module photolysis_mod implicit none ! photolysis integer, save :: nphot = 13 ! number of photolysis ! is incremented by +2 in calchim if deuterium chemisty) integer, parameter :: nabs = 10 ! number of absorbing gases ! spectral grid integer, parameter :: nw = 162 ! number of spectral intervals (low-res) integer, save :: mopt ! high-res/low-res switch real, dimension(nw), save :: wl, wc, wu ! lower, center, upper wavelength for each interval ! solar flux real, dimension(nw), save :: f ! solar flux (w.m-2.nm-1) at 1 au ! cross-sections and quantum yields real, dimension(nw), save :: xsco2_195, xsco2_295, xsco2_370 ! co2 absorption cross-section at 195-295-370 k (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: yieldco2 ! co2 photodissociation yield real, dimension(nw), save :: xso2_150, xso2_200, xso2_250, xso2_300 ! o2 absorption cross-section at 150-200-250-300 k (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: yieldo2 ! o2 photodissociation yield real, dimension(nw), save :: xso3_218, xso3_298 ! o3 absorption cross-section at 218-298 k (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: xsh2o ! h2o absorption cross-section (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: xsh2o2 ! h2o2 absorption cross-section (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: xsho2 ! ho2 absorption cross-section (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: xsh2 ! h2 absorption cross-section (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: yieldh2 ! h2 photodissociation yield real, dimension(nw), save :: xsno2, xsno2_220, xsno2_294 ! no2 absorption cross-section at 220-294 k (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: yldno2_248, yldno2_298 ! no2 quantum yield at 248-298 k real, dimension(nw), save :: xsno ! no absorption cross-section (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: yieldno ! no photodissociation yield real, dimension(nw), save :: xsn2 ! n2 absorption cross-section (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: yieldn2 ! n2 photodissociation yield real, dimension(nw), save :: xshdo ! hdo absorption cross-section (cm2) real, dimension(nw), save :: albedo ! surface albedo contains subroutine init_photolysis ! initialise on-line photolysis ! mopt = 1 high-resolution ! mopt = 2 low-resolution (recommended for gcm use) mopt = 2 ! set wavelength grid call gridw(nw,wl,wc,wu,mopt) ! read and grid solar flux data call rdsolarflux(nw,wl,wc,f) ! read and grid o2 cross-sections call rdxso2(nw,wl,xso2_150,xso2_200,xso2_250,xso2_300,yieldo2) ! read and grid co2 cross-sections call rdxsco2(nw,wl,xsco2_195,xsco2_295,xsco2_370,yieldco2) ! read and grid o3 cross-sections call rdxso3(nw,wl,xso3_218,xso3_298) ! read and grid h2o cross-sections call rdxsh2o(nw,wl,xsh2o) ! read and grid h2o2 cross-sections call rdxsh2o2(nw,wl,xsh2o2) ! read and grid ho2 cross-sections call rdxsho2(nw,wl,xsho2) ! read and grid h2 cross-sections call rdxsh2(nw,wl,wc,xsh2,yieldh2) ! read and grid no cross-sections call rdxsno(nw,wl,xsno,yieldno) ! read and grid no2 cross-sections call rdxsno2(nw,wl,xsno2,xsno2_220,xsno2_294,yldno2_248,yldno2_298) ! read and grid n2 cross-sections call rdxsn2(nw,wl,xsn2,yieldn2) ! read and grid hdo cross-sections call rdxshdo(nw,wl,xshdo) ! set surface albedo call setalb(nw,wl,albedo) end subroutine init_photolysis !============================================================================== subroutine gridw(nw,wl,wc,wu,mopt) ! Create the wavelength grid for all interpolations and radiative transfer ! calculations. Grid may be irregularly spaced. Wavelengths are in nm. ! No gaps are allowed within the wavelength grid. implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points integer :: mopt ! high-res/low-res switch ! output real, dimension(nw) :: wl, wc, wu ! lower, center, upper wavelength for each interval ! local real :: wincr ! wavelength increment integer :: iw, kw ! mopt = 1 high-resolution mode (3789 intervals) ! ! 0-108 nm : 1.0 nm ! 108-124 nm : 0.1 nm ! 124-175 nm : 0.5 nm ! 175-205 nm : 0.01 nm ! 205-365 nm : 0.5 nm ! 365-850 nm : 5.0 nm ! ! mopt = 2 low-resolution mode ! ! 0-60 nm : 6.0 nm ! 60-80 nm : 2.0 nm ! 80-85 nm : 5.0 nm ! 85-117 nm : 2.0 nm ! 117-120 nm : 5.0 nm ! 120-123 nm : 0.2 nm ! 123-163 nm : 5.0 nm ! 163-175 nm : 2.0 nm ! 175-205 nm : 0.5 nm ! 205-245 nm : 5.0 nm ! 245-415 nm : 10.0 nm ! 415-815 nm : 50.0 nm if (mopt == 1) then ! high-res ! define wavelength intervals of width 1.0 nm from 0 to 108 nm: kw = 0 wincr = 1.0 do iw = 0, 107 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. end do ! define wavelength intervals of width 0.1 nm from 108 to 124 nm: wincr = 0.1 do iw = 1080, 1239, 1 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw)/10. wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. end do ! define wavelength intervals of width 0.5 nm from 124 to 175 nm: wincr = 0.5 do iw = 1240, 1745, 5 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw)/10. wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. end do ! define wavelength intervals of width 0.01 nm from 175 to 205 nm: wincr = 0.01 do iw = 17500, 20499, 1 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw)/100. wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. end do ! define wavelength intervals of width 0.5 nm from 205 to 365 nm: wincr = 0.5 do iw = 2050, 3645, 5 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw)/10. wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. end do ! define wavelength intervals of width 5.0 nm from 365 to 855 nm: wincr = 5.0 do iw = 365, 850, 5 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. end do wl(kw+1) = wu(kw) !