a,MS2a,ME2a,MS3a,ME3a,& PS1a,PE1a,PS2a,PE2a,PS3a,PE3a ) USE module_dm USE module_driver_constants IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DS1a,DE1a,DS2a,DE2a,DS3a,DE3a,& MS1a,ME1a,MS2a,ME2a,MS3a,ME3a,& PS1a,PE1a,PS2a,PE2a,PS3a,PE3A CHARACTER *(*) stagger,ordering INTEGER domdesc,typesize,ierr REAL globbuf(*) REAL buf(*) #ifndef STUBMPI INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3,& PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, has_char INTEGER i,j,k,ord,ord2d,ndim INTEGER Patch(3,2), Gpatch(3,2,ntasks) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmpbuf( : ) REAL locbuf( (PE1a-PS1a+1)*(PE2a-PS2a+1)*(PE3a-PS3a+1)/RWORDSIZE*typesize+32 ) DS1 = DS1a ; DE1 = DE1a ; DS2=DS2a ; DE2 = DE2a ; DS3 = DS3a ; DE3 = DE3a MS1 = MS1a ; ME1 = ME1a ; MS2=MS2a ; ME2 = ME2a ; MS3 = MS3a ; ME3 = ME3a PS1 = PS1a ; PE1 = PE1a ; PS2=PS2a ; PE2 = PE2a ; PS3 = PS3a ; PE3 = PE3a SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ordering) ) CASE ( 'xy', 'yx' ) ndim = 2 CASE DEFAULT ndim = 3 ! where appropriate END SELECT SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ordering) ) CASE ( 'xyz','xy' ) ! the non-staggered variables come in at one-less than ! domain dimensions, but code wants full domain spec, so ! adjust if not staggered IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 CASE ( 'yxz','yx' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 CASE ( 'zxy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 CASE ( 'xzy' ) IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'x' ) ) DE1 = DE1+1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'y' ) ) DE3 = DE3+1 IF ( ndim .EQ. 3 .AND. .NOT. has_char( stagger, 'z' ) ) DE2 = DE2+1 CASE DEFAULT END SELECT ! moved to here to be after the potential recalculations of D dims IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE ( tmpbuf ( (DE1-DS1+1)*(DE2-DS2+1)*(DE3-DS3+1)/RWORDSIZE*typesize+32 ), STAT=ierr ) ELSE ALLOCATE ( tmpbuf ( 1 ), STAT=ierr ) ENDIF IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating tmpbuf in wrf_global_to_patch_generic') Patch(1,1) = ps1 ; Patch(1,2) = pe1 ! use patch dims Patch(2,1) = ps2 ; Patch(2,2) = pe2 Patch(3,1) = ps3 ; Patch(3,2) = pe3 ! defined in external/io_quilt CALL collect_on_comm0 ( local_communicator , IWORDSIZE , & Patch , 6 , & GPatch , 6*ntasks ) ndim = len(TRIM(ordering)) IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() .AND. ndim .GE. 2 ) THEN IF ( typesize .EQ. RWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL outbuf_2_patch_r ( globbuf , tmpbuf FRSTELEM , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 , & GPATCH ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. IWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL outbuf_2_patch_i ( globbuf , tmpbuf FRSTELEM , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & GPATCH ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. DWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL outbuf_2_patch_d ( globbuf , tmpbuf FRSTELEM , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & GPATCH ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. LWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL outbuf_2_patch_l ( globbuf , tmpbuf FRSTELEM , & DS1, DE1, DS2, DE2, DS3, DE3 , & GPATCH ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL dist_on_comm0 ( local_communicator , typesize , & tmpbuf FRSTELEM , (de1-ds1+1)*(de2-ds2+1)*(de3-ds3+1) , & locbuf , (pe1-ps1+1)*(pe2-ps2+1)*(pe3-ps3+1) ) IF ( typesize .EQ. RWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL all_sub_r ( locbuf , buf , & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. IWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL all_sub_i ( locbuf , buf , & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. DWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL all_sub_d ( locbuf , buf , & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ELSE IF ( typesize .EQ. LWORDSIZE ) THEN CALL all_sub_l ( locbuf , buf , & PS1, PE1, PS2, PE2, PS3, PE3 , & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 ) ENDIF DEALLOCATE ( tmpbuf ) #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_global_to_patch_generic SUBROUTINE all_sub_i ( inbuf , outbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 INTEGER , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf ( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE all_sub_i SUBROUTINE all_sub_r ( inbuf , outbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE REAL , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 REAL , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf ( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE all_sub_r SUBROUTINE all_sub_d ( inbuf , outbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf ( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE all_sub_d SUBROUTINE all_sub_l ( inbuf , outbuf, & PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3, & MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 INTEGER PS1,PE1,PS2,PE2,PS3,PE3 LOGICAL , DIMENSION( MS1:ME1,MS2:ME2,MS3:ME3 ) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO k = PS3, PE3 DO j = PS2, PE2 DO i = PS1, PE1 outbuf( i, j, k ) = inbuf ( icurs ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE all_sub_l SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_r( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3, & MS1, ME1, MS2, ME2, MS3, ME3 , & GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE