This directory contains executable files (and their source) that can be used to process the LMD Mars GCM output files (like "diagfi" or "stats"), whatever the dimension. In addition most output file from one of these program can be processes by another. The executable files should run on any Linux platform. Inputs can be provided by (1) replying to questions on screen or (2) filling the corresponding *.def and direct the input of these *.def files instead. For example : > concatnc.e < concatnc.def > zrecast.e < zrecast.def -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) concatnc.e -------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is used to concatenate consecutive output files ("diagfi", and even "stats") for a selection of variable, in order to obtain one single big file. The time simension can be "sols" or "Ls" (in that last case, Ls will not be linear, and software like Grads may not be able to use it. To have a linear "Ls" timescale, you can use "Ls_Linear.e" (see below). Output file is : MODIFICATION: 07/2008 Utility concatnc.F90 (not used by the gcm): improvement in order to 1) concatenate 1D variable and 2) increase the number of input files up to 1000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) localtime.e -------------------------------------------------------------------- Program to redistribute and interpolate the variable a the same local times everywhere (useful to mimic satellite observations, or analyse day to day variations at a given local time). input : / / kind of files output file is : with pressure coordinate -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) zrecast.e -------------------------------------------------------------------- This program reads 4D (lon-lat-alt-time) fields from GCM output files (ie: time series or or files) and, by integrating the hydrostatic equation, recasts data along the vertical direction. The vertical coordinate can be either "above areoid altitudes" or "pressure". Some interpolation along the vertical direction is also done, following instructions given by user. For "above areoid altitudes" output, Atmospheric pressure is added to output dataset; for "pressure coordinate" outputs, the above areoid altitude of pressure is added to output dataset. Minimal requirements and dependencies: The dataset must include the following data: - surface pressure - atmospheric temperature - hybrid coordinates aps() and bps(), or sigma levels() (see section 1.3.2) - ground geopotential (in input file; if not found, it is sought in a '' file. If not found there, it is then sought in a '' file (see section 1.3.3 of program) - When integration the hydrostatic equation, we assume that R, the molecular Gas Constant, may not be constant, so it is computed as R=P/(rho*T) (P=Pressure, rho=density, T=temperature) If 'rho' is not available, then we use a constant R (see section 2.2 in source file) output file is : with pressure coordinate with altitude above areoid coordinate MODIFICATION : 01/2010 : correction to interpolate above surface if density is not available. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) lslin.e -------------------------------------------------------------------- This program has been designed to interpol data in Solar Longitude (Ls) linear time coordinate (usable with grads) from Netcdf diagfi or concatnc files. output file is : lslin also create a lslin.ctl file that can be read directly by grads (>xdfopen lsllin.ctl) to plot in Ls coordinate to avoid some problem with grads when grads think that "the time interval is too small"... MODIFICATION 10/2007 Utility lslin.F90 (not used by the gcm) changed evaluation of 'start_var' from hard-coded values to a computed value -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) hrecast.e -------------------------------------------------------------------- This program can interpolate GCM output on any horizontal grid (regular lat - lon) as long as it cover all the planet. The grid can be given points by points. The best way is to use the redirected input hrecast.def hrecast.e < hrecast.def