============================================================ else if (mopt == 2) then ! low-res ! define wavelength intervals of width 6.0 nm from 0 to 60 nm: kw = 0 wincr = 6.0 DO iw = 0, 54, 6 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. END DO ! define wavelength intervals of width 2.0 nm from 60 to 80 nm: wincr = 2.0 DO iw = 60, 78, 2 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. END DO ! define wavelength intervals of width 5.0 nm from 80 to 85 nm: wincr = 5.0 DO iw = 80, 80 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. END DO ! define wavelength intervals of width 2.0 nm from 85 to 117 nm: wincr = 2.0 DO iw = 85, 115, 2 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. END DO ! define wavelength intervals of width 3.0 nm from 117 to 120 nm: wincr = 3.0 DO iw = 117, 117 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. END DO ! define wavelength intervals of width 0.2 nm from 120 to 123 nm: wincr = 0.2 DO iw = 1200, 1228, 2 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw)/10. wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. ENDDO ! define wavelength intervals of width 5.0 nm from 123 to 163 nm: wincr = 5.0 DO iw = 123, 158, 5 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. ENDDO ! define wavelength intervals of width 2.0 nm from 163 to 175 nm: wincr = 2.0 DO iw = 163, 173, 2 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. ENDDO ! define wavelength intervals of width 0.5 nm from 175 to 205 nm: wincr = 0.5 DO iw = 1750, 2045, 5 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw)/10. wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. ENDDO ! define wavelength intervals of width 5.0 nm from 205 to 245 nm: wincr = 5. DO iw = 205, 240, 5 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. ENDDO ! define wavelength intervals of width 10.0 nm from 245 to 415 nm: wincr = 10.0 DO iw = 245, 405, 10 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. ENDDO ! define wavelength intervals of width 50.0 nm from 415 to 815 nm: wincr = 50.0 DO iw = 415, 815, 50 kw = kw + 1 wl(kw) = real(iw) wu(kw) = wl(kw) + wincr wc(kw) = (wl(kw) + wu(kw))/2. ENDDO wl(kw+1) = wu(kw) end if ! mopt print*, 'number of spectral intervals : ', kw+1 end subroutine gridw !============================================================================== subroutine rdsolarflux(nw,wl,wc,f) ! Read and re-grid solar flux data. use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl, wc ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: f ! solar flux (w.m-2.nm-1) ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 20000 ! max dimension of input solar flux integer :: msun ! choice of solar flux integer :: iw, nhead, ihead, n, i, ierr, kin real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1 ! input solar flux real, dimension(nw) :: yg1 ! gridded solar flux character(len=100) :: fil kin = 10 ! input logical unit ! select desired extra-terrestrial solar irradiance, using msun: ! 18 = atlas3_thuillier_tuv.txt 0-900 nm November 1994 ! Thuillier et al., Adv. Space. Res., 34, 256-261, 2004 msun = 18 if (msun == 18) THEN fil = trim(datadir)//'/solar_fluxes/atlas3_thuillier_tuv.txt' print*, 'solar flux : ', fil open(kin, file=fil, status='old', iostat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) THEN write(*,*)'cant find solar flux : ', fil write(*,*)'It should be in :', trim(datadir),'/solar_fluxes' write(*,*)'1) You can change this directory address in ' write(*,*)' callphys.def with datadir=/path/to/dir' write(*,*)'2) If necessary, /solar fluxes (and other datafiles)' write(*,*)' can be obtained online on:' write(*,*)'' stop end if nhead = 9 n = 19193 DO ihead = 1, nhead READ(kin,*) ENDDO DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) y1(i) = y1(i)*1.e-3 ! mw -> w ENDDO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg1,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF ! convert to ! 5.039e11 = 1.e-4*1e-9/(hc = 6.62e-34*2.998e8) DO iw = 1, nw-1 f(iw) = yg1(iw)*wc(iw)*5.039e11 ! write(25,*) iw, wc(iw), f(iw) ENDDO end if end subroutine rdsolarflux !============================================================================== subroutine addpnt ( x, y, ld, n, xnew, ynew ) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Add a point to a set of data pairs . x must be in =* != ascending order =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != