-------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in the LMD MARS GCM reference sources (most recent version available in LMDZ.MARS.source.tar) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 09/2008 dyn3d/physdem1.F Correct possible bugs on some computers + english text & comments 09/2008 dyn3d/defrun_new.F Corrected small bug (tapedef argument should not be altered) 09/2008 dyn3d/eofdump.F Corrected small bug in the sampling time 09/2008 dyn3d/vanleer.F removed inapropriate 'EXTERNAL' statement O9/2008 aeronomars/euvheat.F removed print of 'ngrid','nlayer' (undefined and unused variables) O9/2008 phymars/mkstat.F90 Cleaned up (removed unused variables) 09/2008 phymars/uniplot.F bibio/uniplot.F are removed because useless O9/2008 phymars/comcstfi.h 09/2008 phymars/writediagfi.F 08/2007 phymars/tabfi.F Cosmetic: english text & comments 09/2008 dyn3d/iniwrite.F => phymars/iniwrite.F - moved it from dyn3d to phymars - cleanup & english 09/2008 phymars/physdem1.F commented unused (wrong) 'external' qualifiers 09/2008 phymars/orosetup.F Replaced logical 'xor' with 'neqv' (for standards compliance) 09/2008 phymars/physiq.F - Change to ice albedo to fit new TES observation (Franck L.) - cleanup + comments in english (Ehouarn) 09/2008 phymars/watercloud.F cleaned version with reduced number of nuclei, and TES like output. 09/2008 phymars/growthrate.F updated to improved version provided by F. Montmessin (Feb 2006...) 09/2008 phymars/vdifc.F Change to remove an old quick fix to take into account condensation in vertical diffusion 09/2008 - phymars/mkstat.F90 - phymars/def_var.F90 Slight change to improve compilation (include => #include) O7/2008 MAJOR CHANGE to solve the "warm polar night" problem - dyn3d/addfi.F - dyn3d/gcm.F Recompute mass after incrementation of ps in addfi.F (masse is added in the argument list of addfi). Also : the call of groupeun is now controlled by a flag. 07/2008 phymars/physiq.F - Change made (by Aymeric) to improve the models when iradia > 1 (iradia is set is callphys.def). (i.e. when one don't want to compute radiative transfer at every timestep): The change has no impact when iradia=1 => The net radiative surface flux "fluxrad" is computed outside the test on iradia => Add intermediate variable "fluxrad_sky" (rad. flux from sky absorbed by surface) to be saved when rad. transfer is not computed. - Cleaning of old commented lines about radiative transfer in clouds 07/2008 Utility concatnc.F90 (not used by the gcm): improvement in order to 1) concatenate 1D variable and 2) increase the number of input files up to 1000 12/2007 dyn3d/lect_start_archive.F some old stuuf is commented to avoid bugs with some start_archive with many tracers 12/2007 dyn3d/dump2d.F Changed to improve crazy output to screen with newstart... 12/2007 bibio/mxva.F Changed to avoid array bounds problems on some compilers 12/2007 aeronomars/conduction.F aeronomars/molvis.F Changed to ensure variable initialisation on some compilers. 12/2007 phymars/convadj.F Improvement regarding convection in the polar night 12/2007 -phymars/callsedim.F -phymars/initracer.F -phymars/tracer.h -phymars/callsedim2q.F Changed to initialize tracer particle densities in initracer.F, and transfer it with common in tracer.h 12/2007 script "makegcm" "create_make_gcm" Improved to separate object compiled files in LIBO depending on the type of machine you are (32bits or 64bits). Also allow to compute with LMDZ.2 dynamics. 10/2007 Utility lslin.F90 (not used by the gcm) changed evaluation of 'start_var' from hard-coded values to a computed value 09/2007 phymars/wstats.F90 and phymars/readtesassim.F90 change " include" to "#include" to force recompilation by makegcm 08/2007 dyn3d/newstart.F90 Translate french questions asked by program in english... Improve options to remove topography... (for intercomparison) 08/2007 phymars/dustopacity.F add possibility for scenario iaervar=5 (for paleoclimate...) 08/2007 phymars/tabfi.F Translate french questions asked by program in english... ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 11/2006 phymars/convadj.F Correction to remove a bug for compiler which did not "save" variable by default (e.g. pgf on opteron, or g95) 11/2006 aeronomars/thermosphere.F Correction to remove a bug if tracer=F and callthermos=T 10/2006 phymars/readtesassim.F90 Correction to use dust scenario MY24 at high horizontal resolution 10/2006 dyn3d/dynredem.F and phymars/physdem1.F Syntax changes to avoid problem when writing start files when compiling on 64bits computers. 