!IDEAL:MODEL_LAYER:INITIALIZATION ! ! This MODULE holds the routines which are used to perform various initializations ! for the individual domains. ! This MODULE CONTAINS the following routines: ! initialize_field_test - 1. Set different fields to different constant ! values. This is only a test. If the correct ! domain is not found (based upon the "id") ! then a fatal error is issued. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE module_initialize_ideal USE module_domain USE module_io_domain USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_bc USE module_timing USE module_configure USE module_init_utilities #ifdef DM_PARALLEL USE module_dm #endif CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! this is a wrapper for the solver-specific init_domain routines. ! Also dereferences the grid variables and passes them down as arguments. ! This is crucial, since the lower level routines may do message passing ! and this will get fouled up on machines that insist on passing down ! copies of assumed-shape arrays (by passing down as arguments, the ! data are treated as assumed-size -- ie. f77 -- arrays and the copying ! business is avoided). Fie on the F90 designers. Fie and a pox. SUBROUTINE init_domain ( grid ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Input data. TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid ! Local data. INTEGER :: idum1, idum2 CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( head_grid%id , idum1, idum2 ) CALL init_domain_rk( grid & ! #include ! ) END SUBROUTINE init_domain !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE init_domain_rk ( grid & ! # include ! ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Input data. TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid # include TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags ! Local data INTEGER :: & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte, & i, j, k ! Local data INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nl_max = 1000 REAL, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: zk, p_in, theta, rho, u, v, qv, pd_in REAL*8, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: pd_in8 INTEGER :: nl_in INTEGER :: icm,jcm, ii, im1, jj, jm1, loop, error, fid, nxc, nyc REAL :: u_mean,v_mean, f0, p_surf, p_level, qvf, z_at_v, z_at_u REAL*8 :: p_level8 REAL :: xrad, yrad, zrad, rad, delt, cof1, cof2 ! REAL, EXTERNAL :: interp_0 REAL :: hm REAL :: pi ! stuff from original initialization that has been dropped from the Registry REAL :: vnu, xnu, xnus, dinit0, cbh, p0_temp, t0_temp, zd, zt REAL :: qvf1, qvf2, pd_surf INTEGER :: it real :: thtmp, ptmp, temp(3) LOGICAL :: moisture_init LOGICAL :: stretch_grid, dry_sounding INTEGER :: xs , xe , ys , ye REAL :: mtn_ht LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor ! For LES, add randx real :: randx !!MARS REAL :: lon_input, lat_input, alt_input, tsurf_input ! for mode 3 REAL, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: profdustq,profdustn REAL, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: prescribed_sw,prescribed_lw,prescribed_dyn REAL, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: hrsw,hrlw,hrdyn REAL, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: lsf_dt,lsf_dq,lsfdt,lsfdq REAL, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: venus_hrdyn REAL, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: altitude REAL*8, DIMENSION(nl_max) :: trac !!MARS REAL :: pfu, pfd, phm INTEGER :: hypsometric_opt = 1 ! classic !INTEGER :: hypsometric_opt = 2 ! Wee et al. 2012 correction LOGICAL :: logp = .true. ! use logp to interpolate (and not p) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL # include #endif SELECT CASE ( model_data_order ) CASE ( DATA_ORDER_ZXY ) kds = grid%sd31 ; kde = grid%ed31 ; ids = grid%sd32 ; ide = grid%ed32 ; jds = grid%sd33 ; jde = grid%ed33 ; kms = grid%sm31 ; kme = grid%em31 ; ims = grid%sm32 ; ime = grid%em32 ; jms = grid%sm33 ; jme = grid%em33 ; kts = grid%sp31 ; kte = grid%ep31 ; ! note that tile is entire patch its = grid%sp32 ; ite = grid%ep32 ; ! note that tile is entire patch jts = grid%sp33 ; jte = grid%ep33 ; ! note that tile is entire patch CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XYZ ) ids = grid%sd31 ; ide = grid%ed31 ; jds = grid%sd32 ; jde = grid%ed32 ; kds = grid%sd33 ; kde = grid%ed33 ; ims = grid%sm31 ; ime = grid%em31 ; jms = grid%sm32 ; jme = grid%em32 ; kms = grid%sm33 ; kme = grid%em33 ; its = grid%sp31 ; ite = grid%ep31 ; ! note that tile is entire patch jts = grid%sp32 ; jte = grid%ep32 ; ! note that tile is entire patch kts = grid%sp33 ; kte = grid%ep33 ; ! note that tile is