X - REAL vector of length LD, x-coordinates (IO)=* != Y - REAL vector of length LD, y-values (IO)=* != LD - INTEGER, dimension of X, Y exactly as declared in the calling (I)=* != program =* != N - INTEGER, number of elements in X, Y. On entry, it must be: (IO)=* != N < LD. On exit, N is incremented by 1. =* != XNEW - REAL, x-coordinate at which point is to be added (I)=* != YNEW - REAL, y-value of point to be added (I)=* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* IMPLICIT NONE ! calling parameters INTEGER ld, n REAL x(ld), y(ld) REAL xnew, ynew INTEGER ierr ! local variables INTEGER insert INTEGER i !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize error flag ierr = 0 ! check n>> ERROR (ADDPNT) <<< Cannot expand array ' WRITE(0,*) ' All elements used.' STOP ENDIF insert = 1 i = 2 ! check, whether x is already sorted. ! also, use this loop to find the point at which xnew needs to be inserted ! into vector x, if x is sorted. 10 CONTINUE IF (i .LT. n) THEN IF (x(i) .LT. x(i-1)) THEN print*, x(i-1), x(i) WRITE(0,*) '>>> ERROR (ADDPNT) <<< x-data must be in ascending order!' STOP ELSE IF (xnew .GT. x(i)) insert = i + 1 ENDIF i = i+1 GOTO 10 ENDIF ! if needs to be appended at the end, just do so, ! otherwise, insert at position INSERT IF ( xnew .GT. x(n) ) THEN x(n+1) = xnew y(n+1) = ynew ELSE ! shift all existing points one index up DO i = n, insert, -1 x(i+1) = x(i) y(i+1) = y(i) ENDDO ! insert new point x(insert) = xnew y(insert) = ynew ENDIF ! increase total number of elements in x, y n = n+1 end subroutine addpnt !============================================================================== subroutine inter2(ng,xg,yg,n,x,y,ierr) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Map input data given on single, discrete points onto a set of target =* != bins. =* != The original input data are given on single, discrete points of an =* != arbitrary grid and are being linearly interpolated onto a specified set =* != of target bins. In general, this is the case for most of the weighting =* != functions (action spectra, molecular cross section, and quantum yield =* != data), which have to be matched onto the specified wavelength intervals. =* != The average value in each target bin is found by averaging the trapezoi- =* != dal area underneath the input data curve (constructed by linearly connec-=* != ting the discrete input values). =* != Some caution should be used near the endpoints of the grids. If the =* != input data set does not span the range of the target grid, an error =* != message is printed and the execution is stopped, as extrapolation of the =* != data is not permitted. =* != If the input data does not encompass the target grid, use ADDPNT to =* != expand the input array. =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NG - INTEGER, number of bins + 1 in the target grid (I)=* != XG - REAL, target grid (e.g., wavelength grid); bin i is defined (I)=* != as [XG(i),XG(i+1)] (i = 1..NG-1) =* != YG - REAL, y-data re-gridded onto XG, YG(i) specifies the value for (O)=* != bin i (i = 1..NG-1) =* != N - INTEGER, number of points in input grid (I)=* != X - REAL, grid on which input data are defined (I)=* != Y - REAL, input y-data (I)=* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* IMPLICIT NONE ! input: INTEGER ng, n REAL x(n), y(n), xg(ng) ! output: REAL yg(ng) ! local: REAL area, xgl, xgu REAL darea, slope REAL a1, a2, b1, b2 INTEGER ngintv INTEGER i, k, jstart INTEGER ierr !_______________________________________________________________________ ierr = 0 ! test for correct ordering of data, by increasing value of x DO 10, i = 2, n IF (x(i) .LE. x(i-1)) THEN ierr = 1 WRITE(*,*)'data not sorted' WRITE(*,*) x(i), x(i-1) RETURN ENDIF 10 CONTINUE DO i = 2, ng IF (xg(i) .LE. xg(i-1)) THEN ierr = 2 WRITE(0,*) '>>> ERROR (inter2) <<< xg-grid not sorted!' RETURN ENDIF ENDDO ! check for xg-values outside the x-range IF ( (x(1) .GT. xg(1)) .OR. (x(n) .LT. xg(ng)) ) THEN WRITE(0,*) '>>> ERROR (inter2) <<< Data do not span grid. ' WRITE(0,*) ' Use ADDPNT to expand data and re-run.' STOP ENDIF ! find the integral of each grid interval and use this to ! calculate the average y value for the interval ! xgl and xgu are the lower and upper limits of the grid interval jstart = 1 ngintv = ng - 1 DO 50, i = 1,ngintv ! initialize: area = 0.0 xgl = xg(i) xgu = xg(i+1) ! discard data before the first grid interval and after the ! last grid interval ! for internal grid intervals, start calculating area by interpolating ! between the last point which lies in the previous interval and the ! first point inside the current interval k = jstart IF (k .LE. n-1) THEN ! if both points are before the first grid, go to the next point 30 CONTINUE IF (x(k+1) .LE. xgl) THEN jstart = k - 1 k = k+1 IF (k .LE. n-1) GO TO 30 ENDIF ! if the last point is beyond the end of the grid, complete and go to the next ! grid 40 CONTINUE IF ((k .LE. n-1) .AND. (x(k) .LT. xgu)) THEN jstart = k-1 ! compute x-coordinates of increment a1 = MAX(x(k),xgl) a2 = MIN(x(k+1),xgu) ! if points coincide, contribution