module eofdump_mod ! this module controls the production of data for EOFs ! it won't work if run in parallel (but it's OK, we don't use it anymore...) ! Mainly kept for reference. implicit none ! Dump profiles for EOFs every ieofs physics timesteps, ! starting at first call; integer :: ieofs ! Dump profiles every eofskip points in each direction ! on the model grid. integer, parameter :: eofskip = 4 ! Units for writing EOF header and data: integer, parameter :: uehead = 82, uedata = 83 contains subroutine eofdump(ngrid,nlayer,u,v,t,rho,ps) use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only: nbp_lon, nbp_lat implicit none ! ! Dumps profiles for calculation of variability EOFs ! Modified to include rho, FF 09/2004 ! Corrected small bug in sampling rate/count, EM 11/2007 ! ! integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! total number of physics grid points integer,intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers real,intent(in) :: u(ngrid,nlayer) real,intent(in) :: v(ngrid,nlayer) real,intent(in) :: t(ngrid,nlayer) real,intent(in) :: rho(ngrid,nlayer) real,intent(in) :: ps(ngrid) integer,save :: count=0 integer i,j,l, ig LOGICAL,SAVE :: firstcall=.true. !------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialization at first call: ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF (firstcall) THEN write(*,*) 'CALL ineofdump' CALL ineofdump(ngrid,nlayer) firstcall=.false. END IF !------------------------------------------------------- ! Dumps every ieofs physics timesteps ! ! write(*,*)'eofdump:count=',count,' ps(1)=',ps(1) ! if ((,ieofs).eq.0)) then if (mod(count+1,ieofs).eq.0) then ! write(*,*)'eofdump: dump --> ps(1)=',ps(1) do i=1,nbp_lon,eofskip do j=1+eofskip/2,nbp_lat,eofskip ig = 1+ (j-2)*nbp_lon +i #ifdef NC_DOUBLE write(uedata) (real(u(ig,l)),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (real(v(ig,l)),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (real(t(ig,l)),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (real(rho(ig,l)),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) real(ps(ig)) #else write(uedata) (u(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (v(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (t(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) (rho(ig,l),l=1,nlayer) write(uedata) ps(ig) #endif enddo enddo endif count=count+1 end subroutine eofdump subroutine ineofdump(ngrid,nlayer) use geometry_mod, only: longitude, latitude use nrtype, only: pi use time_phylmdz_mod, only: daysec, dtphys USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY: aps,bps use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only: nbp_lon, nbp_lat implicit none ! ! Initialise dumping of profiles for EOF calculations ! integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! total number of physics grid points integer,intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers integer ig,i,j,l logical,save :: firstcall=.true. integer,save :: npgrid if (firstcall) then npgrid=ngrid+2*(nbp_lon-1) firstcall=.false. endif ! ! Set frequency for dumping at once per day ! ieofs=nint(daysec/dtphys) if (abs(float(ieofs)-daysec/dtphys).gt.1.e-8*daysec) then call abort_physic("ineofdump",' 1 day .ne. n physics timesteps',1) endif ! ! Header ! open(uehead,file='profiles.hdr',form='formatted') write(uehead,*) 0.E+0,0,0,ieofs,1,0 write(uehead,*) nbp_lon,npgrid/nbp_lon,npgrid,nlayer do i=1,nbp_lon,eofskip do j=1+eofskip/2,nbp_lat,eofskip ig = 1+ (j-2)*nbp_lon +i if(j.eq.1) then call abort_physic("ineofdump",'Error: j==1',1) endif if(j.eq.nbp_lat) then call abort_physic("ineofdump",'Error: j==nbp_lat',1) endif #ifdef NC_DOUBLE write(uehead,*) real(longitude(ig)*180./pi),real(latitude(ig)*180./pi) #else write(uehead,*) longitude(ig)*180./pi, latitude(ig)*180./pi #endif ! write(*,*) 'eof grid j=',j,' lat= ', latitude(ig)*180./pi enddo enddo #ifdef NC_DOUBLE write(uehead,*) real(aps) write(uehead,*) real(bps) #else write(uehead,*) aps write(uehead,*) bps #endif close(uehead) ! ! Main profile file ! open(uedata,file='profiles.dat',form='unformatted') end subroutine ineofdump end module eofdump_mod