module wstats_mod ! module containing parameters and routines to generate the "" file ! which will contain a mean statistical day of variables extracted at set ! times of day every day of the simulation, and the standard deviations thereof implicit none logical,save :: callstats ! global flag to trigger generating a ! file or not. Initialized in conf_gcm() !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(callstats) integer,save :: istats ! calculate stats every istats physics timestep, ! starting at first call. Initialized by inistats() !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(istats) integer,parameter :: istime=12 ! number of time steps per sol to store integer,save :: count(istime) ! count tab to know the variable record !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(count) contains subroutine wstats(ngrid,nom,titre,unite,dim,px) ! Main routine to call to trigger writing a given field to the "" file use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_mpi_root, is_master, gather, klon_mpi_begin use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo, Grid1Dto2D_glo, & nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev, & grid_type, unstructured implicit none include "" integer,intent(in) :: ngrid character (len=*),intent(in) :: nom,titre,unite integer,intent(in) :: dim real,intent(in) :: px(ngrid,nbp_lev) real,allocatable,save :: mean3d(:,:,:),sd3d(:,:,:),dx3(:,:,:) real,allocatable,save :: mean2d(:,:),sd2d(:,:),dx2(:,:) character (len=50) :: namebis character (len=50), save :: firstvar !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mean3d,sd3d,dx3,mean2d,sd2d,dx2,firstvar) integer :: ierr,varid,nbdim,nid integer :: meanid,sdid integer, dimension(4) :: id,start,sizes logical, save :: firstcall=.TRUE. integer,save :: indx integer, save :: step=0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall,indx,step) integer :: l,i,j,ig0,n ! Added to read an optional stats.def file to select outputs logical,save :: stats_def ! .true. if there is a stats.def file integer,save :: n_name_def ! number of fields to output in ! NB: stats_def and n_name_def do not need be threadprivate integer,parameter :: n_name_def_max=199 ! max number of fields to output character(len=120),save :: name_def(n_name_def_max) logical :: getout ! to trigger an early exit if variable not in output list !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(stats_def,n_name_def,name_def) ! Added to work in parallel mode #ifdef CPP_PARA real px3_glop(klon_glo,nbp_lev) ! to store a 3D data set on global physics grid real px3_glo(nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev) ! to store a global 3D data set on global lonxlat grid real px2_glop(klon_glo) ! to store a 2D data set on global physics grid real px2_glo(nbp_lon,nbp_lat) ! to store a 2D data set on global lonxlat grid real px2(ngrid) real px3(ngrid,nbp_lev) #else ! When not running in parallel mode: real px3_glop(ngrid,nbp_lev) ! to store a 3D data set on global physics grid real px3_glo(nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev) ! to store a global 3D data set on global lonxlat grid real px2_glop(ngrid) ! to store a 2D data set on global physics grid real px2_glo(nbp_lon,nbp_lat) ! to store a 2D data set on global lonxlat grid #endif ! 0. Preliminary stuff if (callstats.eqv..false.) then ! exit because creating/writing not requested by user return endif if (grid_type==unstructured) then ! exit because non-structured grid case is not handled return endif ! 1. Initialization (creation of file) if (firstcall) then firstcall=.false. !