MODULE comchem_newstart_h ! Stores data and routines for chemistry management specific to newstart ! Author : Jan Vatant d'Ollone (2018) IMPLICIT NONE ! Variable and allocatables for regriding chemistry pressure in newstart ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: nlaykimold ! Number of upper atm. layers for chemistry in the start_archive file REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: preskimold ! Pressure grid of upper chemistry in the start_archive file ! Allocatable arrays for newstart fields ! -------------------------------------- ! Nouvelle grille physique, ancienne grille verticale REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: ykim_up_oldv(:,:,:) ! (mol/mol) ! Nouvelle grille scalaire, ancienne grille verticale REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: ykim_upS(:,:,:,:) ! (mol/mol) ! Ancienne grille scalaire, ancienne grille verticale REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: ykim_upoldS(:,:,:,:) ! (mol/mol) END MODULE comchem_newstart_h