subroutine interpfast(escout,p,nlayer, & escin,pin,nl,limdown,limup) c****WRF:ligne trop longue C C subroutine to perform linear interpolation in pressure from 1D profile C escin(nl) sampled on pressure grid pin(nl) to profile C escout(nlayer) on pressure grid p(nlayer). C real escout(nlayer),p(nlayer) real escin(nl),pin(nl),wm,wp real limup,limdown integer nl,nlayer,n1,n,nm,np nm=1 do 5 n1=1,nlayer if(p(n1) .gt. limup .or. p(n1) .lt. limdown) then escout(n1) = 0.0 else do n = nm,nl-1 if (p(n1) then nm=n np=n+1 wm=abs(pin(nm)-p(n1))/(pin(np)-pin(nm)) wp=1.0 - wm goto 33 endif enddo 33 escout(n1) = escin(np)*wm + escin(nm)*wp endif 5 continue return end