$OMP MASTER ! open stats.def definition file if there is one open(99,file="stats.def",status='old',form='formatted',& iostat=ierr) if (ierr.eq.0) then stats_def=.true. ! yes there is a stats.def file write(*,*) "*****************" write(*,*) "Reading stats.def" write(*,*) "*****************" do n=1,n_name_def_max read(99,fmt='(a)',end=88) name_def(n) write(*,*) 'Output in stats: ', trim(name_def(n)) enddo 88 continue ! check there is no overflow if ( then write(*,*) "n_name_def_max too small in wstats:",n call abort_physic("wstats","n_name_def_max too small",1) endif n_name_def=n-1 close(99) else stats_def=.false. ! no stats.def file; output all fields sent to wstats endif ! of if (ierr.eq.0) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER firstvar=trim((nom)) call inistats(ierr) if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case, 3D GCM allocate(mean3d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev)) allocate(sd3d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev)) allocate(dx3(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev)) allocate(mean2d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat)) allocate(sd2d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat)) allocate(dx2(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat)) else ! 1D model allocate(mean3d(1,1,nbp_lev)) allocate(sd3d(1,1,nbp_lev)) allocate(dx3(1,1,nbp_lev)) allocate(mean2d(1,1)) allocate(sd2d(1,1)) allocate(dx2(1,1)) endif endif ! of if (firstcall) if (firstvar==nom) then ! If we're back to the first variable, increment time counter step = step + 1 endif if (mod(step,istats).ne.0) then ! if its not time to write to file, exit RETURN endif ! Exit if there is a stats.def file and the variable is not in the list if (stats_def) then getout=.true. do n=1,n_name_def ! look for the variable's name in the list if (trim(name_def(n)).eq.nom) then getout=.false. ! found it, no need to scan the rest of the list exit loop exit endif enddo if (getout) then ! variable not in the list so exit routine now return endif endif ! of if (stats_def) ! collect fields on a global physics grid #ifdef CPP_PARA if (dim.eq.3) then px3(1:ngrid,1:nbp_lev)=px(1:ngrid,1:nbp_lev) ! Gather fieds on a "global" (without redundant longitude) array call Gather(px3,px3_glop) !$OMP MASTER if (is_mpi_root) then call Grid1Dto2D_glo(px3_glop,px3_glo) if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case (unless in 1D) ! copy dx3_glo() to dx3(:) and add redundant longitude dx3(1:nbp_lon,:,:)=px3_glo(1:nbp_lon,:,:) dx3(nbp_lon+1,:,:)=dx3(1,:,:) endif endif !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER else ! dim.eq.2 ! Gather fieds on a "global" (without redundant longitude) array px2(:)=px(:,1) call Gather(px2,px2_glop) !$OMP MASTER if (is_mpi_root) then call Grid1Dto2D_glo(px2_glop,px2_glo) if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case (unless in 1D) ! copy px2_glo() to dx2(:) and add redundant longitude dx2(1:nbp_lon,:)=px2_glo(1:nbp_lon,:) dx2(nbp_lon+1,:)=dx2(1,:) endif endif !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER endif #else if (dim.eq.3) then px3_glop(:,1:nbp_lev)=px(:,1:nbp_lev) ! Passage variable physique --> variable dynamique DO l=1,nbp_lev DO i=1,nbp_lon px3_glo(i,1,l)=px(1,l) px3_glo(i,nbp_lat,l)=px(ngrid,l) ENDDO DO j=2,nbp_lat-1 ig0= 1+(j-2)*nbp_lon DO i=1,nbp_lon px3_glo(i,j,l)=px(ig0+i,l) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO else ! dim.eq.2 px2_glop(:)=px(:,1) ! Passage variable physique --> physique dynamique DO i=1,nbp_lon px2_glo(i,1)=px(1,1) px2_glo(i,nbp_lat)=px(ngrid,1) ENDDO DO j=2,nbp_lat-1 ig0= 1+(j-2)*nbp_lon DO i=1,nbp_lon px2_glo(i,j)=px(ig0+i,1) ENDDO ENDDO endif #endif ! 2. Write field to file if (is_master) then ! only master needs do this ierr = NF_OPEN("",NF_WRITE,nid) namebis=trim(nom) ! test: check if that variable already exists in file ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,namebis,meanid) if ( then ! variable not in file, create/define it if (firstvar==nom) then indx=1 count(:)=0 endif !declaration de la variable ! choix du nom des coordonnees ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"longitude",id(1)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"latitude",id(2)) if (dim.eq.3) then ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"altitude",id(3)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"Time",id(4)) nbdim=4 