# configure.wrf # # This file was automatically generated by the configure script in the # top level directory. You may make changes to the settings in this # file but be aware they will be overwritten each time you run configure. # Ordinarily, it is necessary to run configure once, when the code is # first installed. # # To permanently change options, change the settings for your platform # in the file arch/configure.defaults then rerun configure. # SHELL = /bin/sh DEVTOP = `pwd` LIBINCLUDE = . .SUFFIXES: .F .i .o .f90 .c #### Get core settings from environment (set in compile script) #### Note to add a core, this has to be added to. COREDEFS = -DEM_CORE=$(WRF_EM_CORE) \ -DNMM_CORE=$(WRF_NMM_CORE) -DNMM_MAX_DIM=2600 \ -DCOAMPS_CORE=$(WRF_COAMPS_CORE) \ -DDA_CORE=$(WRF_DA_CORE) \ -DEXP_CORE=$(WRF_EXP_CORE) #### Single location for defining total number of domains. You need #### at least 1 + 2*(number of total nests). For example, 1 coarse #### grid + three fine grids = 1 + 2(3) = 7, so MAX_DOMAINS=7. MAX_DOMAINS = 21 #### DM buffer length for the configuration flags. CONFIG_BUF_LEN = 32768 ############################################################################## #### The settings in this section are defaults that may be overridden by the #### architecture-specific settings in the next section. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## #### NOTE: Do not modify these default values here. To override these #### values, make changes after "Architecture specific settings". ############################################################################## #### Native size (in bytes) of Fortran REAL data type on this architecture #### #### Note: to change real wordsize (for example, to promote REALs from #### 4-byte to 8-byte), modify the definition of RWORDSIZE in the #### section following "Architecture specific settings". Do not #### change NATIVE_RWORDSIZE as is it architecture-specific. NATIVE_RWORDSIZE = 4 #### Default sed command and script for Fortran source files #### #SED_FTN = sed -f $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/arch/standard.sed SED_FTN = $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/tools/standard.exe # Hack to work around $(PWD) not changing during OSF1 build. # $(IO_GRIB_SHARE_DIR) is reset during the OSF1 build only. IO_GRIB_SHARE_DIR = #### ESMF switches #### #### These are set up by Config.pl #### # switch to use separately installed ESMF library for coupling: 1==true ESMF_COUPLING = 0 # select dependences on module_utility.o ESMF_MOD_DEPENDENCE = $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.o # select -I options for external/io_esmf vs. external/esmf_time_f90 ESMF_IO_INC = -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90 # select -I options for separately installed ESMF library, if present ESMF_MOD_INC = $(ESMF_IO_INC) # select cpp token for external/io_esmf vs. external/esmf_time_f90 ESMF_IO_DEFS = # select build target for external/io_esmf vs. external/esmf_time_f90 ESMF_TARGET = esmf_time ############################################################################## LIBWRFLIB = libwrflib.a #### Architecture specific settings #### # To enable over-decompostion with dmpar and dm+sm compiles, # add -DALLOW_OVERDECOMP to ARCH_LOCAL, below. (not recommended) # Settings for Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dmpar) # # By default, some files are compiled without optimizations to speed up compilation. Removing # respective makefile rules in the end of