SUBROUTINE vert_regrid_kim(nq,q) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Purpose : * Calculates the zonally averaged upper chemistry fields according ! to the new pressure grid - based on interp_vert. ! * In case the GCM top is lowered we interpolate upper fields ! between the former ones and the GCM top layer zonally averaged. ! * In case the GCM top is highered we interpolate tracers on the ! GCM grid uppermost layers between the upper chemsitry fields and ! the chem. tracers below. ! ! Author : Jan Vatant d'Ollone (2018) ! ------ ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE comchem_h, ONLY: nkim, nlaykim_up, preskim, ykim_up USE comchem_newstart_h USE tracer_h USE comvert_mod, ONLY: aps IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "dimensions.h" ! ----------------- ! Declarations ! ----------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nq ! Total number of advected fields (tracers) REAL,DIMENSION(iim+1,jjm+1,llm,nq), INTENT(INOUT) :: q ! Advected fields (kg/kg) on 3D dyn. grid REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: avg_qtop ! Zonally averaged q (mol/mol) on top layer REAL :: coef, ykimlon INTEGER :: ngridmx INTEGER :: ng0, isup INTEGER :: ln, lo, ilay, ichem, ilon, ilat LOGICAL :: lowered ! ----------------------------- ! 0. Get useful size of arrays ! ----------------------------- ngridmx = size(ykim_up,DIM=2) ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! 1. Compute zonal mean of last layer for every chem and lat ! and convert it to molar mixing fraction and to physics grid ! Preliminary, only in case ceiling has been lowered ! ------------------------------------------------------------ lowered = .FALSE. IF ( preskim(1) .GT. preskimold(1) ) THEN lowered = .TRUE. ALLOCATE(avg_qtop(nkim,ngridmx)) DO ichem=1,nkim avg_qtop(ichem,:)=0.0 DO ilon=1,iim avg_qtop(ichem,1)=avg_qtop(ichem,1)+q(ilon,1,llm,chimi_indx(ichem)) avg_qtop(ichem,ngridmx)=avg_qtop(ichem,ngridmx)+q(ilon,jjm+1,llm,chimi_indx(ichem)) DO ilat=2,jjm ng0 = iim*(ilat-2)+1 avg_qtop(ichem,ng0+1:ng0+iim)=avg_qtop(ichem,ng0+1:ng0+iim)+q(ilon,ilat,llm,chimi_indx(ichem)) ENDDO ENDDO ! mass -> molar mixing ratio to be comparable to ykim_up later avg_qtop(ichem,:)=avg_qtop(ichem,:)/rat_mmol(chimi_indx(ichem)) ENDDO avg_qtop(:,:) = avg_qtop(:,:) / real(iim) ENDIF ! ------------------------------ ! 2. Process upper chem. fields ! ------------------------------ DO ln=1,nlaykim_up ! Standard case between 2 old upper pressure grid points DO lo=1,nlaykimold-1 IF ( ( preskim(ln) .LE. preskimold(lo) ) .AND. & ( preskim(ln) .GT. preskimold(lo+1) ) ) THEN coef = (preskim(ln)-preskimold(lo)) / (preskimold(lo+1)-preskimold(lo)) ykim_up(:,:,ln) = (1.0-coef)*ykim_up_oldv(:,:,lo) + coef*ykim_up_oldv(:,:,lo+1) ENDIF ENDDO ! Special cases IF ( lowered ) THEN ! If the ceiling of GCM has been lowered we interpolate a zonal mean between new GCM top and former upper fields ! NB : We could have kept in memory the former tracers at this altitude and zonally averaged them ! but it's certainly useless as we're in newstart and the fields will re-equilibrate IF ( preskim(ln) .GT. preskimold(1) ) THEN DO ichem=1,nkim coef = ( preskim(ln)-aps(llm) ) / ( preskimold(1)-aps(llm) ) ykim_up(ichem,:,ln) = (1.0-coef)*avg_qtop(ichem,:) + coef*ykim_up_oldv(ichem,:,1) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF IF ( preskim(ln) .LE. preskimold(nlaykimold) ) THEN ! upper ceiling at 1300km can have slight variations ykim_up(:,:,ln) = ykim_up_oldv(:,:,lo) ENDIF ENDDO ! do ln=1,nlaykim_up ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3. Correct the 3D advected chem. tracer fields if model ceiling is highered ! In this case we interpolate between tracers below and upper_chemistry values ! Doing this we convert via rat_mmol ykim_up from molar to mass mixing ratio ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( preskim(1) .LT. preskimold(1) ) THEN ! We just want to process the concerned upper layers of the GCM DO ilay=1,llm IF ( aps(ilay) .LT. preskimold(1) ) THEN isup = ilay-1 EXIT ENDIF ENDDO DO ilay=isup+1,llm coef = ( aps(ilay) - preskim(1) ) / ( aps(isup) - preskim(1) ) DO ichem=1,nkim ! We need to convert ykim_up on phys grid to q on dyn grid ! so we deal with mono-gridpoints for North and South Poles q(:,1,ilay,chimi_indx(ichem)) = (1.0-coef)*ykim_up(ichem,1,1)*rat_mmol(chimi_indx(ichem)) & + coef*q(:,1,isup,chimi_indx(ichem)) q(:,jjm+1,ilay,chimi_indx(ichem)) = (1.0-coef)*ykim_up(ichem,ngridmx,1)*rat_mmol(chimi_indx(ichem)) & + coef*q(:,jjm+1,isup,chimi_indx(ichem)) DO ilat=2,jjm ng0 = iim*(ilat-2)+1 DO ilon=2,iim ! ykim_up and q are shifted one to the other on longitudinal grid ykimlon = 0.5*(ykim_up(ichem,ng0+ilon-1,1)+ykim_up(ichem,ng0+ilon,1)) * rat_mmol(chimi_indx(ichem)) q(ilon,ilat,ilay,chimi_indx(ichem)) = (1.0-coef)*ykimlon + coef*q(ilon,ilat,isup,chimi_indx(ichem)) ENDDO ! Periodicity on longitude at 180 and -180 ykimlon = 0.5*(ykim_up(ichem,ng0+1,1)+ykim_up(ichem,ng0+iim,1)) * rat_mmol(chimi_indx(ichem)) q(1,ilat,ilay,chimi_indx(ichem)) = (1.0-coef)*ykimlon + coef*q(1,ilat,isup,chimi_indx(ichem)) q(iim+1,ilat,ilay,chimi_indx(ichem)) = q(1,ilat,ilay,chimi_indx(ichem)) ENDDO ! do ilat=2,jjm ENDDO ! do ichem=1,nkim ENDDO ! do ilay=1,llm ENDIF END SUBROUTINE vert_regrid_kim