## $Header$ # ## Include diurnal cycle or not cycle_diurne=y ## Include soil model or not soil_model=y ## Use orodr or not for orography ok_orodr=n ## Use orolf or not for orography ok_orolf=n ## Use non-orographic Gravity Waves of not ok_gw_nonoro=y ## Number of calls to the radiative transfer (per day) nbapp_rad=24000 ## Number of calls to the chemistry routines (per day) nbapp_chim=1 ## Flag for convection : 1 pour LMD, 2 pour Tiedtke, 3 KE(new version JYG), 30 KE(version IPCC AR4), 4 KE vect iflag_con=0 # # orbital parameters ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # VENUS ## # R_ecc = 0.006787 R_ecc = 0. R_peri = 0. # R_incl = 177.4 R_incl = 0. # solar: effective flux, given at 1 UA solaire = 328. # # parameters for the tracers ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # 0: nothing (passive tracers) # 1: pseudo-chemistry relaxation (phytrac_relax) # 2: surface emission (phytrac_emiss) # 3: full chemistry (phytrac_chem) tr_scheme = 3 # # Reinitialization of tracer abundances reinit_trac=n # # parameters for chemistry and microphysics ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # use chemistry ? ok_chem=y # use clouds ? (needed for chemistry) ok_cloud=y # if yes, which scheme: # 1 => simple scheme (Aurelien Stolzenbach) # 2 => full microphysical scheme (Sabrina Guilbon) cl_scheme=1 # use sedimentation (goes with clouds) ok_sedim=y nb_mode=3 # # parameters for the boundary layer ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # iflag_pbl=8 z0 = 0.01 lmixmin = 35. ksta = 1.e-7 ok_kzmin=n # # Surface thermal inertia inertie=2000 # # dry convection parameters ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # iflag_ajs = 1 # # Thermosphere and nlte parameters ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ## Compute non-LTE or not callnlte=y ## choice of species profile to use nltemodel=2 ## Compute CO2 IR absorption or not callnirco2=y ##CO2 IR Absorption model nircorr=1 ##include thermosphere or not callthermos=y ## Thermospheric options ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Method to include solar variability? #0-> Old method 1-> Variability with E10.7 as observed solvarmod=0 ## (Solar min=1996.4 ave=1993.4 max=1990.6) ; Only used if solvarmod=0 solarcondate = 1993.4 # value for the UV heating efficiency ##(experimental values between 0.19 and 0.23, lower values may ## be used to compensate for low 15 um cooling) euveff = 0.23 # # # # # Parameters for IOIPSL output files ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## OLD. Now we use XIOS => see context_lmdz_physics.xml to taylor the output files # ### OK_journe= y for daily output file histday.nc, =n no histday.nc output ### Meaningless for Venus OK_journe=n ### OK_mensuel= y for monthly output file histmth.nc, =n no histmth.nc ### For Venus, only these averaged outputs OK_mensuel=n ## rate (in days) at which the Venus histmth file is to be written # sets the output rate in histmth and/or histins ecritphy=0.1 ### OK_instan=y, make some "instantaneous" outputs (same rate as histmth) OK_instan=n # # Output levels for the various output files # # output level for "day" lev_histday # - lev_hist*=1 => baseline 2D fields # - lev_hist*=2 => baseline 3D fields (default) # - lev_hist*=3 => radiative transfert # - lev_hist*=4 => 3D tendencies # - lev_hist*=5 => tracers and others lev_histday=2 #output level for "mth" lev_histmth lev_histmth=2 #output level for "ins" lev_histins lev_histins=2