entire patch CASE ( DATA_ORDER_XZY ) ids = grid%sd31 ; ide = grid%ed31 ; kds = grid%sd32 ; kde = grid%ed32 ; jds = grid%sd33 ; jde = grid%ed33 ; ims = grid%sm31 ; ime = grid%em31 ; kms = grid%sm32 ; kme = grid%em32 ; jms = grid%sm33 ; jme = grid%em33 ; its = grid%sp31 ; ite = grid%ep31 ; ! note that tile is entire patch kts = grid%sp32 ; kte = grid%ep32 ; ! note that tile is entire patch jts = grid%sp33 ; jte = grid%ep33 ; ! note that tile is entire patch END SELECT IF (planet == "mars" .or. planet == "titan") THEN stretch_grid = .false. !! FOR LES, set stretch to false ELSE stretch_grid = .true. !! VENUS ENDIF delt = 3. ! z_scale = .50 ! z_scale = .10 ! z_scale = .25 ! z_scale = .15 pi = 2.*asin(1.0) write(6,*) ' pi is ',pi nxc = (ide-ids)/2 nyc = (jde-jds)/2 CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) ! here we check to see if the boundary conditions are set properly CALL boundary_condition_check( config_flags, bdyzone, error, grid%id ) moisture_init = .true. grid%itimestep=0 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( icm , IWORDSIZE ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( jcm , IWORDSIZE ) #endif CALL nl_set_mminlu(1, ' ') CALL nl_set_iswater(1,0) CALL nl_set_cen_lat(1,40.) CALL nl_set_cen_lon(1,-105.) CALL nl_set_truelat1(1,0.) CALL nl_set_truelat2(1,0.) CALL nl_set_moad_cen_lat (1,0.) CALL nl_set_stand_lon (1,0.) CALL nl_set_map_proj(1,0) ! here we initialize data we currently is not initialized ! in the input data DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite grid%msftx(i,j) = 1. grid%msfty(i,j) = 1. grid%msfux(i,j) = 1. grid%msfuy(i,j) = 1. grid%msfvx(i,j) = 1. grid%msfvx_inv(i,j)= 1. grid%msfvy(i,j) = 1. grid%sina(i,j) = 0. grid%cosa(i,j) = 1. grid%e(i,j) = 0. ! for LES, include Coriolis force grid%f(i,j) = 0. !!MARS MARS 1.e-4 !! grid%f(i,j) = 2*EOMEG*SIN(grid%xlat(i,j)*degrad) END DO END DO DO j = jts, jte DO k = kts, kte DO i = its, ite grid%ww(i,k,j) = 0. END DO END DO END DO grid%step_number = 0 ! set up the grid IF (stretch_grid) THEN ! exponential stretch for eta (nearly constant dz) DO k=1, kde grid%znw(k) = (exp(-(k-1)/float(kde-1)/z_scale) - exp(-1./z_scale))/ & (1.-exp(-1./z_scale)) ENDDO ELSE !!MARS !!MARS IF (planet .ne. "mars" .and. planet .ne. "titan") THEN open(unit=12,file='levels',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(12) DO k=1, kde read(12,*) grid%znw(k) write(6,*) 'read level ', k,grid%znw(k) ENDDO close(12) ENDIF !!MARS !!MARS ! !DO k=1, kde ! ! grid%znw(k) = 1. - float(k-1)/float(kde-1) ! !ENDDO ENDIF !! SPECIFIC FOR LES PBL MARS IF (planet == "mars" .or. planet == "titan") THEN !!!MARS grid%znw(1)=1.000 grid%znw(2)=0.9995 !5m grid%znw(3)=0.9980 !20m grid%znw(4)=0.9950 !55m DO k=5, kde grid%znw(k) = grid%znw(4) * ( 1. - float(k-4)/float(kde-4) ) ENDDO ENDIF open(unit=12,file='levels',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(12) DO k=1, kde write(12,*) grid%znw(k) write(6,*) 'for update_inputs_physiq_mod (e.g. Titan, generic)',k,grid%znw(k) ENDDO close(12) DO k=1, kde-1 grid%dnw(k) = grid%znw(k+1) - grid%znw(k) grid%rdnw(k) = 1./grid%dnw(k) grid%znu(k) = 0.5*(grid%znw(k+1)+grid%znw(k)) ENDDO DO k=2, kde-1 grid%dn(k) = 0.5*(grid%dnw(k)+grid%dnw(k-1)) grid%rdn(k) = 1./grid%dn(k) grid%fnp(k) = .5* grid%dnw(k )/grid%dn(k) grid%fnm(k) = .5* grid%dnw(k-1)/grid%dn(k) ENDDO cof1 = (2.*grid%dn(2)+grid%dn(3))/(grid%dn(2)+grid%dn(3))*grid%dnw(1)/grid%dn(2) cof2 = grid%dn(2) /(grid%dn(2)+grid%dn(3))*grid%dnw(1)/grid%dn(3) grid%cf1 = grid%fnp(2) + cof1 grid%cf2 = grid%fnm(2) - cof1 - cof2 grid%cf3 = cof2 grid%cfn = (.5*grid%dnw(kde-1)+grid%dn(kde-1))/grid%dn(kde-1) grid%cfn1 = -.5*grid%dnw(kde-1)/grid%dn(kde-1) grid%rdx = 1./config_flags%dx grid%rdy = 1./config_flags%dy ! get the sounding from the ascii sounding file, first get dry sounding and ! calculate base state dry_sounding = .true. IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN write(6,*) ' getting dry sounding for base state ' CALL get_sounding( zk, p_in, pd_in, theta, rho, u, v, qv, dry_sounding, nl_max, nl_in ) ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( zk , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( p_in , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( pd_in , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( theta , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( rho , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( u , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( v , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( qv , nl_max ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer ( nl_in , 1 ) write(6,*) ' returned from reading sounding, nl_in is ',nl_in !!MARS !!MARS open(unit=14,file='input_coord',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(14) read(14,*) lon_input read(14,*) lat_input close(14) write(6,*) ' lon is ',lon_input write(6,*) ' lat is ',lat_input !!MARS !!MARS !!MARS !!MARS open(unit=18,file='input_more',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(18) read(18,*) alt_input, tsurf_input close(18) write(6,*) ' alt is ',alt_input write(6,*) ' tsurf is ',tsurf_input !!MARS !!MARS ! find ptop for the desired ztop (ztop is input from the namelist), ! and find surface pressure write(6,*) ' ztop above ground is ',config_flags%ztop write(6,*) ' real ztop is ',config_flags%ztop + alt_input grid%p_top = interp_0( p_in, zk, config_flags%ztop + alt_input, nl_in ) DO j=jts,jte DO i=its,ite !!MARS grid%ht(i,j) = alt_input grid%m_tsurf(i,j) = tsurf_input !!MARS grid%xlat(i,j) = lat_input !+ float(j)*config_flags%dy/59000. grid%xlong(i,j) = lon_input !+ float(i)*config_flags%dx/59000. grid%m_emiss(i,j)=0.95 grid%m_co2ice(i,j)=0. grid%m_h2oice(i,j)=0. !! >> Used for restarts only: grid%m_q2(i,:,j)=0. grid%m_fluxrad(i,j)=0. grid%m_wstar(i,j)=0. !! << grid%slpx(i,j) = 0. grid%slpy(i,j) = 0. DO k=1,config_flags%num_soil_layers grid%m_tsoil(i,k,j) = 0. ENDDO grid%m_gw(i,1,j) = 0. grid%m_gw(i,2,j) = 0. grid%m_gw(i,3,j) = 0. grid%m_gw(i,4,j) = 0. grid%m_gw(i,5,j) = 0. !!MARS ENDDO ENDDO xs=ide/2 -3 xs=ids -3 xe=xs + 6 ys=jde/2 -3 ye=ys + 6 mtn_ht = 500 #ifdef MTN DO j=max(ys,jds),min(ye,jde-1) DO i=max(xs,ids),min(xe,ide-1) grid%ht(i,j) = alt_input + mtn_ht * 0.25 * & ( 1. + COS ( 2*pi/(xe-xs) * ( i-xs ) + pi ) ) * & ( 1. + COS ( 2*pi/(ye-ys) * ( j-ys ) + pi ) ) ENDDO ENDDO #endif #ifdef EW_RIDGE DO j=max(ys,jds),min(ye,jde-1) DO i=ids,ide grid%ht(i,j) = mtn_ht * 0.50 * & ( 1. + COS ( 2*pi/(ye-ys) * ( j-ys ) + pi ) ) ENDDO ENDDO #endif #ifdef NS_RIDGE DO j=jds,jde DO i=max(xs,ids),min(xe,ide-1) grid%ht(i,j) = mtn_ht * 0.50 * & ( 1. + COS ( 2*pi/(xe-xs) * ( i-xs ) + pi ) ) ENDDO ENDDO #endif DO j=jts,jte DO i=its,ite grid%phb(i,1,j) = g * grid%ht(i,j) grid%ph0(i,1,j) = g * grid%ht(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO IF (.not.logp) THEN write(6,*) 'interpolate in p' ELSE write(6,*) 'interpolate in logp' ENDIF DO J = jts, jte DO I = its, ite p_surf = interp_0( p_in, zk, grid%phb(i,1,j)/g, nl_in ) grid%mub(i,j) = p_surf-grid%p_top ! this is dry hydrostatic sounding (base state), so given grid%p (coordinate), ! interp theta (from interp) and compute 1/rho from eqn. of state DO K = 1, kte-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(p_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top grid%pb(i,k,j) = p_level IF (.not.logp) THEN grid%t_init(i,k,j) = interp_0( theta, p_in, p_level, nl_in ) - t0 ELSE grid%t_init(i,k,j) = interp_0_log( theta, p_in, p_level, nl_in ) - t0 ENDIF grid%alb(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_init(i,k,j)+t0)*(grid%pb(i,k,j)/p1000mb)**cvpm ENDDO ! calc hydrostatic balance (alternatively we could interp the geopotential from the ! sounding, but this assures that the base state is in exact hydrostatic balance with ! respect to the model eqns. IF (hypsometric_opt == 1) THEN DO k = 2,kte grid%phb(i,k,j) = grid%phb(i,k-1,j) - grid%dnw(k-1)*grid%mub(i,j)*grid%alb(i,k-1,j) ENDDO ELSE IF (hypsometric_opt == 2) THEN DO k = 2,kte pfu = grid%mub(i,j)*grid%znw(k) + grid%p_top pfd = grid%mub(i,j)*grid%znw(k-1) + grid%p_top phm = grid%mub(i,j)*grid%znu(k-1) + grid%p_top grid%phb(i,k,j) = grid%phb(i,k-1,j) + grid%alb(i,k-1,j)*phm*LOG(pfd/pfu) END DO END IF ENDDO ENDDO IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN write(6,*) ' ptop is ',grid%p_top write(6,*) ' base state grid%mub(1,1), p_surf is ',grid%mub(1,1),grid%mub(1,1)+grid%p_top ENDIF ! calculate full state for each column - this includes moisture. write(6,*) ' getting moist sounding for full state ' dry_sounding = .false. CALL get_sounding( zk, p_in, pd_in, theta, rho, u, v, qv, dry_sounding, nl_max, nl_in ) DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) ! At this point grid%p_top is already set. find the DRY mass in the column ! by interpolating the DRY pressure. pd_surf = interp_0( pd_in, zk, grid%phb(i,1,j)/g, nl_in ) ! compute the perturbation mass and the full mass grid%mu_1(i,j) = pd_surf-grid%p_top - grid%mub(i,j) grid%mu_2(i,j) = grid%mu_1(i,j) grid%mu0(i,j) = grid%mu_1(i,j) + grid%mub(i,j) ! given the dry pressure and coordinate system, interp the potential ! temperature and qv do k=1,kde-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top IF (.not.logp) THEN moist(i,k,j,P_QV) = interp_0( qv, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) grid%t_1(i,k,j) = interp_0( theta, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) - t0 ELSE moist(i,k,j,P_QV) = interp_0_log( qv, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) grid%t_1(i,k,j) = interp_0_log( theta, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) - t0 ENDIF grid%t_2(i,k,j) = grid%t_1(i,k,j) enddo ! integrate the hydrostatic equation (from the RHS of the bigstep ! vertical momentum equation) down from the top to get grid%p. ! first from the top of the model to the top pressure k = kte-1 ! top level qvf1 = 0.5*(moist(i,k,j,P_QV)+moist(i,k,j,P_QV)) qvf2 = 1./(1.