#ModernTrac-v1 # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # !! README !! # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Welcome, this is the modern traceur.def ! # # ---> DON'T TOUCH/REMOVE THE FIRST LINE OF HEADER #ModernTrac-v1 <--- # # * You can use this area to write as many comments as you want starting lines with #. # * You cannot have comment lines in the middle nor at the end, only at the top. # # # 0. Philosophy This modern version of traceur.def gather in a single file what was # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ previously in traceur.def AND gases.def plus some hard-coded things. # # 1. Structure After the header, first line is the total number of modern tracers in # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ your file, ie not only tracers sent to dynamics, but also species that # takes part in the composition, radiative transfer, chemistry, etc. # # Then, each line needs to start with the specie name ... and that's the # only mandatory information ! But you can specify all the options you # want in separate blocks following 'option=value', assuming this option # is defined in traceur_h.F90 & initracer.F for physics, infotrac.F90 # for dynamics or chimiedata_h.F90 & calchim_asis.F90 for chemistry. # Indeed this file is read once by dynamics, once by physics and once by # chemistry who keep only the information needed. # # Note that by default a tracer listed below will be sent to dynamics # except if you specify is_dyn=0. If nothing is given, then is_dyn=1. # Not yet fully implemented. # # 3. Options. Implemented options listed below. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ For dynamic see "infotrac.F90". # For physic see "initracer.F90". # For chemistry see "calchim_asis.F90". # init see "inichim_1D.F90" and "inichim_newstart.F90" # # Dynamic: vadv ! index of vertical trasport schema # hadv ! index of horizontal trasport schema # tnom_transp ! transporting fluid short name: CRisi # # Physic: mmol ! mole mass of tracer [g.mol-1] # aki ! coefficient of thermal concduction # cpi ! heat capacity [J.kg-1.K-1] # is_chim ! 1 if tracer used in chemistry, else 0 # is_rad ! 1 if tracer used in radiative transfer, else 0 # is_recomb ! 1 if tracer used in recombining scheme, else 0 # (if 1, must have is_rad=1) # is_recomb_qset ! 1 if tracer k-corr assume predefined vmr, else 0 # (if 1, must have is_recomb=1) # is_recomb_qotf ! 1 if tracer recombination is done on-the-fly, else 0 # (if 1, must have is_recomb_qset=0) # # Chemistry: SF_mode ! 1 if surface set up value, else 2 sedimentation velocity # SF_value ! [vmr] if SF_mode=1, else [cm.s-1] # prod_rate ! if SF_mode=2 production flux [molecules.m-2.s-1] # # init: qx ! value that initialize constant profile [vmr] # qxf ! file that initialize profile [Pa,vmr] (1 line header) # # # # Random Ex : # 4 # n2 is_dyn=0 # co2 cpi=450.0 is_dyn=1 mmol=44. # hdo hadv=14 vadv=10 tnom_transp=air # h2s # # Insert your tracers list and options below ! # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 n2 is_dyn=0 co2 cpi=450.0 is_dyn=1 mmol=44. h2s