SUBROUTINE watercloud(ngrid,nlay, ptimestep, & pplev,pplay,pdpsrf,pzlev,pzlay,pt,pdt, & pq,pdq,pdqcloud,qsurf,pdqscloud,pdtcloud, & nq,nsize,tau,icount,zls) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c Treatment of saturation of water vapor c c c Modif de zq si saturation dans l'atmopshere c si zq(ig,l)> zqsat(ig,l) -> zq(ig,l)=zqsat(ig,l) c Le test est effectue de bas en haut. L'eau condensee c (si saturation) est remise dans la couche en dessous. c L'eau condensee dans la couche du bas est deposee a la surface c c WARNING : water vapor mixing ratio is assumed to be c q(nqmx) c c Modification: Franck Montmessin water ice scheme c c======================================================================= c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c declarations: c ------------- #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "tracer.h" #include "fisice.h" #include "comgeomfi.h" c c arguments: c ---------- INTEGER ngrid,nlay,nsize INTEGER icount REAL ptimestep ! pas de temps physique (s) REAL pplev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! pression aux inter-couches (Pa) REAL pplay(ngrid,nlay) ! pression au milieu des couches (Pa) REAL pzlev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! altitude at layer boundaries REAL pzlay(ngrid,nlay) ! altitude at the middle of the layers REAL pdpsrf(ngrid) ! tendance surf pressure REAL pt(ngrid,nlay) ! temperature au centre des couches (K) REAL pdt(ngrid,nlay) ! tendance temperature des autres param. REAL pdtcloud(ngrid,nlay) ! tendance temperature due a la chaleur latente REAL tau(ngridmx,nsize) REAL zls c Traceurs : integer nq ! nombre de traceurs real pq(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! traceur (kg/kg) real pdq(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! tendance avant condensation (kg/kg.s-1) real pdqcloud(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! tendance de la condesation H2O(kg/kg.s-1) real qsurf(ngrid,nq) real pdqscloud(ngrid,nq) ! flux en surface (kg.m-2.s-1) c local: c ------ REAL CBRT EXTERNAL CBRT INTEGER ig,l LOGICAL firstcall,improved SAVE firstcall REAL zq(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) REAL zq0(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) REAL zqsat(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zt(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL masse (ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL epaisseur (ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL dustcores(ngridmx,nlayermx) !Dust number density (#/kg) REAL rfinal ! Ice crystal radius after condensation(m) REAL seq ! Equilibrium saturation ration (accounting for curvature effect) REAL dzq ! masse de glace echangee (kg/kg) REAL lw !Latent heat of sublimation ( REAL To REAL Ctot REAL*8 ph2o,satu REAL gr,Cste,up,dwn,newvap DATA firstcall/.true./ cc DATA improved/.false./ ! Actionne une microphysique plus raffinee DATA improved/.true./ c Reference temperature, T=273,15 K data To/273.15/ SAVE improved c POur diagnostique : c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REAL taucond(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! taux de condensation (kg/kg/s-1) ccc****WRF c REAL mtot(ngridmx) ! Total mass of water vapor (kg/m2) c REAL icetot(ngridmx) ! Total mass of water ice (kg/m2) c REAL rave(ngridmx) ! Mean crystal radius in a column (m) ccc****WRF REAL cloudmass(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! Integrated mass of water ice in each layer (kg/m2) REAL waterhem(2,3) REAL icetot2pm(ngridmx) REAL