+qvf1) qvf1 = qvf1*qvf2 ! grid%p(i,k,j) = - 0.5*grid%mu_1(i,j)/grid%rdnw(k) grid%p(i,k,j) = - 0.5*(grid%mu_1(i,j)+qvf1*grid%mub(i,j))/grid%rdnw(k)/qvf2 qvf = 1. + rvovrd*moist(i,k,j,P_QV) grid%alt(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_1(i,k,j)+t0)*qvf* & (((grid%p(i,k,j)+grid%pb(i,k,j))/p1000mb)**cvpm) grid%al(i,k,j) = grid%alt(i,k,j) - grid%alb(i,k,j) ! down the column do k=kte-2,1,-1 qvf1 = 0.5*(moist(i,k,j,P_QV)+moist(i,k+1,j,P_QV)) qvf2 = 1./(1.+qvf1) qvf1 = qvf1*qvf2 grid%p(i,k,j) = grid%p(i,k+1,j) - (grid%mu_1(i,j) + qvf1*grid%mub(i,j))/qvf2/grid%rdn(k+1) qvf = 1. + rvovrd*moist(i,k,j,P_QV) grid%alt(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_1(i,k,j)+t0)*qvf* & (((grid%p(i,k,j)+grid%pb(i,k,j))/p1000mb)**cvpm) grid%al(i,k,j) = grid%alt(i,k,j) - grid%alb(i,k,j) enddo ! this is the hydrostatic equation used in the model after the ! small timesteps. In the model, grid%al (inverse density) ! is computed from the geopotential. grid%ph_1(i,1,j) = 0. IF (hypsometric_opt == 1) THEN DO k = 2,kte grid%ph_1(i,k,j) = grid%ph_1(i,k-1,j) - (1./grid%rdnw(k-1))*( & (grid%mub(i,j)+grid%mu_1(i,j))*grid%al(i,k-1,j)+ & grid%mu_1(i,j)*grid%alb(i,k-1,j) ) grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_1(i,k,j) grid%ph0(i,k,j) = grid%ph_1(i,k,j) + grid%phb(i,k,j) ENDDO ELSE IF (hypsometric_opt == 2) THEN ! Alternative hydrostatic eq.: dZ = -al*p*dLOG(p), where p is dry pressure. ! Note that al*p approximates Rd*T and dLOG(p) does z. ! Here T varies mostly linear with z, the first-order integration produces better result. grid%ph_2(i,1,j) = grid%phb(i,1,j) DO k = 2,kte pfu = grid%mu0(i,j)*grid%znw(k) + grid%p_top pfd = grid%mu0(i,j)*grid%znw(k-1) + grid%p_top phm = grid%mu0(i,j)*grid%znu(k-1) + grid%p_top grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k-1,j) + grid%alt(i,k-1,j)*phm*LOG(pfd/pfu) END DO DO k = 1,kte grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) - grid%phb(i,k,j) grid%ph_1(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) END DO END IF IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN if((i==2) .and. (j==2)) then write(6,*) ' grid%ph_1 calc ',grid%ph_1(2,1,2),grid%ph_1(2,2,2),& grid%mu_1(2,2)+grid%mub(2,2),grid%mu_1(2,2), & grid%alb(2,1,2),grid%al(1,2,1),grid%rdnw(1) endif ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !#if 0 ! thermal perturbation to kick off convection write(6,*) ' nxc, nyc for perturbation ',nxc,nyc write(6,*) ' delt for perturbation ',delt ! For LES, change the initial random perturbations ! For 2D test, call randx outside I-loop ! For 3D runs, call randx inside both I-J loops DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) ! yrad = config_flags%dy*float(j-nyc)/10000. yrad = 0. DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) ! xrad = config_flags%dx*float(i-nxc)/10000. xrad = 0. call random_number (randx) randx = randx - 0.5 ! DO K = 1, kte-1 DO K = 1, 4 ! No bubbles for LES! ! put in preturbation theta (bubble) and recalc density. note, ! the mass in the column is not changing, so when theta changes, ! we recompute density and geopotential ! zrad = 0.5*(grid%ph_1(i,k,j)+grid%ph_1(i,k+1,j) & ! +grid%phb(i,k,j)+grid%phb(i,k+1,j))/g ! zrad = (zrad-1500.)/1500. zrad = 0. RAD=SQRT(xrad*xrad+yrad*yrad+zrad*zrad) IF(RAD <= 1.) THEN ! grid%t_1(i,k,j)=grid%t_1(i,k,j)+delt*COS(.5*PI*RAD)**2 grid%t_1(i,k,j)=grid%t_1(i,k,j)+ 0.1 *randx grid%t_2(i,k,j)=grid%t_1(i,k,j) qvf = 1. + rvovrd*moist(i,k,j,P_QV) grid%alt(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_1(i,k,j)+t0)*qvf* & (((grid%p(i,k,j)+grid%pb(i,k,j))/p1000mb)**cvpm) grid%al(i,k,j) = grid%alt(i,k,j) - grid%alb(i,k,j) ENDIF ENDDO ! rebalance hydrostatically IF (hypsometric_opt == 1) THEN DO k = 2,kte grid%ph_1(i,k,j) = grid%ph_1(i,k-1,j) - (1./grid%rdnw(k-1))*( & (grid%mub(i,j)+grid%mu_1(i,j))*grid%al(i,k-1,j)+ & grid%mu_1(i,j)*grid%alb(i,k-1,j) ) grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_1(i,k,j) grid%ph0(i,k,j) = grid%ph_1(i,k,j) + grid%phb(i,k,j) ENDDO ELSE IF (hypsometric_opt == 2) THEN ! Alternative hydrostatic eq.: dZ = -al*p*dLOG(p), where p is dry pressure. ! Note that al*p approximates Rd*T and dLOG(p) does z. ! Here T varies mostly linear with z, the first-order integration produces better result. grid%ph_2(i,1,j) = grid%phb(i,1,j) DO k = 2,kte pfu = grid%mu0(i,j)*grid%znw(k) + grid%p_top pfd = grid%mu0(i,j)*grid%znw(k-1) + grid%p_top phm = grid%mu0(i,j)*grid%znu(k-1) + grid%p_top grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k-1,j) + grid%alt(i,k-1,j)*phm*LOG(pfd/pfu) END DO DO k = 1,kte grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) - grid%phb(i,k,j) grid%ph_1(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) END DO END IF ENDDO ENDDO !