! ! ! SUBROUTINE thermcell_plume(ngrid,nlay,nq,ptimestep, & ztv,zhl,zqt,zql,zlev,pplev,zpopsk, & detr_star,entr_star,f_star, & ztva,zhla,zqta,zqla,zqsa, & zw2,lbot,lmin) !=============================================================================== ! Purpose: calcule les valeurs de qt, thetal et w dans l ascendance ! ! Nota Bene ! ql means "non-gaseous water mass mixing ratio" (liquid and solid) ! qv means "vapor mass mixing ratio" ! qt means "total water mass mixing ratio" ! TP means "potential temperature" ! TRPV means "virtual potential temperature with latent heat release" ! TPV means "virtual potential temperature" ! TR means "temperature with latent heat release" !=============================================================================== USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level USE watercommon_h, ONLY: RLvCp, RETV, Psat_water USE tracer_h, ONLY: igcm_h2o_vap USE thermcell_mod IMPLICIT NONE !=============================================================================== ! Declaration !=============================================================================== ! Inputs: ! ------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ngrid INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlay INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nq INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lbot(ngrid) ! First considered layer REAL, INTENT(in) :: ptimestep REAL, INTENT(in) :: zlev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! Levels altitude REAL, INTENT(in) :: pplev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! Levels pressure REAL, INTENT(in) :: zpopsk(ngrid,nlay) ! Exner function REAL, INTENT(in) :: ztv(ngrid,nlay) ! TRPV environment REAL, INTENT(in) :: zhl(ngrid,nlay) ! TP environment REAL, INTENT(in) :: zqt(ngrid,nlay) ! qt environment REAL, INTENT(in) :: zql(ngrid,nlay) ! ql environment ! Outputs: ! -------- INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: lmin(ngrid) ! Plume bottom level (first unstable level) REAL, INTENT(out) :: detr_star(ngrid,nlay) ! Normalized detrainment REAL, INTENT(out) :: entr_star(ngrid,nlay) ! Normalized entrainment REAL, INTENT(out) :: f_star(ngrid,nlay+1) ! Normalized mass flux REAL, INTENT(out) :: ztva(ngrid,nlay) ! TRPV plume (after mixing) REAL, INTENT(out) :: zhla(ngrid,nlay) ! TP plume (after mixing) REAL, INTENT(out) :: zqla(ngrid,nlay) ! ql plume (after mixing) REAL, INTENT(out) :: zqta(ngrid,nlay) ! qt plume (after mixing) REAL, INTENT(out) :: zqsa(ngrid,nlay) ! qsat plume (after mixing) REAL, INTENT(out) :: zw2(ngrid,nlay+1) ! w plume (after mixing) ! Local: ! ------ INTEGER ig, l, k INTEGER l_start REAL ztva_est(ngrid,nlay) ! TRPV plume (before mixing) REAL zqla_est(ngrid,nlay) ! ql plume (before mixing) REAL zta_est(ngrid,nlay) ! TR plume (before mixing) REAL zqsa_est(ngrid) ! qsat plume (before mixing) REAL zw2_est(ngrid,nlay+1) ! w plume (before mixing) REAL zta(ngrid,nlay) ! TR plume (after mixing) REAL zbuoy(ngrid,nlay) ! Plume buoyancy REAL ztemp(ngrid) ! Temperature to compute saturation vapor pressure REAL zdz ! Layers heights REAL ztv2(ngrid,nlay) ! ztv + d_temp * Dirac(l=linf) REAL zdw2 ! REAL zw2fact ! REAL zw2m ! Average vertical velocity between two successive levels REAL gamma ! Plume acceleration term (to compute vertical velocity) REAL test ! REAL psat ! Dummy argument for Psat_water() LOGICAL active(ngrid) ! If the plume is active (speed and incoming mass flux > 0) LOGICAL activetmp(ngrid) ! If the plume is active (active=true and outgoing mass flux > 0) !=============================================================================== ! Initialization !=============================================================================== ztva(:,:) = ztv(:,:) ! ztva is set to TPV environment zhla(:,:) = zhl(:,:) ! zhla is set to TP environment zqta(:,:) = zqt(:,:) ! zqta is set to qt environment zqla(:,:) = zql(:,:) ! zqla is set to ql environment zqsa(:,:) = 0. zw2(:,:) = 0. ztva_est(:,:) = ztv(:,:) ! ztva_est is set to TPV environment zqla_est(:,:) = zql(:,:) ! zqla_est is set to ql environment zqsa_est(:) = 0. zw2_est(:,:) = 0. zbuoy(:,:) = 0. f_star(:,:) = 0. detr_star(:,:) = 0. entr_star(:,:) = 0. lmin(:) = lbot(:) ztv2(:,:) = ztv(:,:) ztv2(:,linf) = ztv(:,linf) + d_temp active(:) = .false. l_start = nlay !=============================================================================== ! First layer computation !=============================================================================== DO ig=1,ngrid l = lbot(ig) l_start = MIN(l_start, lbot(ig)+1) DO WHILE (.not.active(ig).and.