mtot2pm(ngridmx) REAL rave2pm(ngridmx) REAL qsurf2pm(ngridmx) INTEGER i,nit REAL ecart,loctime integer univtime,lon2pm(ngridmx) integer ig_vl2 real latvl2,lonvl2 logical tesfield ! output of TES like data data tesfield /.false./ c ** un petit test de coherence c -------------------------- IF (firstcall) THEN IF(ngrid.NE.ngridmx) THEN PRINT*,'STOP dans watercloud' PRINT*,'probleme de dimensions :' PRINT*,'ngrid =',ngrid PRINT*,'ngridmx =',ngridmx STOP ENDIF firstcall=.false. if (tesfield) then latvl2= 47.57 lonvl2= 134.26 ig_vl2= 1+ int( (1.5-(latvl2-90.)*jjm/180.) -2 )*iim + & int(1.5+(lonvl2+180)*iim/360.) open(201,file='VL2_data') open(199,file='water_budgets') print*,'File water_budgets created' c Find the universal time corresponding to 2PM (TES obs) print*,'Universal time corresponding to 2PM (TES obs)' print*,'of each longitude - Used when iceparty is on.' print*,'2PM outputs are written in a specific file.' print*,'| Longitude | U.T = 2PM LT |' nit= 48 do ig=1,ngridmx ecart=24. do i=1,nit-1 loctime = i/float(nit)*24. + long(ig)*12./pi if ( loctime = loctime - 24. if ( loctime = loctime + 24. if (abs(14.-loctime).lt.ecart) then ecart = abs(14.-loctime) lon2pm(ig) = i endif enddo if(int(lati(ig)*180./pi).eq.0) * print*,long(ig)/pi*180.,'|',lon2pm(ig)/2. enddo open(200,file='2pm_outputs',form='unformatted') print*,'File 2pm_outputs created' write(200) long,lati endif ! (tesfield) ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1. initialisation c ----------------- c On "update" la valeur de q(nqmx) (water vapor) et temperature. c On effectue qqes calculs preliminaires sur les couches : c masse (kg.m-2), epaisseur(m). do l=1,nlay do ig=1,ngrid zq(ig,l,nq)=pq(ig,l,nq)+pdq(ig,l,nq)*ptimestep zq(ig,l,nq)=max(zq(ig,l,nq),1.E-30) ! FF 12/2004 zq0(ig,l,nq)=zq(ig,l,nq) zt(ig,l)=pt(ig,l)+ pdt(ig,l)*ptimestep masse(ig,l)=(pplev(ig,l) - pplev(ig,l+1)) /g epaisseur(ig,l)= pzlev(ig,l+1) - pzlev(ig,l) if(iceparty) then zq(ig,l,nq-1)=pq(ig,l,nq-1)+pdq(ig,l,nq-1)*ptimestep zq(ig,l,nq-1)=max(zq(ig,l,nq-1),0.) ! FF 12/2004 zq0(ig,l,nq-1)=zq(ig,l,nq-1) rdust(ig,l)= max(.8e-6*exp(-pzlay(ig,l)/18000.),1.e-9) c Calcul du rayon moyen des particules de glace. c Hypothese : Dans une couche, la glace presente se c repartit uniformement autour du nbre de poussieres c dont le rayon moyen est prescrit par rdust. c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ((dustbin.eq.1).and..not.(doubleq)) then zq(ig,l,1)=pq(ig,l,1)+pdq(ig,l,1)*ptimestep dustcores(ig,l)=max(zq(ig,l,1)/ & (rho_dust*4./3.*pi*radius(1)**3.),1.e-9) else dustcores(ig,l)=( epaisseur(ig,l)/masse(ig,l) ) * & 2.e+6/0.1*max(tau(ig,1),0.001)*exp(-pzlay(ig,l)/10000.) !!!PATCH WATER c TEMPORAIRE : réduction du nombre de nuclei FF 04/2008 : dustcores(ig,l) = dustcores(ig,l) / 8. ! reduction facteur 2 endif rice(ig,l)=CBRT( ( zq(ig,l,nq-1)/rho_ice+ & dustcores(ig,l)*(4./3.)*pi*rdust(ig,l)**3. ) & / (dustcores(ig,l)*4./3.*pi) ) rice(ig,l)=max(rice(ig,l),rdust(ig,l)) endif enddo enddo call zerophys(ngrid*nq,pdqscloud) call zerophys(ngrid*nlay*nq,pdqcloud) call zerophys(ngrid*nlay,pdtcloud) call zerophys(ngrid,mtot) call zerophys(ngrid,icetot) call zerophys(ngrid,rave) call zerophys(ngrid,cloudmass) c ---------------------------------------------- c c c Rapport de melange a saturation dans la couche l : ------- c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ call watersat(ngridmx*nlayermx,zt,pplay,zqsat) c taux de condensation (kg/kg/s-1) dans les differentes couches c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c (Pour diagnostic seulement !) if(.not.iceparty)then do l=1, nlay do ig=1,ngridmx taucond(ig,l)= max((zq(ig,l,nq)-zqsat(ig,l))/ptimestep,0.) end do end do endif if(iceparty) then do l=1,nlay do ig=1,ngrid If (improved) then c Improved microphysics scheme c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ctot = zq(ig,l,nq) + zq(ig,l,nq-1) ph2o = zq(ig,l,nq) * 44. / 18. * pplay(ig,l) satu = zq(ig,l,nq) / zqsat(ig,l) call growthrate(ptimestep,zt(ig,l),pplay(ig,l), & ph2o,ph2o/satu,seq,rice(ig,l),gr) Cste = ptimestep * 4. * pi * rice(ig,l) * * rho_ice * dustcores(ig,l) up = zq(ig,l,nq) + Cste * gr * seq dwn = 1. + Cste * gr / zqsat(ig,l) newvap = min(up/dwn,Ctot) gr = gr * ( newvap/zqsat(ig,l) - seq ) dzq = min( max( Cste * gr,-zq(ig,l,nq-1) ) * , zq(ig,l,nq) ) c Nucleation (sat ratio must be larger than a critical value) c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ( then if (satu.le.1.4.and.zq(ig,l,nq-1).lt.1.e-8) * dzq = 0. endif Else c Old version c ~~~~~~~~~~~ if (zq(ig,l,nq).ge.zqsat(ig,l))then ! Condensation dzq=zq(ig,l,nq)-zqsat(ig,l) elseif(zq(ig,l,nq).lt.zqsat(ig,l))then ! Sublimation dzq=-min(zqsat(ig,l)-zq(ig,l,nq),zq(ig,l,nq-1)) endif Endif c Water Mass change c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zq(ig,l,nq-1)=zq(ig,l,nq-1)+dzq zq(ig,l,nq)=zq(ig,l,nq)-dzq rice(ig,l)=max( CBRT ( (zq(ig,l,nq-1)/rho_ice & +dustcores(ig,l)*(4./3.)*pi*rdust(ig,l)**3.) & /(dustcores(ig,l)*4./3.*pi) ), rdust(ig,l)) if(activice.and.pclc(ig).gt.0) & rice(ig,l)=rice(ig,l)/CBRT(pclc(ig)) enddo enddo else ! if not iceparty c Saturation couche nlay a 2 : c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ do l=nlay,2, -1 do ig=1,ngrid if (zq(ig,l,nq).gt.zqsat(ig,l))then zq(ig,l-1,nq) = zq(ig,l-1,nq)+(zq(ig,l,nq)-zqsat(ig,l)) & *(pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/(pplev(ig,l-1)-pplev(ig,l)) zq(ig,l,nq)=zqsat(ig,l) endif enddo enddo c Saturation couche l=1 si pas iceparty c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ do ig=1,ngridmx if (zq(ig,1,nq).gt.zqsat(ig,1))then pdqscloud(ig,nq)= (zq(ig,1,nq)-zqsat(ig,1)) & *(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,2))/(g*ptimestep) zq(ig,1,nq)=zqsat(ig,1) endif end do endif ! (iceparty) c Tendance finale c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ do l=1, nlay do ig=1,ngridmx pdqcloud(ig,l,nq) = (zq(ig,l,nq) - zq0(ig,l,nq))/ptimestep if(iceparty) then pdqcloud(ig,l,nq-1) = & (zq(ig,l,nq-1) - zq0(ig,l,nq-1))/ptimestep endif lw=(2834.3-0.28*(zt(ig,l)-To)-0.004*(zt(ig,l)-To)**2)*1.e+3 pdtcloud(ig,l)=-pdqcloud(ig,l,nq)*lw/cpp end do end do c A correction if a lot of subliming CO2 fills the 1st layer FF04/2005 c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Then that should not affect the ice particle radius do ig=1,ngridmx if(pdpsrf(ig)**(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,2)))then if(pdpsrf(ig)**(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,3))) & rice(ig,2)=rice(ig,3) rice(ig,1)=rice(ig,2) end if end do c************************************************** c Output c************************************************** univtime = icount - int(float(icount)/48.) * 48 c if "tesfield" c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (tesfield.and.mod(icount,12).eq.0) . call zerophys(6,waterhem) c****WRF: ligne trop longue do ig=1,ngridmx do l=1 ,nlay c masse de vapeur d'eau dans la couche l mtot(ig)=mtot(ig)+pq(ig,l,nq)*masse(ig,l) if(iceparty) then c masse de glace d'eau dans la couche l icetot(ig)=icetot(ig)+masse(ig,l)*pq(ig,l,nq-1) c rayon moyen des cristaux dans la colonne ig