#endif IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN write(6,*) ' grid%mu_1 from comp ', grid%mu_1(1,1) write(6,*) ' full state sounding from comp, ph/g, grid%p, grid%al, grid%t_1, qv ' do k=1,kde-1 write(6,'(i3,1x,5(1x,1pe10.3))') k, (grid%ph_1(1,k,1)+grid%phb(1,k,1))/g, & grid%p(1,k,1)+grid%pb(1,k,1), grid%alt(1,k,1), & grid%t_1(1,k,1)+t0, moist(1,k,1,P_QV) enddo write(6,*) ' pert state sounding from comp, grid%ph_1, pp, alp, grid%t_1, qv ' do k=1,kde-1 write(6,'(i3,1x,5(1x,1pe10.3))') k, grid%ph_1(1,k,1), & grid%p(1,k,1), grid%al(1,k,1), & grid%t_1(1,k,1), moist(1,k,1,P_QV) enddo ENDIF ! interp v DO J = jts, jte DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) IF (j == jds) THEN z_at_v = grid%phb(i,1,j)/g ELSE IF (j == jde) THEN z_at_v = grid%phb(i,1,j-1)/g ELSE z_at_v = 0.5*(grid%phb(i,1,j)+grid%phb(i,1,j-1))/g END IF p_surf = interp_0( p_in, zk, z_at_v, nl_in ) DO K = 1, kte-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(p_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top IF (.not.logp) THEN grid%v_1(i,k,j) = interp_0( v, p_in, p_level, nl_in ) ELSE grid%v_1(i,k,j) = interp_0_log( v, p_in, p_level, nl_in ) ENDIF grid%v_2(i,k,j) = grid%v_1(i,k,j) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! interp u DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) DO I = its, ite IF (i == ids) THEN z_at_u = grid%phb(i,1,j)/g ELSE IF (i == ide) THEN z_at_u = grid%phb(i-1,1,j)/g ELSE z_at_u = 0.5*(grid%phb(i,1,j)+grid%phb(i-1,1,j))/g END IF p_surf = interp_0( p_in, zk, z_at_u, nl_in ) DO K = 1, kte-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(p_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top IF (.not.logp) THEN grid%u_1(i,k,j) = interp_0( u, p_in, p_level, nl_in ) ELSE grid%u_1(i,k,j) = interp_0_log( u, p_in, p_level, nl_in ) ENDIF grid%u_2(i,k,j) = grid%u_1(i,k,j) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! set w DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) DO K = kts, kte DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) grid%w_1(i,k,j) = 0. grid%w_2(i,k,j) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !!!MARS MARS IF (config_flags%init_MU .ne. 0.) THEN grid%u_1 = grid%u_1*config_flags%init_MU grid%u_2 = grid%u_2*config_flags%init_MU print *, 'multiply zonal wind ', config_flags%init_MU ENDIF IF (config_flags%init_MV .ne. 0.) THEN grid%v_1 = grid%v_1*config_flags%init_MV grid%v_2 = grid%v_2*config_flags%init_MV print *, 'multiply meridional wind ', config_flags%init_MV ENDIF IF (config_flags%init_U .ne. 0.) THEN DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) DO K = kts, kte-1 DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) grid%u_1(i,k,j) = config_flags%init_U grid%u_2(i,k,j) = config_flags%init_U ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO print *, 'constant zonal wind ', config_flags%init_U !!! ****** ou autre possibilité !!! > grid%u_1 = grid%u_1*0. + config_flags%init_U !!! > grid%u_2 = grid%u_2*0. + config_flags%init_U ENDIF IF (config_flags%init_V .ne. 0.) THEN DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) DO K = kts, kte-1 DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) grid%v_1(i,k,j) = config_flags%init_V grid%v_2(i,k,j) = config_flags%init_V ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO print *, 'constant meridional wind ', config_flags%init_V ENDIF !!!MARS MARS ! set a few more things DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) DO K = kts, kte-1 DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) grid%h_diabatic(i,k,j) = 0. !!!!! MARS NO WIND CASE !grid%u_1(i,k,j) = 0. !grid%u_2(i,k,j) = 0. !grid%v_1(i,k,j) = 0. !grid%v_2(i,k,j) = 0. !!!!! MARS NO WIND CASE ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN DO k=1,kte-1 grid%t_base(k) = grid%t_1(1,k,1) grid%qv_base(k) = moist(1,k,1,P_QV) grid%u_base(k) = grid%u_1(1,k,1) grid%v_base(k) = grid%v_1(1,k,1) grid%z_base(k) = 0.5*(grid%phb(1,k,1)+grid%phb(1,k+1,1)+grid%ph_1(1,k,1)+grid%ph_1(1,k+1,1))/g !!!!! MARS SIMPLE LES (PURE