else if (dim==2) then ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"Time",id(3)) nbdim=3 endif write (*,*) "=====================" write (*,*) "STATS: creating ",nom namebis=trim(nom) call def_var_stats(nid,namebis,titre,unite,nbdim,id,meanid,ierr) if (dim.eq.3) then call inivar(nid,meanid,size(px3_glop,1),dim,indx,px3_glop,ierr) else ! dim.eq.2 call inivar(nid,meanid,size(px2_glop,1),dim,indx,px2_glop,ierr) endif namebis=trim(nom)//"_sd" call def_var_stats(nid,namebis,trim(titre)//" total standard deviation over the season",unite,nbdim,id,sdid,ierr) if (dim.eq.3) then call inivar(nid,sdid,size(px3_glop,1),dim,indx,px3_glop,ierr) else ! dim.eq.2 call inivar(nid,sdid,size(px2_glop,1),dim,indx,px2_glop,ierr) endif ierr= NF_CLOSE(nid) return else ! variable found in file namebis=trim(nom)//"_sd" ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,namebis,sdid) endif if (firstvar==nom) then count(indx)=count(int(indx))+1 indx=indx+1 if (indx>istime) then indx=1 endif endif if (count(indx)==0) then ! very first time we write the variable to file if (dim.eq.3) then start=(/1,1,1,indx/) if (klon_glo>1) then !general case sizes=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,1/) else sizes=(/1,1,nbp_lev,1/) endif mean3d(:,:,:)=0 sd3d(:,:,:)=0 else if (dim.eq.2) then start=(/1,1,indx,0/) if (klon_glo>1) then !general case sizes=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,1,0/) else sizes=(/1,1,1,0/) endif mean2d(:,:)=0 sd2d(:,:)=0 endif else ! load values from file if (dim.eq.3) then start=(/1,1,1,indx/) if (klon_glo>1) then !general case sizes=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,1/) else ! 1D model case sizes=(/1,1,nbp_lev,1/) endif #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean3d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd3d) #else ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean3d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd3d) #endif if ( then write (*,*) "wstats error reading :",trim(nom) write (*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("wstats","Failed reading "//trim(nom),1) endif else if (dim.eq.2) then start=(/1,1,indx,0/) if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case sizes=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,1,0/) else sizes=(/1,1,1,0/) endif #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean2d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd2d) #else ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean2d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd2d) #endif if ( then write (*,*) "wstats error reading :",trim(nom) write (*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("wstats","Failed reading "//trim(nom),1) endif endif endif ! of if (count(indx)==0) ! 2.1. Build dx* (data on lon-lat grid, with redundant longitude) if (dim.eq.3) then dx3(1:nbp_lon,:,:)=px3_glo(:,:,:) IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! in 3D, add redundant longitude point dx3(nbp_lon+1,:,:)=dx3(1,:,:) ENDIF else ! dim.eq.2 dx2(1:nbp_lon,:)=px2_glo(:,:) IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! in 3D, add redundant longitude point dx2(nbp_lon+1,:)=dx2(1,:) ENDIF endif ! 2.2. Add current values to previously stored sums if (dim.eq.3) then mean3d(:,:,:)=mean3d(:,:,:)+dx3(:,:,:) sd3d(:,:,:)=sd3d(:,:,:)+dx3(:,:,:)**2 #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean3d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd3d) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean3d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd3d) #endif if ( then write (*,*) "wstats error writing :",trim(nom) write (*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("wstats","Failed writing "//trim(nom),1) endif else if (dim.eq.2) then mean2d(:,:)= mean2d(:,:)+dx2(:,:) sd2d(:,:)=sd2d(:,:)+dx2(:,:)**2 #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean2d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd2d) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,meanid,start,sizes,mean2d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,sdid,start,sizes,sd2d) #endif if ( then write (*,*) "wstats error writing :",trim(nom) write(*,*) "start:",start write(*,*) "sizes:",sizes write(*,*) "mean2d:",mean2d write(*,*) "sd2d:",sd2d write (*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("wstats","Failed writing "//trim(nom),1) endif endif ! of if (dim.eq.3) elseif (dim.eq.2) ierr= NF_CLOSE(nid) endif ! of if (is_master) end subroutine wstats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine inistats(ierr) ! routine to initialize the stats file (i.e. create file, write ! time independent coordinates, etc.) use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_master USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY: ap,bp,aps,bps,preff,pseudoalt,presnivs USE nrtype, ONLY: pi USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: daysec,dtphys USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev implicit none include "" integer,intent(out) :: ierr integer :: nid integer :: l,nsteppd real, dimension(nbp_lev) :: sig_s real,allocatable :: lon_reg_ext(:) ! extended longitudes integer :: idim_lat,idim_lon,idim_llm,idim_llmp1,idim_time real, dimension(istime) :: lt integer :: nvarid IF (nbp_lon*nbp_lat==1) THEN ! 1D model ALLOCATE(lon_reg_ext(1)) ELSE ! 3D model ALLOCATE(lon_reg_ext(nbp_lon+1)) ENDIF write (*,*) write (*,*) ' || STATS ||' write (*,*) write (*,*) 'daysec',daysec write (*,*) 'dtphys',dtphys nsteppd=nint(daysec/dtphys) write (*,*) 'nsteppd=',nsteppd if (abs(float(nsteppd)-daysec/dtphys).gt.1.e-8*daysec) then call abort_physic("inistats",'1 sol .ne. n physics steps',1) endif if(mod(nsteppd,istime).ne.0) then call abort_physic("inistats",'1 sol .ne. n*istime physics steps',1) endif istats=nsteppd/istime write (*,*) 'istats=',istats write (*,*) 'Storing ',istime,'times per day' write (*,*) 'thus every ',istats,'physical timestep ' write (*,*) do l= 1, nbp_lev sig_s(l)=((ap(l)+ap(l+1))/preff+bp(l)+bp(l+1))/2. pseudoalt(l)=-10.*log(presnivs(l)/preff) enddo lon_reg_ext(1:nbp_lon)=lon_reg(1:nbp_lon) IF (nbp_lon*nbp_lat/=1) THEN ! In 3D, add extra redundant point (180 degrees, ! since lon_reg starts at -180) lon_reg_ext(nbp_lon+1)=-lon_reg_ext(1) ENDIF if (is_master) then ! only the master needs do this ierr = NF_CREATE("",IOR(NF_CLOBBER,NF_64BIT_OFFSET),nid) if ( then write (*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("inistats",'failed creating',1) endif ierr = NF_DEF_DIM (nid, "latitude", nbp_lat, idim_lat) IF (nbp_lon*nbp_lat==1) THEN ierr = NF_DEF_DIM (nid, "longitude", 1, idim_lon) ELSE ierr = NF_DEF_DIM (nid, "longitude", nbp_lon+1, idim_lon) ENDIF ierr = NF_DEF_DIM (nid, "altitude", nbp_lev, idim_llm) ierr = NF_DEF_DIM (nid, "llmp1", nbp_lev+1, idim_llmp1) ierr = NF_DEF_DIM (nid, "Time", NF_UNLIMITED, idim_time) ierr = NF_ENDDEF(nid) call def_var_stats(nid,"Time","Time", & "days since 0000-00-0 00:00:00",1, & [idim_time],nvarid,ierr) ! Time is initialised later by mkstats subroutine call def_var_stats(nid,"latitude","latitude", & "degrees_north",1,[idim_lat],nvarid,ierr) #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_DOUBLE (nid,nvarid,lat_reg/pi*180) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_REAL (nid,nvarid,lat_reg/pi*180) #endif call def_var_stats(nid,"longitude","East longitude", & "degrees_east",1,[idim_lon],nvarid,ierr) #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_DOUBLE (nid,nvarid,lon_reg_ext/pi*180) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_REAL (nid,nvarid,lon_reg_ext/pi*180) #endif ! Niveaux verticaux, aps et bps ierr = NF_REDEF (nid) #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_DEF_VAR (nid,"altitude", NF_DOUBLE, 1,[idim_llm],nvarid) #else ierr = NF_DEF_VAR (nid,"altitude", NF_FLOAT, 1,[idim_llm],nvarid) #endif ierr = NF_PUT_ATT_TEXT (nid,nvarid,"long_name",8,"altitude") ierr = NF_PUT_ATT_TEXT (nid,nvarid,'units',2,"km") ierr = NF_PUT_ATT_TEXT (nid,nvarid,'positive',2,"up") ierr = NF_ENDDEF(nid) #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_DOUBLE (nid,nvarid,pseudoalt) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_REAL (nid,nvarid,pseudoalt) #endif call def_var_stats(nid,"aps","hybrid pressure at midlayers", & " ",1,[idim_llm],nvarid,ierr) #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_DOUBLE (nid,nvarid,aps) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_REAL (nid,nvarid,aps) #endif call def_var_stats(nid,"bps","hybrid sigma at midlayers", & " ",1,[idim_llm],nvarid,ierr) #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_DOUBLE (nid,nvarid,bps) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VAR_REAL (nid,nvarid,bps) #endif ierr=NF_CLOSE(nid) endif ! of if (is_master) end subroutine inistats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine inivar(nid,varid,ngrid,dim,indx,px,ierr) ! routine to initialize writing a variable in the stats file use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev, klon_glo implicit none include "" integer, intent(in) :: nid,varid,dim,indx,ngrid real, dimension(ngrid,nbp_lev), intent(in) :: px integer, intent(out) :: ierr integer :: l,i,j,ig0 integer, dimension(4) :: start,sizes real, dimension(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev) :: dx3 real, dimension(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat) :: dx2 real :: dx3_1d(nbp_lev) ! for 1D outputs real :: dx2_1d ! for 1D outputs if (dim.eq.3) then start=(/1,1,1,indx/) if (klon_glo>1) then ! general 3D case sizes=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,1/) else sizes=(/1,1,nbp_lev,1/) endif ! Passage variable physique --> variable dynamique if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case DO l=1,nbp_lev DO i=1,nbp_lon+1 dx3(i,1,l)=px(1,l) dx3(i,nbp_lat,l)=px(ngrid,l) ENDDO DO j=2,nbp_lat-1 ig0= 1+(j-2)*nbp_lon DO i=1,nbp_lon dx3(i,j,l)=px(ig0+i,l) ENDDO dx3(nbp_lon+1,j,l)=dx3(1,j,l) ENDDO ENDDO else ! 1D model case dx3_1d(1:nbp_lev)=px(1,1:nbp_lev) endif #ifdef NC_DOUBLE if (klon_glo>1) then ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx3) else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx3_1d) endif #else if (klon_glo>1) then ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx3) else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx3_1d) endif #endif if ( then write (*,*) "inivar error writing variable" write (*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("inivar","error writing variable",1) endif else if (dim.eq.2) then start=(/1,1,indx,0/) if (klon_glo>1) then ! general 3D case sizes=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,1,0/) else sizes=(/1,1,1,0/) endif ! Passage variable physique --> physique dynamique if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case DO i=1,nbp_lon+1 dx2(i,1)=px(1,1) dx2(i,nbp_lat)=px(ngrid,1) ENDDO DO j=2,nbp_lat-1 ig0= 1+(j-2)*nbp_lon DO i=1,nbp_lon dx2(i,j)=px(ig0+i,1) ENDDO dx2(nbp_lon+1,j)=dx2(1,j) ENDDO else ! 1D model case dx2_1d=px(1,1) endif #ifdef NC_DOUBLE if (klon_glo>1) then ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx2) else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx2_1d) endif #else if (klon_glo>1) then ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx2) else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid,start,sizes,dx2_1d) endif #endif if ( then write (*,*) "inivar error writing variable" write (*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("inivar","error writing variable",1) endif endif end subroutine inivar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine def_var_stats(nid,name,title,units,nbdim,dimids,nvarid,ierr) ! This subroutine defines variable 'name' in a (pre-existing and opened) ! NetCDF file (known from its NetCDF ID 'nid'). ! The number of dimensions 'nbdim' of the variable, as well as the IDs of ! corresponding dimensions must be set (in array 'dimids'). ! Upon successfull definition of the variable, 'nvarid' contains the ! NetCDF ID of the variable. ! The variables' attributes 'title' (Note that 'long_name' would be more ! appropriate) and 'units' are also set. implicit none include "" integer,intent(in) :: nid ! NetCDF file ID character(len=*),intent(in) :: name ! the variable's name character(len=*),intent(in) :: title ! 