(pplev(ig,l+1) > pres_limit).and.(l < nlay)) zbuoy(ig,l) = RG * (ztv2(ig,l) - ztv2(ig,l+1)) / ztv2(ig,l+1) IF (zbuoy(ig,l) > 0.) THEN lmin(ig) = l !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB: entrainement and mass flux initial values are set to 1. The physical value ! will be computed thanks to the closure relation in thermcell_closure. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ entr_star(ig,l) = 1. f_star(ig,l+1) = 1. zdz = zlev(ig,l+1) - zlev(ig,l) zw2fact = 2. * fact_epsilon * zdz / (1. + betalpha) zdw2 = 2. * afact * zbuoy(ig,l) * zdz / (1. + betalpha) zw2_est(ig,l+1) = exp(-zw2fact) * zdw2 zw2(ig,l+1) = zw2_est(ig,l+1) active(ig) = .true. ENDIF l = l + 1 ENDDO ENDDO !=============================================================================== ! Thermal plumes computations !=============================================================================== DO l=l_start,nlay-1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is thermal plume (still) active ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid active(ig) = (zw2(ig,l) > 1.e-9).and.(f_star(ig,l) > 1.e-9) ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Latent heat release (before mixing) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ztemp(:) = zpopsk(:,l) * zhla(:,l-1) DO ig=1,ngrid IF (active(ig)) THEN CALL Psat_water(ztemp(ig), pplev(ig,l), psat, zqsa_est(ig)) ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Vertical speed (before mixing) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (active(ig)) THEN zqla_est(ig,l) = MAX(0.,zqta(ig,l-1) - zqsa_est(ig)) ! zqla_est is set to ql plume zta_est(ig,l) = zhla(ig,l-1) * zpopsk(ig,l) & ! zta_est is set to TR plume & + RLvCp * zqla_est(ig,l) ztva_est(ig,l) = zta_est(ig,l) / zpopsk(ig,l) & ! ztva_est is set to TRPV plume & * (1. + RETV * (zqta(ig,l-1)-zqla_est(ig,l)) - zqla_est(ig,l)) zbuoy(ig,l) = RG * (ztva_est(ig,l) - ztv(ig,l)) / ztv(ig,l) zdz = zlev(ig,l+1) - zlev(ig,l) zw2fact = 2. * fact_epsilon * zdz / (1. + betalpha) zdw2 = afact * zbuoy(ig,l) / fact_epsilon zw2_est(ig,l+1) = MAX(0., exp(-zw2fact) * (zw2_est(ig,l) - zdw2) + zdw2) ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Mass flux, entrainment and detrainment !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (active(ig)) THEN zdz = zlev(ig,l+1) - zlev(ig,l) zw2m = (zw2_est(ig,l+1) + zw2(ig,l)) / 2. gamma = afact * zbuoy(ig,l) - fact_epsilon * zw2m IF (zw2m > 0.) THEN test = gamma / zw2m - nu ELSE test = 0. print *, 'WARNING: vertical speed is negative while plume is active!' print *, 'ig,l', ig, l print *, 'zw2m', zw2m ENDIF IF (test > 0.) THEN detr_star(ig,l) = zdz * f_star(ig,l) * nu entr_star(ig,l) = zdz * f_star(ig,l) * (betalpha * gamma / zw2m + nu) / (betalpha + 1) ELSE detr_star(ig,l) = zdz * f_star(ig,l) * ((betalpha + 1) * nu - betalpha * gamma / zw2m) entr_star(ig,l) = zdz * f_star(ig,l) * nu ENDIF f_star(ig,l+1) = f_star(ig,l) + entr_star(ig,l) - detr_star(ig,l) ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Mixing between thermal plume and environment !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- activetmp(:) = active(:).and.(f_star(:,l+1) > 1.e-9) DO ig=1,ngrid IF (activetmp(ig)) THEN zhla(ig,l) = (f_star(ig,l) * zhla(ig,l-1) & ! zhla is set to TP in plume (mixed) & + entr_star(ig,l) * zhl(ig,l)) & & / (f_star(ig,l+1) + detr_star(ig,l)) zqta(ig,l) = (f_star(ig,l) * zqta(ig,l-1) + & ! zqta is set to qt in plume (mixed) & + entr_star(ig,l) * zqt(ig,l)) & & / (f_star(ig,l+1) + detr_star(ig,l)) ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Latent heat release (after mixing) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ztemp(:) = zpopsk(:,l) * zhla(:,l) DO ig=1,ngrid IF (activetmp(ig)) THEN CALL Psat_water(ztemp(ig), pplev(ig,l), psat, zqsa(ig,l)) ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Vertical speed (after mixing) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (activetmp(ig)) THEN zqla(ig,l) = MAX(0.,zqta(ig,l) - zqsa(ig,l)) ! zqla is set to ql plume (mixed) zta(ig,l) = zhla(ig,l) * zpopsk(ig,l) & ! ztva is set to TR plume (mixed) & + RLvCp * zqla(ig,l) ztva(ig,l) = zta(ig,l) / zpopsk(ig,l) & ! ztva is set to TRPV plume (mixed) & * (1. + RETV*(zqta(ig,l)-zqla(ig,l)) - zqla(ig,l)) zbuoy(ig,l) = RG * (ztva(ig,l) - ztv(ig,l)) / ztv(ig,l) zdz = zlev(ig,l+1) - zlev(ig,l) zw2fact = 2. * fact_epsilon * zdz / (1. + betalpha) zdw2 = afact * zbuoy(ig,l) / fact_epsilon zw2(ig,l+1) = MAX(0., exp(-zw2fact) * (zw2(ig,l) - zdw2) + zdw2) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END