! ! ! SUBROUTINE thermcell_flux(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep,masse, & lmin,lmax,entr_star,detr_star, & f,rhobarz,zlev,zw2,fm,entr,detr) !=============================================================================== ! Purpose: deduction des flux ! ! Modif 2019/04 (AB alexandre.boissinot@lmd.jussieu.fr) ! !=============================================================================== USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level USE thermcell_mod, ONLY: fomass_max, alpha_max IMPLICIT NONE !=============================================================================== ! Declaration !=============================================================================== ! Inputs: ! ------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ngrid INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlay INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lmin(ngrid) REAL, INTENT(in) :: entr_star(ngrid,nlay) REAL, INTENT(in) :: detr_star(ngrid,nlay) REAL, INTENT(in) :: zw2(ngrid,nlay+1) REAL, INTENT(in) :: zlev(ngrid,nlay+1) REAL, INTENT(in) :: masse(ngrid,nlay) REAL, INTENT(in) :: ptimestep REAL, INTENT(in) :: rhobarz(ngrid,nlay) REAL, INTENT(in) :: f(ngrid) ! Outputs: ! -------- INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: lmax(ngrid) REAL, INTENT(out) :: entr(ngrid,nlay) REAL, INTENT(out) :: detr(ngrid,nlay) REAL, INTENT(out) :: fm(ngrid,nlay+1) ! Local: ! ------ INTEGER ig, l, k INTEGER igout, lout ! Error grid point and level REAL fmax ! Maximal authorized mass flux (alpha < alpha_max) REAL fff0 ! Save initial value of mass flux REAL emax ! Maximal authorized entrainment (entr*dt < mass_max) REAL eee0 ! Save initial value of entrainment REAL ddd0 ! Save initial value of detrainment REAL eee ! eee0 - layer mass * maximal authorized mass fraction / dt REAL ddd ! ddd0 - eee REAL fact REAL test INTEGER ncorecentr INTEGER ncorecdetr INTEGER nerrorequa INTEGER ncorecfact INTEGER ncorecalpha LOGICAL labort_physic !=============================================================================== ! Initialization !=============================================================================== nerrorequa = 0 ncorecentr = 0 ncorecdetr = 0 ncorecfact = 0 ncorecalpha = 0 entr(:,:) = 0. detr(:,:) = 0. fm(:,:) = 0. labort_physic = .false. fact = 0. !=============================================================================== ! Calcul de l'entrainement, du detrainement et du flux de masse !=============================================================================== !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Multiplication par la norme issue de la relation de fermeture !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO l=1,nlay entr(:,l) = f(:) * entr_star(:,l) detr(:,l) = f(:) * detr_star(:,l) ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Mass flux !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO l=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid IF (l < lmax(ig) .and. l >= lmin(ig)) THEN fm(ig,l+1) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) - detr(ig,l) ELSEIF (l == lmax(ig)) THEN fm(ig,l+1) = 0. entr(ig,l) = 0. detr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) ELSE fm(ig,l+1) = 0. entr(ig,l) = 0. detr(ig,l) = 0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !=============================================================================== ! Checking !=============================================================================== DO l=1,nlay !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is incoming mass flux positive ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (fm(ig,l) < 0.) THEN labort_physic = .true. igout = ig lout = l ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is entrainment positive ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (entr(ig,l) < 0.) THEN labort_physic = .true. igout = ig lout = l ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is detrainment positive ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (detr(ig,l) < 0.) THEN labort_physic = .true. igout = ig lout = l ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Abort !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (labort_physic) THEN print *, '---------------------------------------------------------' print *, 'ERROR: mass flux has negative value(s)!' print *, 'ig,l,norm', igout, lout, f(igout) print *, 'lmin,lmax', lmin(igout), lmax(igout) print *, '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' DO k=nlay,1,-1 print *, 'k, fm ', k+1, fm(igout,k+1) print *, 'entr,detr', entr(igout,k), detr(igout,k) ENDDO print *, 'k, fm ', 1, fm(igout,1) print *, '---------------------------------------------------------' CALL abort ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is entrained mass lesser than fomass_max ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : Entrainment is bigger than the maximal authorized value. ! If we consider that the excess entrainement is in fact plume air which ! is not detrained then we compensate it by decreasing detr. ! If it's not enough, we can increase entr in the layer above and decrease ! the outgoing mass flux in the current layer. ! If it's still insufficient, code will abort (now commented). ! Else we reset entr to its intial value and we renormalize entrainment, ! detrainment and mass flux profiles such as we do not exceed the maximal ! authorized entrained mass. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO ig=1,ngrid eee0 = entr(ig,l) ddd0 = detr(ig,l) emax = masse(ig,l) * fomass_max / ptimestep IF (emax < 0.) THEN print *, 'ERROR: layer mass is negative!' print *, 'mass,emax', masse(ig,l), emax print *, 'ig,l', ig, l ENDIF IF (eee0 > emax) THEN entr(ig,l) = emax ddd = ddd0 + emax - eee0 ncorecentr = ncorecentr + 1 IF (ddd > 0.) THEN detr(ig,l) = ddd ELSEIF (l == lmax(ig)) THEN detr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) ELSEIF (entr(ig,l+1) > ABS(ddd)) THEN detr(ig,l) = 0. fm(ig,l+1) = fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) entr(ig,l+1) = entr(ig,l+1) + ddd !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB: Simulation abort (try to reduce the physical time step). !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELSE entr(ig,l) = entr(ig,l) + eee igout = ig lout = l labort_physic = .true. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB: We can renormalize the plume mass fluxes. I think it does not work. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ELSE ! fact = max(fact, eee0 / emax) ! entr(ig,l) = eee0 ! ncorecfact = ncorecfact + 1 !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB: The renormalization can be just applied in the local plume. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! DO k=lmin(ig),lmax(ig) ! entr(ig,k) = entr(ig,k) * emax / eee0 ! detr(ig,k) = detr(ig,k) * emax / eee0 ! fm(ig,k) = fm(ig,k) * emax / eee0 ! ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF (labort_physic) THEN print *, '---------------------------------------------------------' print *, 'ERROR: Entrainment is greater than maximal authorized value!' print *, ' Nor detrainment neither entrainment can compensate it!' print *, 'ig,l,entr', igout, lout, entr(igout,lout) print *, 'lmin,lmax', lmin(igout), lmax(igout) print *, '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' print *, 'e_max :', masse(igout,lout)*fomass_max/ptimestep print *, ' fomass_max :', fomass_max print *, ' masse :', masse(igout,lout) print *, ' ptimestep :', ptimestep print *, 'norm :', f(igout) print *, 'entr* :', entr_star(igout,lout) print *, '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' DO k=nlay,1,-1 print *, 'fm ', fm(igout,k+1) print *, 'entr,detr', entr(igout,k), detr(igout,k) ENDDO print *, 'fm ', fm(igout,1) print *, '---------------------------------------------------------' CALL abort ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is updraft fraction lesser than alpha_max ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid fff0 = fm(ig,l+1) fmax = rhobarz(ig,l+1) * zw2(ig,l+1) * alpha_max !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB: The plume mass flux can be reduced. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! IF (fff0 > fmax) THEN ! fm(ig,l+1) = fmax ! detr(ig,l) = detr(ig,l) + fff0 - fmax ! ncorecalpha = ncorecalpha + 1 ! entr(ig,l+1) = entr(ig,l+1) + fff0 - fmax ! ENDIF !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB: The plume can be stopped here. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF (fff0 > fmax) THEN ncorecalpha = ncorecalpha + 1 DO k=l+1,lmax(ig) entr(ig,k) = 0. detr(ig,k) = 0. fm(ig,k) = 0. ENDDO lmax(ig) = l entr(ig,l) = 0. detr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l) ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is detrainment lesser than incoming mass flux ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB : Even if fm has no negative value, it can be lesser than detr. ! That is not suitable because when we will mix the plume with the ! environment, it will detrain more mass than it is physically able to do. ! When it occures, that imply that entr + fm is greater than detr, ! otherwise we get a negative outgoing mass flux (cf. above). ! That is why we decrease entrainment and detrainment as follows. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO ig=1,ngrid IF (detr(ig,l) > fm(ig,l)) THEN detr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l) entr(ig,l) = fm(ig,l+1) ncorecdetr = ncorecdetr + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! AB: The renormalization can be applied everywhere. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! IF (fact > 0.) THEN ! entr(:,:) = entr(:,:) / fact ! detr(:,:) = detr(:,:) / fact ! fm(:,:) = fm(:,:) / fact ! ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Is equation df/dz = e - d still verified ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO l=1,nlay ! DO ig=1,ngrid ! test = abs(fm(ig,l) + entr(ig,l) - detr(ig,l) - fm(ig,l+1)) ! IF (test > 1.e-10) THEN ! nerrorequa = nerrorequa + 1 ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Reset top boundary conditions !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid IF (lmax(ig) > 0) THEN detr(ig,lmax(ig)) = fm(ig,lmax(ig)) fm(ig,lmax(ig)+1) = 0. entr(ig,lmax(ig)) = 0. ENDIF ENDDO !=============================================================================== ! Outputs !=============================================================================== IF (prt_level > 0) THEN IF (ncorecdetr > 0) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Detrainment is greater than mass flux!' print *, 'In', ncorecdetr, 'grid point(s) over', nlay, 'x', ngrid ENDIF IF (ncorecentr > 0) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Entrained mass is greater than maximal authorized value!' print *, 'In', ncorecentr, 'grid point(s) over', nlay, 'x', ngrid ENDIF IF (ncorecfact > 0) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Entrained mass needs renormalization to be ok!' print *, 'In', ncorecfact, 'grid point(s) over', nlay, 'x', ngrid ! print *, 'WARNING: Entr fact:', fact ENDIF ! IF (nerrorequa > 0) THEN ! print *, 'WARNING: !' ! print *, 'in', nerrorequa, 'grid point(s) over', nlay, 'x', ngrid ! ENDIF IF (ncorecalpha > 0) THEN print *, 'WARNING: Updraft fraction is greater than maximal authorized value!' print *, 'In', ncorecalpha, 'grid point(s) over', nlay, 'x', ngrid ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END