SUBROUTINE initracer(ngrid,nq,nametrac) use surfdat_h, ONLY: dryness, watercaptag USE tracer_h USE callkeys_mod, only: water IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c Initialization related to tracer c (transported dust, water, chemical species, ice...) c c Name of the tracer c c Test of dimension : c Initialize COMMON tracer in tracer.h, using tracer names provided c by the argument nametrac c c author: F.Forget c ------ c Ehouarn Millour (oct. 2008) identify tracers by their names c Y Jaziri & J. Vatant d'Ollone (2020) : Modern traceur.def c======================================================================= integer,intent(in) :: ngrid,nq character(len=30),intent(in) :: nametrac(nq) ! name of the tracer from dynamics character(len=500) :: tracline ! to read traceur.def lines character(len=30) :: txt ! to store some text integer iq,ig,count,ierr c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c radius(nq) ! aerosol particle radius (m) c rho_q(nq) ! tracer densities (kg.m-3) c qext(nq) ! Single Scat. Extinction coeff at 0.67 um c alpha_lift(nq) ! saltation vertical flux/horiz flux ratio (m-1) c alpha_devil(nq) ! lifting coeeficient by dust devil c rho_dust ! Mars dust density c rho_ice ! Water ice density c doubleq ! if method with mass (iq=1) and number(iq=2) mixing ratio c varian ! Characteristic variance of log-normal distribution c----------------------------------------------------------------------- moderntracdef=.false. ! For modern traceur.def (default false, old type) open(407, form = 'formatted', status = 'old', $ file = 'traceur.def', iostat=ierr) if (ierr /=0) then call abort_physic('initracer', $ 'Problem in opening traceur.def',1) end if !! - Modif. by JVO and YJ for modern planetary traceur.def --------------- READ(407,'(A)') tracline IF (trim(tracline).ne.'#ModernTrac-v1') THEN ! Test modern traceur.def READ(tracline,*) nqtot ! Try standard traceur.def ELSE moderntracdef = .true. DO READ(407,'(A)',iostat=ierr) tracline IF (ierr==0) THEN IF (index(tracline,'#').ne.1) THEN ! Allows arbitary number of comments lines in the header READ(tracline,*) nqtot ! Temporary not implemented solution if (nqtot/=nq) then call abort_physic('initracer','Different number of& & tracers in dynamics and physics not managed yet',1) endif EXIT ENDIF ELSE ! If pb, or if reached EOF without having found nqtot call abort_physic('initracer','Unable to read numbers& & of tracers in traceur.def',1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! if modern or standard traceur.def !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! For the moment number of tracers in dynamics and physics are equal nqtot=nq !! we allocate once for all arrays in common in tracer_h.F90 !! (supposedly those are not used before call to initracer) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) ALLOCATE(noms(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mmol)) ALLOCATE(mmol(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(radius)) ALLOCATE(radius(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(rho_q)) ALLOCATE(rho_q(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(qext)) ALLOCATE(qext(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(alpha_lift)) ALLOCATE(alpha_lift(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(alpha_devil)) ALLOCATE(alpha_devil(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(qextrhor)) ALLOCATE(qextrhor(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(igcm_dustbin)) ALLOCATE(igcm_dustbin(nq)) !! initialization alpha_lift(:)=0. alpha_devil(:)=0. ! Added by JVO 2017 : these arrays are handled later ! -> initialization is the least we can do, please !!! radius(:)=0. qext(:)=0. ! Initialization: copy tracer names from dynamics do iq=1,nq noms(iq)=nametrac(iq) write(*,*)"initracer: iq=",iq,"noms(iq)=",trim(noms(iq)) enddo ! Identify tracers by their names: (and set corresponding values of mmol) ! 