subroutine inichim_newstart(pq,ps,sig,nq,latfi,lonfi,airefi, $ thermo) implicit none c======================================================================= c c subject: c -------- c c Initialization of the composition for use in the building of a new start file c using newstart.F c c Author: Sebastien Lebonnois (08/11/2002) c ------- c Revised 07/2003 by Monica Angelats-i-Coll to use input files c c Arguments: c ---------- c c pq(iip1,jjp1,llm,nqmx) Advected fields, ie chemical species here c sig = sigma vertical coordinate (interface of layers) c nq: permet de ne pas modifier l'eau (et la glace d'eau si iceparty) c c======================================================================= c Declarations : c -------------- #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "paramet.h" #include "chimiedata.h" #include "tracer.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "comdiurn.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "temps.h" #include "datafile.h" c Arguments : c ----------- real ps(iip1,jjp1) real pq(iip1,jjp1,llm,nqmx) ! Advected fields, ie chemical species real sig(llm+1) ! vertical coordinate (interface of layers) integer nq ! =nqmx ! or =nqmx-1 if H2O kept ! or =nqmx-2 if H2O and ice kept REAL latfi(ngridmx),lonfi(ngridmx),airefi(ngridmx) integer thermo ! flag for thermosphere initialisation only c Local variables : c ----------------- integer iq,i,j,l,n, nspecini,inil,iqmax INTEGER aa(nqmx) REAL qtot(iip1,jjp1,llm) real densconc,zgcm,zfile(252),vmrint,nt, mmean real nxf(252),zfilemin(252),sigfile(252) real vmrf(252,14),nf(252,14) real tfile(252),zzfile(252) real ni(14),niold(14) real mmolf(14) ! molecular mass in amu (species in files) data mmolf/44.,40.,28.,32.,28.,16.,2., ! majors & 1.,17.,33.,18.,34.,16.,48./ ! minors character*3 tmp ! temporary variable integer ierr,lnblnk external lnblnk c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Input/Output c ------------ call inichim_readcallphys() c Dimension test: c --------------- if (iceparty) then if ((nqchem_min+ncomp+1).ne.nqmx) then print*,'********* Dimension problem! ********' print*,"nqchem_min+ncomp+1).ne.nqmx" print*,"ncomp: ",ncomp print*,"nqchem_min: ",nqchem_min print*,"nqmx: ",nqmx print*,'Change ncomp in chimiedata.h' STOP endif else if ((nqchem_min+ncomp).ne.nqmx) then print*,'********* Dimension problem! ********' print*,"nqchem_min+ncomp).ne.nqmx" print*,"ncomp: ",ncomp print*,"nqchem_min: ",nqchem_min print*,"nqmx: ",nqmx print*,'Change ncomp in chimiedata.h' STOP endif endif c noms and mmol vectors: c ---------------------- if (iceparty) then do iq=nqchem_min,nqmx-2 noms(iq) = nomchem(iq-nqchem_min+1) mmol(iq) = mmolchem(iq-nqchem_min+1) enddo noms(nqmx-1) = 'ice' mmol(nqmx-1) = 18. noms(nqmx) = 'h2o' mmol(nqmx) = 18. else do iq=nqchem_min,nqmx-1 noms(iq) = nomchem(iq-nqchem_min+1) mmol(iq) = mmolchem(iq-nqchem_min+1) enddo noms(nqmx) = 'h2o' mmol(nqmx) = 18. endif if ( then do iq=1,nqchem_min-1 noms(iq) = 'dust' mmol(iq) = 100. enddo endif cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c tracers numbering in the gcm cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c co2 = nqchem_min c co = nqchem_min + 1 c o = nqchem_min + 2 c o(1d) = nqchem_min + 3 c o2 = nqchem_min + 4 c o3 = nqchem_min + 5 c h = nqchem_min + 6 c h2 = nqchem_min + 7 c oh = nqchem_min + 8 c ho2 = nqchem_min + 9 c h2o2 = nqchem_min + 10 c n2 = nqchem_min + 11 c ar = nqchem_min + 12 c h2o = nqmx c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Major species in files: c c 1=CO2 c 2=AR c 3=N2 c 4=O2 c 5=CO c 6=O c 7=H2 c c Minor species in files: c c 1=H c 2=OH c 3=HO2 c 4=H2O c 5=H2O2 c 6=O1D c 7=O3 c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Major species: aa(nqchem_min) = 1 aa(nqchem_min + 12) = 2 aa(nqchem_min + 11) = 3 aa(nqchem_min + 4) = 4 aa(nqchem_min + 1) = 