REAL , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) INTEGER MS1,ME1,MS2,ME2,MS3,ME3 REAL , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i,j,k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_r SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_i( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) INTEGER , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i,j,k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_i SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_d( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) DOUBLE PRECISION , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i,j,k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_d SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_l( inbuf, outbuf, & DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,& GPATCH ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL , DIMENSION(*) , INTENT(OUT) :: outbuf INTEGER DS1,DE1,DS2,DE2,DS3,DE3,GPATCH(3,2,ntasks) LOGICAL , DIMENSION( DS1:DE1,DS2:DE2,DS3:DE3 ) , INTENT(IN) :: inbuf ! Local INTEGER :: i,j,k,n , icurs icurs = 1 DO n = 1, ntasks DO k = GPATCH( 3,1,n ), GPATCH( 3,2,n ) DO j = GPATCH( 2,1,n ), GPATCH( 2,2,n ) DO i = GPATCH( 1,1,n ), GPATCH( 1,2,n ) outbuf( icurs ) = inbuf( i,j,k ) icurs = icurs + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE outbuf_2_patch_l !------------------------------------------------------------------ #if ( EM_CORE == 1 ) !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE force_domain_em_part2 ( grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 #include "nest_interpdown_unpack.inc" CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #include "HALO_FORCE_DOWN.inc" ! code here to interpolate the data into the nested domain # include "nest_forcedown_interp.inc" RETURN END SUBROUTINE force_domain_em_part2 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm USE module_timing IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k INTEGER iparstrt,jparstrt,sw TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: iids, iide, ijds, ijde, ikds, ikde, & iims, iime, ijms, ijme, ikms, ikme, & iips, iipe, ijps, ijpe, ikps, ikpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER icoord, jcoord, idim_cd, jdim_cd, pgr INTEGER thisdomain_max_halo_width INTEGER local_comm, myproc, nproc CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( local_comm ) CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( intermediate_grid , & iids, iide, ijds, ijde, ikds, ikde, & iims, iime, ijms, ijme, ikms, ikme, & iips, iipe, ijps, ijpe, ikps, ikpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio ( ngrid%id, pgr ) CALL nl_get_i_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, iparstrt ) CALL nl_get_j_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, jparstrt ) CALL nl_get_shw ( intermediate_grid%id, sw ) icoord = iparstrt - sw jcoord = jparstrt - sw idim_cd = iide - iids + 1 jdim_cd = ijde - ijds + 1 nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 ! get max_halo_width for parent. It may be smaller if it is moad CALL get_dm_max_halo_width ( grid%id , thisdomain_max_halo_width ) #include "nest_interpdown_pack.inc" CALL rsl_lite_bcast_msgs( myproc, nproc, local_comm ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part1 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part2 ( grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER myproc INTEGER ierr INTEGER thisdomain_max_halo_width CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 CALL get_dm_max_halo_width ( ngrid%id , thisdomain_max_halo_width ) #include "nest_interpdown_unpack.inc" CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #include "HALO_INTERP_DOWN.inc" # include "nest_interpdown_interp.inc" RETURN END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part2 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep ( grid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), TARGET :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags ! configureation flags, has vertical dim of ! soil temp, moisture, etc., has vertical dim ! of soil categories #include INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER :: idum1, idum2 CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL #include "HALO_INTERP_UP.inc" #endif END SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_em_part1 ( grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type, model_config_rec, model_to_grid_config_rec USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE(domain), POINTER :: xgrid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags, nconfig_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER local_comm, myproc, nproc, idum1, idum2 INTEGER thisdomain_max_halo_width INTERFACE SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep ( grid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type ! TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags TYPE(domain), TARGET :: grid #include END SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep END INTERFACE ! CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( local_comm ) CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) ! ! intermediate grid CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) ! nest grid CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 ips_save = ngrid%i_parent_start ! used in feedback_domain_em_part2 below jps_save = ngrid%j_parent_start ipe_save = ngrid%i_parent_start + (nide-nids+1) / ngrid%parent_grid_ratio - 1 jpe_save = ngrid%j_parent_start + (njde-njds+1) / ngrid%parent_grid_ratio - 1 ! feedback_nest_prep invokes a halo exchange on the ngrid. It is done this way ! in a separate routine because the HALOs need the data to be dereference from the ! grid data structure and, in this routine, the dereferenced fields are related to ! the intermediate domain, not the nest itself. Save the current grid pointer to intermediate ! domain, switch grid to point to ngrid, invoke feedback_nest_prep, then restore grid ! to point to intermediate domain. CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( ngrid%id , model_config_rec , nconfig_flags ) CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( ngrid%id , idum1 , idum2 ) xgrid => grid grid => ngrid CALL feedback_nest_prep ( grid, nconfig_flags & ! #include "actual_new_args.inc" ! ) ! put things back so grid is intermediate grid grid => xgrid CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( grid%id , idum1 , idum2 ) ! "interp" (basically copy) ngrid onto intermediate grid #include "nest_feedbackup_interp.inc" RETURN END SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_em_part1 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_em_part2 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid , config_flags & ! #include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, domain_clock_get, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type, model_config_rec USE module_dm USE module_utility IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER icoord, jcoord, idim_cd, jdim_cd INTEGER local_comm, myproc, nproc INTEGER iparstrt, jparstrt, sw, thisdomain_max_halo_width REAL nest_influence character*256 :: timestr integer ierr LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: cd_feedback_mask ! On entry to this routine, ! "grid" refers to the parent domain ! "intermediate_grid" refers to local copy of parent domain that overlies this patch of nest ! "ngrid" refers to the nest, which is only needed for smoothing on the parent because ! the nest feedback data has already been transferred during em_nest_feedbackup_interp ! in part1, above. ! The way these settings c and n dimensions are set, below, looks backwards but from the point ! of view of the RSL routine rsl_lite_to_parent_info(), call to which is included by ! em_nest_feedbackup_pack, the "n" domain represents the parent domain and the "c" domain ! represents the intermediate domain. The backwards lookingness should be fixed in the gen_comms.c ! registry routine that accompanies RSL_LITE but, just as it's sometimes easier to put up a road ! sign that says "DIP" than fix the dip, at this point it was easier just to write this comment. JM ! nest_influence = 1. CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_timestr=timestr ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( intermediate_grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL nl_get_i_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, iparstrt ) CALL nl_get_j_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, jparstrt ) CALL nl_get_shw ( intermediate_grid%id, sw ) icoord = iparstrt - sw jcoord = jparstrt - sw idim_cd = cide - cids + 1 jdim_cd = cjde - cjds + 1 nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 CALL get_dm_max_halo_width ( grid%id , thisdomain_max_halo_width ) #include "nest_feedbackup_pack.inc" CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( local_comm ) CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) CALL rsl_lite_merge_msgs( myproc, nproc, local_comm ) #define NEST_INFLUENCE(A,B) A = B #include "nest_feedbackup_unpack.inc" ! smooth coarse grid CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid, & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #include "HALO_INTERP_UP.inc" CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) #include "nest_feedbackup_smooth.inc" RETURN END SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_em_part2 #endif #if ( NMM_CORE == 1 && NMM_NEST == 1 ) !============================================================================== ! NMM nesting infrastructure extended from EM core. This is gopal's doing. !============================================================================== SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm USE module_timing IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k INTEGER iparstrt,jparstrt,sw TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: iids, iide, ijds, ijde, ikds, ikde, & iims, iime, ijms, ijme, ikms, ikme, & iips, iipe, ijps, ijpe, ikps, ikpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER icoord, jcoord, idim_cd, jdim_cd, pgr INTEGER local_comm, myproc, nproc INTEGER thisdomain_max_halo_width CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( local_comm ) CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) #define COPY_IN #include CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( intermediate_grid , & iids, iide, ijds, ijde, ikds, ikde, & iims, iime, ijms, ijme, ikms, ikme, & iips, iipe, ijps, ijpe, ikps, ikpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio ( ngrid%id, pgr ) CALL nl_get_i_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, iparstrt ) CALL nl_get_j_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, jparstrt ) CALL nl_get_shw ( intermediate_grid%id, sw ) icoord = iparstrt - sw jcoord = jparstrt - sw idim_cd = iide - iids + 1 