0. initialize tracer indexes to zero: ! NB: igcm_* indexes are commons in 'tracer.h' do iq=1,nq igcm_dustbin(iq)=0 enddo igcm_dust_mass=0 igcm_dust_number=0 igcm_h2o_vap=0 igcm_h2o_ice=0 igcm_co2=0 igcm_co=0 igcm_o=0 igcm_o1d=0 igcm_o2=0 igcm_o3=0 igcm_h=0 igcm_h2=0 igcm_oh=0 igcm_ho2=0 igcm_h2o2=0 igcm_n2=0 igcm_n=0 igcm_n2d=0 igcm_no=0 igcm_no2=0 igcm_ar=0 igcm_ar_n2=0 igcm_co2_ice=0 igcm_ch4=0 igcm_ch3=0 igcm_ch=0 igcm_3ch2=0 igcm_1ch2=0 igcm_cho=0 igcm_ch2o=0 igcm_ch3o=0 igcm_c=0 igcm_c2=0 igcm_c2h=0 igcm_c2h2=0 igcm_c2h3=0 igcm_c2h4=0 igcm_c2h6=0 igcm_ch2co=0 igcm_ch3co=0 igcm_hcaer=0 ! 1. find dust tracers count=0 ! 2. find chemistry and water tracers do iq=1,nq if (noms(iq).eq."co2") then igcm_co2=iq mmol(igcm_co2)=44. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'co2: count=',count endif if (noms(iq).eq."co2_ice") then igcm_co2_ice=iq mmol(igcm_co2_ice)=44. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'co2_ice: count=',count endif if (noms(iq).eq."h2o_vap") then igcm_h2o_vap=iq mmol(igcm_h2o_vap)=18. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'h2o_vap: count=',count endif if (noms(iq).eq."h2o_ice") then igcm_h2o_ice=iq mmol(igcm_h2o_ice)=18. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'h2o_ice: count=',count endif if (noms(iq).eq."co") then igcm_co=iq mmol(igcm_co)=28. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."o") then igcm_o=iq mmol(igcm_o)=16. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."o1d") then igcm_o1d=iq mmol(igcm_o1d)=16. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."o2") then igcm_o2=iq mmol(igcm_o2)=32. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."o3") then igcm_o3=iq mmol(igcm_o3)=48. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."h") then igcm_h=iq mmol(igcm_h)=1. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."h2") then igcm_h2=iq mmol(igcm_h2)=2. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."oh") then igcm_oh=iq mmol(igcm_oh)=17. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ho2") then igcm_ho2=iq mmol(igcm_ho2)=33. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."h2o2") then igcm_h2o2=iq mmol(igcm_h2o2)=34. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."n2") then igcm_n2=iq mmol(igcm_n2)=28. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ch4") then igcm_ch4=iq mmol(igcm_ch4)=16. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ar") then igcm_ar=iq mmol(igcm_ar)=40. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."n") then igcm_n=iq mmol(igcm_n)=14. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."no") then igcm_no=iq mmol(igcm_no)=30. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."no2") then igcm_no2=iq mmol(igcm_no2)=46. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."n2d") then igcm_n2d=iq mmol(igcm_n2d)=28. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ch3") then igcm_ch3=iq mmol(igcm_ch3)=15. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ch") then igcm_ch=iq mmol(igcm_ch)=13. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."3ch2") then igcm_3ch2=iq mmol(igcm_3ch2)=14. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."1ch2") then igcm_1ch2=iq mmol(igcm_1ch2)=14. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."cho") then igcm_cho=iq mmol(igcm_cho)=29. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ch2o") then igcm_ch2o=iq mmol(igcm_ch2o)=30. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ch3o") then igcm_ch3o=iq mmol(igcm_ch3o)=31. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."c") then igcm_c=iq mmol(igcm_c)=12. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."c2") then igcm_c2=iq mmol(igcm_c2)=24. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."c2h") then igcm_c2h=iq mmol(igcm_c2h)=25. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."c2h2") then igcm_c2h2=iq mmol(igcm_c2h2)=26. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."c2h3") then igcm_c2h3=iq mmol(igcm_c2h3)=27. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."c2h4") then igcm_c2h4=iq mmol(igcm_c2h4)=28. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."c2h6") then igcm_c2h6=iq mmol(igcm_c2h6)=30. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ch2co") then igcm_ch2co=iq mmol(igcm_ch2co)=42. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."ch3co") then igcm_ch3co=iq mmol(igcm_ch3co)=43. count=count+1 endif if (noms(iq).eq."hcaer") then igcm_hcaer=iq mmol(igcm_hcaer)=50. count=count+1 endif enddo ! of do iq=1,nq ! check that we identified all tracers: if ( then write(*,*) "initracer: found only ",count," tracers" write(*,*) " expected ",nq do iq=1,count write(*,*)' ',iq,' ',trim(noms(iq)) enddo ! stop else write(*,*) "initracer: found all expected tracers, namely:" do iq=1,nq write(*,*)' ',iq,' ',trim(noms(iq)) enddo endif ! Get data of tracers do iq=1,nqtot read(407,'(A)') tracline call get_tracdat(iq, tracline) enddo close(407) c------------------------------------------------------------ c Initialisation tracers .... c------------------------------------------------------------ rho_q(1:nq)=0 rho_dust=2500. ! Mars dust density (kg.m-3) rho_ice=920. ! Water ice density (kg.m-3) rho_co2=1620. ! CO2 ice density (kg.m-3) c Initialization for water vapor c ------------------------------ if(water) then radius(igcm_h2o_vap)=0. Qext(igcm_h2o_vap)=0. alpha_lift(igcm_h2o_vap) =0. alpha_devil(igcm_h2o_vap)=0. qextrhor(igcm_h2o_vap)= 0. !! this is defined in surfdat_h.F90 IF (.not.ALLOCATED(dryness)) ALLOCATE(dryness(ngrid)) IF (.not.ALLOCATED(watercaptag)) ALLOCATE(watercaptag(ngrid)) do ig=1,ngrid if ( watercaptag(ig)=.false. dryness(ig) = 1. enddo radius(igcm_h2o_ice)=3.e-6 rho_q(igcm_h2o_ice)=rho_ice Qext(igcm_h2o_ice)=0. ! alpha_lift(igcm_h2o_ice) =0. ! alpha_devil(igcm_h2o_ice)=0. qextrhor(igcm_h2o_ice)= (3./4.)*Qext(igcm_h2o_ice) $ / (rho_ice*radius(igcm_h2o_ice)) end if ! (water) ! ! some extra (possibly redundant) sanity checks for tracers: ! --------------------------------------------------------- if (water) then ! verify that we indeed have h2o_vap and h2o_ice tracers if (igcm_h2o_vap.eq.0) then write(*,*) "initracer: error !!" write(*,*) " cannot use water option without ", & "an h2o_vap tracer !" stop endif if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then write(*,*) "initracer: error !!" write(*,*) " cannot use water option without ", & "an h2o_ice tracer !" stop endif endif c Output for records: c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ write(*,*) Write(*,*) '******** initracer : dust transport parameters :' write(*,*) 'alpha_lift = ', alpha_lift write(*,*) 'alpha_devil = ', alpha_devil write(*,*) 'radius = ', radius write(*,*) 'Qext = ', qext write(*,*) contains subroutine get_tracdat(iq,tracline) !-------------------ADDING NEW OPTIONS------------------- ! Duplicate if sentence for adding new options ! Do not forget to add the new variables in tracer_h.F90 ! Do not forget to allocate and initialize the new variables above ! Please update list of options in "LMDZ.GENERIC/deftank/traceur.def.modern" !------------------------------------------------------- use tracer_h implicit none integer, intent(in) :: iq ! tracer index character(len=500),intent(in) :: tracline ! traceur.def lines with parameters read(tracline,*) noms(iq) ! JVO 20 : We should add a sanity check aborting when duplicates in names ! write(*,*)"initracer: iq=",iq,"noms(iq)=",trim(noms(iq)) if (index(tracline,'mmol=' ) /= 0) then read(tracline(index(tracline,'mmol=')+len('mmol='):),*) $ mmol(iq) write(*,*) ' Parameter value (traceur.def) : mmol=', $ mmol(iq) else write(*,*) ' Parameter value (default) : mmol=', $ mmol(iq) end if end subroutine get_tracdat end