c********************************************************************** subroutine jthermcalc_e107 $ (ig,nlayer,chemthermod,rm,nesptherm,tx,iz,zenit) c feb 2002 fgg first version c nov 2002 fgg second version c c modified from paramhr.F c MAC July 2003 c********************************************************************** use param_v4_h, only: jfotsout,crscabsi2, . c1_16,c17_24,c25_29,c30_31,c32,c33,c34,c35,c36, . co2crsc195,co2crsc295,t0, . jabsifotsintpar,ninter,nz2, . nabs,e107,date_e107,e107_tab, . coefit0,coefit1,coefit2,coefit3,coefit4 implicit none include "clesphys.h" c input and output variables integer,intent(in) :: ig,nlayer integer,intent(in) :: chemthermod integer,intent(in) :: nesptherm !Number of species considered real,intent(in) :: rm(nlayer,nesptherm) !Densities (cm-3) real,intent(in) :: tx(nlayer) !temperature real,intent(in) :: zenit !SZA real,intent(in) :: iz(nlayer) !Local altitude ! NB: no output variable! (computed jfotsout() is in module param_v4_h) c local parameters and variables real, parameter :: dist_sol=0.72333 real co2colx(nlayer) !column density of CO2 (cm^-2) real o2colx(nlayer) !column density of O2(cm^-2) real o3pcolx(nlayer) !column density of O(3P)(cm^-2) real h2colx(nlayer) !H2 column density (cm-2) real h2ocolx(nlayer) !H2O column density (cm-2) real h2o2colx(nlayer) !column density of H2O2(cm^-2) real o3colx(nlayer) !O3 column density (cm-2) real n2colx(nlayer) !N2 column density (cm-2) real ncolx(nlayer) !N column density (cm-2) real nocolx(nlayer) !NO column density (cm-2) real cocolx(nlayer) !CO column density (cm-2) real hcolx(nlayer) !H column density (cm-2) real no2colx(nlayer) !NO2 column density (cm-2) real t2(nlayer) real coltemp(nlayer) real sigma(ninter,nlayer) real alfa(ninter,nlayer) integer i,j,k,indexint !indexes character dn integer tinf,tsup c variables used in interpolation real*8 auxcoltab(nz2) real*8 auxjco2(nz2) real*8 auxjo2(nz2) real*8 auxjo3p(nz2) real*8 auxjh2o(nz2) real*8 auxjh2(nz2) real*8 auxjh2o2(nz2) real*8 auxjo3(nz2) real*8 auxjn2(nz2) real*8 auxjn(nz2) real*8 auxjno(nz2) real*8 auxjco(nz2) real*8 auxjh(nz2) real*8 auxjno2(nz2) real*8 wp(nlayer),wm(nlayer) real*8 auxcolinp(nlayer) integer auxind(nlayer) integer auxi integer ind real*8 cortemp(nlayer) real*8 limdown !limits for interpolation real*8 limup ! "" !!!ATTENTION. Here i_co2 has to have the same value than in euvheat.F90 !!!If the value is changed there, if has to be changed also here !!!! integer,parameter :: i_co2=1 character*20 modname character*80 abort_message c*************************PROGRAM STARTS******************************* modname = 'jthermcalc_e107' if(zenit.gt.140.) then dn='n' else dn='d' end if if(dn.eq.'n') then return endif !Initializing the photoabsorption coefficients jfotsout(:,:,:)=0. !Auxiliar temperature to take into account the temperature dependence !of CO2 cross section do i=1,nlayer t2(i)=tx(i) if(t2(i).lt.195.0) t2(i)=195.0 if(t2(i).gt.295.0) t2(i)=295.0 end do !Calculation of column amounts call column(ig,chemthermod,rm,nesptherm,tx,iz,zenit, $ co2colx,o3pcolx,n2colx,cocolx) !Auxiliar column to include the temperature dependence !of CO2 cross section coltemp(nlayer)=co2colx(nlayer)*abs(t2(nlayer)-t0(nlayer)) do i=nlayer-1,1,-1 coltemp(i)=!coltemp(i+1)+ PQ SE ELIMINA? REVISAR $ ( rm(i,i_co2) + rm(i+1,i_co2) ) * 0.5 $ * 1e5 * (iz(i+1)-iz(i)) * abs(t2(i)-t0(i)) end do !Calculation of CO2 cross section at temperature t0(i) do i=1,nlayer do indexint=24,32 sigma(indexint,i)=co2crsc195(indexint-23) alfa(indexint,i)=((co2crsc295(indexint-23) $ /sigma(indexint,i))-1.)/(295.-t0(i)) end do end do if (solvarmod==0) then e107=fixed_euv_value else abort_message='solvarmod should be 0...' call abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) endif ! of if (solvarmod==0) !Photoabsorption coefficients at TOA as a function of E10.7 do j=1,nabs do indexint=1,ninter jfotsout(indexint,j,nlayer)=coefit0(indexint,j)+ $ coefit1(indexint,j)*e107+coefit2(indexint,j)*e107**2+ $ coefit3(indexint,j)*e107**3+coefit4(indexint,j)*e107**4 enddo enddo ! Interpolation to the tabulated photoabsorption coefficients for each species ! in each spectral interval c auxcolinp-> Actual atmospheric column c auxj*-> Tabulated photoabsorption coefficients c auxcoltab-> Tabulated atmospheric columns ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 0.1,5.0 (int 1) c c Absorption by: c CO2, O2, O, H2, N ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column indexint=1 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = co2colx(i)*crscabsi2(1,indexint) + $ o2colx(i)*crscabsi2(2,indexint) + $ o3pcolx(i)*crscabsi2(3,indexint) + $ h2colx(i)*crscabsi2(5,indexint) + $ ncolx(i)*crscabsi2(9,indexint) end do limdown=1.e-20 limup=1.e26 c Interpolations do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !CO2 tabulated coefficient auxjco2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,1,indexint) !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !O3p tabulated coefficient auxjo3p(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,3,indexint) !H2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,5,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c1_16(auxi,indexint) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 !N tabulated coefficient if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 auxjn(i) = jabsifotsintpar(nz2-i+1,9,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi=nlayer-i+1 !CO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,1,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco2(ind)) !