! WARNING (JB 27/03/2018) ! ! OpenMP directives in this module are inconsistent: ! - sizes (nmicro...) are thread private \___ BUT BOTH ARE INITIALIZED IN THE SAME ROUTINE ! - indexes array are common / ! ! Tracers sizes do not need to be private. ! In such case, OMP THREADPRIVATE should be removed and initracer2 should be called within an OMP SINGLE statement. ! MODULE tracer_h !! Stores data related to physics tracers. !! !! The module stores public global variables related to the number of tracers !! available in the physics and their kind: !! !! Currently, tracers can be used either for chemistry process (nchimi) or !! microphysics (nmicro). !! !! The subroutine "initracer2" initializes and performs sanity check of !! the tracer definitions given in traceur.def and the required tracers in physics !! (based on the run parameters). !! !! The module provides additional methods: !! !! - indexOfTracer : search for the index of a tracer in the global table (tracers_h:noms) by name. !! - nameOfTracer : get the name of tracer from a given index (of the global table). !! - dumpTracers : print the names of all tracers indexes given in argument. !! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot_p = 0 !! Total number of physical tracers INTEGER, SAVE :: nmicro = 0 !! Number of microphysics tracers. INTEGER, SAVE :: nice = 0 !! Number of microphysics ice tracers (subset of nmicro). INTEGER, SAVE :: nchimi = 0 !! Number of chemical (gaz species) tracers. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqtot_p,nmicro,nice,nchimi) INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: chimi_indx !! Indexes of all chemical species tracers INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: micro_indx !! Indexes of all microphysical tracers INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: ices_indx !! Indexes of all ice microphysical tracers CHARACTER(len=30), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: noms !! name of the tracer REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mmol !! mole mass of tracer(g/mol-1) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rat_mmol !! molar mass ratio REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rho_q !! tracer densities (kg.m-3) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(noms,mmol,rat_mmol,rho_q) ! tracer indexes: these are initialized in initracer and should be 0 if the ! corresponding tracer does not exist CONTAINS SUBROUTINE initracer2(nq,nametrac,talk_to_me) !! Initialize tracer names and attributes. !! !! The method initializes the list of tracer names used in the physics from their !! dynamics counterpart. !! !! In addition, it initializes arrays of indexes for the different sub-processes of the physics: !! !! - tracers_h:micro_indxs, the array of tracers indexes used for the microphysics. !! - tracers_h:chimi_indxs, the array of tracers indexes used for the chemistry. !! !! The method also initializes the molar mass array (tracers_h:mmol) for the chemistry and the !! molar mass ratio (tracers_h:rat_mmol). !! !! @note !! Strict checking of chemical species name is performed here if the chemistry is activated !! (see callchim variable). All the values of 'cnames' must be found in the tracers names !! related to chemistry. !! @note !! Tests are more permissive for the microphysics and is only based on the mimimum number of !! tracers expected. Strict name checking is performed in inimufi. USE callkeys_mod USE comcstfi_mod, only: mugaz USE comchem_h, only: nkim, cnames, cmmol IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nq !! Total number of tracers (fixed at compile time) character(len=30), DIMENSION(nq), INTENT(in) :: nametrac !! name of the tracer from dynamics (from 'traceurs.def') LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: talk_to_me !! Enable verbose mode. LOGICAL :: verb,found CHARACTER(len=30) :: str INTEGER :: i,j,n verb = .true. ; IF (PRESENT(talk_to_me)) verb = talk_to_me ! nqtot_p could be used everywhere in the physic :) nqtot_p=nq IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) ALLOCATE(noms(nq)) noms(:)=nametrac(:) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(rho_q)) ALLOCATE(rho_q(nq)) ! Defined for all tracers, currently initialized to 0.0 rho_q(:) = 0.0 ! Defined for all tracers, (actually) initialized only for chemical tracers IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mmol)) ALLOCATE(mmol(nq)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(rat_mmol)) ALLOCATE(rat_mmol(nq)) mmol(:) = 0.0 rat_mmol(:) = 1.0 ! Compute number of microphysics tracers: ! By convention they all have the prefix "mu_" (case sensitive !) nmicro = 0 IF (callmufi) THEN DO i=1,nq str = noms(i) IF (str(1:3) == "mu_") nmicro = nmicro+1 ENDDO ! Checking the expected number of tracers: ! no cloud: 4 ; w cloud : 4 + 2 + (1+) ! Note that we do not make assumptions on the number of chemical species for clouds, this ! will be checked in inimufi. IF (callclouds) THEN IF (nmicro < 7) THEN WRITE(*,'((a),I3,(a))') "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of microphysical tracers & &(expected at least 7 tracers,",nmicro," given)" CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) STOP ENDIF ELSE IF (nmicro < 4) THEN WRITE(*,'((a),I3,(a))') "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of microphysical tracers & &(expected at least 4 tracers,",nmicro," given)" CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) ELSE