is zero IF (x(k+1).EQ.x(k)) THEN darea = 0.e0 ELSE slope = (y(k+1) - y(k))/(x(k+1) - x(k)) b1 = y(k) + slope*(a1 - x(k)) b2 = y(k) + slope*(a2 - x(k)) darea = (a2 - a1)*(b2 + b1)/2. ENDIF ! find the area under the trapezoid from a1 to a2 area = area + darea ! go to next point k = k+1 GO TO 40 ENDIF ENDIF ! calculate the average y after summing the areas in the interval yg(i) = area/(xgu - xgl) 50 CONTINUE end subroutine inter2 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsco2(nw,wl,xsco2_195,xsco2_295,xsco2_370,yieldco2) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read and grid CO2 absorption cross-sections and photodissociation yield =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* != XSCO2 - REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of CO2 at (O)=* != each specified wavelength =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: xsco2_195, xsco2_295, xsco2_370 ! co2 cross-sections (cm2) real, dimension(nw) :: yieldco2 ! co2 photodissociation yield ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 42000 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1, y2, y3, xion, ion real, dimension(nw) :: yg real :: xl, xu integer :: ierr, i, l, n, n1, n2, n3, n4 CHARACTER*100 fil integer :: kin, kout ! input/ouput logical units kin = 10 kout = 30 !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! ! CO2 absorption cross-sections ! !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! ! 195K: huestis and berkowitz (2010) + Starck et al. (2006) ! + Yoshino et al. (1996) + Parkinson et al. (2003) + extrapolation ! ! 295K: huestis and berkowitz (2010) + Starck et al. (2006) ! + Yoshino et al. (1996) + Parkinson et al. (2003) + extrapolation ! ! 370K: huestis and berkowitz (2010) + Starck et al. (2006) ! + Lewis and Carver (1983) + extrapolation ! !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc n1 = 40769 n2 = 41586 n3 = 10110 ! 195K: fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/co2_euv_uv_2018_195k.txt' print*, 'section efficace CO2 195K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,11 read(kin,*) END DO DO i = 1, n1 READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(n1)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n1,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF DO l = 1, nw-1 xsco2_195(l) = yg(l) END DO ! 295K: fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/co2_euv_uv_2018_295k.txt' print*, 'section efficace CO2 295K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,11 read(kin,*) END DO DO i = 1, n2 READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n2,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n2, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n2,x1(n2)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n2, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n2,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF DO l = 1, nw-1 xsco2_295(l) = yg(l) END DO ! 370K: fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/co2_euv_uv_2018_370k.txt' print*, 'section efficace CO2 370K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,11 read(kin,*) END DO DO i = 1, n3 READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n3,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n3, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n3,x1(n3)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n3, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n3,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF DO l = 1, nw-1 xsco2_370(l) = yg(l) END DO ! photodissociation yield: fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/efdis_co2-o2_schunkandnagy2000.txt' print*, 'photodissociation yield CO2: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') do i = 1,3 read(kin,*) end do n4 = 17 do i = 1, n4 read(kin,*) xl, xu, ion(i) xion(i) = (xl + xu)/2. ion(i) = max(ion(i), 0.) end do close(kin) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n4,xion(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n4, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n4,xion(n4)*(1.+deltax),1.) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n4, 1.e+38,1.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yieldco2,n4,xion,ion,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF ! DO l = 1, nw-1 ! write(kout,*) wl(l), xsco2_195(l), ! $ xsco2_295(l), ! $ xsco2_370(l), ! $ yieldco2(l) ! END DO end subroutine rdxsco2 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxso2(nw,wl,xso2_150,xso2_200,xso2_250,xso2_300,yieldo2) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read and grid O2 cross-sections and photodissociation yield =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* != XSO2 - REAL, molecular absorption cross section =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: xso2_150, xso2_200, xso2_250, xso2_300 ! o2 cross-sections (cm2) real, dimension(nw) :: yieldo2 ! o2 photodissociation yield ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 18000 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 