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) !O3p interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,3,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,3,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo3p(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo3p(ind)) !H2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,5,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,5,auxi) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2(ind)) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 !N interpolated coefficient if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) jfotsout(indexint,9,nlayer-i+1) = $ jfotsout(indexint,9,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjn(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjn(ind)) enddo endif c End interval 1 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 5-80.5nm (int 2-15) c c Absorption by: c CO2, O2, O, H2, N2, N, c NO, CO, H, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column do indexint=2,15 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = co2colx(i)*crscabsi2(1,indexint)+ $ o2colx(i)*crscabsi2(2,indexint)+ $ o3pcolx(i)*crscabsi2(3,indexint)+ $ h2colx(i)*crscabsi2(5,indexint)+ $ n2colx(i)*crscabsi2(8,indexint)+ $ ncolx(i)*crscabsi2(9,indexint)+ $ nocolx(i)*crscabsi2(10,indexint)+ $ cocolx(i)*crscabsi2(11,indexint)+ $ hcolx(i)*crscabsi2(12,indexint)+ $ no2colx(i)*crscabsi2(13,indexint) end do c Interpolations do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !O3p tabulated coefficient auxjo3p(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,3,indexint) !CO2 tabulated coefficient auxjco2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,1,indexint) !H2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,5,indexint) !N2 tabulated coefficient auxjn2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,8,indexint) !CO tabulated coefficient auxjco(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,11,indexint) !H tabulated coefficient auxjh(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,12,indexint) !tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c1_16(auxi,indexint) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !N tabulated coefficient auxjn(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,9,indexint) !NO tabulated coefficient auxjno(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,10,indexint) !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast(wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer, $ auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) !O3p interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,3,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,3,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo3p(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo3p(ind)) !CO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,1,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco2(ind)) !H2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,5,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,5,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2(ind)) !N2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,8,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,8,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjn2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjn2(ind)) !CO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,11,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,11,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco(ind)) !H interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,12,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,12,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh(ind)) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !N interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,9,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,9,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjn(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjn(ind)) !NO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,10,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,10,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno(ind)) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) enddo endif end do c End intervals 2-15 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 80.6-90.8nm (int16) c c Absorption by: c CO2, O2, O, N2, N, NO, c CO, H, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column indexint=16 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = co2colx(i)*crscabsi2(1,indexint)+ $ o2colx(i)*crscabsi2(2,indexint)+ $ o3pcolx(i)*crscabsi2(3,indexint)+ $ n2colx(i)*crscabsi2(8,indexint)+ $ ncolx(i)*crscabsi2(9,indexint)+ $ nocolx(i)*crscabsi2(10,indexint)+ $ cocolx(i)*crscabsi2(11,indexint)+ $ hcolx(i)*crscabsi2(12,indexint)+ $ no2colx(i)*crscabsi2(13,indexint) end do c Interpolations do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !CO2 tabulated coefficient auxjco2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,1,indexint) !O3p tabulated coefficient auxjo3p(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,3,indexint) !N2 tabulated coefficient auxjn2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,8,indexint) !CO tabulated coefficient auxjco(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,11,indexint) !H tabulated coefficient auxjh(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,12,indexint) !