'title' attribute of variable character(len=*),intent(in) :: units ! 'units' attribute of variable integer,intent(in) :: nbdim ! number of dimensions of the variable integer,dimension(nbdim),intent(in) :: dimids ! NetCDF IDs of the dimensions ! the variable is defined along integer,intent(out) :: nvarid ! NetCDF ID of the variable integer,intent(out) :: ierr ! returned NetCDF staus code ! 1. Switch to NetCDF define mode ierr=NF_REDEF(nid) ! 2. Define the variable #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_DEF_VAR (nid,adjustl(name),NF_DOUBLE,nbdim,dimids,nvarid) #else ierr = NF_DEF_VAR (nid,adjustl(name),NF_FLOAT,nbdim,dimids,nvarid) #endif if(ierr/=NF_NOERR) then write(*,*) "def_var_stats: Failed defining variable "//trim(name) write(*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("def_var_stats","Failed defining "//trim(name),1) endif ! 3. Write attributes ierr=NF_PUT_ATT_TEXT(nid,nvarid,"title",& len_trim(adjustl(title)),adjustl(title)) if(ierr/=NF_NOERR) then write(*,*) "def_var_stats: Failed writing title attribute for "//trim(name) write(*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("def_var_stats","Failed writing title for "//trim(name),1) endif ierr=NF_PUT_ATT_TEXT(nid,nvarid,"units",& len_trim(adjustl(units)),adjustl(units)) if(ierr/=NF_NOERR) then write(*,*) "def_var_stats: Failed writing units attribute for "//trim(name) write(*,*) NF_STRERROR(ierr) call abort_physic("def_var_stats","Failed writing units for "//trim(name),1) endif ! 4. Switch out of NetCDF define mode ierr = NF_ENDDEF(nid) end subroutine def_var_stats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine mkstats(ierr) ! This routine finalizes tha file from sums and sums of squares ! to means and standard deviations. The data file is overwritten in place. use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_master use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev, klon_glo implicit none include "" integer,intent(out) :: ierr ! netCDF return error code integer :: nid,nbvar,i,ndims,lt,nvarid integer, dimension(4) :: id,varid,start,size integer, dimension(5) :: dimids character (len=50) :: name,nameout,units,title real,allocatable :: sum3d(:,:,:),square3d(:,:,:),mean3d(:,:,:),sd3d(:,:,:) real,allocatable :: sum2d(:,:),square2d(:,:),mean2d(:,:),sd2d(:,:) real, dimension(istime) :: time real, dimension(nbp_lat) :: lat real,allocatable :: lon(:) real, dimension(nbp_lev) :: alt logical :: lcopy=.true. !integer :: latid,lonid,altid,timeid integer :: meanid,sdid !integer, dimension(4) :: dimout if (is_master) then ! only the master needs do all this ! Incrementation of count for the last step, which is not done in wstats count(istime)=count(istime)+1 if (klon_glo>1) then allocate(lon(nbp_lon+1)) allocate(sum3d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev)) allocate(square3d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev)) allocate(mean3d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev)) allocate(sd3d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev)) allocate(sum2d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat)) allocate(square2d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat)) allocate(mean2d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat)) allocate(sd2d(nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat)) else ! 