BUOYANCY) !! grid%t_base(k) = grid%t_init(its,k,jts) ! grid%t_base(k) = 0. ! grid%qv_base(k) = 0. ! grid%u_base(k) = 0. ! grid%v_base(k) = 0. ! grid%z_base(k) = 0. !!!!! MARS SIMPLE LES ENDDO ENDIF CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( grid%t_base , kte ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( grid%qv_base , kte ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( grid%u_base , kte ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( grid%v_base , kte ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( grid%z_base , kte ) DO J = jts, min(jde-1,jte) DO I = its, min(ide-1,ite) thtmp = grid%t_2(i,1,j)+t0 ptmp = grid%p(i,1,j)+grid%pb(i,1,j) temp(1) = thtmp * (ptmp/p1000mb)**rcp thtmp = grid%t_2(i,2,j)+t0 ptmp = grid%p(i,2,j)+grid%pb(i,2,j) temp(2) = thtmp * (ptmp/p1000mb)**rcp thtmp = grid%t_2(i,3,j)+t0 ptmp = grid%p(i,3,j)+grid%pb(i,3,j) temp(3) = thtmp * (ptmp/p1000mb)**rcp !! For LES-CBL, add 5 degrees to the surface temperature! !! ! grid%tsk(I,J)=grid%cf1*temp(1)+grid%cf2*temp(2)+grid%cf3*temp(3) !! grid%tsk(I,J)=grid%cf1*temp(1)+grid%cf2*temp(2)+grid%cf3*temp(3)+5. grid%tmn(I,J)=grid%tsk(I,J)-0.5 ENDDO ENDDO !!!!! MARS ! interpolate water vapor if ( ( config_flags%mars == 1 ) & .OR. ( config_flags%mars == 11 ) & .OR. ( config_flags%mars == 12 ) ) then print *, '**** INTERPOLATE HV **** RANK 2 in SCALAR' DO k=1,kte-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top IF (.not.logp) THEN scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,2) = interp_0( qv, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) ELSE scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,2) = interp_0_log( qv, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) ENDIF scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,3) = 0. !! water ice is set to 0 (was put into water vapor when building prof from MCD) ENDDO print *, "WATER VAPOR",scalar(its,:,jts,2) endif ! interpolate qdust if ( ( config_flags%mars == 11 ) & .OR. ( config_flags%mars == 12 ) ) then call read_dust(profdustq,profdustn,nl_in) print *, '**** INTERPOLATE DUSTQ **** RANK 4 in SCALAR' print *, '**** INTERPOLATE DUSTN **** RANK 5 in SCALAR' DO k=1,kte-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top IF (.not.logp) THEN scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,4) = interp_0( profdustq, pd_in, p_level,nl_in ) scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,5) = interp_0( profdustn, pd_in, p_level,nl_in ) ELSE scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,4) = interp_0_log( profdustq, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,5) = interp_0_log( profdustn, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) ENDIF ENDDO print *, "DUST Q", scalar(its,:,jts,4) print *, "DUST N", scalar(its,:,jts,5) endif if ( config_flags%mars == 12 ) then scalar(its:ite,1:kte-1,jts:jte,6) = 0. scalar(its:ite,1:kte-1,jts:jte,7) = 0. endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF (planet .ne. "mars") THEN call read_dust(profdustq,profdustn,nl_in) DO k=1,kte!-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite !!! we use Q2 as a vehicle for heating rates! sick! grid%m_q2(i,k,j) = interp_0_log( profdustq, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) & + interp_0_log( profdustn, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) ENDDO ENDDO !print*,'grid%m_q2' !print*,k,grid%m_q2(1,k,1) ENDDO ENDIF IF (planet.eq."prescribed") Then call read_hr(hrsw,hrlw,hrdyn,nl_in) open(unit=17,file="prescribed_sw.txt",action="write") open(unit=18,file="prescribed_lw.txt",action="write") open(unit=19,file="prescribed_dyn.txt",action="write") DO k=1,kte!-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top prescribed_sw(k) = interp_0_log( hrsw, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) prescribed_lw(k) = interp_0_log( hrlw, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) prescribed_dyn(k) = interp_0_log( hrdyn, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) write (17,*) prescribed_sw(k) write (18,*) prescribed_lw(k) write (19,*) prescribed_dyn(k) ENDDO close(unit=19) close(unit=18) close(unit=17) ENDIF IF (planet.eq."venus") Then call read_hr(hrsw,hrlw,hrdyn,nl_in) open(unit=20,file="venus_hrdyn.txt",action="write") DO k=1,kte!-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top venus_hrdyn(k) = interp_0_log( hrdyn, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) write (20,*) venus_hrdyn(k) ENDDO close(unit=20) ENDIF IF (planet.eq."generic") THEN call read_lsf(lsfdt,lsfdq,nl_in) open(unit=17,file="lsf.txt",action="write") DO k=1,kte!