this file will result in longer compilation time, and, possibly # Out Of Memory messages, but might produce binaries which are substantially faster. # # Please visit http://www.intel.com/support/performancetools/sb/cs-028607.htm # for latest info on how to build WRF with Intel compilers. # # If you got Out Of Memory message, there are several options: # 1. Check your memory limits (ulimit -a), possibly increasing swap partitions size. # 2. Remove any debugging flags (-g, -check, -traceback). # 3. Force the problematic file to be compiled with less optimizations (see examples at the # end of this file), try -no-ip compiler flag. # # This configuration is aimed at accuracy. To improve performance (at the expence of accuracy) you might # consider removing '-fp-model precise' flag from FCBASEOPTS. This enables non value-safe optimizations. # Another option is to add '-ftz' flag, which flushes denormal results to zero when the application is in # the gradual underflow mode. It may improve performance if the denormal values are not critical to the # behavior of your workload. To further improve performance, add suitable vectorization options for your # processor to FCOPTIM (see ifort manpage). # # If you have Intel MPI installed and wish to use instead, make the # following changes to settings below: # DM_FC = mpiifort # DM_CC = mpiicc # and source bin64/mpivars.sh file from your Intel MPI installation # before the build. DMPARALLEL = 1 OMPCPP = # -D_OPENMP OMP = # -openmp -fpp -auto SFC = ifort SCC = icc DM_FC = /usr/lib64/openmpi/1.6.5-ifort/bin//mpif90 -f90=$(SFC) DM_CC = /usr/lib64/openmpi/1.6.5-ifort/bin//mpicc -DMPI2_SUPPORT -cc=$(SCC) -DMPI2_SUPPORT FC = $(DM_FC) CC = $(DM_CC) -DFSEEKO64_OK LD = $(FC) RWORDSIZE = 8 #$(NATIVE_RWORDSIZE) PROMOTION = -i4 -real-size 64 ARCH_LOCAL = -DNEWPHYS -DNONSTANDARD_SYSTEM_FUNC CFLAGS_LOCAL = -w -O3 -mcmodel=large -shared-intel -ip LDFLAGS_LOCAL = -ip CPLUSPLUSLIB = ESMF_LDFLAG = $(CPLUSPLUSLIB) FCOPTIM = -O3 -mcmodel=large -shared-intel FCREDUCEDOPT = $(FCOPTIM) FCNOOPT = -O0 FCDEBUG = # -g $(FCNOOPT) -traceback FORMAT_FIXED = -FI FORMAT_FREE = -FR FCSUFFIX = BYTESWAPIO = -convert big_endian FCBASEOPTS = -w -ftz -align all -fno-alias -fp-model precise $(FCDEBUG) $(FORMAT_FREE) $(BYTESWAPIO) MODULE_SRCH_FLAG = TRADFLAG = -traditional CPP = /lib/cpp -P AR = ar ARFLAGS = ru M4 = m4 RANLIB = ranlib CC_TOOLS = $(SCC) ########################################################### ###################### ARCHFLAGS = $(COREDEFS) -DIWORDSIZE=4 -DDWORDSIZE=8 -DRWORDSIZE=$(RWORDSIZE) -DLWORDSIZE=4 \ $(ARCH_LOCAL) \ $(DA_ARCHFLAGS) \ -DDM_PARALLEL \ \ -DNETCDF \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -DGRIB1 \ -DINTIO \ -DLIMIT_ARGS \ -DCONFIG_BUF_LEN=$(CONFIG_BUF_LEN) \ -DMAX_DOMAINS_F=$(MAX_DOMAINS) \ -DNMM_NEST=$(WRF_NMM_NEST) CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_LOCAL) -DDM_PARALLEL FCFLAGS = $(FCOPTIM) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(OMP) ESMF_LIB_FLAGS = ESMF_IO_LIB = $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90/libesmf_time.a ESMF_IO_LIB_EXT = -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90/libesmf_time.a INCLUDE_MODULES = $(MODULE_SRCH_FLAG) \ $(ESMF_MOD_INC) $(ESMF_LIB_FLAGS) \ -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/main \ -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_netcdf \ -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_int \ -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame \ -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/share \ -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/phys \ -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/chem -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc \ -I/data/spiga/MODELES/LMDZ.COMMON/libo/CICLADifort/.config/inc \ \ REGISTRY = Registry LIB_BUNDLED = \ -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/fftpack/fftpack5 -lfftpack \ -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib1 -lio_grib1 \ -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib_share -lio_grib_share \ -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_int -lwrfio_int \ $(ESMF_IO_LIB) \ $(ESMF_IO_LIB) \ $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lite.a \ $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame/module_internal_header_util.o \ $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame/pack_utils.o LIB_EXTERNAL = \ $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_netcdf/libwrfio_nf.a -L/opt/netcdf3/ifort/lib -lnetcdf /opt/netcdf3/ifort/lib/libnetcdf.a -L/data/spiga/MODELES/LMDZ.COMMON/libo/CICLADifort/.config/lib -llmdz /data/spiga/MODELES/LMDZ.COMMON/libo/CICLADifort/.config/lib/liblmdz.a LIB = $(LIB_BUNDLED) $(LIB_EXTERNAL) $(LIB_LOCAL) LDFLAGS = $(OMP) $(FCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_LOCAL) ENVCOMPDEFS = WRF_CHEM = 0 CPPFLAGS = $(ARCHFLAGS) $(ENVCOMPDEFS) -I$(LIBINCLUDE) $(TRADFLAG) NETCDFPATH = /opt/netcdf3/ifort PNETCDFPATH = bundled: wrf_ioapi_includes wrfio_grib_share wrfio_grib1 wrfio_int esmf_time fftpack external: wrfio_nf $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lite.a gen_comms_rsllite module_dm_rsllite $(ESMF_TARGET) ###################### externals: bundled external gen_comms_serial : ( /bin/rm -f $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/tools/gen_comms.c ) module_dm_serial : ( if [ ! -e module_dm.F ] ; then /bin/cp module_dm_warning module_dm.F ; cat module_dm_stubs.F >> module_dm.F ; fi ) gen_comms_rsllite : ( if [ ! -e $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/tools/gen_comms.c ] ; then \ /bin/cp $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/tools/gen_comms_warning $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/tools/gen_comms.c ; \ cat $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/gen_comms.c >> $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/tools/gen_comms.c ; fi ) module_dm_rsllite : ( if [ ! -e module_dm.F ] ; then /bin/cp module_dm_warning module_dm.F ; \ cat $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/module_dm.F >> module_dm.F ; fi ) wrfio_nf : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_netcdf ; \ make NETCDFPATH="$(NETCDFPATH)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" CPP="$(CPP)" \ CC="$(SCC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" \ FC="$(SFC) $(PROMOTION) $(FCFLAGS)" TRADFLAG="$(TRADFLAG)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" ) wrfio_pnf : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_pnetcdf ; \ make NETCDFPATH="$(PNETCDFPATH)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" CPP="$(CPP)" \ FC="$(FC) $(PROMOTION) $(FCFLAGS)" TRADFLAG="$(TRADFLAG)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" ) wrfio_grib_share : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib_share ; \ make CC="$(SCC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" RM="$(RM)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" CPP="$(CPP)" \ FC="$(SFC) $(PROMOTION) -I. $(FCDEBUG) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(FCSUFFIX)" TRADFLAG="$(TRADFLAG)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" archive) wrfio_grib1 : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib1 ; \ make CC="$(SCC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" RM="$(RM)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" CPP="$(CPP)" \ FC="$(SFC) $(PROMOTION) -I. $(FCDEBUG) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(FCSUFFIX)" TRADFLAG="$(TRADFLAG)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" archive) wrfio_grib2 : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib2 ; \ make CC="$(SCC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) " RM="$(RM)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" \ CPP="$(CPP)" \ FC="$(SFC) $(PROMOTION) -I. $(FCDEBUG) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(FCSUFFIX)" TRADFLAG="-traditional" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" \ FIXED="$(FORMAT_FIXED)" archive) wrfio_int : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_int ; \ make CC="$(CC)" RM="$(RM)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" CPP="$(CPP)" \ FC="$(SFC) $(PROMOTION) $(FCDEBUG) $(FCBASEOPTS)" \ TRADFLAG="$(TRADFLAG)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" all ) esmf_time : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90 ; \ make FC="$(SFC) $(PROMOTION) $(FCDEBUG) $(FCBASEOPTS)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" \ CPP="$(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc -I. $(ARCHFLAGS) $(TRADFLAG)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" ) fftpack : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/fftpack/fftpack5 ; \ make FC="$(SFC)" FFLAGS="$(PROMOTION) $(FCDEBUG) $(FCBASEOPTS)" RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" ) $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lite.a : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE ; make CC="$(CC) $(CFLAGS)" \ FC="$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) $(PROMOTION) $(BYTESWAPIO)" \ CPP="$(CPP) -I. $(ARCHFLAGS) $(TRADFLAG)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" ;\ $(RANLIB) $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lite.a ) ###################### # Macros, these should be generic for all machines LN = ln -sf MAKE = make -i -r RM = rm -f # These sub-directory builds are identical across all architectures wrf_ioapi_includes : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/ioapi_share ; \ $(MAKE) NATIVE_RWORDSIZE="$(NATIVE_RWORDSIZE)" RWORDSIZE="$(RWORDSIZE)" AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" ) wrfio_esmf : ( cd $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_esmf ; \ make FC="$(FC) $(PROMOTION) $(FCDEBUG) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(ESMF_MOD_INC)" \ RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" CPP="$(CPP) $(POUND_DEF) " AR="$(AR)" ARFLAGS="$(ARFLAGS)" ) # There is probably no reason to modify these rules .F.i: $(RM) $@ $(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc $(CPPFLAGS) $*.F > $@ mv $*.i $(DEVTOP)/pick/$*.f90 cp $*.F $(DEVTOP)/pick .F.o: $(RM) $@ $(SED_FTN) $*.F > $*.b $(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc $(CPPFLAGS) $*.b > $*.f90 $(RM) $*.b $(FC) -o $@ -c $(FCFLAGS) $(MODULE_DIRS) $(PROMOTION) $(FCSUFFIX) $*.f90 .F.f90: $(RM) $@ $(SED_FTN) $*.F > $*.b $(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc $(CPPFLAGS) $*.b > $@ $(RM) $*.b .f90.o: $(RM) $@ $(FC) -o $@ -c $(FCFLAGS) $(PROMOTION) $(FCSUFFIX) $*.f90 .c.o: $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c # A little more adventurous. Allow full opt on # mediation_integrate.o \ # shift_domain_em.o \ # solve_em.o <-- gets a little kick from SOLVE_EM_SPECIAL too, if defined # mediation_feedback_domain.o : mediation_feedback_domain.F # mediation_force_domain.o : mediation_force_domain.F # mediation_interp_domain.o : mediation_interp_domain.F # compile these without high optimization to speed compile convert_nmm.o : convert_nmm.F init_modules_em.o : init_modules_em.F input_wrf.o : input_wrf.F module_io.o : module_io.F module_comm_dm.o : module_comm_dm.F module_configure.o : module_configure.F module_dm.o : module_dm.F module_domain.o : module_domain.F module_domain_type.o : module_domain_type.F module_alloc_space.o : module_alloc_space.F module_tiles.o : module_tiles.F module_fddaobs_rtfdda.o : module_fddaobs_rtfdda.F module_initialize.o : module_initialize.F module_physics_init.o : module_physics_init.F module_initialize_b_wave.o : module_initialize_b_wave.F module_initialize_hill2d_x.o : module_initialize_hill2d_x.F module_initialize_quarter_ss.o : module_initialize_quarter_ss.F module_initialize_real.o : module_initialize_real.F module_initialize_real.o: module_initialize_real.F module_initialize_squall2d_x.o : module_initialize_squall2d_x.F module_initialize_squall2d_y.o : module_initialize_squall2d_y.F module_integrate.o : module_integrate.F module_io_mm5.o : module_io_mm5.F module_io_wrf.o : module_io_wrf.F module_si_io.o : module_si_io.F module_state_description.o : module_state_description.F output_wrf.o : output_wrf.F solve_interface.o : solve_interface.F start_domain.o : start_domain.F start_domain_nmm.o : start_domain_nmm.F start_em.o : start_em.F wrf_auxhist10in.o : wrf_auxhist10in.F wrf_auxhist10out.o : wrf_auxhist10out.F wrf_auxhist11in.o : wrf_auxhist11in.F wrf_auxhist11out.o : wrf_auxhist11out.F wrf_auxhist1in.o : wrf_auxhist1in.F wrf_auxhist1out.o : wrf_auxhist1out.F wrf_auxhist2in.o : wrf_auxhist2in.F wrf_auxhist2out.o : wrf_auxhist2out.F wrf_auxhist3in.o : wrf_auxhist3in.F wrf_auxhist3out.o : wrf_auxhist3out.F wrf_auxhist4in.o : wrf_auxhist4in.F wrf_auxhist4out.o : wrf_auxhist4out.F wrf_auxhist5in.o : wrf_auxhist5in.F wrf_auxhist5out.o : wrf_auxhist5out.F wrf_auxhist6in.o : wrf_auxhist6in.F wrf_auxhist6out.o : wrf_auxhist6out.F wrf_auxhist7in.o : wrf_auxhist7in.F wrf_auxhist7out.o : wrf_auxhist7out.F wrf_auxhist8in.o : wrf_auxhist8in.F wrf_auxhist8out.o : wrf_auxhist8out.F wrf_auxhist9in.o : wrf_auxhist9in.F wrf_auxhist9out.o : wrf_auxhist9out.F wrf_auxinput10in.o : wrf_auxinput10in.F wrf_auxinput10out.o : wrf_auxinput10out.F wrf_auxinput11in.o : wrf_auxinput11in.F wrf_auxinput11out.o : wrf_auxinput11out.F wrf_auxinput1in.o : wrf_auxinput1in.F wrf_auxinput1out.o : wrf_auxinput1out.F wrf_auxinput2in.o : wrf_auxinput2in.F wrf_auxinput2out.o : wrf_auxinput2out.F wrf_auxinput3in.o : wrf_auxinput3in.F wrf_auxinput3out.o : wrf_auxinput3out.F wrf_auxinput4in.o : wrf_auxinput4in.F wrf_auxinput4out.o : wrf_auxinput4out.F wrf_auxinput5in.o : wrf_auxinput5in.F wrf_auxinput5out.o : wrf_auxinput5out.F wrf_auxinput6in.o : wrf_auxinput6in.F wrf_auxinput6out.o : wrf_auxinput6out.F wrf_auxinput7in.o : wrf_auxinput7in.F wrf_auxinput7out.o : wrf_auxinput7out.F wrf_auxinput8in.o : wrf_auxinput8in.F wrf_auxinput8out.o : wrf_auxinput8out.F wrf_auxinput9in.o : wrf_auxinput9in.F wrf_auxinput9out.o : wrf_auxinput9out.F wrf_bdyin.o : wrf_bdyin.F wrf_bdyout.o : wrf_bdyout.F wrf_ext_read_field.o : wrf_ext_read_field.F wrf_ext_write_field.o : wrf_ext_write_field.F wrf_fddaobs_in.o : wrf_fddaobs_in.F wrf_histin.o : wrf_histin.F wrf_histout.o : wrf_histout.F wrf_inputin.o : wrf_inputin.F wrf_inputout.o : wrf_inputout.F wrf_restartin.o : wrf_restartin.F wrf_restartout.o : wrf_restartout.F wrf_tsin.o : wrf_tsin.F nl_get_0_routines.o : nl_get_0_routines.F nl_get_1_routines.o : nl_get_1_routines.F nl_set_0_routines.o : nl_set_0_routines.F nl_set_1_routines.o : nl_set_1_routines.F convert_nmm.o \ init_modules_em.o \ module_comm_dm.o \ module_dm.o \ module_alloc_space.o \ module_fddaobs_rtfdda.o \ module_initialize.o \ module_initialize_b_wave.o \ module_initialize_hill2d_x.o \ module_initialize_quarter_ss.o \ module_initialize_real.o \ module_initialize_squall2d_x.o \ module_initialize_squall2d_y.o \ module_integrate.o \ module_io_mm5.o \ module_io_wrf.o \ module_si_io.o \ module_tiles.o \ output_wrf.o \ solve_interface.o \ start_domain.o \ start_domain_nmm.o \ start_em.o \ wrf_fddaobs_in.o \ wrf_tsin.o : $(RM) $@ $(SED_FTN) $*.F > $*.b $(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc $(CPPFLAGS) $(OMPCPP) $*.b > $*.f90 $(RM) $*.b $(FC) -c $(PROMOTION) $(FCNOOPT) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(MODULE_DIRS) $(FCSUFFIX) $(OMP) $*.f90 #solve_em.o : # $(RM) $@ # $(SED_FTN) $*.F > $*.b # $(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc $(CPPFLAGS) $*.b > $*.f90 # $(RM) $*.b # $(FC) -o $@ -c $(FCFLAGS) $(MODULE_DIRS) $(PROMOTION) $(FCSUFFIX) $(SOLVE_EM_SPECIAL) $(OMP) $*.f90 module_sf_ruclsm.o : module_sf_ruclsm.F module_cu_kf.o : module_cu_kf.F module_sf_ruclsm.o module_cu_kf.o : $(RM) $@ $(SED_FTN) $*.F > $*.b $(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc $(CPPFLAGS) $(OMPCPP) $*.b > $*.f90 $(RM) $*.b $(FC) -c $(PROMOTION) $(FCREDUCEDOPT) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(MODULE_DIRS) $(FCSUFFIX) $(OMP) $*.f90 # compile without OMP input_wrf.o \ module_domain.o \ module_domain_type.o \ module_physics_init.o \ module_io.o \ wrf_auxhist10in.o \ wrf_auxhist10out.o \ wrf_auxhist11in.o \ wrf_auxhist11out.o \ wrf_auxhist1in.o \ wrf_auxhist1out.o \ wrf_auxhist2in.o \ wrf_auxhist2out.o \ wrf_auxhist3in.o \ wrf_auxhist3out.o \ wrf_auxhist4in.o \ wrf_auxhist4out.o \ wrf_auxhist5in.o \ wrf_auxhist5out.o \ wrf_auxhist6in.o \ wrf_auxhist6out.o \ wrf_auxhist7in.o \ wrf_auxhist7out.o \ wrf_auxhist8in.o \ wrf_auxhist8out.o \ wrf_auxhist9in.o \ wrf_auxhist9out.o \ wrf_auxinput10in.o \ wrf_auxinput10out.o \ wrf_auxinput11in.o \ wrf_auxinput11out.o \ wrf_auxinput1in.o \ wrf_auxinput1out.o \ wrf_auxinput2in.o \ wrf_auxinput2out.o \ wrf_auxinput3in.o \ wrf_auxinput3out.o \ wrf_auxinput4in.o \ wrf_auxinput4out.o \ wrf_auxinput5in.o \ wrf_auxinput5out.o \ wrf_auxinput6in.o \ wrf_auxinput6out.o \ wrf_auxinput7in.o \ wrf_auxinput7out.o \ wrf_auxinput8in.o \ wrf_auxinput8out.o \ wrf_auxinput9in.o \ wrf_auxinput9out.o \ wrf_bdyin.o \ wrf_bdyout.o \ wrf_ext_read_field.o \ wrf_ext_write_field.o \ wrf_histin.o \ wrf_histout.o \ wrf_inputin.o \ wrf_inputout.o \ wrf_restartin.o \ wrf_restartout.o \ module_state_description.o \ nl_set_0_routines.o \ nl_set_1_routines.o \ nl_get_0_routines.o \ nl_get_1_routines.o \ module_configure.o : $(RM) $@ $(SED_FTN) $*.F > $*.b $(CPP) -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc $(CPPFLAGS) $(OMPCPP) $*.b > $*.f90 $(RM) $*.b $(FC) -c $(PROMOTION) $(FCSUFFIX) $(FCNOOPT) $(FCBASEOPTS) $(MODULE_DIRS) $*.f90