05/2006 : phymars/writediagfi.F Add a test to be sure not to use writediagfi with 1D version of GCM 09/2005 : phymars/mucorr.F Fix a weird bug that occured when running the model with "Diurnal=F" on Linux, pgf90 ----------------------------------- Update in june 2005 ----------------------------------- 06/2005 : deftank/run0 Improved so that the "run manager" run0 send you an E-mail when a run crash (this can easily be commented) 06/2005 : deftank/run_mcd and deftank/callphys.def Cosmetic changes to make thing clearer in english 06/2005 : makegcm IMPORTANT FOR 1D GCM VERSION ON LINUX : modified to follow a change in the Linux syntax of "sed" 06/2005 : aeronomars/calchim.F NEW version provided by S. Lebonnois and F. Lefevre on May, 11, 2005 ("Cosmetic changes")+syntax changes by FF (1 line > 72 characters) 06/2005 : phymars/convadj.F Modified if one tracer is CO2, take into account the Molecular mass variation (e.g. when CO2 condense) to trigger convection 06/2005 : phymars/newcondens.F The CO2 deplation induced convection is now skipped, since it is properly done in convadj.F (see above) 06/2005 : phymars/watercloud.F IMPORTANT (especially for PALEOCLIMATE) : correction if a lot of subliming CO2 fills the 1st layer. The number of input is modified (see below) 06/2005 : phymars/physiq.F - Change in the input argument of watercloud.F : "pdpsrf" is added (see above) - If "caps", the cold trap at the south pole is only active for obliquity lower than 27 deg (only useful for paleoclimate...) 06/2005 : dyn3d/groupe.F Just cleaned to remove ambiguity of where "ngroup" is set (in groupeun, and not in groupe). 06/2005 : phymars/inistats.F remove declaration of "pseudoalt", already in comvert.h (was a problem only for some compiler) 06/2005 : dyn3d/newstart.F Cosmetic changes in some format for compatibility with gnu compiler 06/2005 : dyn3d/readhead_NC.F Cosmetic changes in some format for compatibility with gnu compiler 06/2005 : dyn3d/sortvarc.F Cosmetic changes in some format for compatibility with gnu compiler 06/2005 : phymars/testphys1d.F Cleaning and changes in declaration for compatibility with gnu compiler 06/2005 : phymars/lwflux.F Initialisation of "ksidb" for compiler that does not unitialized variable. 06/2005 : phymars/lwxd.F Initialisation of "ksi_emis" for compiler that does not unitialized variable. 06/2005 : phymars/nirco2abs.F Negligible change of one loop for compiler that does not like loop on real. 06/2005 : aeronomars/paramfoto.F Negligible change of one loop for compiler that does not like loop on real. -------------------------------------------------------------- Change in December 2004 - January 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------- 01/2005 : aeronomars/euvheat.F IMPORTANT FOR THERMOSPHERE : correction to avoid EUV flux time variation and keep it constant throughout the run 01/2005 : LMDZ.MARS/create_make_gcm add phymars on line 187 to ensure recompilation of aeronomars subroutines when any *.h file is updated in phymars 01/2005 : dyn3d/dynetat0.F Add an option to reindex the tracer when using newstart if needed 01/2005 : phymars/phyetat0.F Fix a bug when using newstart with more tracers than in old startfi Add an option to reindex the surface tracer if needed 12/2004 : phymars/watercloud.F IMPORTANT: Several Changes to fix a bug that made watercloud to create negative mixing ratio in some conditions (past climate) 12/2004 : dyn3d/interp_horiz.F IMPORTANT : add a test to fix a bug when using newstart with a new grid size. 12/2004 : phymars/vdifc.F FOR compilation on DEC machine : Just change order of declaration of pqsurf(ngrid,nq 12/2004 : phymars/phyetat0.F FOR compilation on DEC machine :Just change order of declaration 12/2004 : dyn3d/addfi.F FOR compilation on DEC machine : qtestt = 1.0e-30 (before: qtestt = 1.0e-40) 12/2004 : LMDZ.MARS/makefile Add new option to allow compilation on DEC machine -------------------------------------------------------------- Change in August-september 2004 : before production of MCD V4.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- 09/2004 : phymars/eofdump.F Change to store density in EOF to build Mars Climate Database 09/2004 : phymars/physiq.F add rho in the input of eofdump: CALL eofdump(ngrid, nlayer, zu, zv, zt, rho, ps) 09/2004 : phymars/ineofdump.F Change to store hybrid coordinates in EOF to build Mars Climate Database 08/2004 : dyn3d/inidissip.F Form change to simplify the choice of dissipation parameters and use the same code for the thermosphere of only atmosphere model 08/2004 : dyn3d/newstart.F Add an option "q=x" to initialise tracer manually 08/2004 : aeronomars/chimiedata.h remove mmol,noms (now in tracer.h common) 08/2004 : In aeronomars: calchim.F, concentrations.F, euvheat.F, inichim_newstart.F, moldiff.F, moldiffcoeff.F, perosat.F Add : #include "tracer.h" (where tracer names are now) 08/2004 : phymars/inifis.F Change some test on callphys.def options to allow any tracer transport... 08/2004 : phymars/initracer Initialization of tracer name "noms(iq)" usable in many place 08/2004 : phymars/tracer.h add noms,mmol to the common tracer 08/2004 : phymars/newcondens.F IMPORTANT : major changes to allow proper treatment of non volatile gaz enrichment when CO2 condense and depletion when CO2 sublime 08/2004 : phymars/writediagfi.F remove the "abort" command so that the run does not stop due to a NETCDF bug (NETCDF cannot write in file larger than 2098184 kb