-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top lsf_dt = interp_0_log( lsfdt, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) lsf_dq = interp_0_log( lsfdq, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) write (17,*) lsf_dt(k),lsf_dq(k) ENDDO ENDIF IF ((planet.eq."venus") .AND. ( config_flags%mars == 34 )) Then pd_in8(:)=pd_in(:) do i = 1,34 call read_tracer(trac,num_scalar,i,nl_in) DO k=1,kte-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top p_level8=p_level scalar(its:ite,k,jts:jte,i+1) = interp_0_log2( trac, pd_in8, p_level8, nl_in ) ENDDO ENDDO !close(unit=22) ENDIF open(unit=21,file="altitude.txt",action="write") DO k=1,kte!-1 p_level = grid%znu(k)*(pd_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%p_top altitude(k) = interp_0_log( zk, pd_in, p_level, nl_in ) write (21,*) altitude(k) ENDDO close(unit=21) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! MARS END SUBROUTINE init_domain_rk SUBROUTINE init_module_initialize END SUBROUTINE init_module_initialize !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! test driver for get_sounding ! ! implicit none ! integer n ! parameter(n = 1000) ! real zk(n),p(n),theta(n),rho(n),u(n),v(n),qv(n),pd(n) ! logical dry ! integer nl,k ! ! dry = .false. ! dry = .true. ! call get_sounding( zk, p, pd, theta, rho, u, v, qv, dry, n, nl ) ! write(6,*) ' input levels ',nl ! write(6,*) ' sounding ' ! write(6,*) ' k height(m) press (Pa) pd(Pa) theta (K) den(kg/m^3) u(m/s) v(m/s) qv(g/g) ' ! do k=1,nl ! write(6,'(1x,i3,8(1x,1pe10.3))') k, zk(k), p(k), pd(k), theta(k), rho(k), u(k), v(k), qv(k) ! enddo ! end ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_sounding( zk, p, p_dry, theta, rho, & u, v, qv, dry, nl_max, nl_in ) implicit none integer nl_max, nl_in real zk(nl_max), p(nl_max), theta(nl_max), rho(nl_max), & u(nl_max), v(nl_max), qv(nl_max), p_dry(nl_max) logical dry integer n parameter(n=1000) logical debug parameter( debug = .true.) ! input sounding data real p_surf, th_surf, qv_surf real pi_surf, pi(n) real h_input(n), th_input(n), qv_input(n), u_input(n), v_input(n) ! input therm data (element 0 is the ground so it's n+1 but n is 1000 anyway so...) real r_therm(n),cp_therm(n),p_therm(n),rho_therm(n),t_therm(n) ! diagnostics real rho_surf, p_input(n), rho_input(n) real pm_input(n) ! this are for full moist sounding ! local data ! real p1000mb,cv,cp,r,cvpm,g ! parameter (p1000mb = 1.e+05, r = 287, cp = 1003., cv = cp-r, cvpm = -cv/cp, g=9.81 ) ! parameter (p1000mb = 610., r = 192., cp = 844.6, cv = cp-r, cvpm = -cv/cp, g=3.72) ! parameter (p1000mb = 610., r = 191., cp = 744.5, cv = cp-r, cvpm = -cv/cp, g=3.72) !parameter (p1000mb = 92.e+05, r = 192., cp = 900.0, cv = cp-r, cvpm = -cv/cp, g=8.87) integer k, it, nl real qvf, qvf1, dz LOGICAL :: direct_from_file IF (planet == "mars") THEN direct_from_file = .false. ELSE direct_from_file = .true. ENDIF ! first, read the sounding call read_sounding( p_surf, th_surf, qv_surf, & h_input, th_input, qv_input, & u_input, v_input,n, nl, debug ) ! and the therm : call read_therm(r_therm,cp_therm,p_therm,rho_therm,t_therm,n) if(debug) write(6,*) ' number of input levels = ',nl nl_in = nl if(nl_in .gt. nl_max ) then write(6,*) ' too many levels for input arrays ',nl_in,nl_max call wrf_error_fatal ( ' too many levels for input arrays ' ) end if IF (.NOT. direct_from_file) THEN ! To use r/cp as defined above, one has to recompute teta from T (default MCD computes ! teta for a variable r/cp) do k=1,nl th_input(k) = t_therm(k)*(p1000mb/p_therm(k))**(rcp) enddo th_surf = t_therm(1)*(p1000mb/p_therm(1))**(rcp) ! ----- !if(dry) then ! do k=1,nl ! qv_input(k) = 0. ! enddo !endif ! compute diagnostics, ! first, convert qv(g/kg) to qv(g/g) do k=1,nl !!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARS !! from mol/mol to kg/kg qv_input(k) = qv_input(k)*18./mwdry qv_input(k) = 0.001*qv_input(k) enddo p_surf = 100.*p_surf ! convert to pascals qvf = 1. + rvovrd*qv_input(1) !!MARS qvf = 1. rho_surf = 1./((r_d/p1000mb)*th_surf*qvf*((p_surf/p1000mb)**cvpm)) pi_surf = (p_surf/p1000mb)**(rcp) if(debug) then write(6,*) ' surface density is ',rho_surf write(6,*) ' surface pi is ',pi_surf end if ! integrate moist sounding hydrostatically, starting from the ! specified surface pressure ! -> first, integrate from surface to lowest level qvf = 1. + rvovrd*qv_input(1) qvf1 = 1. + qv_input(1) !!MARS qvf = 1. qvf1 = 1. rho_input(1) = rho_surf dz = h_input(1) do it=1,10 ! pm_input(1) = p_surf & ! - 0.5*dz*(rho_surf+rho_input(1))*g*qvf1 !!!MARS MARS MARS pm_input(1) = p_surf rho_input(1) = 1./((r_d/p1000mb)*th_input(1)*qvf*((pm_input(1)/p1000mb)**cvpm)) enddo ! integrate up the column do k=2,nl rho_input(k) = rho_input(k-1) dz = h_input(k)-h_input(k-1) qvf1 = 0.5*(2.