MODULE hdo_surfex_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS subroutine hdo_surfex(ngrid,nlay,nq,ptimestep, & zt,zq,pqsurf, & old_h2o_vap,pdqsdif,dwatercap_dif, & hdoflux) use tracer_mod, only: igcm_h2o_vap, igcm_h2o_ice, & igcm_hdo_vap, igcm_hdo_ice, & qperemin use surfdat_h, only: watercaptag use geometry_mod, only: longitude_deg,latitude_deg implicit none c------------------------------------------------------------------ c Routine to compute the fluxes between air and surface c for HDO, based of the fluxes for H2O c L. Rossi.; M. Vals 2019 c------------------------------------------------------------------ include "callkeys.h" c------------------------------------------------------------------ c Arguments: c --------- c Inputs: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid,nlay INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nq ! nombre de traceurs REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ptimestep ! pas de temps physique (s) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zt(ngrid,nlay) ! local value of temperature REAL, INTENT(IN) :: zq(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! local value of tracers REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pqsurf(ngrid,nq) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: old_h2o_vap(ngrid) ! traceur d'eau avant !traitement de l'eau (kg/kg) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dwatercap_dif(ngrid) ! trend related to permanent ice REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: pdqsdif(ngrid,nq) ! tendance towards surface ! (kg/kg.s-1) c Output: REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: hdoflux(ngrid) ! value of vapour flux of HDO c------------------------------------------------------------------ c Local variables: REAL alpha_c(ngrid) ! fractionation factor REAL extrasublim ! sublimation in excess of surface ice REAL tmpratio(ngrid) ! D/H ratio in flux to surf REAL h2oflux(ngrid) ! value of vapour flux of H2O ! same sign as pdqsdif INTEGER ig,l REAL DoH_vap(ngrid) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Calculation of the fluxes for HDO alpha_c(1:ngrid)=0. DO ig=1,ngrid h2oflux(ig) = pdqsdif(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) + & dwatercap_dif(ig) !! IF Sublimation if (h2oflux(ig).le.0.) then if (pqsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice).gt.qperemin) then pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice) = & pdqsdif(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)* & (pqsurf(ig,igcm_hdo_ice)/ & pqsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) ) else pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice) = 0. endif pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice)= & max(pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice), & -pqsurf(ig,igcm_hdo_ice)/ptimestep) hdoflux(ig) = pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice) if(watercaptag(ig)) then !if we sublimate more than qsurf if ((-h2oflux(ig)*ptimestep) & .gt.pqsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)) then C dwatercap_dif is how much we sublimate in excess of C pqsurf for H2O C hdoflux(ig) is the flux of HDO from atm. to surf. c The D/H of the old ice is supposed to be 5 SMOW c We need D/H of the flux to be 5, so we need c dwatercap_dif* 5 * 2 * 155.76e-6 (=1 SMOW) hdoflux(ig)= hdoflux(ig) & +(dwatercap_dif(ig)*(2.*155.76e-6)*5.) endif endif ! watercap else ! condensation if (hdofrac) then !do we use fractionation? c alpha_c(ig) = exp(16288./zt(ig,1)**2.-9.34e-2) alpha_c = exp(13525./zt(ig,1)**2.-5.59e-2) !Lamb else alpha_c(ig) = 1. endif if (old_h2o_vap(ig).gt.qperemin) then pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice)= & alpha_c(ig)*pdqsdif(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)* & (zq(ig,1,igcm_hdo_vap)/ & old_h2o_vap(ig)) else pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice)= 0. endif if (hdofrac) then !do we use fractionation? pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice)= & min( pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice), & (zq(ig,1,igcm_hdo_vap)/ptimestep) ) endif hdoflux(ig)=pdqsdif(ig,igcm_hdo_ice) endif !sublimation ENDDO ! of DO ig=1,ngrid c CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'extrasublim', c & 'extrasublimation', c & ' ',2,tmpratio) c CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'alpha_c_s', c & 'alpha_c_s', c & ' ',2,alpha_c) return end subroutine hdo_surfex c------------------------------------------------------------------ end module hdo_surfex_mod