subroutine eofdump(ngrid,nlayer,u,v,t,rho,ps) cccc subroutine eofdump(cols,rows,nlayer,u,v,t,p) implicit none c c Dumps profiles for calculation of variability EOFs c Modified to include rho, FF 09/2004 c #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "eofdump.h" c c._. integer cols c._. integer rows integer ngrid integer nlayer real*4 u(ngrid,nlayer) real*4 v(ngrid,nlayer) real*4 t(ngrid,nlayer) real*4 rho(ngrid,nlayer) real*4 ps(ngrid) integer count data count /0/ save count integer i,j,l, ig LOGICAL firstcall SAVE firstcall DATA firstcall/.true./ c------------------------------------------------------- c Initialization at first call: c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF (firstcall) THEN write(*,*) 'CALL ineofdump' CALL ineofdump firstcall=.false. END IF c------------------------------------------------------- c Dumps every ieofs physics timesteps c if ((,ieofs).eq.0)) then do i=1,iim,eofskip do j=1+eofskip/2,jjm+1,eofskip ig = 1+ (j-2)*iim +i write(uedata) (u(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (v(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (t(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (rho(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) ps(ig) enddo enddo endif count=count+1 return end