jdim_cd = ijde - ijds + 1 nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 CALL get_dm_max_halo_width ( ngrid%id , thisdomain_max_halo_width ) #include "nest_interpdown_pack.inc" CALL rsl_lite_bcast_msgs( myproc, nproc, local_comm ) #define COPY_OUT #include RETURN END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part1 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part2 ( grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER myproc INTEGER ierr #ifdef DEREF_KLUDGE ! see http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/WG2/topics/deref_kludge.htm INTEGER :: sm31 , em31 , sm32 , em32 , sm33 , em33 INTEGER :: sm31x, em31x, sm32x, em32x, sm33x, em33x INTEGER :: sm31y, em31y, sm32y, em32y, sm33y, em33y #endif #include "deref_kludge.h" #define COPY_IN #include CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 #include "nest_interpdown_unpack.inc" CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #include "HALO_NMM_INTERP_DOWN1.inc" #include "nest_interpdown_interp.inc" #define COPY_OUT #include RETURN END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part2 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE force_domain_nmm_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm USE module_timing ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe #define COPY_IN #include ! CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( intermediate_grid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 #include "nest_forcedown_pack.inc" ! WRITE(0,*)'I have completed PACKING of BCs data successfully' #define COPY_OUT #include RETURN END SUBROUTINE force_domain_nmm_part1 !============================================================================================== SUBROUTINE force_domain_nmm_part2 ( grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe integer myproc #ifdef DEREF_KLUDGE ! see http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/WG2/topics/deref_kludge.htm INTEGER :: sm31 , em31 , sm32 , em32 , sm33 , em33 INTEGER :: sm31x, em31x, sm32x, em32x, sm33x, em33x INTEGER :: sm31y, em31y, sm32y, em32y, sm33y, em33y #endif #include "deref_kludge.h" #define COPY_IN #include CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 #include "nest_interpdown_unpack.inc" CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #include "HALO_NMM_FORCE_DOWN1.inc" ! code here to interpolate the data into the nested domain #include "nest_forcedown_interp.inc" #define COPY_OUT #include RETURN END SUBROUTINE force_domain_nmm_part2 !================================================================================ ! ! This routine exists only to call a halo on a domain (the nest) ! gets called from feedback_domain_em_part1, below. This is needed ! because the halo code expects the fields being exchanged to have ! been dereferenced from the grid data structure, but in feedback_domain_em_part1 ! the grid data structure points to the coarse domain, not the nest. ! And we want the halo exchange on the nest, so that the code in ! em_nest_feedbackup_interp.inc will work correctly on multi-p. JM 20040308 ! SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep_nmm ( grid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), TARGET :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags ! configureation flags, has vertical dim of ! soil temp, moisture, etc., has vertical dim ! of soil categories #include INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER :: idum1, idum2 #ifdef DEREF_KLUDGE ! see http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/WG2/topics/deref_kludge.htm INTEGER :: sm31 , em31 , sm32 , em32 , sm33 , em33 INTEGER :: sm31x, em31x, sm32x, em32x, sm33x, em33x INTEGER :: sm31y, em31y, sm32y, em32y, sm33y, em33y #endif #include "deref_kludge.h" #define COPY_IN #include CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL #include "HALO_NMM_WEIGHTS.inc" #endif #define COPY_OUT #include END SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep_nmm !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_nmm_part1 ( grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type, model_config_rec, model_to_grid_config_rec USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE(domain), POINTER :: xgrid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags, nconfig_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER local_comm, myproc, nproc, idum1, idum2 #ifdef DEREF_KLUDGE ! see http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/WG2/topics/deref_kludge.htm INTEGER :: sm31 , em31 , sm32 , em32 , sm33 , em33 INTEGER :: sm31x, em31x, sm32x, em32x, sm33x, em33x INTEGER :: sm31y, em31y, sm32y, em32y, sm33y, em33y #endif INTERFACE SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep_nmm ( grid, config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type ! TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags TYPE(domain), TARGET :: grid #include END SUBROUTINE feedback_nest_prep_nmm END INTERFACE ! #define COPY_IN #include CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( local_comm ) CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) ! ! intermediate grid CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) ! nest grid CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 ips_save = ngrid%i_parent_start ! +1 not used in ipe_save & jpe_save jps_save = ngrid%j_parent_start ! because of one extra namelist point ipe_save = ngrid%i_parent_start + (nide-nids) / ngrid%parent_grid_ratio