5 aa(nqchem_min + 2) = 6 aa(nqchem_min + 7) = 7 c Minor species: aa(nqchem_min + 6) = 8 aa(nqchem_min + 8) = 9 aa(nqchem_min + 9) = 10 aa(nqmx) = 11 aa(nqchem_min + 10) = 12 aa(nqchem_min + 3) = 13 aa(nqchem_min + 5) = 14 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- open(210, iostat=ierr,file= & datafile(1:lnblnk(datafile))//'/atmosfera_LMD_may.dat') if ( then write(*,*)'Error : cannot open file atmosfera_LMD_may.dat ' write(*,*)'(in aeronomars/inichim.F)' write(*,*)'It should be in :', datafile(1:lnblnk(datafile)),'/' write(*,*)'1) You can change this directory address in ' write(*,*)' file phymars/datafile.h' write(*,*)'2) If necessary atmosfera_LMD_may.dat (and others)' write(*,*)' can be obtained online on:' write(*,*)'' STOP endif open(220, iostat=ierr,file= & datafile(1:lnblnk(datafile))//'/atmosfera_LMD_min.dat') if ( then write(*,*)'Error : cannot open file atmosfera_LMD_min.dat ' write(*,*)'(in aeronomars/inichim.F)' write(*,*)'It should be in :', datafile(1:lnblnk(datafile)),'/' write(*,*)'1) You can change this directory address in ' write(*,*)' file phymars/datafile.h' write(*,*)'2) If necessary atmosfera_LMD_min.dat (and others)' write(*,*)' can be obtained online on:' write(*,*)'' STOP endif read(210,*) tmp read(220,*) tmp do l=1,252 read(210,112) tfile(l),zfile(l),nxf(l),(vmrf(l,n),n=1,7) zfile(l)=zfile(l)*100. !pressure (Pa) sigfile(l)=zfile(l)/zfile(1) enddo do l=1,252 read(220,113)zfilemin(l),(vmrf(l,n),n=8,14) zfilemin(l)=zfilemin(l)*1000. !height (m) do n=1,14 nf(l,n)=vmrf(l,n)*nxf(l) enddo enddo close(210) close(220) c flag thermo set to 1 or 0 in newstart c inil=33 for initialisation of thermosphere only c inil=1 for initialisation of all layers if (thermo.eq.1) then inil=33 else inil=1 endif do i=1,iip1 do j=1,jjp1 do l=inil,llm c zgcm=sig(l) zgcm=sig(l)*ps(i,j) densconc=0. nt=0. do n=1,14 call intrplf(zgcm,vmrint,zfile,nf(1,n),252) c call intrplf(zgcm,vmrint,sigfile,nf(1,n),252) ni(n)=vmrint densconc=densconc+ni(n)*mmolf(n) nt=nt+ni(n) enddo mmean=densconc/nt ! in amu if ( then do n=nqchem_min,nq-1 pq(i,j,l,n)=ni(aa(n))/nt*mmol(n)/mmean if(i.eq.iip1) pq(i,j,l,n)=pq(1,j,l,n) enddo if (iceparty .and. then pq(i,j,l,nq) = 0. if(i.eq.iip1) pq(i,j,l,nq)=pq(1,j,l,nq) else pq(i,j,l,nq)=ni(aa(nq))/nt*mmol(nq)/mmean if(i.eq.iip1) pq(i,j,l,nq)=pq(1,j,l,nq) endif endif if (nq.eq.nqmx) then do n=nqchem_min,nq-2 pq(i,j,l,n)=ni(aa(n))/nt*mmol(n)/mmean if(i.eq.iip1) pq(i,j,l,n)=pq(1,j,l,n) enddo if (iceparty) then pq(i,j,l,nq-1) = 0. if(i.eq.iip1) pq(i,j,l,nq-1)=pq(1,j,l,nq-1) pq(i,j,l,nq)=ni(aa(nq))/nt*mmol(nq)/mmean if(i.eq.iip1) pq(i,j,l,nq)=pq(1,j,l,nq) else do n=nq-1,nq pq(i,j,l,n)=ni(aa(n))/nt*mmol(n)/mmean if(i.eq.iip1) pq(i,j,l,n)=pq(1,j,l,n) enddo endif endif enddo !nlayer enddo !ngrid_j enddo !ngrid_i cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c make sure that sum of q = 1 c dominent species is = 1 - sum(all other species) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc iqmax=nqchem_min if ((nqmx-nqchem_min).gt.10) then do l=1,llm do j=1,jjp1 do i=1,iip1 do iq=nqchem_min,nqmx if ( (pq(i,j,l,iq).gt.pq(i,j,l,iqmax)).and. . (noms(iq).ne."ice") ) then iqmax=iq endif enddo pq(i,j,l,iqmax)=1. qtot(i,j,l)=0 do iq=nqchem_min,nqmx if ( ( . (noms(iq).ne."ice") ) then pq(i,j,l,iqmax)=pq(i,j,l,iqmax)-pq(i,j,l,iq) endif enddo !iq do iq=nqchem_min,nqmx if (noms(iq).ne."ice") then qtot(i,j,l)=qtot(i,j,l)+pq(i,j,l,iq) endif c if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1.and.l.eq.1) write(*,*) 'qtot(i,j,l)', c $ qtot(i,j,l) enddo !iq if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) write(*,*) 'qtot(i,j,l)', $ qtot(i,j,l) enddo !i enddo !j enddo !l endif ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 66 format(i2,6(1x,e11.5)) 112 format(7x,f7.3,3x,e12.6,3x,e12.6,7(3x,e12.6)) 113 format(1x,f6.2,7(3x,e12.6)) end