# @ job_name=kmatrix # @ output = $(job_name).$(jobid) # @ error = $(output) # @ job_type = serial # @ class = B # @ queue BANDS_DIR=32x36 cp ~/utilities/generate_kmatrix.exe . ## make kmatrix in the infrared and save it in a GCM-friendly format cp $BANDS_DIR/narrowbands_IR.in narrowbands.in generate_kmatrix.exe #> log.out mv corrk_gcm.dat $BANDS_DIR/corrk_gcm_IR.dat mv log.out $BANDS_DIR/logIR.out rm narrowbands.in ## make kmatrix in the visible and save it in a GCM-friendly format cp $BANDS_DIR/narrowbands_VI.in narrowbands.in generate_kmatrix.exe > log.out mv corrk_gcm.dat $BANDS_DIR/corrk_gcm_VI.dat mv log.out $BANDS_DIR/logVI.out rm narrowbands.in rm generate_kmatrix.exe exit 0