!================================================================== module aerosol_mod implicit none save !================================================================== ! aerosol indexes: these are initialized to be 0 if the ! corresponding aerosol was not activated in callphys.def ! -- otherwise a value is given in iniaerosol integer :: iaero_co2 = 0 integer :: iaero_h2o = 0 integer :: iaero_dust = 0 integer :: iaero_h2so4 = 0 logical :: noaero = .false. ! two-layer simple aerosol model integer :: iaero_back2lay = 0 ! NH3 cloud integer :: iaero_nh3 = 0 ! N-layer aerosol model (replaces the 2-layer and hard-coded clouds) integer,dimension(:),allocatable,save :: iaero_nlay ! Auroral aerosols integer :: iaero_aurora = 0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iaero_co2,iaero_h2o,iaero_dust,iaero_h2so4,noaero,iaero_back2lay,iaero_nh3,iaero_nlay,iaero_aurora) !================================================================== end module aerosol_mod !==================================================================