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,13,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c1_16(auxi,indexint) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !N tabulated coefficient auxjn(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,9,indexint) !NO tabulated coefficient auxjno(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,10,indexint) !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) !CO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,1,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco2(ind)) !O3p interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,3,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,3,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo3p(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo3p(ind)) !N2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,8,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,8,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjn2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjn2(ind)) !CO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,11,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,11,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco(ind)) !H interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,12,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,12,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh(ind)) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !N interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,9,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,9,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjn(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjn(ind)) !NO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,10,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,10,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno(ind)) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) enddo endif c End interval 16 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 90.9-119.5nm (int 17-24) c c Absorption by: c CO2, O2, N2, NO, CO, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input column do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = co2colx(i) + o2colx(i) + n2colx(i) + $ nocolx(i) + cocolx(i) + no2colx(i) end do do indexint=17,24 c Interpolations do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !CO2 tabulated coefficient auxjco2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,1,indexint) !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !N2 tabulated coefficient auxjn2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,8,indexint) !CO tabulated coefficient auxjco(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,11,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c17_24(auxi) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !NO tabulated coefficient auxjno(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,10,indexint) !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) !Correction to include T variation of CO2 cross section if(indexint.eq.24) then do i=1,nlayer auxi = nlayer-i+1 if(sigma(indexint,auxi)* $ alfa(indexint,auxi)*coltemp(auxi) $ .lt.60.) then cortemp(i)=exp(-sigma(indexint,auxi)* $ alfa(indexint,auxi)*coltemp(auxi)) else cortemp(i)=0. end if enddo else do i=1,nlayer cortemp(i)=1. enddo end if do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !CO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,1,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco2(ind)) $ * cortemp(i) if(indexint.eq.24) jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi)* $ (1+alfa(indexint,auxi)* $ (t2(auxi)-t0(auxi))) !N2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,8,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,8,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjn2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjn2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !CO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,11,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,11,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !NO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,10,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,10,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1)+ wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo endif end do c End intervals 17-24 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 119.6-167.0nm (int 25-29) c c Absorption by: c CO2, O2, H2O, H2O2, NO, c CO, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = co2colx(i) + o2colx(i) + h2ocolx(i) + $ h2o2colx(i) + nocolx(i) + cocolx(i) + no2colx(i) end do do indexint=25,29 c Interpolations do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !CO2 tabulated coefficient auxjco2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,1,indexint) !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !H2O tabulated coefficient auxjh2o(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,4,indexint) !H2O2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2o2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,6,indexint) !CO tabulated coefficient auxjco(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,11,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c25_29(auxi) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !NO tabulated coefficient auxjno(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,10,indexint) !