! ! $Id $ ! SUBROUTINE compute_tendencies_slope(tendencies_h2o_ice,min_h2o_ice_Y1,& min_h2o_ice_Y2,iim_input,jjm_input,ngrid,tendencies_h2o_ice_phys,nslope) IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! ! Compute the tendencies of the evolution of water ice over the years ! !======================================================================= ! arguments: ! ---------- ! INPUT INTEGER, intent(in) :: iim_input,jjm_input,ngrid ,nslope ! # of grid points along longitude/latitude/ total REAL, intent(in) , dimension(iim_input+1,jjm_input+1,nslope):: min_h2o_ice_Y1 ! LON x LAT field : minimum of water ice at each point for the first year REAL, intent(in) , dimension(iim_input+1,jjm_input+1,nslope):: min_h2o_ice_Y2 ! LON x LAT field : minimum of water ice at each point for the second year ! OUTPUT REAL, intent(out) , dimension(iim_input+1,jjm_input+1,nslope) :: tendencies_h2o_ice ! LON x LAT field : difference between the minima = evolution of perenial ice REAL, intent(out) , dimension(ngrid,nslope) :: tendencies_h2o_ice_phys ! physical point field : difference between the minima = evolution of perenial ice ! local: ! ------ INTEGER :: i,j,ig0,islope ! loop variable !======================================================================= ! We compute the difference DO j=1,jjm_input+1 DO i = 1, iim_input DO islope = 1, nslope tendencies_h2o_ice(i,j,islope)=min_h2o_ice_Y2(i,j,islope)-min_h2o_ice_Y1(i,j,islope) enddo ENDDO ENDDO ! If the difference is too small; there is no evolution DO j=1,jjm_input+1 DO i = 1, iim_input DO islope = 1, nslope if(abs(tendencies_h2o_ice(i,j,islope)).LT.1.0E-10) then tendencies_h2o_ice(i,j,islope)=0. endif enddo ENDDO ENDDO DO islope = 1,nslope CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iim_input+1,jjm_input+1,ngrid,tendencies_h2o_ice(:,:,islope),tendencies_h2o_ice_phys(:,islope)) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE compute_tendencies_slope