1D model case allocate(lon(1)) allocate(sum3d(1,1,nbp_lev)) allocate(square3d(1,1,nbp_lev)) allocate(mean3d(1,1,nbp_lev)) allocate(sd3d(1,1,nbp_lev)) allocate(sum2d(1,1)) allocate(square2d(1,1)) allocate(mean2d(1,1)) allocate(sd2d(1,1)) endif ierr = NF_OPEN("",NF_WRITE,nid) ! We catch the id of dimensions of the stats file ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"latitude",id(1)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"longitude",id(2)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"altitude",id(3)) ierr= NF_INQ_DIMID(nid,"Time",id(4)) ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"latitude",varid(1)) ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"longitude",varid(2)) ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"altitude",varid(3)) ierr= NF_INQ_VARID(nid,"Time",varid(4)) ! Time initialisation do i=1,istime time(i)=i*24./istime #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,varid(4),[i],[1],time(i)) #else ierr= NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,varid(4),[i],[1],time(i)) #endif enddo ! We catche the values of the variables #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid,varid(1),lat) ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid,varid(2),lon) ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid,varid(3),alt) #else ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,varid(1),lat) ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,varid(2),lon) ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid,varid(3),alt) #endif ! We catch the number of variables in the stats file ierr = NF_INQ_NVARS(nid,nbvar) ! to catche the "real" number of variables (without the "additionnal variables") nbvar=(nbvar-4)/2 do i=1,nbvar nvarid=(i-1)*2+5 ! What's the variable's name? ierr=NF_INQ_VARNAME(nid,nvarid,name) write(*,*) "OK variable ",name ! Its units? units=" " ierr=NF_GET_ATT_TEXT(nid,nvarid,"units",units) ! Its title? title=" " ierr=NF_GET_ATT_TEXT(nid,nvarid,"title",title) ! Its number of dimensions? ierr=NF_INQ_VARNDIMS(nid,nvarid,ndims) ! Its values? if(ndims==4) then ! lat, lon, alt & time ! dimout(1)=lonid ! dimout(2)=latid ! dimout(3)=altid ! dimout(4)=timeid if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case size=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,1/) else ! 1D model size=(/1,1,nbp_lev,1/) endif do lt=1,istime start=(/1,1,1,lt/) ! Extraction of the "source" variables #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid,start,size,sum3d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,square3d) #else ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid,start,size,sum3d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,square3d) #endif ! Calculation of these nvariables mean3d=sum3d/count(lt) sd3d=sqrt(max(0.,square3d/count(lt)-mean3d**2)) ! Writing of the variables #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid,start,size,mean3d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,sd3d) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid,start,size,mean3d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,sd3d) #endif enddo else if (ndims.eq.3) then ! dimout(1)=lonid ! dimout(2)=latid ! dimout(3)=timeid if (klon_glo>1) then ! general case size=(/nbp_lon+1,nbp_lat,1,0/) else size=(/1,1,1,0/) endif do lt=1,istime start=(/1,1,lt,0/) ! Extraction of the "source" variables #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid,start,size,sum2d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,square2d) #else ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid,start,size,sum2d) ierr = NF_GET_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,square2d) #endif ! Calculation of these variables mean2d=sum2d/count(lt) sd2d=sqrt(max(0.,square2d/count(lt)-mean2d**2)) ! Writing of the variables #ifdef NC_DOUBLE ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid,start,size,mean2d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,sd2d) #else ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid,start,size,mean2d) ierr = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(nid,nvarid+1,start,size,sd2d) #endif enddo endif enddo ierr= NF_CLOSE(nid) endif ! of if (is_master) end subroutine mkstats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end module wstats_mod