SUBROUTINE meso_dustopacity(ngrid,nlayer,nq, $ zday,pplay,pplev,ls,pq, $ tauref,tau,aerosol) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c CAREFUL: THIS IS A VERSION TO BE USED WITH WRF !!! c c ... CHECK THE ****WRF lines c c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c Computing aerosol optical depth (dust opacity) c In each layers c c author: F.Forget c ------ c update F. Montmessin (water ice scheme) c and S. Lebonnois (12/06/2003) compatibility dust/ice/chemistry c c input: c ----- c ngrid Number of gridpoint of horizontal grid c nlayer Number of layer c nq Number of tracer c ls Solar longitude (Ls) , radian c pplay,pplev pressure (Pa) in the middle and boundary of each layer c pq Dust mixing ratio (used if tracer =T and active=T). c c output: c ------- c tauref Prescribed mean column optical depth at 700 Pa c tau Column total visible dust optical depth at each point c aerosol aerosol(ig,l,1) is the dust optical c depth in layer l, grid point ig c c======================================================================= #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "comgeomfi.h" #include "dimradmars.h" #include "yomaer.h" #include "tracer.h" #include "planete.h" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Declarations : c -------------- c c Input/Output c ------------ INTEGER ngrid,nlayer,nq REAL ls,zday,expfactor REAL pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1),pplay(ngrid,nlayer) REAL pq(ngrid,nlayer,nq) REAL tauref(ngrid), tau(ngrid,naerkind) REAL aerosol(ngrid,nlayer,naerkind) c c Local variables : c ----------------- INTEGER l,ig,iq !****WRF INTEGER ierr !****WRF real topdust(ngridmx) real zlsconst, zp real taueq,tauS,tauN real r0,reff,coefsize c c local saved variables c --------------------- REAL topdust0(ngridmx) SAVE topdust0 LOGICAL firstcall DATA firstcall/.true./ SAVE firstcall c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialisation c -------------- IF (firstcall) THEN c altitude of the top of the aerosol layer (km) at Ls=2.76rad: c in the Viking year scenario DO ig=1,ngrid topdust0(ig)=60. -22.*SIN(lati(ig))**2 END DO firstcall=.false. END IF c ------------------------------------------------------------- c 1) Prescribed dust (if tracer=F or active=F) c ------------------------------------------------------------- IF ((.not.tracer) .or. ( THEN c Vertical column optical depth at 700.Pa c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF(iaervar.eq.1) THEN !****WRF !****WRF: additional ASCII file to define dust opacity OPEN(99,file='dustopacity.def',status='old',form='formatted' . ,iostat=ierr) IF(ierr.NE.0) THEN write(*,*) 'No file dustopacity.def' stop ELSE READ(99,*) tauvis write(*,*) 'constant tau', tauvis !****WRF !****WRF do ig=1, ngridmx tauref(ig)=max(tauvis,1.e-9) ! tauvis=cste as read in file end do CLOSE(99) ENDIF ELSE IF (iaervar.eq.2) THEN ! << "Viking" Scenario>> tauref(1) = 0.7+.3*cos(ls+80.*pi/180.) ! like seen by VL1 do ig=2,ngrid tauref(ig) = tauref(1) end do ELSE IF (iaervar.eq.3) THEN ! << "MGS" scenario >> taueq= 0.2 +(0.5-0.2) *(cos(0.5*(ls-4.363)))**14 tauS= 0.1 +(0.5-0.1) *(cos(0.5*(ls-4.363)))**14 tauN = 0.1 c if (peri_day.eq.150) then c tauS=0.1 c tauN=0.1 +(0.5-0.1) *(cos(0.5*(ls+pi-4.363)))**14 c taueq= 0.2 +(0.5-0.2) *(cos(0.5*(ls+pi-4.363)))**14 c endif do ig=1,ngrid/2 ! Northern hemisphere tauref(ig)= tauN + & (taueq-tauN)*0.5*(1+tanh((45-lati(ig)*180./pi)*6/60)) end do do ig=ngrid/2+1, ngridmx ! Southern hemisphere tauref(ig)= tauS + & (taueq-tauS)*0.5*(1+tanh((45+lati(ig)*180./pi)*6/60)) end do ELSE IF (iaervar.eq.4) THEN ! << "TES" scenario >> c*************WRF c c 1. MY24 TES c call readtesassim(ngrid,nlayer,zday,pplev,tauref) ELSE IF ( THEN ! << input netcdf file >> c*************WRF c c 2. customized dust opacity field c ex: from assimilation call meso_readtesassim(ngrid,nlayer,zday,pplev,tauref, . iaervar) c c*************WRF ELSE stop 'problem with iaervar in dustopacity.F' ENDIF c Altitude of the top of the dust layer c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zlsconst=SIN(ls-2.76) if (iddist.eq.1) then do ig=1,ngrid topdust(ig)=topdustref ! constant dust layer top end do else if (iddist.eq.2) then ! "Viking" scenario do ig=1,ngrid topdust(ig)=topdust0(ig)+18.