module gases_h implicit none !============================================================================================C ! ! gases_h ! ! * A F90-allocatable version for gases.h -- AS 12/2011 ! ! * Titan's version : J. Vatant d'Ollone (2017) ! * gfrac is now 2D (altitude-dependent for the CIA-calculations) ! * Reference level (nivref) is added for the cpp_mu and rayleigh routines !===========================================================================================C ! Set and allocated in su_gases.F90 integer :: ngasmx integer :: nivref character*20,allocatable,DIMENSION(:) :: gnom ! name of the gas, set by master real,allocatable,DIMENSION(:,:) :: gfrac ! in analogy with tracer.h ... integer :: igas_N2 integer :: igas_CH4 integer :: igas_H2 !!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ngasmx,nivref,gnom,gfrac,& ! !$OMP igas_H2,igas_N2,igas_CH4) end module gases_h