real, dimension(kdata) :: xion, ion real :: factor, xl, xu, dummy integer :: i, ierr, n, n1, n2, n3, n4, nhead integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units character*100 fil kin = 10 kout = 30 ! read o2 cross section data nhead = 22 n = 17434 fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/o2_composite_2018_150K.txt' print*, 'section efficace O2 150K: ', fil open(kin, file=fil, status='old', iostat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) THEN write(*,*)'cant find O2 cross-sections : ', fil write(*,*)'It should be in :', trim(datadir),'/cross_sections' write(*,*)'1) You can change this directory address in ' write(*,*)' callphys.def with datadir=/path/to/dir' write(*,*)'2) If necessary, /cross_sections (and other datafiles)' write(*,*)' can be obtained online on:' write(*,*)'' stop end if DO i = 1,nhead read(kin,*) END DO n1 = n DO i = 1, n1 READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(n1)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,xso2_150,n1,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/o2_composite_2018_200K.txt' print*, 'section efficace O2 200K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,nhead read(kin,*) END DO n2 = n DO i = 1, n2 READ(kin,*) x2(i), y2(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2,x2(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2,x2(n2)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,xso2_200,n2,x2,y2,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/o2_composite_2018_250K.txt' print*, 'section efficace O2 250K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,nhead read(kin,*) END DO n3 = n DO i = 1, n3 READ(kin,*) x3(i), y3(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3,x3(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3,x3(n3)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,xso2_250,n3,x3,y3,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/o2_composite_2018_300K.txt' print*, 'section efficace O2 300K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,nhead read(kin,*) END DO n4 = n DO i = 1, n4 READ(kin,*) x4(i), y4(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4,x4(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4,x4(n4)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,xso2_300,n4,x4,y4,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF ! photodissociation yield fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/efdis_co2-o2_schunkandnagy2000.txt' OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') do i = 1,11 read(kin,*) end do n = 9 DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) xl, xu, dummy, ion(i) xion(i) = (xl + xu)/2. ion(i) = max(ion(i), 0.) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n,xion(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n,xion(n)*(1.+deltax),1.) CALL addpnt(xion,ion,kdata,n, 1.e+38,1.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yieldo2,n,xion,ion,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF end subroutine rdxso2 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxso3(nw,wl,xso3_218,xso3_298) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read ozone molecular absorption cross section. Re-grid data to match =* != specified wavelength working grid. =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* != XSO3_218 REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of O3 at (O)=* != each specified wavelength (JPL 2006) 218 K =* != XSO3_298 REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of O3 at (O)=* != each specified wavelength (JPL 2006) 298 K =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: xso3_218, xso3_298 ! o3 cross-sections (cm2) ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 200 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, x2, y1, y2 real, dimension(nw) :: yg real :: a1, a2 integer :: i, ierr, iw, n, n1, n2 integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units character*100 fil kin = 10 ! JPL 2006 218 K fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/o3_cross-sections_jpl_2006_218K.txt' print*, 'section efficace O3 218K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') n1 = 167 DO i = 1, n1 READ(kin,*) a1, a2, y1(i) x1(i) = (a1+a2)/2. END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(n1)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n1,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF DO iw = 1, nw-1 xso3_218(iw) = yg(iw) END DO ! JPL 2006 298 K fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/o3_cross-sections_jpl_2006_298K.txt' print*, 'section efficace O3 298K: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') n2 = 167 DO i = 1, n2 READ(kin,*) a1, a2, y2(i) x2(i) = (a1+a2)/2. END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2,x2(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2,x2(n2)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n2,x2,y2,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF DO iw = 1, nw-1 xso3_298(iw) = yg(iw) END DO end subroutine rdxso3 