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !Correction to include T variation of CO2 cross section if(sigma(indexint,auxi)*alfa(indexint,auxi)* $ coltemp(auxi).lt.60.) then cortemp(i)=exp(-sigma(indexint,auxi)* $ alfa(indexint,auxi)*coltemp(auxi)) else cortemp(i)=0. end if !CO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,1,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) * $ (1+alfa(indexint,auxi)* $ (t2(auxi)-t0(auxi))) !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !H2O interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,4,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,4,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !H2O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,6,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,6,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !CO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,11,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,11,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !NO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,10,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,10,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo endif end do c End intervals 25-29 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 167.1-202.5nm (int 30-31) c c Absorption by: c CO2, O2, H2O, H2O2, NO, c NO2 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = co2colx(i) + o2colx(i) + h2ocolx(i) + $ h2o2colx(i) + nocolx(i) + no2colx(i) end do c Interpolation do indexint=30,31 do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !CO2 tabulated coefficient auxjco2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,1,indexint) !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !H2O tabulated coefficient auxjh2o(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,4,indexint) !H2O2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2o2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,6,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c30_31(auxi) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !NO tabulated coefficient auxjno(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,10,indexint) !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !Correction to include T variation of CO2 cross section if(sigma(indexint,auxi)*alfa(indexint,auxi)* $ coltemp(auxi).lt.60.) then cortemp(i)=exp(-sigma(indexint,auxi)* $ alfa(indexint,auxi)*coltemp(auxi)) else cortemp(i)=0. end if !CO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,1,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjco2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) * $ (1+alfa(indexint,auxi)* $ (t2(auxi)-t0(auxi))) !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !H2O interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,4,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,4,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !H2O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,6,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,6,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !NO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,10,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,10,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno(ind+1) +wp(i)*auxjno(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,auxi)= $ jfotsout(indexint,13,auxi) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1)+wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo endif end do c End intervals 30-31 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 202.6-210.0nm (int 32) c c Absorption by: c CO2, O2, H2O2, NO, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column indexint=32 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) =co2colx(i) + o2colx(i) + h2o2colx(i) + $ nocolx(i) + no2colx(i) end do c Interpolation do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !CO2 tabulated coefficient auxjco2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,1,indexint) !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !H2O2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2o2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,6,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c32(auxi) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !NO tabulated coefficient auxjno(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,10,indexint) !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !Correction to include T variation of CO2 cross section if(sigma(indexint,nlayer-i+1)*alfa(indexint,auxi)* $ coltemp(auxi).lt.60.) then cortemp(i)=exp(-sigma(indexint,auxi)* $ alfa(indexint,auxi)*coltemp(auxi)) else cortemp(i)=0. end if !CO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,1,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,1,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjco2(ind+1)+wp(i)*auxjco2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) * $ (1+alfa(indexint,auxi)* $ (t2(auxi)-t0(auxi))) !