rave(ig)=rave(ig)+masse(ig,l)*pq(ig,l,nq-1)*rice(ig,l) cloudmass(ig,l)=masse(ig,l)*pq(ig,l,nq-1) endif enddo if(iceparty) then rave(ig)=rave(ig)/max(icetot(ig),1.e-30) if (icetot(ig)* rave(ig)=0. endif if (tesfield) then if (univtime.eq.lon2pm(ig)) mtot2pm(ig) = mtot(ig) if (univtime.eq.lon2pm(ig).and.iceparty) * icetot2pm(ig) = icetot(ig) if (univtime.eq.lon2pm(ig).and.iceparty) * rave2pm(ig) = rave(ig) if (univtime.eq.lon2pm(ig)) qsurf2pm(ig) = qsurf(ig,nqmx) endif c Outputs total mass of water and clouds * c ****************************************** IF (tesfield.and.mod(icount,12).EQ.0) THEN if (int(lati(ig)*180/pi).gt.0) then waterhem(1,1)=waterhem(1,1)+area(ig)*mtot(ig) waterhem(1,2)=waterhem(1,2)+area(ig)*qsurf(ig,nqmx) if (iceparty)waterhem(1,3)=waterhem(1,3)+area(ig)*icetot(ig) endif if (int(lati(ig)*180/pi).lt.0) then waterhem(2,1)=waterhem(2,1)+area(ig)*mtot(ig) waterhem(2,2)=waterhem(2,2)+area(ig)*qsurf(ig,nqmx) if (iceparty)waterhem(2,3)=waterhem(2,3)+area(ig)*icetot(ig) endif if (int(lati(ig)*180/pi).eq.0) then waterhem(1,1)=waterhem(1,1)+area(ig)*mtot(ig)/2. waterhem(2,1)=waterhem(2,1)+area(ig)*mtot(ig)/2. waterhem(1,2)=waterhem(1,2)+area(ig)*qsurf(ig,nqmx)/2. waterhem(2,2)=waterhem(2,2)+area(ig)*qsurf(ig,nqmx)/2. if (iceparty) then waterhem(1,3)=waterhem(1,3)+area(ig)*icetot(ig)/2. waterhem(2,3)=waterhem(2,3)+area(ig)*icetot(ig)/2. endif endif ENDIF ! (total mass) enddo ! (ngridmx) if (tesfield.and.mod(icount,12).eq.0) then write(199,6000)zls*180./pi,waterhem(1,1),waterhem(1,2), & waterhem(1,3),waterhem(2,1),waterhem(2,2),waterhem(2,3) !6000 format(f8.3,x,6(e12.5,x)) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!g95 6000 format(f8.3,1x,6(e12.5,1x)) write(201,6001) zls*180./pi,pplev(ig_vl2,1),icetot(ig_vl2) & ,zt(ig_vl2,1) !6001 format(f8.3,x,3(e12.5,x)) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!g95 6001 format(f8.3,1x,3(e12.5,1x)) endif *************************************************** * Write outputs at 2PM LT in a dedicated file *************************************************** if (tesfield) then if (mod(icount,48) then print*,'ecriture dans 2pm_outputs' write(200) zls write(200) mtot2pm if (iceparty) write(200) icetot2pm write(200) qsurf2pm if (iceparty) write(200) rave2pm endif endif c ****************************************** c Output in diagfi c ****************************************** if ( then c CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'mtot', c & 'total mass of water vapor','kg/m2',2,mtot) c c if (callstats) then c call wstats(ngrid,"mtot", c . "total mass of water vapor","kg/m2",2,mtot) c endif c cc if(.not.iceparty) cc & call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'taucond', cc & 'taux cond H2O ice','kg/kg/s',3,taucond) cc c if(iceparty) then c CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'icetot', c & 'total mass of water ice','kg/m2',2,icetot) c if (callstats) then c call wstats(ngrid,"icetot", c . "total mass of water ice","kg/m2",2,icetot) c endif cc CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'cloudmass', cc & 'mass of water ice/layer','kg/m2',3,cloudmass) cc CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'rice','ice radius', cc & 'meter',3,rice) cc CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'rave','Mean ice radius', cc & 'meter',2,rave) c endif else c CALL WRITEG1D(ngridmx,1,mtot,'gas','kg/m2') c CALL WRITEG1D(ngridmx,1,icetot,'ice','kg/m2') c call WRITEG1D(ngridmx,nlay,rice,'rice','um') c call WRITEG1D(ngridmx,nlay,dustcores,'pouss','#/layer') endif 99 continue RETURN END