diagfi.nc n y n ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE is the minimal list of inputs to be fed to "lslin.e" if you don t want to reply directly to the program: 1) complete name of file to be read 2) Do you want to specify the beginning day of the file (y/n) ? (if 'n', the value stored in the controle field will be used) /!\ if 'y', insert a new line just below with the value of the beginning day of the file you want to specify 3) Automatic Ls timestep (y/n)? /!\ if 'n', insert 2 new line just below with, respectively, the new timestep in Ls (deg) the first Ls (deg) 4) Average data within the Ls timestep (y/n) or interpolate ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is another example with this time the maximum number of user's inputs : diagfi.nc y # see 2) 0 # see 2) first day of the file y # see 3) 5 # see 3) new Ls timestep 2.5 # see 3) first Ls value y # see 4) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USE : localtime.e < localtime.def