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !H2O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,6,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,6,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer auxi = nlayer-i+1 ind=auxind(i) !NO interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,10,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,10,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,auxi) = $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) * $ cortemp(i) enddo endif c End of interval 32 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 210.1-231.0nm (int 33) c c Absorption by: c O2, H2O2, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column indexint=33 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = o2colx(i) + h2o2colx(i) + no2colx(i) end do c Interpolation do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !H2O2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2o2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,6,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c33(auxi) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(nz2-i+1,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) !H2O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,6,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,6,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o2(ind)) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer-i+1) = $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) enddo endif c End of interval 33 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 231.1-240.0nm (int 34) c c Absorption by: c O2, H2O2, O3, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column indexint=34 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = h2o2colx(i) + o2colx(i) + o3colx(i) + $ no2colx(i) end do c Interpolation do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !O2 tabulated coefficient auxjo2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,2,indexint) !H2O2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2o2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,6,indexint) !O3 tabulated coefficient auxjo3(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,7,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c34(nz2-i+1) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(nz2-i+1,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,2,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,2,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo2(ind)) !H2O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,6,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,6,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o2(ind)) !O3 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,7,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,7,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo3(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo3(ind)) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer-i+1) = $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) enddo endif c End of interval 34 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 240.1-337.7nm (int 35) c c Absorption by: c H2O2, O3, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column indexint=35 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = h2o2colx(i) + o3colx(i) + no2colx(i) end do c Interpolation do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !H2O2 tabulated coefficient auxjh2o2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,6,indexint) !O3 tabulated coefficient auxjo3(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,7,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c35(auxi) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(nz2-i+1,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) auxi = nlayer-i+1 !H2O2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,6,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,6,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjh2o2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjh2o2(ind)) !O3 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,7,auxi) = jfotsout(indexint,7,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo3(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo3(ind)) enddo if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer-i+1) = $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) enddo endif c End of interval 35 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 337.8-800.0 nm (int 36) c c Absorption by: c O3, NO2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input atmospheric column indexint=36 do i=1,nlayer auxcolinp(nlayer-i+1) = o3colx(i) + no2colx(i) end do c Interpolation do i=1,nz2 auxi = nz2-i+1 !O3 tabulated coefficient auxjo3(i) = jabsifotsintpar(auxi,7,indexint) !Tabulated column auxcoltab(i) = c36(auxi) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nz2 !NO2 tabulated coefficient auxjno2(i) = jabsifotsintpar(nz2-i+1,13,indexint) enddo endif call interfast $ (wm,wp,auxind,auxcolinp,nlayer,auxcoltab,nz2,limdown,limup) do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) !O3 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,7,nlayer-i+1) = $ jfotsout(indexint,7,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjo3(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjo3(ind)) enddo !Only if chemthermod.ge.2 if(chemthermod.ge.2) then do i=1,nlayer ind=auxind(i) !NO2 interpolated coefficient jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer-i+1) = $ jfotsout(indexint,13,nlayer) * $ (wm(i)*auxjno2(ind+1) + wp(i)*auxjno2(ind)) enddo endif c End of interval 36 c End of interpolation to obtain photoabsorption rates c Coefficients are refered to Sun-Mars distance c Correction to the Sun-Venus distance (fixed) jfotsout(:,:,:)=jfotsout(:,:,:)*(1.52/dist_sol)**2 end c********************************************************************** c********************************************************************** subroutine column(ig,chemthermod,rm,nesptherm,tx,iz,zenit, $ co2colx,o3pcolx, n2colx, cocolx) c mar 2014 gg adapted to Venus GCM c nov 2002 fgg first version c********************************************************************** use dimphy use param_v4_h implicit none c common variables and constants #include "clesphys.h" #include "mmol.h" c local parameters and variables c input and output variables integer ig integer chemthermod integer nesptherm !