jpe_save = ngrid%j_parent_start + (njde-njds) / ngrid%parent_grid_ratio ! feedback_nest_prep invokes a halo exchange on the ngrid. It is done this way ! in a separate routine because the HALOs need the data to be dereference from the ! grid data structure and, in this routine, the dereferenced fields are related to ! the intermediate domain, not the nest itself. Save the current grid pointer to intermediate ! domain, switch grid to point to ngrid, invoke feedback_nest_prep, then restore grid ! to point to intermediate domain. CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( ngrid%id , model_config_rec , nconfig_flags ) CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( ngrid%id , idum1 , idum2 ) xgrid => grid grid => ngrid #include "deref_kludge.h" CALL feedback_nest_prep_nmm ( grid, config_flags & ! #include "actual_args.inc" ! ) ! put things back so grid is intermediate grid grid => xgrid CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( grid%id , idum1 , idum2 ) ! "interp" (basically copy) ngrid onto intermediate grid #include "nest_feedbackup_interp.inc" #define COPY_OUT #include RETURN END SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_nmm_part1 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_nmm_part2 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid , config_flags & ! #include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_state_description USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, domain_clock_get, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_dm USE module_utility IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid #include INTEGER nlev, msize INTEGER i,j,pig,pjg,cm,cn,nig,njg,retval,k TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags REAL xv(500) INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER icoord, jcoord, idim_cd, jdim_cd INTEGER local_comm, myproc, nproc INTEGER iparstrt, jparstrt, sw INTEGER thisdomain_max_halo_width character*256 :: timestr integer ierr REAL nest_influence LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: cd_feedback_mask LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: cd_feedback_mask_v #define COPY_IN #include ! On entry to this routine, ! "grid" refers to the parent domain ! "intermediate_grid" refers to local copy of parent domain that overlies this patch of nest ! "ngrid" refers to the nest, which is only needed for smoothing on the parent because ! the nest feedback data has already been transferred during em_nest_feedbackup_interp ! in part1, above. ! The way these settings c and n dimensions are set, below, looks backwards but from the point ! of view of the RSL routine rsl_lite_to_parent_info(), call to which is included by ! em_nest_feedbackup_pack, the "n" domain represents the parent domain and the "c" domain ! represents the intermediate domain. The backwards lookingness should be fixed in the gen_comms.c ! registry routine that accompanies RSL_LITE but, just as it's sometimes easier to put up a road ! sign that says "DIP" than fix the dip, at this point it was easier just to write this comment. JM ! nest_influence = 0.5 #define NEST_INFLUENCE(A,B) A = nest_influence*(B) + (1.0-nest_influence)*(A) CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_timestr=timestr ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( intermediate_grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) nide = nide - 1 !dusan njde = njde - 1 !dusan CALL nl_get_i_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, iparstrt ) CALL nl_get_j_parent_start ( intermediate_grid%id, jparstrt ) CALL nl_get_shw ( intermediate_grid%id, sw ) icoord = iparstrt - sw jcoord = jparstrt - sw idim_cd = cide - cids + 1 jdim_cd = cjde - cjds + 1 nlev = ckde - ckds + 1 CALL get_dm_max_halo_width ( ngrid%id , thisdomain_max_halo_width ) #include "nest_feedbackup_pack.inc" CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( local_comm ) CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) CALL rsl_lite_merge_msgs( myproc, nproc, local_comm ) #include "nest_feedbackup_unpack.inc" ! smooth coarse grid CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( ngrid, & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) #include "HALO_INTERP_UP.inc" CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) #include "nest_feedbackup_smooth.inc" #define COPY_OUT #include RETURN END SUBROUTINE feedback_domain_nmm_part2 !================================================================================= ! End of gopal's doing !================================================================================= #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE wrf_gatherv_real (Field, field_ofst, & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, glob_ofst , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) USE module_dm, ONLY : getrealmpitype IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER field_ofst, glob_ofst INTEGER my_count, communicator, root, ierr INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) :: counts, displs REAL, DIMENSION(*) :: Field, globbuf #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL mpi_gatherv( Field( field_ofst ), & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount getrealmpitype() , & ! sendtype globbuf( glob_ofst ) , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs getrealmpitype() , & ! recvtype root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_gatherv_real