MODULE iniphysiq_mod CONTAINS subroutine iniphysiq(ngrid,nlayer,nq,piphysiq,& punjours, pdayref, & prad,pg,pr,pcpp,iflag_phys) !use control_mod, only: nday !use surf_heat_transp_mod, only: ini_surf_heat_transp !use infotrac, only : nqtot ! number of advected tracers !USE comvert_mod, ONLY: ap,bp,preff use inifis_mod, only: inifis use ioipsl_getin_p_mod, only: getin_p !use inigeomphy_mod, only: inigeomphy !use geometry_mod, only: cell_area, & ! physics grid area (m2) ! longitude, & ! longitudes (rad) ! latitude ! latitudes (rad) ! necessary to get klon_omp !USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp ! number of columns (on local omp grid) USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: Init_phys_lmdz_para USE dimphy, ONLY: init_dimphy USE phys_state_var_mod !use planete_mod, only: year_day, periastr, apoastr, peri_day,& ! obliquit, z0, lmixmin, emin_turb ! init_planete_mod use planete_mod use time_phylmdz_mod, only: dtphys, daysec,day_ini use planete_mod, only: year_day, periastr, apoastr, peri_day,& obliquit, z0, lmixmin, emin_turb use surfdat_h, only: emissiv,iceradius, & emisice,dtemisice use comcstfi_mod, only: omeg,mugaz use tracer_h, only: nqtot !use comm_wrf, only : allocate_comm_wrf implicit none INCLUDE 'mpif.h' REAL,intent(in) :: prad REAL,intent(in) :: pg REAL,intent(in) :: pr REAL,intent(in) :: pcpp REAL,intent(in) :: punjours !DOUBLE PRECISION,intent(in) :: ptimestep !real,intent(in) :: prad ! radius of the planet (m) !real,intent(in) :: pg ! gravitational acceleration (m/s2) !real,intent(in) :: pr ! ! reduced gas constant R/mu !real,intent(in) :: pcpp ! specific heat Cp !real,intent(in) :: punjours ! length (in s) of a standard day [daysec] integer,intent(in) :: pdayref ! reference day of for the simulation [day_ini] integer,intent(in) :: iflag_phys ! type of physics to be called integer :: nday=0 ! this is dummy for mesoscale (in dyn3d/control_mod) integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of physics columns for this MPI process integer,intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer,intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers !real,intent(in) :: phour_ini ! start time (fraction of day) of the run !0= initialize physics distribution, global fields and geometry ! (i.e. things in phy_common or dynphy_lonlat) ! the distinct part for all planetary physics (ie. things in phystd) !------------------------------------------ CALL Init_phys_lmdz_para(1,1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD) !call phys_state_var_init print*,'ngrid',ngrid,'nlayer',nlayer call init_dimphy(ngrid,nlayer) call phys_state_var_init(nqtot) ! copy over preff , ap() and bp() !call ini_planete_mod(nlayer,prefff,apf,bpf) ! for slab ocean, copy over some arrays ok_slab_ocean=.false. ! default value !call getin_p("ok_slab_ocean",ok_slab_ocean) !if (ok_slab_ocean) then ! call ini_surf_heat_transp(ip1jm,ip1jmp1,unsairez,fext,unsaire, & ! cu,cuvsurcv,cv,cvusurcu,aire,apoln,apols, & ! aireu,airev) !endif dummy=1. lat(:)=0. long(:)=0. cellarea(:)=1. print*,'pg',pg !ppunjours=punjours ppunjours=1. pprad=prad ppg=pg ppr=pr ppcpp=pcpp call inifis(ngrid,nlayer,nq,pdayref,ppunjours,nday,dummy, & lat,long,cellarea,pprad,ppg,ppr,ppcpp) open(17,file='controle.txt',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(17) read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) day_ini !(tab0+3) read(17,*) read(17,*) !tab0+5) read(17,*) omeg !(tab0+6) read(17,*) !(tab0+7) read(17,*) mugaz read(17,*) !(tab0+9) read(17,*) daysec read(17,*) dtphys !tab0+11) read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) year_day !(tab0+14) read(17,*) periastr !tab0+15) read(17,*) apoastr !tab0+16) read(17,*) peri_day !tab0+17) read(17,*) obliquit !tab0+18) read(17,*) z0 read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) emisice(1) read(17,*) emisice(2) read(17,*) emissiv read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) read(17,*) iceradius(1) read(17,*) iceradius(2) read(17,*) dtemisice(1) read(17,*) dtemisice(2) close(17) !print*,'g',g !emissiv(:)=EMIS cloudfrac(:,:)=0.5 totcloudfrac(:)=0.5 hice(:)=0. rnat(:)=0. pctsrf_sic(:)=0. tsea_ice(:)=0. !qsurf(:,:) = 0. print*,'check' print*,'iceradius',iceradius,'dtemisice',dtemisice print*,'apoastr,periastr,year_day,peri_day,obliq',apoastr,periastr,year_day,peri_day,obliquit print*,'emissiv',emissiv print*,'mugaz',mugaz end subroutine iniphysiq END MODULE iniphysiq_mod