# of species undergoing chemistry, input real rm(klev,nesptherm) !densities (cm-3), input real tx(klev) !temperature profile, input real iz(klev+1) !height profile, input real zenit !SZA, input real co2colx(klev) !column density of CO2 (cm^-2), output real o3pcolx(klev) !column density of O(3P)(cm^-2), output real n2colx(klev) !N2 column density (cm-2), output real cocolx(klev) !CO column density (cm-2), output c local variables real xx real grav(klev) real Hco2,Ho3p,Ho2,Hh2,Hh2o,Hh2o2 real Ho3,Hn2,Hn,Hno,Hco,Hh,Hno2 real co2x(klev) real o3px(klev) real cox(klev) real n2x(klev) real nx(klev) integer i,j,k,icol,indexint !indexes integer nz3 integer jj real*8 esp(klev*2) real*8 ilayesp(klev*2) real*8 szalayesp(klev*2) integer nlayesp real*8 zmini real*8 depth real*8 espco2, espo2, espo3p, esph2, esph2o, esph2o2,espo3 real*8 espn2,espn,espno,espco,esph,espno2 real*8 rcmnz, rcmmini real*8 szadeg ! Tracer indexes in the thermospheric chemistry: !!! ATTENTION. These values have to be identical to those in euvheat.F90 !!! If the values are changed there, the same has to be done here !!! integer,parameter :: ix_co2=1 integer,parameter :: ix_n2=13 integer,parameter :: ix_o=3 integer,parameter :: ix_co=4 c*************************PROGRAM STARTS******************************* nz3 = klev*2 do i=1,klev xx = ( radio + iz(i) ) * 1.e5 ! conversion [km] ---> [cm] grav(i) = gg * masa /(xx**2) ! [cm/s2] end do !Scale heights H = kT /Mg --> [cm] xx = kboltzman * tx(klev) * n_avog / grav(klev) ! g cm mol-1 Ho3p = xx / mmolo Hco2 = xx / mmolco2 Hco = xx / mmolco Hn2 = xx / mmoln2 Hn = xx / mmoln !Only if O3 chem. required c if(chemthermod.ge.1) ! $ Ho3 = xx / mmol(igcm_o3) c $ Ho3 = xx / mmolo3 c !Only if N or ion chem. c if(chemthermod.ge.2) then c Hn2 = xx / mmoln2 c Hn = xx / mmoln c Hno = xx / mmolno c Hno2 = xx / mmolno2 c endif ! first loop in altitude : initialisation do i=klev,1,-1 !Column initialisation co2colx(i) = 0. o3pcolx(i) = 0. n2colx(i) = 0. cocolx(i) = 0. !--Densities [cm-3] co2x(i) = rm(i,ix_co2) o3px(i) = rm(i,ix_o) cox(i) = rm(i,ix_co) n2x(i) = rm(i,ix_n2) c write(*,*), '--jthermcalc--', co2x(i) !Only if O3 chem. required c if(chemthermod.ge.1) c $ o3x(i) = rm(i,i_o3) c !Only if Nitrogen of ion chemistry requested c if(chemthermod.ge.2) then c n2x(i) = rm(i,i_n2) c nx(i) = rm(i,i_n) c nox(i) = rm(i,i_no) c no2x(i) = rm(i,i_no2) c endif enddo ! end first loop ! second loop in altitude : column calculations do i=klev,1,-1 !Routine to calculate the geometrical length of each layer call espesor_optico_A(ig,i,zenit,iz(i),nz3,iz,esp,ilayesp, $ szalayesp,nlayesp, zmini) if(ilayesp(nlayesp).eq.-1) then co2colx(i)=1.e25 o3pcolx(i)=1.e25 n2colx(i)=1.e25 cocolx(i)=1.e25 c o2colx(i)=1.e25 c o3pcolx(i)=1.e25 c h2colx(i)=1.e25 c h2ocolx(i)=1.e25 c h2o2colx(i)=1.e25 c o3colx(i)=1.e25 c ncolx(i)=1.e25 c nocolx(i)=1.e25 c cocolx(i)=1.e25 c hcolx(i)=1.e25 c no2colx(i)=1.e25 else rcmnz = ( radio + iz(klev) ) * 1.e5 ! km --> cm rcmmini = ( radio + zmini ) * 1.e5 !Column calculation taking into account the geometrical !depth !calculated before do j=1,nlayesp jj=ilayesp(j) !Top layer if(jj.eq.klev) then if(zenit.le.60.) then o3pcolx(i)=o3pcolx(i)+o3px(klev)*Ho3p*esp(j) $ *1.e-5 co2colx(i)=co2colx(i)+co2x(klev)*Hco2*esp(j) $ *1.e-5 cocolx(i)=cocolx(i)+cox(klev)*Hco*esp(j) $ *1.e-5 n2colx(i)=n2colx(i)+n2x(klev)*Hn2*esp(j) $ *1.e-5 c h2o2colx(i)=h2o2colx(i)+ c $ h2o2x(klev)*Hh2o2*esp(j)*1.e-5 c o2colx(i)=o2colx(i)+o2x(klev)*Ho2*esp(j) c $ *1.e-5 c h2colx(i)=h2colx(i)+h2x(klev)*Hh2*esp(j) c $ *1.e-5 c h2ocolx(i)=h2ocolx(i)+h2ox(klev)*Hh2o*esp(j) c $ *1.e-5 c cocolx(i)=cocolx(i)+cox(klev)*Hco*esp(j) c $ *1.e-5 c hcolx(i)=hcolx(i)+hx(klev)*Hh*esp(j) c $ *1.e-5 !Only if O3 chemistry required c if(chemthermod.ge.1) o3colx(i)= c $ o3colx(i)+o3x(klev)*Ho3*esp(j) c $ *1.e-5 !Only if N or ion chemistry requested c if(chemthermod.ge.2) then c n2colx(i)=n2colx(i)+n2x(klev)*Hn2*esp(j) c $ *1.e-5 c endif else if(zenit.gt.60.) then espco2 =sqrt((rcmnz+Hco2)**2 -rcmmini**2) - esp(j) espo3p = sqrt((rcmnz+Ho3p)**2 -rcmmini**2)- esp(j) espco = sqrt((rcmnz+Hco)**2 -rcmmini**2) - esp(j) espn2 =sqrt((rcmnz+Hn2)**2-rcmmini**2)-esp(j) espn =sqrt((rcmnz+Hn)**2-rcmmini**2) - esp(j) c espo2 = sqrt((rcmnz+Ho2)**2 -rcmmini**2) - esp(j) c esph2 = sqrt((rcmnz+Hh2)**2 -rcmmini**2) - esp(j) c esph2o = sqrt((rcmnz+Hh2o)**2 -rcmmini**2)- esp(j) c esph2o2= sqrt((rcmnz+Hh2o2)**2-rcmmini**2)- esp(j) c esph = sqrt((rcmnz+Hh)**2 -rcmmini**2) - esp(j) !Only if O3 chemistry required c if(chemthermod.ge.1) c $ espo3=sqrt((rcmnz+Ho3)**2-rcmmini**2)-esp(j) c !Only if N or ion chemistry requested c if(chemthermod.ge.2) then c espn2 =sqrt((rcmnz+Hn2)**2-rcmmini**2)-esp(j) c espn =sqrt((rcmnz+Hn)**2-rcmmini**2) - esp(j) c espno =sqrt((rcmnz+Hno)**2-rcmmini**2) - esp(j) c espno2=sqrt((rcmnz+Hno2)**2-rcmmini**2)- esp(j) c endif co2colx(i) = co2colx(i) + espco2*co2x(klev) o3pcolx(i) = o3pcolx(i) + espo3p*o3px(klev) cocolx(i) = cocolx(i) + espco*cox(klev) n2colx(i) = n2colx(i) + espn2*n2x(klev) c o2colx(i) = o2colx(i) + espo2*o2x(klev) c h2colx(i) = h2colx(i) + esph2*h2x(klev) c h2ocolx(i) = h2ocolx(i) + esph2o*h2ox(klev) c h2o2colx(i)= h2o2colx(i)+ esph2o2*h2o2x(klev) c cocolx(i) = cocolx(i) + espco*cox(klev) c hcolx(i) = hcolx(i) + esph*hx(klev) !Only if O3 chemistry required c if(chemthermod.ge.1) c $ o3colx(i) = o3colx(i) + espo3*o3x(klev) c !Only if N or ion chemistry