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsh2o(nw, wl, yg) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read H2O molecular absorption cross section. Re-grid data to match =* != specified wavelength working grid. =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* != YG - REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of H2O at (O)=* != each specified wavelength =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir IMPLICIT NONE ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: yg ! h2o cross-sections (cm2) ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 500 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 REAL x1(kdata) REAL y1(kdata) INTEGER ierr INTEGER i, n CHARACTER*100 fil integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units kin = 10 fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/h2o_composite_250K.txt' print*, 'section efficace H2O: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,26 read(kin,*) END DO n = 420 DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF end subroutine rdxsh2o !============================================================================== subroutine rdxshdo(nw, wl, yg) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read HDO molecular absorption cross section. Re-grid data to match =* != specified wavelength working grid. =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* != YG - REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of HDO at (O)=* != each specified wavelength =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir IMPLICIT NONE ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: yg ! hdo cross-sections (cm2) ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 900 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 REAL x1(kdata) REAL y1(kdata) INTEGER ierr INTEGER i, n CHARACTER*100 fil integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units kin = 10 fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/hdo_composite_295K.txt' print*, 'section efficace HDO: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1,17 read(kin,*) END DO n = 806 DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF end subroutine rdxshdo !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsh2o2(nw, wl, xsh2o2) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read and grid H2O2 cross-sections != H2O2 + hv -> 2 OH =* != Cross section: Schuergers and Welge, Z. Naturforsch. 23a (1968) 1508 =* != from 125 to 185 nm, then JPL97 from 190 to 350 nm. =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: xsh2o2 ! h2o2 cross-sections (cm2) ! local real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 integer, parameter :: kdata = 100 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1 real, dimension(nw) :: yg integer :: i, ierr, iw, n, idum integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units character*100 fil kin = 10 ! read cross-sections fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/h2o2_composite.txt' print*, 'section efficace H2O2: ', fil OPEN(kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='OLD') READ(kin,*) idum,n DO i = 1, idum-2 READ(kin,*) ENDDO DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) ENDDO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1.e+38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF DO iw = 1, nw - 1 xsh2o2(iw) = yg(iw) END DO end subroutine rdxsh2o2 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsho2(nw, wl, yg) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read ho2 cross-sections =* != JPL 2006 recommendation =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir IMPLICIT NONE ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: yg ! ho2 cross-sections (cm2) ! local real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 integer, parameter :: kdata = 100 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1 integer :: i, n, ierr character*100 fil integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units kin = 10 !*** cross sections from Sander et al. [2003] fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/ho2_jpl2003.txt' print*, 'section efficace HO2: ', fil OPEN(kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='OLD') READ(kin,*) n DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) ENDDO CLOSE(kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1E38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF end subroutine rdxsho2 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsh2(nw, wl, wc, yg, yieldh2) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read h2 cross-sections and photodissociation yield =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl, wc ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: yg ! h2 cross-sections (cm2) real, dimension(nw) :: yieldh2 ! photodissociation yield ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 1000 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1, x2, y2 real :: xl, xu integer :: i, iw, n, ierr integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units