IF (nmicro > 4) THEN WRITE(*,'(a)') "initracer2:info: I was expecting only four tracers, you gave me & &more. I'll just pretend nothing happen !" ENDIF ! microphysics indexes share the same values than original tracname. IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(micro_indx)) ALLOCATE(micro_indx(nmicro)) j = 1 DO i=1,nq str = noms(i) IF (str(1:3) == "mu_") THEN micro_indx(j) = i j=j+1 ENDIF ENDDO ELSE IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(micro_indx)) ALLOCATE(micro_indx(nmicro)) ENDIF ! Compute number of chemical species: ! simply assume that all other tracers ARE chemical species nchimi = nqtot_p - nmicro ! Titan chemistry requires exactly 44 tracers: ! Test should be in callchim condition IF (callchim) THEN IF (nchimi .NE. nkim) THEN WRITE(*,*) "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of chemical species given (",nkim," expected)" CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) ENDIF IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(chimi_indx)) ALLOCATE(chimi_indx(nchimi)) n = 0 ! counter on chimi_indx DO j=1,nkim found = .false. DO i=1,nq IF (TRIM(cnames(j)) == TRIM(noms(i))) THEN n = n + 1 chimi_indx(n) = i mmol(i) = cmmol(j) rat_mmol(i) = cmmol(j)/mugaz found = .true. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF (.NOT.found) THEN WRITE(*,*) "initracer2:error: "//TRIM(cnames(j))//" is missing from tracers definition file." ENDIF ENDDO IF (n .NE. nkim) THEN WRITE(*,*) "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of chemical species given (",nkim," expected)" CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) ENDIF ELSE IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(chimi_indx)) ALLOCATE(chimi_indx(0)) ENDIF IF (verb) THEN IF (callmufi.OR.callchim) WRITE(*,*) "===== INITRACER2 SPEAKING =====" IF (callmufi) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Found ",nmicro, "microphysical tracers" call dumpTracers(micro_indx) WRITE(*,*) "-------------------------------" ENDIF IF (callchim) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Found ",nchimi, "chemical tracers" call dumpTracers(chimi_indx) WRITE(*,*) "-------------------------------" ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE initracer2 FUNCTION indexOfTracer(name, sensitivity) RESULT(idx) !! Get the index of a tracer by name. !! !! The function searches in the global tracer table (tracer_h:noms) !! for the given name and returns the first index matching "name". !! !! If no name in the table matches the given one, -1 is returned ! !! !! @warning !! initracers must be called before any use of this function. IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! Name of the tracer to search. LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: sensitivity !! Case sensitivity (true by default). INTEGER :: idx !! Index of the first tracer matching name or -1 if not found. LOGICAL :: zsens INTEGER :: j CHARACTER(len=LEN(name)) :: zname zsens = .true. ; IF(PRESENT(sensitivity)) zsens = sensitivity idx = -1 IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) RETURN IF (zsens) THEN DO j=1,SIZE(noms) IF (TRIM(noms(j)) == TRIM(name)) THEN idx = j ; RETURN ENDIF ENDDO ELSE zname = to_lower(name) DO j=1,SIZE(noms) IF (TRIM(to_lower(noms(j))) == TRIM(zname)) THEN idx = j ; RETURN ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF CONTAINS FUNCTION to_lower(istr) RESULT(ostr) !! Lower case conversion function. IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: istr CHARACTER(len=LEN(istr)) :: ostr INTEGER :: i, ic ostr = istr DO i = 1, LEN_TRIM(istr) ic = ICHAR(istr(i:i)) IF (ic >= 65 .AND. ic < 90) ostr(i:i) = char(ic + 32) ENDDO END FUNCTION to_lower END FUNCTION indexOfTracer FUNCTION nameOfTracer(indx) RESULT(name) !! Get the name of a tracer by index. !! !! The function searches in the global tracer table (tracer_h:noms) !! and returns the name of the tracer at given index. !! !! If the index is out of range an empty string is returned. !! !! @warning !! initracers must be called before any use of this function. IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: indx !! Index of the tracer name to retrieve. CHARACTER(len=30) :: name !! Name of the tracer at given index. name = '' IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) RETURN IF (indx <= 0 .OR. indx > SIZE(noms)) RETURN name = noms(indx) END FUNCTION nameOfTracer SUBROUTINE dumpTracers(indexes) !! Print the names of the given list of tracers indexes. INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: indexes INTEGER :: i,idx,nt CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: suffix IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) THEN WRITE(*,'(a)') "[tracers_h:dump_tracers] warning: 'noms' is not allocated, tracers_h:initracer2 has not be called yet" RETURN ENDIF nt = size(noms) WRITE(*,"(a)") "local -> global : name" DO i=1,size(indexes) idx = indexes(i) IF (idx < 1 .OR. idx > nt) THEN ! WRITE(*,'((a),I3,(a),I3,(a))') "index out of range (",idx,"/",nt,")" CYCLE ENDIF IF (ANY(chimi_indx == idx)) THEN suffix = ' (chimi)' ELSE IF (ANY(micro_indx == idx)) THEN suffix = ' (micro' IF (ALLOCATED(ices_indx)) THEN IF (ANY(ices_indx == idx)) suffix=suffix//", ice" ENDIF suffix=suffix//")" ELSE suffix=" ()" ENDIF WRITE(*,'(I5,(a),I6,(a))') i," -> ",idx ," : "//TRIM(noms(i))//suffix ENDDO END SUBROUTINE dumpTracers END MODULE tracer_h