requested c if(chemthermod.ge.2) then c n2colx(i) = n2colx(i) + espn2*n2x(klev) c ncolx(i) = ncolx(i) + espn*nx(klev) c nocolx(i) = nocolx(i) + espno*nox(klev) c no2colx(i) = no2colx(i) + espno2*no2x(klev) c endif endif !Of if zenit.lt.60 !Other layers else co2colx(i) = co2colx(i) + $ esp(j) * (co2x(jj)+co2x(jj+1)) / 2. o3pcolx(i) = o3pcolx(i) + $ esp(j) * (o3px(jj)+o3px(jj+1)) / 2. cocolx(i) = cocolx(i) + $ esp(j) * (cox(jj)+cox(jj+1)) / 2. n2colx(i) = n2colx(i) + $ esp(j) * (n2x(jj)+n2x(jj+1)) / 2. c c o2colx(i) = o2colx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (o2x(jj)+o2x(jj+1)) / 2. c h2colx(i) = h2colx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (h2x(jj)+h2x(jj+1)) / 2. c h2ocolx(i) = h2ocolx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (h2ox(jj)+h2ox(jj+1)) / 2. c h2o2colx(i) = h2o2colx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (h2o2x(jj)+h2o2x(jj+1)) / 2. c hcolx(i) = hcolx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (hx(jj)+hx(jj+1)) / 2. !Only if O3 chemistry required c if(chemthermod.ge.1) c $ o3colx(i) = o3colx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (o3x(jj)+o3x(jj+1)) / 2. c !Only if N or ion chemistry requested c if(chemthermod.ge.2) then c n2colx(i) = n2colx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (n2x(jj)+n2x(jj+1)) / 2. c ncolx(i) = ncolx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (nx(jj)+nx(jj+1)) / 2. c nocolx(i) = nocolx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (nox(jj)+nox(jj+1)) / 2. c no2colx(i) = no2colx(i) + c $ esp(j) * (no2x(jj)+no2x(jj+1)) / 2. c endif endif !Of if jj.eq.klev end do !Of do j=1,nlayesp endif !Of ilayesp(nlayesp).eq.-1 enddo !Of do i=klev,1,-1 return end c********************************************************************** c********************************************************************** subroutine interfast(wm,wp,nm,p,nlayer,pin,nl,limdown,limup) C C subroutine to perform linear interpolation in pressure from 1D profile C escin(nl) sampled on pressure grid pin(nl) to profile C escout(nlayer) on pressure grid p(nlayer). C real*8 wm(nlayer),wp(nlayer),p(nlayer) integer nm(nlayer) real*8 pin(nl) real*8 limup,limdown integer nl,nlayer,n1,n,np,nini nini=1 do n1=1,nlayer if(p(n1) .gt. limup .or. p(n1) .lt. limdown) then wm(n1) = 0.d0 wp(n1) = 0.d0 else do n = nini,nl-1 if (p(n1).ge.pin(n).and.p(n1).le.pin(n+1)) then nm(n1)=n np=n+1 wm(n1)=abs(pin(n)-p(n1))/(pin(np)-pin(n)) wp(n1)=1.d0 - wm(n1) nini = n exit endif enddo endif enddo return end c********************************************************************** c********************************************************************** subroutine espesor_optico_A (ig,capa, szadeg,z, @ nz3,iz,esp,ilayesp,szalayesp,nlayesp, zmini) c fgg nov 03 Adaptation to Martian model c malv jul 03 Corrected z grid. Split in alt & frec codes c fgg feb 03 first version ************************************************************************* use dimphy use param_v4_h implicit none c arguments real szadeg ! I. SZA [rad] real z ! I. altitude of interest [km] integer nz3,ig ! I. dimension of esp, ylayesp, etc... ! (=2*klev= max# of layers in ! ray path) real iz(klev+1) ! I. Altitude of each layer real*8 esp(nz3) ! O. layer widths after geometrically ! amplified; in [cm] except ! at TOA ! where an auxiliary value is ! used real*8 ilayesp(nz3) ! O. Indexes of layers along ray path real*8 szalayesp(nz3) ! O. SZA [deg] " " " integer nlayesp ! real*8 nlayesp ! O. # layers along ray path at ! this z real*8 zmini ! O. Minimum altitud of ray path [km] c local variables and constants integer j,i,capa integer jmin ! index of min.altitude along ray path real*8 szarad ! SZA [deg] real*8 zz real*8 diz(klev+1) real*8 rkmnz ! distance TOA to center of Planet [km] real*8 rkmmini ! distance zmini to center of P [km] real*8 rkmj ! intermediate distance to C of P [km] c external function external grid_R8 ! Returns index of layer containing the altitude ! of interest, z; for example, if ! zkm(i)=z or zkm(i) ! grid(z)=i integer grid_R8 ************************************************************************* szarad = dble(szadeg)*3.141592d0/180.d0 zz=dble(z) do i=1,klev diz(i)=dble(iz(i)) enddo do j=1,nz3 esp(j) = 0.d0 szalayesp(j) = 777.d0 ilayesp(j) = 0 enddo nlayesp = 0 ! First case: szadeg<60 ! The optical thickness will be given by 1/cos(sza) ! We deal with 2 different regions: ! 1: First, all layers between z and ztop ("upper part of ! ray") ! 2: Second, the layer at ztop if(szadeg.lt.60.d0) then zmini = zz if(abs(zz-diz(klev)).lt.1.d-3) goto 1357 ! 1st Zone: Upper part of ray ! do j=grid_R8(zz,diz,klev),klev-1 nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = j esp(nlayesp) = (diz(j+1)-diz(j)) / cos(szarad) ! [km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 ! [cm] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szadeg end do ! ! 2nd Zone: Top layer 1357 continue nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = klev esp(nlayesp) = 1.d0 / cos(szarad) ! aux. non-dimens. factor szalayesp(nlayesp) = szadeg ! Second case: 60 < szadeg < 90 ! The optical thickness is evaluated. ! (the magnitude of the effect of not using cos(sza) is 3.e-5 ! for z=60km & sza=30, and 5e-4 for z=60km & sza=60, ! approximately) ! We deal with 2 different regions: ! 1: First, all layers between z and ztop ("upper part of ! ray") ! 2: Second, the layer at ztop ("uppermost layer") else if(szadeg.le.90.d0.and.szadeg.ge.60.d0) then zmini=(radio+zz)*sin(szarad)-radio rkmmini = radio + zmini if(abs(zz-diz(klev)).lt.1.d-4) goto 1470 ! 