SUBROUTINE convadj(ngrid,nlay,nq,ptimestep, S pplay,pplev,ppopsk, $ pu,pv,ph,pq, $ pdufi,pdvfi,pdhfi,pdqfi, $ pduadj,pdvadj,pdhadj, $ pdqadj) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c ajustement convectif sec c on ajoute les tendances pdhfi au profil pdh avant l'ajustement c SPECIAL VERSION : if one tracer is CO2, take into account the c Molecular mass variation (e.g. when CO2 condense) to trigger c convection F. Forget 01/2005 c c======================================================================= c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c declarations: c ------------- #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "tracer.h" c arguments: c ---------- INTEGER ngrid,nlay REAL ptimestep REAL ph(ngrid,nlay),pdhfi(ngrid,nlay),pdhadj(ngrid,nlay) REAL pplay(ngrid,nlay),pplev(ngrid,nlay+1),ppopsk(ngrid,nlay) REAL pu(ngrid,nlay),pdufi(ngrid,nlay),pduadj(ngrid,nlay) REAL pv(ngrid,nlay),pdvfi(ngrid,nlay),pdvadj(ngrid,nlay) c Traceurs : integer nq real pq(ngrid,nlay,nq), pdqfi(ngrid,nlay,nq) real pdqadj(ngrid,nlay,nq) c local: c ------ INTEGER ig,i,l,l1,l2,jj INTEGER jcnt, jadrs(ngridmx) REAL sig(nlayermx+1),sdsig(nlayermx),dsig(nlayermx) REAL zu(ngridmx,nlayermx),zv(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zh(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zu2(ngridmx,nlayermx),zv2(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zh2(ngridmx,nlayermx), zhc(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zhm,zsm,zum,zvm,zalpha,zhmc c Traceurs : INTEGER iq,ico2 save ico2 REAL zq(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx), zq2(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) REAL zqm(nqmx),zqco2m real m_co2, m_noco2, A , B save A, B c Temporaire (for diagnostic) c REAL diag_alpha(ngridmx) LOGICAL vtest(ngridmx),down,firstcall save firstcall data firstcall/.true./ EXTERNAL SCOPY c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c initialisation: c --------------- c IF (firstcall) THEN IF(ngrid.NE.ngridmx) THEN PRINT* PRINT*,'STOP dans convadj' PRINT*,'ngrid =',ngrid PRINT*,'ngridmx =',ngridmx ENDIF ico2=0 if (tracer) then c Prepare Special treatment if one of the tracer is CO2 gas c write(*,*) "convadj: nqmx=",nqmx do iq=1,nqmx c write(*,*) "convadj: iq=",iq," noms(iq)=",noms(iq) if (noms(iq).eq."co2") then ico2=iq m_co2 = 44.01E-3 ! CO2 molecular mass (kg/m-3) m_noco2 = 33.37E-3 ! Non condensible mol mass (kg/m-3) c Compute A and B coefficient use to compute c mean molecular mass Mair defined by c 1/Mair = q(ico2)/m_co2 + (1-q(ico2))/m_noco2 c 1/Mair = A*q(ico2) + B A =(1/m_co2 - 1/m_noco2) B=1/m_noco2 end if enddo firstcall=.false. endif ENDIF c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c detection des profils a modifier: c --------------------------------- c si le profil est a modifier c (i.e. ph(niv_sup) < ph(niv_inf) ) c alors le tableau "vtest" est mis a .TRUE. ; c sinon, il reste a sa valeur initiale (.FALSE.) c cette operation est vectorisable c On en profite pour copier la valeur initiale de "ph" c dans le champ de travail "zh" DO l=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zh(ig,l)=ph(ig,l)+pdhfi(ig,l)*ptimestep zu(ig,l)=pu(ig,l)+pdufi(ig,l)*ptimestep zv(ig,l)=pv(ig,l)+pdvfi(ig,l)*ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO if(tracer) then DO iq =1, nq DO l=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zq(ig,l,iq)=pq(ig,l,iq)+pdqfi(ig,l,iq)*ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO end if CALL scopy(ngrid*nlay,zh,1,zh2,1) CALL scopy(ngrid*nlay,zu,1,zu2,1) CALL scopy(ngrid*nlay,zv,1,zv2,1) CALL scopy(ngrid*nlay*nq,zq,1,zq2,1) DO ig=1,ngrid vtest(ig)=.FALSE. ENDDO c if ( then c Special case if one of the tracer is CO2 gas c write(*,*) "convadj: ico2=",ico2," nqmx=",nqmx DO l=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zhc(ig,l) = zh2(ig,l)*(A*zq2(ig,l,ico2)+B) ENDDO ENDDO else CALL scopy(ngrid*nlay,zh2,1,zhc,1) end if DO l=2,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid IF(zhc(ig,l).LT.zhc(ig,l-1)) vtest(ig)=.TRUE. ENDDO ENDDO c CRAY CALL WHENNE(ngrid, vtest, 1, 0, jadrs, jcnt) jcnt=0 DO ig=1,ngrid IF(vtest(ig)) THEN jcnt=jcnt+1 jadrs(jcnt)=ig ENDIF ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Ajustement des "jcnt" profils instables indices par "jadrs": c ------------------------------------------------------------ c DO jj = 1, jcnt c i = jadrs(jj) c c Calcul des niveaux sigma sur cette colonne DO l=1,nlay+1 sig(l)=pplev(i,l)/pplev(i,1) ENDDO DO l=1,nlay dsig(l)=sig(l)-sig(l+1) sdsig(l)=ppopsk(i,l)*dsig(l) ENDDO l2 = 1 c c -- boucle de sondage vers le haut c cins$ Loop DO c l2 = l2 + 1 c cins$ Exit IF (l2 .GT. nlay) EXIT c IF (zhc(i, l2) .LT. zhc(i, l2-1)) THEN c c -- l2 est le niveau le plus haut de la colonne instable c l1 = l2 - 1 l = l1 zsm = sdsig(l2) zhm = zh2(i, l2) if( zqco2m = zq2(i,l2,ico2) c c -- boucle de sondage vers le bas c cins$ Loop DO c zsm = zsm + sdsig(l) zhm = zhm + sdsig(l) * (zh2(i, l) - zhm) / zsm if( then zqco2m = & zqco2m + sdsig(l) * (zq2(i,l,ico2) - zqco2m) / zsm zhmc = zhm*(A*zqco2m+B) else zhmc = zhm end if c c -- doit on etendre la colonne vers le bas ? c c_EC (M1875) 20/6/87 : AND -> AND THEN c down = .FALSE. IF (l1 .NE. 1) THEN !-- and then IF (zhmc .LT. zhc(i, l1-1)) THEN down = .TRUE. END IF END IF c IF (down) THEN c l1 = l1 - 1 l = l1 c ELSE c c -- peut on etendre la colonne vers le haut ? c cins$ Exit IF (l2 .EQ. nlay) EXIT c cins$ Exit IF (zhc(i, l2+1) .GE. zhmc) EXIT c l2 = l2 + 1 l = l2 c END IF c cins$ End Loop ENDDO c c -- nouveau profil : constant (valeur moyenne) c zalpha=0. zum=0. zvm=0. do iq=1,nq zqm(iq) = 0. end do DO l = l1, l2 if( then zalpha=zalpha+ & ABS(zhc(i,l)/(A+B*zqco2m) -zhm)*dsig(l) else zalpha=zalpha+ABS(zh2(i,l)-zhm)*dsig(l) endif zh2(i, l) = zhm zum=zum+dsig(l)*zu(i,l) zvm=zvm+dsig(l)*zv(i,l) do iq=1,nq zqm(iq) = zqm(iq)+dsig(l)*zq(i,l,iq) end do ENDDO zalpha=zalpha/(zhm*(sig(l1)-sig(l2+1))) zum=zum/(sig(l1)-sig(l2+1)) zvm=zvm/(sig(l1)-sig(l2+1)) do iq=1,nq zqm(iq) = zqm(iq)/(sig(l1)-sig(l2+1)) end do IF(zalpha.GT.1.) THEN c PRINT*,'WARNING dans convadj zalpha=',zalpha c STOP zalpha=1. ELSE c IF(zalpha.LT.0.) STOP IF(zalpha.LT.1.e-4) zalpha=1.e-4 ENDIF DO l=l1,l2 zu2(i,l)=zu2(i,l)+zalpha*(zum-zu2(i,l)) zv2(i,l)=zv2(i,l)+zalpha*(zvm-zv2(i,l)) do iq=1,nq zq2(i,l,iq)=zq2(i,l,iq)+zalpha*(zqm(iq)-zq2(i,l,iq)) c zq2(i,l,iq)=zqm(iq) end do ENDDO c diag_alpha(i)=zalpha !temporaire l2 = l2 + 1 c END IF c cins$ End Loop ENDDO c ENDDO c DO l=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid pdhadj(ig,l)=(zh2(ig,l)-zh(ig,l))/ptimestep pduadj(ig,l)=(zu2(ig,l)-zu(ig,l))/ptimestep pdvadj(ig,l)=(zv2(ig,l)-zv(ig,l))/ptimestep c pdhadj(ig,l)=0. c pduadj(ig,l)=0. c pdvadj(ig,l)=0. ENDDO ENDDO if(tracer) then do iq=1, nq do l=1,nlay do ig=1, ngrid pdqadj(ig,l,iq)=(zq2(ig,l,iq)-zq(ig,l,iq))/ptimestep end do end do end do end if RETURN END