This folder contains all the files needed to run the Planetary Evolution Model (PEM). # Bash script file to launch the chained simulation of PEM and GCM runs. The user has to specify: (i) n_earth_years -> the number of Earth years to be simulated in total; (ii) nGCM -> the number of GCM calls between PEM runs (usually nGCM=2); (iii) exePEM -> the name of executable file for the PEM run; (iv) exeReshape -> the name of executable file for the data reshaping task with XIOS. The path to source the arch file should be adapted to the machine. # Bash script file to run the GCM with a SLURM job. The name of the GCM executable file should be adapted. The header corresponds to the ADASTRA supercomputer and should be changed for other machines. # run_PEM.def All the possible parameters to define a PEM run (read in "conf_pem.F90"). It needs to be included in "run_GCM.def" with "INCLUDEDEF=run_PEM.def". # obl_ecc_lsp.asc File describing orbital parameters for Mars from Laskar data. It contains the Earth year and the corresponding obliquity, eccentricity and Ls of perihelion. # Bash script file to modify orbital parameters in the file "" (obliquity, eccentricity, Ls perihelion and possibly initial Ls). They should be consistent with Laskar data in "obl_ecc_lsp.asc" to start the chained simulation. Note: To run the chained simulation, be careful to have: (i) the xml files for XIOS. There should be "iodef.xml", "context_lmdz_physics.xml", "file_def_physics_mars.xml" and "field_def_physics_mars.xml" which can be found in the deftank folder. In "context_lmdz_physics.xml", the line for Xdiurnalave should be activated (enabled=".true."); (ii) the usual def files to run the GCM with "run.def" renamed in "run_GCM.def"; (iii) the "" file modified accordingly thanks to ""; (iv) "diagfi_PEM.def", "diagfi_GCM.def" and eventually other files...