character*100 fil kin = 10 ! h2 cross sections fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/h2secef.txt' print*, 'section efficace H2: ', fil OPEN(kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='OLD') n = 792 read(kin,*) ! avoid first line with wavelength = 0. DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) ENDDO CLOSE(kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1E38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF ! photodissociation yield fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/h2_ionef_schunknagy2000.txt' OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') n = 19 read(kin,*) DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) xl, xu, y2(i) x2(i) = (xl + xu)/2. y2(i) = max(1. - y2(i),0.) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n,x2(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n,x2(n)*(1.+deltax),1.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n, 1.e+38,1.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yieldh2,n,x2,y2,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF end subroutine rdxsh2 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsno2(nw,wl,xsno2,xsno2_220,xsno2_294,yldno2_248, yldno2_298) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != read and grid cross section + quantum yield for NO2 =* != photolysis =* != Jenouvrier et al., 1996 200-238 nm != Vandaele et al., 1998 238-666 nm 220K and 294K != quantum yield from jpl 2006 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* != SQ - REAL, cross section x quantum yield (cm^2) for each (O)=* != photolysis reaction defined, at each defined wavelength and =* != at each defined altitude level =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower and central wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: xsno2, xsno2_220, xsno2_294 ! no2 cross-sections (cm2) real, dimension(nw) :: yldno2_248, yldno2_298 ! quantum yields at 248-298 k ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 28000 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5 real, dimension(nw) :: yg1, yg2, yg3, yg4, yg5 real :: dum, qy integer :: i, iw, n, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, ierr character*100 fil integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units kin = 10 !*************** NO2 photodissociation ! Jenouvrier 1996 + Vandaele 1998 (JPL 2006) fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/no2_xs_jenouvrier.txt' print*, 'section efficace NO2: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,status='old') DO i = 1, 3 READ(kin,*) ENDDO n1 = 10001 DO i = 1, n1 READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) end do CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(1)*(1.-deltax), 0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 0., 0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1,x1(n1)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n1, 1.e+38, 0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg1,n1,x1,y1,ierr) fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/no2_xs_vandaele_294K.txt' print*, 'section efficace NO2: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,status='old') DO i = 1, 3 READ(kin,*) ENDDO n2 = 27993 DO i = 1, n2 READ(kin,*) x2(i), y2(i) end do CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2,x2(1)*(1.-deltax), 0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2, 0., 0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2,x2(n2)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n2, 1.e+38, 0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg2,n2,x2,y2,ierr) fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/no2_xs_vandaele_220K.txt' print*, 'section efficace NO2: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,status='old') DO i = 1, 3 READ(kin,*) ENDDO n3 = 27993 DO i = 1, n3 READ(kin,*) x3(i), y3(i) end do CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3,x3(1)*(1.-deltax), 0.) CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3, 0., 0.) CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3,x3(n3)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x3,y3,kdata,n3, 1.e+38, 0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg3,n3,x3,y3,ierr) do iw = 1, nw - 1 xsno2(iw) = yg1(iw) xsno2_294(iw) = yg2(iw) xsno2_220(iw) = yg3(iw) end do ! photodissociation efficiency from jpl 2006 fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/no2_yield_jpl2006.txt' print*, 'quantum yield NO2: ', fil OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') DO i = 1, 5 READ(kin,*) ENDDO n = 25 n4 = n n5 = n DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x4(i), y4(i), y5(i) x5(i) = x4(i) ENDDO CLOSE(kin) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4,x4(1)*(1.-deltax),y4(1)) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4, 0.,y4(1)) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4,x4(n4)*(1.+deltax), 0.) CALL addpnt(x4,y4,kdata,n4, 1.e+38, 0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg4,n4,x4,y4,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF CALL addpnt(x5,y5,kdata,n5,x5(1)*(1.