*zlsconst end do else if(iddist.eq.3) then !"MGS" scenario do ig=1,ngrid topdust(ig)=60.+18.*zlsconst & -(32+18*zlsconst)*sin(lati(ig))**4 & - 8*zlsconst*(sin(lati(ig)))**5 end do endif c Optical depth in each layer : c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if( then expfactor=0. DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid if(pplay(ig,l).gt.700. $ /(988.**(topdust(ig)/70.))) then zp=(700./pplay(ig,l))**(70./topdust(ig)) expfactor=max(exp(0.007*(1.-max(zp,1.))),1.e-3) else expfactor=1.e-3 endif aerosol(ig,l,1)= tauref(ig)/700. * s (pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1)) & *expfactor c s *max( exp(.007*(1.-max(zp,1.))) , 1.E-3 ) ENDDO ENDDO c changement dans le calcul de la distribution verticale c dans le cas des scenarios de poussieres assimiles c if (iaervar.eq.4) THEN ! TES c call zerophys(ngrid*naerkind,tau) c c do l=1,nlayer c do ig=1,ngrid c tau(ig,1)=tau(ig,1)+ aerosol(ig,l,1) c end do c end do c do l=1,nlayer c do ig=1,ngrid c aerosol(ig,l,1)=aerosol(ig,l,1)*tauref(ig)/tau(ig,1) c $ *(pplev(ig,1)/700) c end do c end do c endif cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc else if(iddist.eq.0) then c old dust vertical distribution function (pollack90) DO l=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zp=700./pplay(ig,l) aerosol(ig,l,1)= tauref(ig)/700. * s (pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1)) s *max( exp(.03*(1.-max(zp,1.))) , 1.E-3 ) ENDDO ENDDO end if c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c 2) Transported radiatively active dust (if tracer=T and active=T) c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE IF ((tracer) .and. (active)) THEN c The dust opacity is computed from q c a) "doubleq" technique (transport of mass and number mixing ratio) c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if(doubleq) then call zerophys(ngrid*nlayer*naerkind,aerosol) c Computing effective radius : do l=1,nlayer do ig=1, ngrid r0= & (r3n_q*pq(ig,l,1)/max(pq(ig,l,2),0.01))**(1./3.) r0=min(max(r0,1.e-10),500.e-6) reff= ref_r0 * r0 cc If reff is small, the transported dust mean Qext c is reduced from the reference dust Qext by a factor "coefsize" coefsize=min(max(2.52e6*reff-0.043 ,0.) ,1.) cc It is added 1.e-8 to pq to avoid low aerosol(ig,l,1)=aerosol(ig,l,1)+ 1.E-8 + & ( 0.75*Qext(1)*coefsize/(rho_dust*reff)) & * (pq(ig,l,1))* & (pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/g end do end do call zerophys(ngrid,tauref) c b) Size bin technique (each aerosol can contribute to opacity)) c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ else c The dust opacity is computed from q call zerophys(ngrid*nlayer*naerkind,aerosol) do iq=1,dustbin do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid cc qextrhor(iq) is (3/4)*Qext/(rho*reff) cc It is added 1.e-8 to pq to avoid low aerosol(ig,l,1)=aerosol(ig,l,1)+ & qextrhor(iq)* (pq(ig,l,iq) + 1.e-8)* & (pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/g end do end do end do call zerophys(ngrid,tauref) end if ! (doubleq) END IF ! (dust scenario) c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Column integrated visible optical depth in each point (used for diagnostic) c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- call zerophys(ngrid*naerkind,tau) do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid tau(ig,1)=tau(ig,1)+ aerosol(ig,l,1) end do end do return end