1st Zone: Upper part of ray ! do j=grid_R8(zz,diz,klev),klev-1 nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = j esp(nlayesp) = # sqrt( (radio+diz(j+1))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) - # sqrt( (radio+diz(j))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) ! [km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 ! [cm] rkmj = radio+diz(j) szalayesp(nlayesp) = asin( rkmmini/rkmj ) ! [rad] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szalayesp(nlayesp) * 180.d0/3.141592 ! [deg] end do 1470 continue ! 2nd Zone: Uppermost layer of ray. ! nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = klev rkmnz = radio+diz(klev) esp(nlayesp) = sqrt( rkmnz**2 - rkmmini**2 ) ! aux.factor[km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 ! aux.f. [cm] szalayesp(nlayesp) = asin( rkmmini/rkmnz ) ! [rad] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szalayesp(nlayesp) * 180.d0/3.141592! [deg] ! Third case: szadeg > 90 ! The optical thickness is evaluated. ! We deal with 5 different regions: ! 1: all layers between z and ztop ("upper part of ray") ! 2: the layer at ztop ("uppermost layer") ! 3: the lowest layer, at zmini ! 4: the layers increasing from zmini to z (here SZA<90) ! 5: the layers decreasing from z to zmini (here SZA>90) else if(szadeg.gt.90.d0) then zmini=(radio+zz)*sin(szarad)-radio rkmmini = radio + zmini if(zmini.lt.diz(1)) then ! Can see the sun? No => esp(j)=inft nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = - 1 ! Value to mark "no sun on view" ! esp(nlayesp) = 1.e30 else jmin=grid_R8(zmini,diz,klev)+1 if(abs(zz-diz(klev)).lt.1.d-4) goto 9876 ! 1st Zone: Upper part of ray ! do j=grid_R8(zz,diz,klev),klev-1 nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = j esp(nlayesp) = $ sqrt( (radio+diz(j+1))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) - $ sqrt( (radio+diz(j))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) ! [km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 ! [cm] rkmj = radio+diz(j) szalayesp(nlayesp) = asin( rkmmini/rkmj ) ! [rad] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szalayesp(nlayesp) *180.d0/3.141592 ! [deg] end do 9876 continue ! 2nd Zone: Uppermost layer of ray. ! nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = klev rkmnz = radio+diz(klev) esp(nlayesp) = sqrt( rkmnz**2 - rkmmini**2 ) !aux.factor[km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 !aux.f.[cm] szalayesp(nlayesp) = asin( rkmmini/rkmnz ) ! [rad] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szalayesp(nlayesp) *180.d0/3.141592 ! [deg] ! 3er Zone: Lowestmost layer of ray ! if ( jmin .ge. 2 ) then ! If above the planet's surface j=jmin-1 nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = j esp(nlayesp) = 2. * $ sqrt( (radio+diz(j+1))**2 -rkmmini**2 ) ! [km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 ! [cm] rkmj = radio+diz(j+1) szalayesp(nlayesp) = asin( rkmmini/rkmj ) ! [rad] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szalayesp(nlayesp) *180.d0/3.141592 ! [deg] endif ! 4th zone: Lower part of ray, increasing from zmin to z ! ( layers with SZA < 90 deg ) do j=jmin,grid_R8(zz,diz,klev)-1 nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = j esp(nlayesp) = $ sqrt( (radio+diz(j+1))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) $ - sqrt( (radio+diz(j))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) ! [km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 ! [cm] rkmj = radio+diz(j) szalayesp(nlayesp) = asin( rkmmini/rkmj ) ! [rad] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szalayesp(nlayesp) *180.d0/3.141592 ! [deg] end do ! 5th zone: Lower part of ray, decreasing from z to zmin ! ( layers with SZA > 90 deg ) do j=grid_R8(zz,diz,klev)-1, jmin, -1 nlayesp = nlayesp + 1 ilayesp(nlayesp) = j esp(nlayesp) = $ sqrt( (radio+diz(j+1))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) $ - sqrt( (radio+diz(j))**2 - rkmmini**2 ) ! [km] esp(nlayesp) = esp(nlayesp) * 1.d5 ! [cm] rkmj = radio+diz(j) szalayesp(nlayesp) = 3.141592 - asin( rkmmini/rkmj ) ! [rad] szalayesp(nlayesp) = szalayesp(nlayesp)*180.d0/3.141592 ! [deg] end do end if end if return end c********************************************************************** c*********************************************************************** function grid_R8 (z, zgrid, nz) c Returns the index where z is located within vector zgrid c The vector zgrid must be monotonously increasing, otherwise program stops. c If z is outside zgrid limits, or zgrid dimension is nz<2, the program stops. c c FGG Aug-2004 Correct z.lt.zgrid(i) to .le. c MALV Jul-2003 c*********************************************************************** implicit none c Arguments integer nz real*8 z real*8 zgrid(nz) integer grid_R8 c Local integer i, nz1, nznew c*** CODE START if ( z .lt. zgrid(1) .or. z.gt.zgrid(nz) ) then write (*,*) ' GRID/ z outside bounds of zgrid ' write (*,*) ' z,zgrid(1),zgrid(nz) =', z,zgrid(1),zgrid(nz) stop ' Serious error in GRID.F ' endif if ( nz .lt. 2 ) then write (*,*) ' GRID/ zgrid needs 2 points at least ! ' stop ' Serious error in GRID.F ' endif if ( zgrid(1) .ge. zgrid(nz) ) then write (*,*) ' GRID/ zgrid must increase with index' stop ' Serious error in GRID.F ' endif nz1 = 1 nznew = nz/2 if ( z .gt. zgrid(nznew) ) then nz1 = nznew nznew = nz endif do i=nz1+1,nznew if ( z. eq. zgrid(i) ) then grid_R8=i return elseif ( z .le. zgrid(i) ) then grid_R8 = i-1 return endif enddo grid_R8 = nz return end