-deltax),y5(1)) CALL addpnt(x5,y5,kdata,n5, 0.,y5(1)) CALL addpnt(x5,y5,kdata,n5,x5(n5)*(1.+deltax), 0.) CALL addpnt(x5,y5,kdata,n5, 1.e+38, 0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg5,n5,x5,y5,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF do iw = 1, nw - 1 yldno2_298(iw) = yg4(iw) yldno2_248(iw) = yg5(iw) end do end subroutine rdxsno2 !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsno(nw, wl, yg, yieldno) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read NO cross-sections and photodissociation efficiency =* != Lida et al 1986 (provided by Francisco Gonzalez-Galindo) =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: yg ! no cross-sections (cm2) real, dimension(nw) :: yieldno ! no photodissociation efficiency ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 110 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1, x2, y2 integer :: i, iw, n, ierr character*100 fil integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units kin = 10 ! no cross-sections fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/no_xs_francisco.txt' print*, 'section efficace NO: ', fil OPEN(kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='OLD') n = 99 DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) ENDDO CLOSE(kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1E38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF ! photodissociation yield fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/noefdis.txt' OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') n = 33 DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x2(n-i+1), y2(n-i+1) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n,x2(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n,x2(n)*(1.+deltax),1.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n, 1.e+38,1.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yieldno,n,x2,y2,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF end subroutine rdxsno !============================================================================== subroutine rdxsn2(nw, wl, yg, yieldn2) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Read n2 cross-sections and photodissociation yield =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* use datafile_mod, only: datadir implicit none ! input integer :: nw ! number of wavelength grid points real, dimension(nw) :: wl ! lower wavelength for each interval ! output real, dimension(nw) :: yg ! n2 cross-sections (cm2) real, dimension(nw) :: yieldn2 ! n2 photodissociation yield ! local integer, parameter :: kdata = 1100 real, parameter :: deltax = 1.e-4 real, dimension(kdata) :: x1, y1, x2, y2 real :: xl, xu integer :: i, iw, n, ierr integer :: kin, kout ! input/output logical units character*100 fil kin = 10 ! n2 cross sections fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/n2secef_01nm.txt' print*, 'section efficace N2: ', fil OPEN(kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='OLD') n = 1020 DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) x1(i), y1(i) ENDDO CLOSE(kin) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n,x1(n)*(1.+deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x1,y1,kdata,n, 1E38,0.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yg,n,x1,y1,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF ! photodissociation yield fil = trim(datadir)//'/cross_sections/n2_ionef_schunknagy2000.txt' OPEN(UNIT=kin,FILE=fil,STATUS='old') n = 19 read(kin,*) DO i = 1, n READ(kin,*) xl, xu, y2(i) x2(i) = (xl + xu)/2. y2(i) = 1. - y2(i) END DO CLOSE (kin) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n,x2(1)*(1.-deltax),0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n, 0.,0.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n,x2(n)*(1.+deltax),1.) CALL addpnt(x2,y2,kdata,n, 1.e+38,1.) CALL inter2(nw,wl,yieldn2,n,x2,y2,ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ierr, fil STOP ENDIF end subroutine rdxsn2 !============================================================================== subroutine setalb(nw,wl,albedo) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Set the albedo of the surface. The albedo is assumed to be Lambertian, =* != i.e., the reflected light is isotropic, and idependt of the direction =* != of incidence of light. Albedo can be chosen to be wavelength dependent. =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != NW - INTEGER, number of specified intervals + 1 in working (I)=* != wavelength grid =* != WL - REAL, vector of lower limits of wavelength intervals in (I)=* != working wavelength grid =* != ALBEDO - REAL, surface albedo at each specified wavelength (O)=* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* implicit none ! input: (wavelength working grid data) INTEGER nw REAL wl(nw) ! output: REAL albedo(nw) ! local: INTEGER iw REAL alb ! 0.015: mean value from clancy et al., icarus, 49-63, 1999. alb = 0.015 do iw = 1, nw - 1 albedo(iw) = alb end do end subroutine setalb end module photolysis_mod