MODULE evol_co2_ice_s_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE evol_co2_ice_s(qsurf,tendencies_co2_ice_phys,& iim_input,jjm_input,ngrid,cell_area,nslope) use time_evol_mod, only: dt_pem IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! ! Routine that compute the evolution of the CO2 ice ! !======================================================================= ! arguments: ! ---------- ! INPUT INTEGER, intent(in) :: iim_input,jjm_input, ngrid,nslope ! # of grid points along longitude/latitude/ total REAL, intent(in) :: cell_area(ngrid) ! OUTPUT REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: qsurf(ngrid,nslope) ! physical point field : Previous and actual density of water ice REAL, intent(inout) :: tendencies_co2_ice_phys(ngrid,nslope) ! physical point field : Evolution of perenial ice over one year ! local: ! ---- INTEGER :: i,j,ig0,islope ! loop variable ! Evolution of the CO2 ice for each physical point do i=1,ngrid do islope=1,nslope qsurf(i,islope)=qsurf(i,islope)+tendencies_co2_ice_phys(i,islope)*dt_pem if (qsurf(i,islope).lt.0) then qsurf(i,islope)=0. tendencies_co2_ice_phys(i,islope)=0. endif enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE evol_co2_ice_s END MODULE evol_co2_ice_s_mod