+(qv_input(k-1)+qv_input(k))) qvf = 1. + rvovrd*qv_input(k) ! qv is in g/kg here !!MARS qvf = 1. qvf1 = 1. !!MARS do it=1,10 pm_input(k) = pm_input(k-1) & - 0.5*dz*(rho_input(k)+rho_input(k-1))*g*qvf1 rho_input(k) = 1./((r_d/p1000mb)*th_input(k)*qvf*((pm_input(k)/p1000mb)**cvpm)) enddo enddo ! we have the moist sounding ! next, compute the dry sounding using p at the highest level from the ! moist sounding and integrating down. p_input(nl) = pm_input(nl) do k=nl-1,1,-1 dz = h_input(k+1)-h_input(k) p_input(k) = p_input(k+1) + 0.5*dz*(rho_input(k)+rho_input(k+1))*g enddo ELSE !IF (.NOT. direct_from_file) THEN do k=1,nl !!!! direct input from file write(6,*) '*** DIRECT INPUT FROM FILE ***' pm_input(k) = p_therm(k) p_input(k) = p_therm(k) rho_input(k) = rho_therm(k) enddo ENDIF do k=1,nl zk(k) = h_input(k) p(k) = pm_input(k) p_dry(k) = p_input(k) theta(k) = th_input(k) rho(k) = rho_input(k) u(k) = u_input(k) v(k) = v_input(k) qv(k) = qv_input(k) enddo if(debug) then write(6,*) ' sounding ' write(6,*) ' k height(m) press (Pa) pd(Pa) theta (K) den(kg/m^3) u(m/s) v(m/s) qv(g/g) ' do k=1,nl write(6,'(1x,i3,8(1x,1pe10.3))') k, zk(k), p(k), p_dry(k), theta(k), rho(k), u(k), v(k), qv(k) enddo end if end subroutine get_sounding !------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_sounding( ps,ts,qvs,h,th,qv,u,v,n,nl,debug ) implicit none integer n,nl real ps,ts,qvs,h(n),th(n),qv(n),u(n),v(n) logical end_of_file logical debug integer k open(unit=10,file='input_sounding',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(10) read(10,*) ps, ts, qvs if(debug) then write(6,*) ' input sounding surface parameters ' write(6,*) ' surface pressure (mb) ',ps write(6,*) ' surface pot. temp (K) ',ts write(6,*) ' surface mixing ratio (g/kg) ',qvs end if end_of_file = .false. k = 0 do while (.not. end_of_file) read(10,*,end=100) h(k+1), th(k+1), qv(k+1), u(k+1), v(k+1) k = k+1 if(debug) write(6,'(1x,i3,5(1x,e10.3))') k, h(k), th(k), qv(k), u(k), v(k) go to 110 100 end_of_file = .true. 110 continue enddo nl = k close(unit=10,status = 'keep') end subroutine read_sounding subroutine read_therm(r,cp,p,rho,t,n) implicit none integer n real r(n),cp(n),p(n),rho(n),t(n) logical end_of_file integer k ! first element is the surface open(unit=11,file='input_therm',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(11) end_of_file = .false. k = 0 do while (.not. end_of_file) read(11,*,end=101) r(k+1), cp(k+1), p(k+1), rho(k+1), t(k+1) write(*,*) k, r(k+1), cp(k+1), p(k+1), rho(k+1), t(k+1) k = k+1 go to 112 101 end_of_file = .true. 112 continue enddo close(unit=11,status = 'keep') end subroutine read_therm !!cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine read_dust(pdustq,pdustn,n) implicit none integer n real pdustq(n+1),pdustn(n+1) logical end_of_file integer k ! first element is the surface open(unit=11,file='input_dust',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(11) end_of_file = .false. k = 0 do while (.not. end_of_file) read(11,*,end=102) pdustq(k+1),pdustn(k+1) write(*,*) k,pdustq(k+1),pdustn(k+1) k = k+1 go to 113 102 end_of_file = .true. 113 continue enddo close(unit=11,status = 'keep') end subroutine read_dust !!cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine read_hr(hr_sw,hr_lw,hr_dyn,n) implicit none integer n real hr_sw(n+1),hr_lw(n+1),hr_dyn(n+1) logical end_of_file integer k ! first element is the surface open(unit=11,file='input_hr',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(11) end_of_file = .false. k = 0 do while (.not. end_of_file) read(11,*,end=103) hr_sw(k+1),hr_lw(k+1),hr_dyn(k+1) write(*,*) k,hr_sw(k+1),hr_lw(k+1),hr_dyn(k+1) k = k+1 go to 114 103 end_of_file = .true. 114 continue enddo close(unit=11,status = 'keep') end subroutine read_hr subroutine read_lsf(dt,dq,n) implicit none integer n real dt(n+1),dq(n+1) logical end_of_file integer k ! first element is the surface open(unit=12,file='input_lsf',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(12) end_of_file = .false. k = 0 do while (.not. end_of_file) read(12,*,end=103) dt(k+1),dq(k+1) write(*,*) k,dt(k+1),dq(k+1) k = k+1 go to 114 103 end_of_file = .true. 114 continue enddo close(unit=12,status = 'keep') end subroutine read_lsf subroutine read_tracer(trace,nq,qn,n) implicit none integer n,qn,nq ! qn : number of the tracer real*8 tra(nq-1,n+1) real*8 trace(n+1) !output logical end_of_file integer k,j ! first element is the surface open(unit=14,file='input_tracer',form='formatted',status='old') rewind(14) end_of_file = .false. DO k=1,n read(14,*) tra(:,k) write(*,*) k,tra(qn,k) ENDDO close(14) trace(:)=tra(qn,:) end subroutine read_tracer END MODULE module_initialize_ideal