SUBROUTINE wrf_gatherv_double (Field, field_ofst, & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, glob_ofst , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) ! USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER field_ofst, glob_ofst INTEGER my_count, communicator, root, ierr INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) :: counts, displs ! this next declaration is REAL, not DOUBLE PRECISION because it will be autopromoted ! to double precision by the compiler when WRF is compiled for 8 byte reals. Only reason ! for having this separate routine is so we pass the correct MPI type to mpi_scatterv ! if we were not indexing the globbuf and Field arrays it would not even matter REAL, DIMENSION(*) :: Field, globbuf #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL mpi_gatherv( Field( field_ofst ), & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , & ! sendtype globbuf( glob_ofst ) , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , & ! recvtype root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_gatherv_double SUBROUTINE wrf_gatherv_integer (Field, field_ofst, & my_count , & ! sendcount globbuf, glob_ofst , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER field_ofst, glob_ofst INTEGER my_count, communicator, root, ierr INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) :: counts, displs INTEGER, DIMENSION(*) :: Field, globbuf #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL mpi_gatherv( Field( field_ofst ), & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount MPI_INTEGER , & ! sendtype globbuf( glob_ofst ) , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs MPI_INTEGER , & ! recvtype root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_gatherv_integer !new stuff 20070124 SUBROUTINE wrf_scatterv_real ( & globbuf, glob_ofst , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, field_ofst, & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) USE module_dm, ONLY : getrealmpitype IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER field_ofst, glob_ofst INTEGER my_count, communicator, root, ierr INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) :: counts, displs REAL, DIMENSION(*) :: Field, globbuf #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL mpi_scatterv( & globbuf( glob_ofst ) , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs getrealmpitype() , & ! recvtype Field( field_ofst ), & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount getrealmpitype() , & ! sendtype root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_scatterv_real SUBROUTINE wrf_scatterv_double ( & globbuf, glob_ofst , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, field_ofst, & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER field_ofst, glob_ofst INTEGER my_count, communicator, root, ierr INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) :: counts, displs REAL, DIMENSION(*) :: Field, globbuf #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' ! this next declaration is REAL, not DOUBLE PRECISION because it will be autopromoted ! to double precision by the compiler when WRF is compiled for 8 byte reals. Only reason ! for having this separate routine is so we pass the correct MPI type to mpi_scatterv ! if we were not indexing the globbuf and Field arrays it would not even matter CALL mpi_scatterv( & globbuf( glob_ofst ) , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , & ! recvtype Field( field_ofst ), & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , & ! sendtype root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_scatterv_double SUBROUTINE wrf_scatterv_integer ( & globbuf, glob_ofst , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts Field, field_ofst, & my_count , & ! sendcount displs , & ! displs root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER field_ofst, glob_ofst INTEGER my_count, communicator, root, ierr INTEGER , DIMENSION(*) :: counts, displs INTEGER, DIMENSION(*) :: Field, globbuf #ifndef STUBMPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' CALL mpi_scatterv( & globbuf( glob_ofst ) , & ! recvbuf counts , & ! recvcounts displs , & ! displs MPI_INTEGER , & ! recvtype Field( field_ofst ), & ! sendbuf my_count , & ! sendcount MPI_INTEGER , & ! sendtype root , & ! root communicator , & ! communicator ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_scatterv_integer ! end new stuff 20070124 SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_define_comms ( grid ) USE module_domain, ONLY : domain IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain) , INTENT (INOUT) :: grid RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrf_dm_define_comms SUBROUTINE tfp_message( fname, lno ) CHARACTER*(*) fname INTEGER lno CHARACTER*1024 mess #ifndef STUBMPI WRITE(mess,*)'tfp_message: ',trim(fname),lno CALL wrf_message(mess) # ifdef ALLOW_OVERDECOMP CALL task_for_point_message ! defined in RSL_LITE/task_for_point.c # else CALL wrf_error_fatal(mess) # endif #endif END SUBROUTINE tfp_message SUBROUTINE set_dm_debug USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE dm_debug_flag = .TRUE. END SUBROUTINE set_dm_debug SUBROUTINE reset_dm_debug USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE dm_debug_flag = .FALSE. END SUBROUTINE reset_dm_debug SUBROUTINE get_dm_debug ( arg ) USE module_dm IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL arg arg = dm_debug_flag END SUBROUTINE get_dm_debug