SUBROUTINE gr_kim_vervack ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Purpose : * Calculates the number of layers needed for upper chemistry ! ------- based on the GCM vertical grid size, depending on Ptop=ap. ! * Generates also the pressure grid at mid-layer for upper levels. ! * We use an upper atmosphere profile based on Voyager 1 data ! (Vervack et al, 2004) to have dz=10km between Ptop and 1300km. ! ! Author : Jan Vatant d'Ollone (2017) ! ------ ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE comchem_h, ONLY: nlaykim_up, preskim, grkim_dz USE comvert_mod, ONLY: ap, aps, bp, bps, preff USE datafile_mod, ONLY: datadir IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "dimensions.h" REAL*8 :: ptop, zptop_ver, zkim REAL*8 :: factz REAL*8 :: rver(131),tver(131),ctver(131),pver(131) INTEGER :: i, j, itop, jlay, jold LOGICAL :: foundver LOGICAL :: crop ! ------------------------ ! 1. Read Vervack profile ! ------------------------ ! Check the file exists INQUIRE(file=TRIM(datadir)//'/tcp.ver',exist=foundver) IF(.NOT.foundver) THEN WRITE(*,*)'The file ',TRIM(datadir)//'/tcp.ver' WRITE(*,*)'was not found by gr_kim_vervack.F90, exiting' WRITE(*,*)'Check that your path to datagcm:',trim(datadir) WRITE(*,*)'is correct. You can change it in callphys.def with:' WRITE(*,*)'datadir = /absolute/path/to/datagcm' WRITE(*,*)'Also check that file tcp.ver exists there.' ENDIF ! Read file OPEN(11,file=TRIM(datadir)//'/tcp.ver',status='old') READ(11,*) DO i=1,131 READ(11,*) rver(i),tver(i),ctver(i),pver(i) pver(i) = pver(i)*100.0 ! mbar->Pa ENDDO CLOSE(11) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2. Define ptop as the value aps should have if it wasn't zero ! assuming ap(llm)-aps(llm) half pressure thickness of top-layer ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! NB : At the top of the model we are in pure pressure coord. -> ap ! ( except for 1D where we have only bp ) IF (jjm.GT.1) THEN ptop = 2.0*aps(llm) - ap(llm) ELSE ptop = preff*(2.0*bps(llm) - bp(llm)) ENDIF ! -------------------------------------------- ! 3. Interpolate Ptop and equivalent altitude ! -------------------------------------------- itop=1 DO i=2,131 IF ( ptop .LT. pver(i) ) THEN itop=i ENDIF ENDDO ! Crazy case in a far far away future where GCM top will reach 1300km IF ( itop .eq. 131 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) " You've reach the bounds of Vervack profile ... " WRITE(*,*) " Congrats but it wasn't predicted in 2017 !" WRITE(*,*) " I'll stop here ... " CALL abort ENDIF factz = ( ptop - pver(itop) ) / ( pver(itop+1) - pver(itop) ) zptop_ver = rver(itop)*(1.-factz) + rver(itop+1)*factz ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! 4. Find zkim max assuming dz=10km and hence nlaykim_up ! --------------------------------------------------------- zkim = zptop_ver i=0 DO WHILE ( ) zkim = zkim + grkim_dz i=i+1 ENDDO ! We want the ceiling at 1300km sharp, so we will either crop ! the last layer or remove it and enlarge the "n-1"th IF ( zkim .GT. rver(131)+0.5*grkim_dz ) THEN nlaykim_up = i-1 crop = .FALSE. ELSE nlaykim_up = i crop = .TRUE. ENDIF ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! 5. Calculates preskim grid interpolating back on Vervack profile ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE(preskim(nlaykim_up)) jold=2 zkim = zptop_ver + 0.5*grkim_dz ! We want values at mid-layer here ! DO i=1,nlaykim_up DO j=jold,131 IF ( zkim .GT. rver(j) ) THEN jlay = j ENDIF ENDDO jold = jlay ! keep in memory where we were in the above loop ! We want the ceiling at 1300km sharp, we readjust the size of last layer IF (i.eq.nlaykim_up) THEN zkim = 0.5* ( zkim - 0.5*grkim_dz + rver(131) ) ENDIF factz = ( zkim - rver(jlay) ) / ( rver(jlay+1) - rver(jlay) ) preskim(i) = pver(jlay)**(1.-factz) * pver(jlay+1)**factz zkim = zkim + grkim_dz ENDDO END SUBROUTINE gr_kim_vervack